Some People Don't Understand

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Some People Don't Understand

Post by xodar » Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:57 am

Do Technosexuals Dream of Electric Sex Sheep?
By Doug Barry
Apr 29, 2012 3:00 PM

It's Sunday so you know what that means – time to talk about sex robots and the creepy, socially-stunted people (men) who love them. No judgment or anything. Technosexuals – those individuals (men) who like to get off with robotic sex dolls approaching various degrees of realism – are the subject of a new documentary called The Mechanical Bride. Directed by the superhumanly tolerant and patient Allison de Fren, the film explores the culture of artificial companionship as well as the ways in which the male gaze has pushed advertising and pop culture to sexualize the female body and break it down into its component parts.

Underwire's Scott Thill interviewed De Fren, who, in addition to her work as a professor of media culture at Occidental College, worked at Microsoft scion Paul Allen's future-tech think tank Research and Starware. She traces the rise in technosexual culture to the ways in which advertising manipulates the female body. New innovations in sex robots include hyper-idealized, life-sized mannequins such as the RealDoll, which, with posable limbs and silicone skin, represent the deepest yearning of the technosexual culture – to create a synthetic woman so realistic that it obliterates the lingering desire for real human women. "Advertising's ideal woman," De Fren explains,

is a fragmented body of replaceable parts, whose origin is the assembly-line logic of consumer capitalism. The RealDoll is the culmination of that kind of logic. It's ordered in the exact same way as a car, with detailed customization including head and body type, hair and eye color, breast size and lips.

With an almost admirable open-mindedness, De Fren investigates the various technosexual subcultures, talking to some guy named Davecat who has an artificial companion, members of Japanese gynoid culture, and a RealDoll repair technician(?) who talks all about how Europe really took pleasure sexbots to a whole new level of weirdness. These people (men), De Fren concludes, are all fairly intelligent if socially maladapted individuals who have become attracted to the "tension and transformation between the human and the robotic." She continues, explaining that the technosexuals are drawn to

those moments when what looks like a human is revealed to be a robot shutting down or malfunctioning, its faceplate opening to reveal wiring and circuitry. Many love the original The Stepford Wives for scenes where the wives break down, which throws their artificiality into relief. These are often very smart but socially awkward men who find navigating the inconsistent rules of human interaction confusing. It's an attempt, however circuitous, at connecting.

De Fren investigated technosexual culture armed with a curiosity so strong it overpowered any urge to hold her subjects accountable for the strong undercurrent of misogyny running through their desire to make love to an inanimate object, an unreal, stylized woman doll that behaves according to the whim of its owner. She explains that, although she had a "Spock-like curiosity" to learn about her subjects, that isn't to say that "there weren't some people I interviewed who put me off, but I am one of those people who likes to shine lights into dark corners and see what's squirming around."

Even the non-judgmental De Fren realizes that there's something a little icky about elements of technosexuality, most glaring of which is the fact that technosexual culture is a male-dominated culture whose greatest desire is to objectify a de-animate women. With her critiques of advertising culture, De Fren also acknowledges that the corners aren't so poorly illuminated as they may at first seem – though the likelihood is low that a completely realistic synthetic person (like in Alien) could be created anytime in the near future, a realistic and affordable sex doll is the super gross technosexual wet dream. De Fren is a professional investigator and therefore her dispassion, relative objectivity, and tolerance are completely appropriate, necessary, in fact, for her to dig through all the strange fantasies of technosexuality. But make no mistake – this is not the average sexual fetish or proclivity that merits the "as long as it's not illegal, occurring between two consenting adults, no judgment" response. The (male) desire to have (own) a sexbot is a fantasy in which a man can dehumanize the female and render it a mere tool that makes his penis hiccup in the most realistically sexual way possible.

If you're still thinking, "Hey, maybe it's none of my business that some people (men) like to do it with dolls. Who am I to judge, anyway? I had one of those Silver Bullet vibrators until I accidentally left it on one night and wore out the motor – I can dig sex toys," then perhaps a spooky Halloween anecdote will change your credulous worldview. My human girlfriend and I decided to stay in during the Halloween of 2010 (which inconveniently fell on a Sunday) so we could binge on scary movies, but after watching all of the Halloweens (even the one without Michael Myers, if anyone knows the title without cheating), we started casting around for something new to watch and found something infinitely scarier than any low-rent slasher flick – a Discovery Health documentary about technosexuals and were like, "Oh fuck yeah are we totally watching all of this."

