Fembot Horror

General chat about fembots, technosexual culture or any other ASFR related topics that do not fit into the other categories below.
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Fembot Horror

Post by Extyr » Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:19 am

I was wondering, what is the stuff that horrify you in robot stories?

This discussion was sparked by this picture:
http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/ ... x-Machines
Sexbots taking their main function to the extreme conclusion can be very scary (or scarousing depending on your fetish...).

There's also stories by Xavier Cecil or his pseudonym on the wiki Cecilauthor. His robots are controlling humans subtly by addicting them to sex. Mind altering pheromones and psychological manipulation to make themselves indispensable. They'll smother their owner because in their mind they're pleasing them while planning large scale societal shifts.

Then there's the more classic stuff:
Cold calculating machines without ethics hurting humans because lives have no intrinsect value to them. For example Robotman's stories Fembot Command.
The great cliché: The robot war à la Terminator. The ennemy is unfeeling and will go to any lenghts to win.
Programming: Is ordering a fembot that outwardly appear sentient a form of psychological torture? Is it a kind of lobotomy to reprogram them?

Finally there's the transformations that have the potential to be seen as snuff and desecration of the body.

Did I miss some elements of horror? What is the stuff that scares you?

P.S: This is not an attack on what I described. No need to defend the stuff you like, I'm not judging. I just want to list some horror tropes exclusives to robot fiction.

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Re: Fembot Horror

Post by Saya » Sat Jun 24, 2017 9:52 pm

Extyr wrote: P.S: This is not an attack on what I described. No need to defend the stuff you like, I'm not judging. I just want to list some horror tropes exclusives to robot fiction.
Honestly, making a topic where you look at the works of your fellow board members and go "wow, let me tell you about how this one guy's kink scares the shit out of me!" is pretty much doing exactly that, even if you didn't necessarily mean for that to be the intention.

Pardon me if I am being a touch blunt, but this topic is just waiting to turn into a massive argument or flame war about how one person's idea of what turns them on is another person's nightmare fuel.
"If the time should ever come when what is now called science, thus familiarized to men, shall be ready to put on, as it were, a form of flesh and blood, the Poet will lend his divine spirit to aid the transfiguration, and will welcome the Being thus produced, as a dear and genuine inmate of the household of man."
- William Wordsworth

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Re: Fembot Horror

Post by Extyr » Sat Jun 24, 2017 10:31 pm

Saya wrote: Honestly, making a topic where you look at the works of your fellow board members and go "wow, let me tell you about how this one guy's kink scares the shit out of me!" is pretty much doing exactly that, even if you didn't necessarily mean for that to be the intention.
You know, sometimes the author's intention is to horrify. It may be nice for them to know they succeeded.

For example the murder and replacement of the main character in Robotman's "Beni Nascotti" haunted me for a while. I still want to think that you can't replace someone by a robot duplicate that easily. Surely appearance and voice can't be everything?

I'm just trying to list good horror stories. As I said this is not an attack...


Re: Fembot Horror

Post by --NightBattery-- » Sun Jun 25, 2017 1:03 pm


I once read a story by some author Saya person. It was spoopy because a robot grill got borked to pieces.
but she was good robit girl so it was unfair from my particular point of view.
pretty scary I had to report to Robertman and Kashyyyk.

Nah but yeah dude.
people are touchy when you touch them in their opus.

Robots are not people. that is the beauty of it.
I would not like to make comparisons about of disarming robot girls with dismembering fleshy ones.
Or calling reprogramming a psychological torture.
Because by doing that I am humanizing the robot.
Or I am dehumanizing people by comparing them with machines?
implying also that the robot fetish is a window to rape and snuff porn?

I think the best policy is not humanizing the robots by making parallels with their biological counterparts~


My greatest machine fear is the Asimov kind.

Scientists today feed tissues to analytic machines with microsensors,
capable of quantifying the DNA strands in real time to create enormous databases of genetic information expressed on the cells it was extracted.
that information can't be understood. Obscure statistics are required to tell how likely said genes likely work for what without testing.
most of the statistic is also calculated by the software.
theories are made on the information produced by the machines.
Much publishable trash is made by following such methodology by trying to lazily force the information into what the researcher was looking for,
especially in cancer and nutrition research.
And although a lot of learning is made given the lack of better methods. there is something dark in applauding having a wall of information you don't understand.
even a benign super AI would be a dark thing that could create a huge "calculator effect" on humanity~
Last edited by --NightBattery-- on Sun Jun 25, 2017 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fembot Horror

Post by Extyr » Sun Jun 25, 2017 1:45 pm

You're twisting my words here. By that logic, all horror authors are degenerates about to snap and butcher everyone they know...

