"Sex Robot" on Discovery Health

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Post by Stephaniebot » Sun Sep 12, 2010 1:11 am

Great news, and ironically I will be in the US for the first of those showings. Sadly I doubt very much that the hotel TV will have that channel on it
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by MMCYB » Sun Sep 12, 2010 10:57 am

Just wanted to repond to Robotman bringing to everyone's attention about the upcoming documentary. For those of you that don't know, we will be in the documentary and an individual representing your interests will be the first to have interaction with our sex robots. This person was a pleasure to meet and provided us with the feedback to continue on. The documentary will show also that we are the normal folks next door that we say we are. We are trying like heck to provide a sex robot that you all have been waiting for. However, we are financially strapped, due to the economy and putting everything we have into this. We hope that the documentary will help to change some of that and bring us the exposure that we need.

Our sincere appreciation goes out to all of you for bringing us to the attention of Landmark Films and a special thanks to Keizo who we believe specifically recommended that we be interviewed. His faith in us has been exceptional and we hope the documentary doesn't disappoint. Of course we know we still have work to do, especially with the appearance, but we are working on that.

One thing we want to ask is that if we get additional media expsoure from this, can we say a public thank you to Fembot Central and that your positive encouragement keeps us going? We've said it before and will say it again, we respect your interests and your feedback and take what you think seriously.

We look forward to hearing back from you all before or after the documentary airs about what you think.



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Post by Keizo » Sun Sep 12, 2010 11:24 am

I really hope that it was my recommendation that got you interviewed and I'm really glad to hear that you were included! It's good to know that more than one approach is being showed so that the world knows that this is something that has a genuine interest and investment in. I only wish I could be an investor! This documentary is definitely going to be interesting and although I'm sure the web will be full of trolls leaving hateful comments, the ones that will look at this with open eyes will see that it can be something positive. :D

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Post by WinterRose » Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:18 pm

Well I know I WANNA see it... I'm alive with curiosity over it. *^_^* Me and my sweetie both are.

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Post by Delosian » Sat Sep 25, 2010 10:30 pm

I'm just waiting for my Inbox to overflow with hatemail and derrogatory comments.

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Post by gmiceo » Sat Sep 25, 2010 11:12 pm

I watched it. Glad to hear you in the begining Robotdoll. Must have been a great session.
Delosian?? Why would there be hate mail. You had honest opinions. I thought you where easy on both creators, but it encouraged them. Maybe they can make something better.

I hope that asian creators saw that and decided to take an interest and show off what they can do to the sex industry. This concept of sexual orientation and shame really is more a western concept. We all know there is a lot more openess in the eastern sections of the world that will help bring any fetish to life faster.

I thought the hypno session was pretty good. If someone has such an open partner it could be a good option for the here and now.

Overall it was a good show that treated the fetish with dignity. I understood the psychologists positions and was glad everything didn't dwell on how bad it would be for relationships. I think I give it a B-.

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Post by gmiceo » Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:37 pm

Gah you Robot's look all the same. ;) Sorry RD and yes Robotman I wonder. The snippet was way to short. Prety much it was you telling her to remove clothes, then panel in the bed. Could have done an entire 60 min on phone sessions alone.

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Post by Keizo » Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:26 pm

Delosian wrote:I'm just waiting for my Inbox to overflow with hatemail and derrogatory comments.
Have no fear, sir, it's already beginning:
http://monkeybuddha.blogspot.com/2010/0 ... overy.html

What will be even more interesting is when there will be clips posted on YouTube and to see all the hateful comments that will follow. Honestly, I thought you were spot-on and I'm sure you were equally dismayed by the amount of footage that had to be cut and how much air time you actually got. Never the less, it was done tastefully and very well rounded.


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Post by Loverbot » Sun Sep 26, 2010 6:25 pm

Having been in the S/M scene for way more years than i care to admit , i have seen my share of this kind of thing some one sees a paddle in your nightstand and suddenly you are labeled a "sexual deviant" It is because of narrow minds that BDSM was underground fro so long. Some of you might be familiar with the BDSM symbol looks vaguely like a triple yin yang symbol that was first created so that others in the scene would know each other with out the vanillas getting uptight.

Why am i saying all this? i suppose it is because i want to quote Freud and say " the only abnormal sexual behavior is no sex at all"

For those with the courage to go on TV and discuss your fetish and bring it in the open i salute you.. that is something even "smarmy" bloggers would not have the nerve to do.