The hour-long doc featured four dudes who like robot ladies – a guy who'd had some bad luck with real women and wanted to reinvigorate his manhood by having a robot lady friend who would perform all the weird sex-acts he'd seen in anime porn, a guy who wanted to hypnotize his girlfriend so she'd act like a robot, a guy on a countrywide search for the perfectly realistic sexbot, and a guy in West Virginia who'd sunk his life-savings into making a perfectly realistic sexbot (the result was a life-sized woman doll that could moan like broken record player and writhe haltingly on the ground). Hijinks ensued and basically at the end – once our faith in humanity totally evaporated – the latter two gentlemen meet up, the searcher jaded and no longer expecting much from this last stop on his sexbot search, the sexbot maker eager to show off his merchandise.

The guys meet awkwardly, the searcher says, "Let's see it," or something creepy like that, and the West Virginian tinkerer takes him into a woodshed (I am not making this up) and shows him what half a million dollars and little American prurience and elbow grease can do. The cameraman shows us the writhing, sputtering doll, then quickly swings up to the searcher's face and we're totally sure that he's going to be disappointed because what he's looking at is a really weird, sad excuse for realism. Then, unexpectedly, he smiles. He says he's really happy about what he's seeing. One of the filmmakers asks tentatively, "Would you have sex with that robot?" And to our utter horror, the man, smiling even wider, answers, "Yes, I would definitely have sex with that robot."

That's where the investigation into technosexual culture ends, both literally and metaphorically – with two guys alone in a woodshed in West Virginia, ogling what might pass for someone trying to recover from electroshock treatments. This is not a healthy thing, people, not even a little bit. ... -sex-sheep
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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by dale coba » Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:48 am

xodar wrote:Do Technosexuals Dream of Electric Sex Sheep?
By Doug Barry
Apr 29, 2012 3:00 PM

That's where the investigation into technosexual culture ends, both literally and metaphorically [...]
This is not a healthy thing, people, not even a little bit.
The article is okay, but denies the reader a reference point
- the "average" fetish, the one he finds acceptable -
the one which can be a little bit healthy, and for which Doug can locate no pair of over-indulgent fetishists, to use to condemn everyone else more moderately involved.

The article's (incorrect) conclusion is a mammoth over-reach, completely unproved by the writer's text.
It's a shame he felt the need to jazz-up the ending of an otherwise measured and decent* essay with such an exaggerated straw-man.

- Dale Coba

* as seen by an outsider.
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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by wjbaines » Mon Apr 30, 2012 7:32 am


What an asshole! I love the moral grandstanding, too. Just wait; we'll probably hear about a year from now that the author of that garbage hit-piece is into, like, necro or scat or something.
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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by Keizo » Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:19 am

I'm assuming I'm the
guy who'd had some bad luck with real women and wanted to reinvigorate his manhood by having a robot lady friend who would perform all the weird sex-acts he'd seen in anime porn
simply because I'm part Japanese and my name actually is Keizo. Funny; I never said that in the documentary nor do I care for overtly weird sex acts. Regardless, this is tame compared to some of the comments left online after the video clip on YouTube or Discovery's page or some of the other websites.

I find it funny that he tries to negate the fact that we are not hurting anyone and still labels us as "misogynists" (as usual). This further exemplifies their own insecurities about the possibility that humans will no longer have just each other to compete against and asshole alpha types like him will no longer win the jealousy of others like the pathetic ex-jock at the high school reunion. Whatever. This is coming whether people want to accept it or not.

It's interesting that Allison DeFren is still at this. I remember when she was still a student when she first interviewed us. Strange that she didn't feel it necessary to do so again for this new documentary that she's making or bothered to see that Shirochan created her own website for those of her gender that want the male option. I wonder if she even contacted Dr. David Levy? I suppose she feels that she is now the authority on the subject but at least she's done a hell of a lot more homework than this jerk.

If anything this might spur more interest if not more protest. Let's hope this is a case where there's no such thing as bad publicity.

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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by Trace Venom » Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:37 pm

Actually, I was dreading the fact that this came from Jezebel, and was afraid that we would be hit with a cyberfeminist blowtorch, but reading the comments at the source, reaction to the article seems somewhat mixed, and more surprisingly, slightly slanted in favor of technosexualism.

I also discovered an argument within that comment section that I personally hadn't thought about before today, and is pretty brilliant in it's simplicity: ATechnosexuality Double Standard-

Don't judge males and call them misogynist just for liking ladybots, Madame, lest you be labeled a misandrist just for liking vibrators.

