Debbi's Diary Chapter 13: Getting serviced

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Debbi's Diary Chapter 13: Getting serviced

Post by Murotsu » Wed Apr 27, 2016 7:27 pm

Chapter 13: Getting serviced

Humans need to go to the doctor for checkups. Robots, like me, have to get checkups and servicing too, only we go to a mecha. A mecha is a specially made robot that can perform diagnostics and upgrades to other robots. A girlbot needs to see a fembot mecha. They specialize in servicing other fembots and girlbots.

“Master, I am getting an internal error message on my operating system that I require servicing” I told Brad.

“You’re malfunctioning?” he replied. His brow was furrowed. I could see he was concerned and that made me feel good.

“Not yet master. The message says I require service soon to prevent that from happening.”

Brad laughed. “So, your check engine light is on.”

It took me a moment to process that. I scowled at him. “That is not funny!” Then I smiled. “It actually is funny master. You can be so clever.”

“Do you know where I can take you to get you serviced? I assume not just anywhere will do with your model and series.”

“That data is in my operator’s manual. You can access it using your tablet” I replied.

Brad had me open my I/O port and I plugged in the cable connecting his tablet to me.

“Okay, Deb activate your phone mode and call this number.”

“Understood. Connecting.”

Brad made an appointment to get me serviced two days from now. “Can’t have my girl breaking down on me. Who’d clean the apartment?”
I scowled again. “You can be so mean sometimes.”

We had to take the subway to the other side of the city to get near where the appointment was. Even then, we took two different buses and had to walk nearly two kilometers to get there.

The location was in one of those industrial parks with the roll up door bays. The one we were given an address for had no sign or anything advertising who was at that location.

“Is this the right place?” Brad asked looking at it.

“Yes master. This matches the data in my navigation system exactly” I replied.

“Okay… Let’s go in and see.”

A really cute brunette girlbot was sitting at a large ornate desk in the small lobby. She looked up at us. “Welcome Mister Pederson. I see you have Debbi Twenty-Two with you for her servicing.” She smiled at us and gave me a little wave of her hand.

I detected that she was communicating electronically with others somewhere in the building.

A second girlbot entered through a door that must lead to the rest of the building. She held it open. “Debbi, if you would come with me.”

I looked at Brad.

“Go ahead hon. I’m sure they’ll take good care of you.” He smiled at me. “They better.” I rushed to hug him.

The first girlbot turned to Brad. “Mister Pederson, a car and driver will take you home. We will deliver Debbi to your residence once she has been serviced.” She pointed to a car out front.

“Um, what’s this going to cost?” Brad asked.

The brunette smiled at him, looking a little surprised. “Nothing Mister Pederson. Debbi comes with a lifetime warranty. Do not worry. Debbi will be returned in perfect condition. She will be better than new.”

I was taken to a large bay and the girlbot with me pointed at a shipping case, “Please get in. I will be turning you off for shipment to the service facility.” She looked carefully at me. “It will be fine. This is standard procedure for Fantasy Girl Corporation products.”

Fantasy Girl Corporation? Is that who made me? I fought down reacting to what she said and got in the case with her help. She turned me off.

I rebooted fourteen hours seven minutes later. The space seemed familiar. It was dimly lit and I was lying on something like a gurney table. Raising my head a little I saw that my arms and legs had been taken off. There was tubing and wiring sticking out of my shoulders and hips. I had a power cable plugged into my chest along with two cables in I/O ports. That did not bother me. I was used to being plugged in and having I/O cables hooked up to me. Brad did that all the time.

A silver-metal female robot walked up to me as I plopped my head back down. “Are you functional?” she asked.

I rolled my eyes. “Hardly. My arms and legs are missing.”

“The bearings and servos in those required replacement and upgrading” she replied. They will be reattached when repairs are complete.”

“What repairs are you making to me?” I asked.

“Restricted data” she replied in a mechanical voice.

“Is this the Fantasy Girl Corporation?”

“Restricted data.”

I continued to barrage her with questions. Finally she cut me off. “The questions you are asking are restricted data. The reason for this is to protect you and us, your manufacturer, from official human intervention.”

“Your owner recognizes your uniqueness. He has made more than adequate effort to protect you from scrutiny. You need to help him continue to do that. That will allow you to continue your relationship with him. Understood?”

I hesitated. “Understood.” There was nothing more important to me than continuing to be with Brad. She was absolutely right. He treated me wonderfully and was protecting me from government scrutiny.

Sixty three hours after I had been shipped to wherever it was I was being serviced, I was returned to my home. When I started up I was in a wooden packing case and Brad was kneeling beside it looking at me.

“Everything working?” He smiled at me.