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Post by gmiceo » Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:13 pm

Rplies to the show are appearing in interesting places. They say talking about sex is a good thing becuase it brings attention to it. I sure hope so.

http://nobodyputsbabyinahorner.wordpres ... sex-robot/

Would like to see other links posted about what the world feels about this.

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Post by andoroido » Sun Sep 26, 2010 11:40 pm

I just tell myself that people are most likely to be "offended", or at least pretend to be offended in a very vocal manner, by things that closely touch home in their own lives.

People who complain loudest about people having fun with sex are either not getting any sex at all and are jealous, or have their own closetted "deviation", and expressing hatred of other "deivants" is an outlet for self-loathing.

Can you say, "projection"?

Then there is the rational fear of some people that when sexbots become common, they won't be able to compete, and will have fewer mates to choose from. That is a legitimate issue, I think.

But in the end, we're not deviants at all. We're just ahead of our time. We just want perfect, beautiful mates. Who doesn't want that?! ASFR is almost the LEAST abnormal fetish of all. Right next to the "naked lady fetish".

It's the furries that freak me out. ;) KIDDING!

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Post by xBOT » Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:29 am

Any chance anyone happened to record it? I'd be willing to host it for download if someone could send me the file...

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Post by MMCYB » Mon Sep 27, 2010 7:55 am

I would like to saygood job to those in doc. Inow there will be some negativity about subject but would like to tell you that when I told my 70 year old father he was ok with it and said interestingly enough that if I didnt do it someone else would. I am aware of what might happen but go back to the begining of our endever. At the time years ago I stopped and asked if we should go done this path. Ithought and discussed this with a dear religous friend wich I am not. For every reason not to continue we could find several reasons to continue. I find it hard to believe that it is okay to build robots to kill but not to be a freind or companion. I have been confronted by a religous group and in my frustration told them a nother reason . I said about robots that kill and that did nothing to there mental state but when I told them about a over weight young lady who WAS a good freind who has past and was the sweetest woman you could ever meet / so nice because of the way sociaty treated her and that my robots would be ever fathful/kind /loving/and would never pass judgment on her. I THEN ASKED IF PEOPLE WOULD DO THE SAME AND TOLD THEM I THOUGHT NOT. I TOLD THEM THAT WE HAVE ALL BEEN ON BOTH SIDES OF THESE CRUELTYS AND SHOULD NOT THROW STONES. I have heard nothing from them sence.

Keizo also made similar remarks in documentary and would like to say if I am aproached in the public Iwill confront those who throw stones. Most of the hate you will see will be fallowed by reamarks such as ugly/looser/pathetic/sick/ect and this is the backbone of my defence.

I hope this helps Delosian some. Your freind SCOTT

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Post by Keizo » Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:07 am

To xBot: The link at the top of the discussion lists the next airings of the documentary

To Loverbot: I want to thank you for your insight and understanding and also for that great quote!

Andoroido, this one's for you:
http://www.theonion.com/articles/area-m ... etish,498/

MMCYB, I absolutely agree with your points. I am ashamed to say that I have known some wonderful people that were extremely kind and good-natured, but I was simply not attracted to. I had to tell myself that I had to be honest about it and would not lie to myself or that person. It is just Nature. That said, I do not have enough self-loathing to accept the concept of Original Sin, nor do I humor hypocrisy. As andoroido pointed out, they are usually trying to deflect and redirect from their own insecurity, curiosity, and impulses.

I am hoping that you get the funds and the interest to continue your development. I'm also glad that the documentary showed the current state of the technology and that there is development and an interest. Grant it, right now it is a bit crude but if we can go from blow-up dolls to silicone dolls, then the robotics will surely be perfected. Thank you for taking the risk.

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Let me clear my throat...

Post by Delosian » Mon Sep 27, 2010 4:53 pm

Consider this an Official Reply to the comments from those sites listed above as well as the comments from the forum members. First,... heh...heh...heh... :twisted:

The Internet is, and should remain, a place where people are free to voice their opinions regarding anything from sports to politics to the weather without fear of reprisal, unless it is a clear threat to someone's life. Having said that, I must state that in most of what I read on these sites were incorrect and taken out of context. This quote and others from this post are from "paul_mic" and taken from the link:

http://monkeybuddha.blogspot.com/2010/0 ... overy.html

"Basically these people, who I began calling "Robo-pervs," actually prefer the companionship of robots that look like women to the real thing."

I never said this and if I did, it was not in the correct context. Nothing beats a real woman. I am not against women or a woman-hater. I do not know how I can "prefer the companionship of robots" since I never have spent any time with one except for what you saw in the doc. Further, I do not want to own a fembot "for the sole purpose of simulated intercourse", even though that was the angle of the show. My interest is the companionship aspect and that doesn't have to include sex. The thing that's really interesting to me about it is the A.I. programming and how human it can become.