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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by Keizo » Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:50 pm

Trace Venom wrote:Actually, I was dreading the fact that this came from Jezebel, and was afraid that we would be hit with a cyberfeminist blowtorch, but reading the comments at the source, reaction to the article seems somewhat mixed, and more surprisingly, slightly slanted in favor of technosexualism.

I also discovered an argument within that comment section that I personally hadn't thought about before today, and is pretty brilliant in it's simplicity: ATechnosexuality Double Standard-

Don't judge males and call them misogynist just for liking ladybots, Madame, lest you be labeled a misandrist just for liking vibrators.
Thanks for bringing that up, man. It really was encouraging to see truly intelligent discussion there as opposed to outright male-bashing. I'm glad that many of the readers there are at least more enlightened and considerate than the contributors. This is a good sign indeed :wink:

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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by WinterRose » Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:47 pm

I'm doing my part over on Jezebel. My wife Mattie brought it to my attention, and comments there since we were the ones in Discovery Health's show doing the hypnosis thing. With a bit of help from my unrelated evil twin, Lady Ru'Etha.

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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by Keizo » Tue May 01, 2012 6:57 am

Good to see you and your fiance open yourselves to them, WinterRose! Thank you for that and for doing your part as well. They really did leave A LOT of footage out of that documentary, eh? Given time constraints, I understand. It's just a shame that folks couldn't get the whole story ;)

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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by Deep Blue » Tue May 01, 2012 9:04 am

Loving robot don't hurt any human or life forms, it's the safest and moral sex!

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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by Asato » Wed May 02, 2012 9:24 am

Deep Blue wrote:Loving robot don't hurt any human or life forms, it's the safest and moral sex!
Well unless you watch Futurama, in which case you know that dating robots will inevitably lead to a bunch of alien flying saucers destroying all of our cities with their laser beams. :)

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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by xodar » Wed May 02, 2012 12:25 pm

Deep Blue wrote:Loving robot don't hurt any human or life forms, it's the safest and moral sex!

That doesn't matter.
Various radical hate groups and control freaks will want to make it illegal, which lawyers and government types will use as a way to make money.
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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by wjbaines » Wed May 02, 2012 9:32 pm

What Xodar said is no joke. He's right. The unholy alliance between the professional self-proclaimed ethicist/evangelists of our society and the cash-obsessed mercenary politicians. In the future, it's bound to be just as full of shit as it is today. Welcome.

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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by dale coba » Thu May 03, 2012 3:40 am

Well, I see how sex robots could become the Republicans' divisive elections issue, like gay marriage; but for that to work, the Democratic officials would have to leap to the fembot industry's defense.

One big difference is the lack of financial motivation:
- who profits unless the sex robots come along, and people stop buying... what?

Playboy, On Demand porn, and the Bunny Ranch aren't going to marshal Congressional lobbyists to claim fembots are too dangerous to import. Perhaps the bar/restaurant association and Big Liquor?

I guess they could go for the old line about violating community standards, but the Supreme Court decided in the early 1960's
paraphrasing, Tom Lehrer wrote:filth, I'm glad to say, is in the mind of the beholder.
When correctly viewed, everything is lewd..."
and since then, there's not much force left to that community standards principle.

Prohibiting sex with objects which are not alive is not specifically forbidden in holy texts ("he spilt his seed on the ground" generally damns masturbation). Even if it were, that doesn't matter to the Courts.

- Dale Coba
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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by xodar » Thu May 03, 2012 12:00 pm

Not to upset people too much, but feminists will be the enemies of sexbots.

So will many leftists.

Virtually all sexually oppressive laws have been enacted either by women or to "protect" something called "society".
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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by dale coba » Thu May 03, 2012 8:25 pm

xodar wrote:Virtually all sexually oppressive laws have been enacted either by women or to "protect" something called "society".
Enacted, as in signed into U.S. law by a female majority of Senators? Representatives?
A female President?

I'm not following you, there;
but in respect for the others on this board,
I should probably also vow not to try and follow you there.

- Dale Coba
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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by fembot_stalker » Wed Sep 12, 2012 6:59 am

HHHHMMMM...I'll see if I can find that program called THE MECHANICAL BRIDE. Is it on Youtube? Also, I looked up ASFR on Google, and I ended up here . Can anyone still tell me what ASFR as an acronym stands for? :?:
( AI and UFOs are spreading all over the Globe! 2 see more, just visit us at Malestrom1000's Youtube Channel. Thank you 4 visiting us as we get closer 2 creating our (female) repairbots, (giant) r⊙b⊙t gladiatrices, fembots, sexbots & h⊙b⊙ts; now how pimpadelic is that? :transformer: :rockon: :thumbsup: :nerd: :D :) :-o 8) :lol:

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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by tdlsn » Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:34 pm

Enacted, as in signed into U.S. law by a female majority of Senators? Representatives?
A female President?
Nope,maybe more like pushed into U.S. law by the wives and other females involved with the male majority of Senators/Representatives with or without a female president.