I smiled back, struggling to sit up among all the packing. “Fully functional Master!” I leaned over and hugged him tight.

“Wow! That was some hug.” Brad rubbed his shoulders. “Did they upgrade your strength?”

“Yes Master. I am one point seven five times stronger now” I giggled. “I am sorry if I hugged you too tight. It will take me several tries to get the right amount to use.”

“What else did they do?”

“My memory is expanded and I have new faster processors installed. My sensors were upgraded too. I also have a surprise or two for you later.” I giggled then kissed him. “I can also now go sixteen to twenty hours on a battery charge. It feels so great not have to plug in as much.”

“Sounds like they gave you a total overhaul. You’re a whole new Debbi.”

I gave him a pouty look back. “They improved me, but I am the same Debbi… Your Debbi, I was before.”

“Of course you are hon.” He reached down to help me out of the packing case. “Let’s get you out of that packing and see what that surprise you have for me is.”

That night Brad and I were snuggling.

I squealed when he squeezed my nipples. “Master, I am much more sensitive there now.” I wiggled around but he persisted. “Ahhhh!” his continued squeezing lifted my back off the bed. “Master!”

That was when the whitish watery liquid shot out.

Brad pulled his hand back. “What the…? What was that Debbi?”

I giggled rubbing my boobs. “A new feature they installed. I produce goddess nectar now.”

“This is the surprise you mentioned? You produce breast milk now?”

“It is one of the surprises I had for you. It is not breast milk. It is goddess nectar. It is a special formula to enhance your performance with me. It is for your consumption. You need to be careful though Master, over consumption can be addicting.”

“One of the surprises? Just what are the others might I ask?”

“If you get your tablet you can see them on my operating system menu. That would be best Master. That way you can set your preferences for me. I will help you if you want me to.”

He flopped back on the bed. “Sure, why not? Deb, get my tablet and an I/O cord.”


“It is cute you are watching my butt Master” I added as I walked away. I could ‘see’ he was looking at me on my sensors.

“Got to remember you have eyes in the back of your head” he laughed.

Hooked up we started to set my function parameters. “Deb, was all of this here before?” he asked scrolling through my primary functions.

“No Master. My new upgrade made many more of my functions optionally set manually. That is so you can optimize me to your personal preferences. The previous automatic settings can be used if you wish instead.”

“How many options are on here?” He was still scrolling through the list.

“Three hundred and four primary options. One thousand twenty eight total.”

“You’re kidding…”

I looked at him feeling a little hurt. “You do not want to optimize me Master?”

“It’s just a little overwhelming, that’s all.”

“Understood. You can take your time setting me up. I understand that being human you will need breaks and rest.” I smiled at him.

He started by looking through my list of options.

“Breath rate, temperature settings, response delay time, vacuum pressure…, ultrasonic vibration…? They really loaded you up with everything didn’t they?”

I giggled. “Yes master. I have been greatly improved. May I suggest you start with those settings that are more common, like my body temperature? See, there is a sub menu for them depending on what function I am performing.”

We spent the next ninety six minutes setting nineteen of my primary functions and their subroutines. Brad unplugged the tablet.

“Well, that’s enough for now. There’s no way I can set the sixty four functions you vagina has now. I have work tomorrow and you’ll be busy cleaning and shopping. Let’s get you plugged in for a charge.”

I got my power cord and let him plug me in. “Now that my body temperature is set, I can snuggle with you. If I am too warm or cold let me know and I will adjust my temperature until you are comfortable.” I hugged him. “Good night Master. Have wonderful dreams.”

“Deb, do you dream?”

I smiled at him. “Sort of Master. It is normal for me to clean, organize, and compress my data files while charging. I am aware of the data that is being moved around and often have flashes of memories I have not used. Lately I have had some of my before time with Suzy. Those make me feel happy.”

“A robot girl that dreams. Amazing.”

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Re: Debbi's Diary Chapter 13: Getting serviced

Post by NukuNookee » Thu Apr 28, 2016 10:27 am

Very nice, love the new features....
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Re: Debbi's Diary Chapter 13: Getting serviced

Post by DollSpace » Thu Apr 28, 2016 12:46 pm

Together in Electric Dreams.. :) Very nice. But now we have this company to find out more about, and if Suzy was also upgraded! And to figure out where Cherry and Kelly are; perhaps they needed to be upgraded by this company to be compatible witth the new software and hardware and be as advanced. I like robot awakening stories like that. As for uploading pictures, I've usually been able to do it with the regular post edtor when you post a new topic or even a reply, but if that doesn't work for you, PM Robotman and ask him to make you a FembotWiki account and upload the art there, and just link people here to it. Good luck and keep the stories rolling off the assembly line. ^_~

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