Look, nobody likes to be lonely and, let's be real about it, people aren't getting any nicer. This is going to happen, paul_mic, and you don't have to like it or understand it and to call me a "wacko" is laughable. To you and the lovely ladies at baby-gaga.com I say this: Thanks for watching...and you cannot hurt my feelings. If I wasn't totally comfortable going on camera for the dozens of people who watched it ( :P ) I would not have done it. Neither would anyone else. There's a lot more to me than the 10-15 minutes you saw on the show. I'm good with me. I like who I am. I'm comfortable with being a "technophile", if that's what we're called. I don't know. Seems to me you're the one with the problem. Like your website, though.

I love women. I have had many relationships with some sincerely wonderful ladies in my life and the incident refered to in the doc (if anyone caught it) has not scared me off of a relationship with another. This fascination with fembots is just that... a fascination. An interest. The same as a stamp collector or a train enthusiast or even a sports fan. Would I actually have sex with a fembot? It's possible. Would I buy a fembot to help cook, clean and converse with? Sure. Absolutely. If you're used to having people around you all of the time and then one day, there's no one there, it's going to be a little lonely. Think of how much good they'll do in nursing homes alone!

People are going to say, believe and criticize whatever they want and people can look at me strangely for admitting this interest on a "world" stage but here's the truth for my would-be detractors or people who would thumb their noses at this community for our unique niche: You cannot stop the future. Your ignorance of this topic does not qualify you to give an opinion about the topic or the people involved. Your junior high name-calling does not mean anything and only makes you look stupid so save your time and save your breath. I'm going to continue to do whatever it is that I do and thank you for watching the program.

And now...

Keizo, andoroido, Loverbot, gmiceo and Scott,

Thank you so much for your support and the positive posts. As I said, I'm not going to get upset that some people think I'm a weirdo. I think a lot of people are weird but I'm not going to get all up in their face about it. I have friends that have tastes that aren't my thing. I think their "interest" is strange but I still like the person and I'm still friends with them. I'm all about "live and let live". That's what you folks have done. I appreciate your kind words and I am not in the least upset by what I read on those links. The only way that those people would win is if Scott, Doug, Creator and the Asian companies just stopped developing, building, programming, designing and producing robots. I honestly believe that if you put these people in a room for a weekend summit, there would be an ultra-realistic, FULLY-functional robot on the market within the decade. So, guys, DON'T GIVE UP! This is going to be a multi-billion dollar industry in the future once the initial bumps in the road are smoothed out so don't think it's not going to be worth it. It will be.

I think it's taken me an hour to write this but I felt that I should say something. If anyone finds any more publicity go ahead and post it. I could use a good laugh. BTW, what do you think those psychiatrists and David Levy are having to deal with? Thanks for your time.


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Post by Keizo » Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:08 am

The documentary will air again tonight at 11:00 pm Eastern Standard Time and again on SATURDAY at 10 pm and Midnight. One of the producers from Landmark informed me that Discovery reported it as having good ratings.
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Post by xBOT » Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:22 pm

I would capture it myself if I could, but I'm currently living overseas... anyone out there who has experience in capturing video? Extra points if it's in HD.

I can edit out the commercials and stuff so all someone needs to do is capture the full program and some how send it to me...

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Post by WinterRose » Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:19 pm

I'm told by my sweetie, whom some of you may have seen in the show, that my 'sister' Ru'Etha told her that we seem to have come off as rather sane and knowledgable, and sweet with one another. And that people at her workplace have seen it and weren't making bug eyes at her. So... Wow. And us in the south too. Who would have suspected.

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Post by Keizo » Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:42 am


Post by KingJeremy » Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:35 pm

And not a single fuck was given...

I understand that it's irritating to some degree that the public views our fetish with distaste but did you guys honestly and I mean really and truly believe that the feedback to this was going to be anything different than this. This country and I imagine to some extent Canada as well is hung up on sex in general that to show people enjoying a very niche fetish that up until now most people commenting on it probably had no idea even existed, of course their gonna WTF?, no matter how positive a spin is put on it.

The thing I realized long ago was that things I found to be weird or disturbing to me personally were just like ASFR was to me for the people that enjoyed those things. As such I don't make fun of furries or the guys who enjoy getting their balls stomped on by a pair of high heels or whatever, even though I'm sure those groups would draw the same reactions from the various denizens of internet message boards, had a special been done on them. Plus let's keep in mind, as far as kinks/fetishes go we're not exactly common like a bondage and discipline or a foot fetish, so there's bound to be some initial shock factor anyway.