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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by dale coba » Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:36 pm

tdlsn wrote:
Enacted, as in signed into U.S. law by a female majority of Senators? Representatives? A female President?
Nope,maybe more like pushed into U.S. law by the wives and other females involved with the male majority of Senators/Representatives with or without a female president.
But that's not what he said.
Virtually all sexually oppressive laws have been enacted either by women or to "protect" something called "society".
Xodar speaks just fine for himself, when he so deems to.
And you ain't the one I asked for clarification, about words which you hadn't written.

tdlsn, you are obviously just talking out yer ass, which ordinarily wouldn't be a problem - except these issues are far more sophisticated than your paltry personal anecdote collection could allow you to appreciate. Or are you one of those who thinks he's smarter than all that fancy book-learnin they teach at college? It's easy to have a (worthless) opinion about Feminism or the history of women's struggle for equality, especially if one has spent absolutely no effort to educate himself in the field.

So, at least regarding gender issues, I'll ask for your ignorant, biased, lazy guess-opinions when I give a shit.

- Dale Coba
(Mods, recognize - that talk is both sexist and willfully ignorant. We are not here to promote that sort of community. This isn't a place for pure bullshit talk radio anti-feminism. Xodar and I were having a civil conversation, as I try to find common ground with him.)
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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by dale coba » Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:19 am

Yeah... disproportionate reaction on my part.
I threw up shortly afterwards - medication cross-rxn, I think.
Sorry. The world presses my buttons, and you needn't pay for others who act like they know things.
Like, from yesterday, when the Vet doesn't even consider that my cat might have an acute case of kidney failure, assumes with no evidence and no weight loss that it's time to give up.

Don't anyone trust doctors to think.
They probably haven't.

- Dale Coba
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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by tdlsn » Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:26 am

Hey Dale (your highness),your over-response above proves how self important and smart you believe yourself to be.Your sanctimonious views are rather annoying and tired already,especially in a forum such as this one.You've (correctly) admitted so yourself genius. Heed your own words above and also follow closely the dosage schedule on those meds from a trusted doctor. :thumbsup:

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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by Saya » Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:24 am

xodar wrote:Not to upset people too much, but feminists will be the enemies of sexbots.

So will many leftists.

Virtually all sexually oppressive laws have been enacted either by women or to "protect" something called "society".
Actually, if anything, the leftists will probably be the ones who will be supporting opposition towards any anti-sexbot laws, as I imagine will many true libertarians (and I don't mean the whole "We call ourselves Libertarians 'cuz it gots the wurd Liberty in it and das 'Merican as apple pie" Tea Bag movement). The most vocal opposition will most likely come from the evangelical right, which is--while not a "controlling" influence per-se--a big influence for many of the current day right-wing politicians. Feminists might be involved, but the truth of the matter is that trying to pin anything specific on the feminist movement as a whole would be like saying "well, the blacks would oppose it". You have feminists who might support it as a means of diverting the lustful attentions of the male demographic away from the real thing to better empower them and then there are the feminists who would oppose it, but also oppose the Gregorian Calender because it was created by men. And then there are plenty of Feminists who are just as evangelical as their male counterparts, but simply want the women to be controlling a God-fearing theocratic state. Extremists exist on both sides of the aisle and get heard the most, but the moderates in the middle are usually the ones who matter the most (after all, who do you think the loudmouths are trying to get the attention of?). But you can bet plenty of young voters would be behind it (while probably not the same thing, think anti-SOPA and the opposition to video game restriction laws, I bet there are plenty of those same people out there who would be behind it).

Of course, trying to gauge what a political map is going to be like in the next...what? Twenty years if we are optimistic? Twenty years is going to be like is like trying to guess the weather. Who knows what might happen to cause a shift in the sociopolitical attitudes in the United States (and I assume we are talking about the United States here). Twenty years ago, could we see something like 9/11 happening? And that completely changed the political makeup of the U.S. Hell, most people thought that we would be today still staring down the Soviet Union.

