Beckett Comics- T3: Rise of the Machines

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Beckett Comics- T3: Rise of the Machines

Post by Sega-boy » Mon Apr 14, 2003 7:48 am

I was at the newsstand, just looking through Beckett Best of DBZ Collector Vol 4 Issue 4, because it said T3 on the cover.

Apparently, there are going to be comics for a T3 prequel called Before the Rise as well as a movie adaption.

Here is the exact picture of the T-101 with half the face cut-away that I saw in the article...

It's pretty cool. Hopefully the T-X will get a similar drawing.

I'm a little skeptical about the artwork of these comics, however, from what I've seen in the previews.

Here is a page from Eyes of the Rise...

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Post by Sega-boy » Thu May 29, 2003 10:03 am

I haven't bought it yet, but apparently the T3 comic book-movie adaption also includes some extras, such as an article with photograph of an animatronic woman's head that I assume is used in the upcoming movie.
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Post by Sega-boy » Fri May 30, 2003 7:49 am

I goofed. I was looking at the T3 official magazine, it only has a preview of the comic series.

The animatronic head belongs to the Sally Corporation in Jasonville Fl.

The article on robotics is a good 6-8 pages long, but the magazine costs $10, which is twice what I wanted to pay for it.
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