I've always believed that you like what you like. You can't help it. I didn't pick female robots as a subject of my desire, it just happened. As such I won't be embarrassed about it, I've shared it with my former girlfriends and my current wife, it's part of me and my sexuality and everyone has accepted and to some degree or another participated in it. Years ago we got trolled by the goons over at SA and we got over it. I realize this is on a larger scale but the haters will eventually move on to something else while people who are genuinely interested/supportive of this community will more than likely be around for a long time to come.

Sorry for the long post but I hate seeing the people who I feel a sort of camaraderie with upset over this. We're a pretty resilient group on the whole so I think that aside from the occasional hater, we're better off than before.

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Post by Keizo » Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:24 pm

Hey Kishin. I suppose that it's about time that I said something. I was interviewed for three full days. There was over 15 hours of footage and hours on end of me answering any and every question that was thrown at me. There was so much great stuff that didn't make the cut. I had a lot to say and so did my friends. I tried to do what I could to bring understanding to our community. I think my friend Alexis said it best in the documentary, "If it makes him happy and it's not hurting anyone..."

The comments left on the Discovery Health Facebook page and the blogs were exactly as I expected and exactly what I've been saying they would be all these years. You can't debate with the close-minded but all they are doing is proving my case for me by being so intolerant and hateful; as if any of the drama seen on Maury Povich would be preferable! Ultimately, this shows their own insecurity because the time will come when we all have to re-assess our own characters and treatment of each other if someone prefers to have a human partner.

I'm glad to see that there are a couple of folks on the comments that showed enough maturity to accept us even if they don't choose this lifestyle. I can only hope that this will reach some like-minded people that may still feel that they are alone in this. If it's any consolation, my younger brother told me that this is a very common fantasy in his generation. The future may be brighter than we think.

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Post by wolfblade » Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:46 am

Any know uk air dates ? OR Download show cus i do want to see this

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Post by Delosian » Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:58 am

I read all of the comments and I had to lol (really) at some of them. Most of the "ewww" or "sick" comments came from ugly older women. Even Bible verses. To our "religious" friends, I need only point out this verse: "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". It's really easy to make fun of us but it is just as easy for us to laugh at your poor, mundane, meaningless lives. Someone made the comment that the detractors could've just read the headline and moved on but instead decided to jump in with both feet and make personal attacks. To those goofy women who were calling me a loser and a freak with rapist potentiality.. Sweethearts, I have turned down better looking women than you all. I have 3 incredible children, so obviously I have had a real relationship. I've said that "people aren't getting any nicer". Here's your proof. They aren't exactly making a case for wanting a relationship with a real woman.

Once again, people, try saying the fetish is weird because you jerks do not know anything about me or this community except for what you saw on the show. There is so much more to me. You cannot make (nor SHOULD you make) any judgement on me until you've actually talked to me. And as far as "the end of the world is upon us"...where have you people been? Look around. The world isn't ending due to the creation of sex robots. Also, I know why most of the ladies there were upset... they know their time is almost up. Better straighten up and fly right, my dears. :p

My feelings aren't hurt. I just laugh at these people in their ignorance, thinking that "this isn't normal". THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS NORMAL! If there is, someone needs to prove it. We are all in varying stages of strange. I bet some of these people blast us then go back to worshipping Satan, or dressing up their dogs in little outfits. Why anyone in the world would watch NASCAR and drink Budweiser is strange to me but I accept that there are some people who enjoy it. Oh, one more for the religious right...LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF. Scoreboard, douchebags!

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Post by Keizo » Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:57 am

wolfblade wrote:Any know uk air dates ? OR Download show cus i do want to see this
It is due to air in Europe on Discovery UK on November 17. That's all I know.

One interesting thing about all the comments was that it had gotten so many! Most of the other posts got 15 if they were lucky. This definitely suggests a guilty conscience and/or a curiosity. Like Delosian, I find this all pretty amusing. This interest is only one facet of my complex personality. If we were all judged on the one thing that is unconventional about us, then we really are a doomed species. We are called perverts by people that bring children into this world for selfish reasons and do nothing to make it a better place. Brilliant. Do let us know what the commentary in the UK will be like :D
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Post by gmiceo » Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:05 am

I will enjoy seeing the difference in responses then. I bet that the Eastern half of the world will prove they are far more open to sexual differences than the US.

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