Also, tdlsn? I'm no moderator, and I don't speak with any real authority. But personally insulting your board members will 1. make you look like a dick, 2. turns a civil conversation into a shouting match and a locked topic and 3. is a good way to get banned.
"If the time should ever come when what is now called science, thus familiarized to men, shall be ready to put on, as it were, a form of flesh and blood, the Poet will lend his divine spirit to aid the transfiguration, and will welcome the Being thus produced, as a dear and genuine inmate of the household of man."
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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by fnord » Fri Sep 14, 2012 12:29 pm

Once again (feminism) a hot topic just like, the word {DIVERSITY}, remember!!!! There must be no room for a diverse opinions on diversity{1}, WHY? Trouble is that "most people" don't even understand the term feminism or the like. They just go along with the crowd "go green","jesus saves","zeek hail". yum!
Take the blue pill "mother's little helper".
Don't bother to dig a bit deeper. Just continue on with sanctimonious lives thinking, better than someone else; in ignorance. If called on it blow a gasket because it dose not fit a pretty view of the world, but never stop to consider why. :bighug:

On to the issue politicians will pander to who ever they can for cash "not even votes anymore". Sadly I don't believe we will ever see mass produced fembots in our lifetime other than some boring FEMINIST CONCEPT of a drama soap opera. Society is no longer male or even equatable beneficial. This is why white birth dropped and and whites are now officially a minority{2} (of course with out any of the minority benefits). It is no longer beneficial for white males to found a family or sadly even leave their ps3{3}. Back to the cash since most males are cash strapped trying to support a family there is little cash for political activity and or to hold an unorthodox view or as it seems any view at all labels some one a heretic just like in CROMWELL'S England the costs of unorthodoxy is cause for fear of live limb and property (as I will most likely see soon in a naughty naughty reply) thus leaving many that desire legalization of fembots disenfranchised and with out any will or voice. I see the fembot issue going something like this - you can not paint a lawn jockey as a NEGRO BECAUSE IT IS BELITTLING OR SOME CRAP, SO YOU CAN NOT PRODUCE A FEMBOT AS YOU WOULD LIKE BECAUSE IT'S ____________ fill in some crap. For me I have to quote the old joke what's pink and purple and hangs in my back yard? ...My pinata I'll paint it any color I want to... :evil: So grow a nut sack and a few brain cells or be happy talking to your damn Teddy Ruxbin{4} :nerd: . I'm sorry to be pessimistic but it would seem one of the few reasons to get up in the morning is just to prove the christians wrong but still hope their rapture comes to get rid of them. But this is just happy talk as we slowly circle the toilet bowel waiting for the big flush.

{1}http://reflectionsofaworldcitizen.blogs ... nions.html
{2} ... 871173/pg1
{3} ... diversity/
{5} ... eo1CaY1Pdw
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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by RoxxyRobofox » Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:23 pm

Wow. I just read this thread and I can say that I haven't seen so many unfounded opinions stated like they're fact in a long, long time. If anyone had a point to make here, it's been completely drowned out by all the assumptions and hyperbole and people trying to sound intellectual.

This thread started from a discussion about how unfair someone's attacks on technosexuality were, based on the fact that there was almost no research done outside of one doctor trying to impress her college with sensationalism. And now it's a bunch of people making unfair attacks on other people's beliefs, stances, and affiliations based on their own opinions of what they think is happening in their world.

So what I'm gathering is it's NOT okay to do that to technosexuality, because you like it, but it IS okay to use sensationalism and bullshit you made up off the top of your head to argue against people you don't agree with. That's a double standard and its completely repulsive behavior. Honestly, trying to make extravagant claims without any sources quoted and no evidence or expertise on the subject (outside of the old standby 'Just look around you at the world and see what I am saying is true!') makes you as bad as the people that this thread was started to discuss.

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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by daphne » Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:35 am

DarkRexx wrote:So what I'm gathering is it's NOT okay to do that to technosexuality, because you like it, but it IS okay to use sensationalism and bullshit you made up off the top of your head to argue against people you don't agree with. That's a double standard and its completely repulsive behavior.
"Everyone's full of shit except MEEEEEEEE!"

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dale coba
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Re: Some People Don't Understand

Post by dale coba » Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:54 pm

daphne wrote:
DarkRexx wrote:So what I'm gathering is it's NOT okay to do that to technosexuality, because you like it, but it IS okay to use sensationalism and bullshit you made up off the top of your head to argue against people you don't agree with. That's a double standard and its completely repulsive behavior.
"Everyone's full of shit except MEEEEEEEE!"
Based on your flippant response
to DarkRexx's valid analysis
of the lazy and reproachable intellectual standards of some who don't care about the existence of information beyond their anecdotal experience,
- I take it you want me to think you are completely made of shit? not just full of shit?

- Dale Coba
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