Rudy Coby

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Rudy Coby

Post by Bonita772 » Fri Dec 23, 2005 8:36 am

I found this clip and at the tail end it has the robot nurse blowing up. Does anyone have this entire clip? I know there is one with the nurse.

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Post by minkwheel » Fri Dec 23, 2005 8:18 pm

This special aired quite often on FOX FAMILY (now ABC FAMILY CHANNEL)
---it was taken from Rudy Coby's LAS VEGAS show from a while ago... i do not know which casino that he performed in, but EVERY casino has a kiosk on the side of their main theatres that MAGICALLY APPEARS right after a show you've just paid to see is the kiosk, you can purchase the show you've just paid to see on DVD or videotape for anywhere from $20-$50....or T SHIRTS, MUGS, ETC.... Isn't AMERICA GREAT? ---ANYWAY ...MY POINT IS, that his show WAS taped, and IS available thru casino shops--in Vegas, or their ONLINE store---if they still carry his video....OR there must be SOME magic enthusiast sites that offer a few dvds like RUDY's....or PENN AND TELLER's past shows....a little digging will unearth the Rudy Coby video.....which was pretty darn entertaining......... and the TRICKS in the little clip you showed.......well..............I can tell you how they were done....but why break the illusion???------------then again..... WHY NOT! ---I'M JUST EVIL that way... THE DISEMBODIED HAND bit is OLDSCHOOL HORROR MOVIE MAGIC... Rudy's real hand has a prosthetic wrist clamped onto his real wrist.... his unbuttoned cuff is a dead giveaway on how he conceiled the prosthetic.... and as for his lovely robot assistant, make her be cut in half, there's a TOP HALF of a mannequin placed on top of a velcroed prop that contains some mock circuitry...this is sewn into the back of a model's costume to the small of her back... the model places the rest of her body into a hollowed out table so that her butt sticks out...her arms are in the table, and she is face down, bent at a 90 degree angle...the mannequin is placed on top of the cylinder of circuitry that is just above the model's butt, so that it looks like there's a nurse standing in front of the table.....the model runs in a straight line, Rudy knocks off the mannequin top during a misdirection puff of smoke and sound, and get a pair of robot legs pushing a table for a gag .... yeah, I know ....leave well enough alone and just watch the trick.... but I LOVE figuring out how tricks are done.........many of 'em are easier than you might think! --minkwheel
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Rudy Coby video

Post by noidguy » Fri Dec 23, 2005 8:43 pm

Hmm, what was it, about 2 years ago? Somebody on this site made it known that Rudy Coby was going to air on some cable Network. Maybe Nickelodeon? Well, I listened to the warning and taped the show. Anybody else? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? :)

Now the problem is finding the tape amidst my heap o' stuff.

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Post by minkwheel » Sun Dec 25, 2005 2:58 pm

RUDY COBY actually has two specials available... the one we know is from '96.....and there was one from '97 called 'MOST DANGEROUS" or something to that effect......he DOES have a website, but it seems to be frozen in time......there were also COMICS that he produced called 'LABMAN" from IMAGE COMICS ... some issues with variant covers! --so this is ANOTHER comic to add to MAGNUS' comics with gynoids in 'em. --minkwheel
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Post by tmc_6882 » Sun Apr 16, 2017 3:02 am

minkwheel wrote:RUDY COBY actually has two specials available... the one we know is from '96.....and there was one from '97 called 'MOST DANGEROUS" or something to that effect......he DOES have a website, but it seems to be frozen in time......there were also COMICS that he produced called 'LABMAN" from IMAGE COMICS ... some issues with variant covers! --so this is ANOTHER comic to add to MAGNUS' comics with gynoids in 'em. --minkwheel
I apologize if this has been already posted, but the full show Labman Rudy Coby - The Coolest Magician On Planet Earth has been uploaded on YouTube. DeeDee Marcelli played "Nikki Terminator" on that show.

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Re: Rudy Coby

Post by FaceoffFembot » Sun Apr 16, 2017 3:09 am

This is a find, my good man.

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