I'm not saying every story featuring those elements are bad and should be purged...

There are some stories that definitely go for the horrifying vibe though. I mean there's a story here (which I don't think is a good idea to name) where the author is clearly portraying psychological torture as acceptable if it's on robots. I'm not judging as everyone can be into some dark stuff and banning those topics would be stupid. It's just there's some stuff it's scary to think about deeply. Is it that wrong to say there's some stuff you personnally don't like or scares you?
I think the best policy is not humanizing the robots by making parallels with their biological counterparts~
So many authors here make their robots explicitely on the same level as humans... It's a bad argument.


Re: Fembot Horror

Post by --NightBattery-- » Sun Jun 25, 2017 3:10 pm

Um, I am just making things worst.
Sorry Extyr~
I was just joking-coff- with saya about the reportin' thing.
But I stand by what I said tho.

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Re: Fembot Horror

Post by DukeNukem 2417 » Mon Jun 26, 2017 6:23 am

I was debating, last night, whether or not to post here---and since I need a distraction from my personal life, I've decided to go ahead and throw my two cents in.

The best kind of "fembot horror" plays on things that can only work in an ASFR story (even if the "ASF" part isn't there, as evidenced in my own writing). And this goes for any robot story, not just those of the female persuasion. I'm going to be using a lot of my own work here as examples, so forgiv me if this whole thing comes off as self-promotional....

Sleepers, for instance, make for great stories of "oh, my God, what am I?!" A sleeper being forced into realizing the truth of her existence is far more profound than the stereotypical amnesia story---her whole life unto that point has been carefully constructed by others (just as she, herself, was constructed). She can't trust her memories, she doesn't know if her friends are like her, and if one of them DID know what she really was.....it instills a very primal feeling of paranoia.

Then there's the horror of viruses---"organic" stories have these as well, but whereas "organic" horror tends to involve a world-ending plague or the ever-popular zombie apocalypse (despite the myriad of scientific reasons that prove the bodies of the dead could NEVER rise from their graves to attack the living), a robot story involving a virus tends to be a bit more....direct. Within the "V.I.C.I.-verse", two horrific viruses have already been introduced: the Stylo virus (the only known counter to it is a controlled shock, which in and of itself only staves off the effects long enough to maybe transfer an affected bot's personality and/or memories to another body---and even THAT isn't foolproof), and the Helios virus (which gives the phrase "I'm burning up" a very literal, and very horrific, new meaning). Viruses in fembot stories represent another primal fear: something beyond one's control causing untold havoc.

Of course, there's stuff that works in "organic" horror that works just as well in a fembot story---see the end of "The V.I.C.I. Diaries - Cold Blood" for a prime example.

A gynoid main character getting maimed to the point of cessation of function is another horrific element---granted, the vast majority of robopron revolves around the "sexy malfunction", which I have no problem with. For an example of how damage and such can be treated in a serious, dramatic way, I must again point to my own work---"The V.I.C.I. Diaries - Beast", in which TWO such malfunctions (the first being Kirsten Sanderson's debilitating encounter with a junkyard magnet, and the second being Vicki's own near-destruction by the end of the story) occur.

I'm not trying to "kink-shame" anyone by posting this, nor am I trying to "stir the pot". I'm just giving my thoughts on what constitutes "fembot horror" and how one can effectively use it in a story. If anyone has been offended by this post, I offer my humblest and wholehearted apologies to them.
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Re: Fembot Horror

Post by Extyr » Mon Jun 26, 2017 1:12 pm

I can't believe I forgot the computer virus! Losing your mind and possibly being controlled by something else or just plain dying. At least robots have backups if they're not too negligent.

Maiming is too universal to be fembot horror imo.

Sleepers are hybrids. It can be like discovering you are from a werewolf clan or it can be really robot specific. Discovering your memories were manipulated and that you may forget about it soon must be truly scary. Like some sort of really malicious alzheimer.

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