Cyborgs and You!

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Cyborgs and You!

Post by Allenzo » Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:18 am

i feel its slowed down a bit on this board, so i thought id add something up for discussion. I can't speak for everyone, but i am curious as to where you guys draw the line between human-cyborg-fembot and where the line really matters. Just a hypothetical, but how much of a person needs to be mechanical for it to be a fembot? If a fembot is built out of synthetic organic parts in order to better replicate the human condition, does that still make her a fembot? If someone truly wants to be a robot, goes through quaddruple amputation and gets synthetic limb replacement in order to achieve that goal, would they be "fembot enough" for most people (assuming she chooses to act the part)? Or is it just impossible to have any type of a human be part of a fembot. Most people would agree that a human brain in a fembot body would still be fembot, but how much circuitry is needed? I am really curious about your individual responces, and if you feel like you have already replied to a topic close to this, please post the link so that i can do some reading. I don't post often, but i read all the time! Thanks

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Post by andoroido » Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:59 am

Good question.

A human-brain in a robot body would basically just be an extremely hot babe (assuming nobody wants an ugly body) and sexy in it's own right.

But I think a lot of the ASFR thinking is basically about control, and thus needs there to be a controllable element. For some, that would be only from an AI, perhaps with organics, but still with an on/off switch and the ability to be programmed.
[Personally I'd like there to be as few organics as possible, assuming that mostly electromechanical means the gynoid can have easily interchangeable parts..a single body could be transformed into any of 100 of your favorite movie stars)

A human in a robot shell who could still be controlled with a "freeze" switch or had vulnerabilities (needs maintenance, has malfunctions, could be controlled by remote) would still satisfy that element of control for others and might even be better for some.

A hot perfectly-functioning independent robot body with the brain of a selfish bitch who only wants to date a rich guy... well, that's not mcuh different from reality, is it? (Except the woman is just silicone rather than silicon)

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Post by tectile » Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:48 am

This is an interesting topic for sure but for me the lines are pretty clear cut.

To me it's all about the brain.

A human brain in a completely artificial body is still a human even though he/she would be classified as a cyborg.
There is no difference between someone with an artificial limb or two and someone with a fully artificial body in my book.
The human brain is where humanity lives and the body is just a vehicle for toting it around and interacting with the outside world.

An artificial brain, AI, computer control system etc is a robot even though the body may be fully organic. Cloned, grown or whatever. The organic body is just another type of machine and it doesn't matter if it's made of meat or circuitry or any combination of the two.

What about a human brain with implanted circuitry?

Here's where things get a little tricky.

I think there are only two reasons why this should ever be done.

1. To assist the brain with some function that it can't perform for a medical reason. You suffer some brain damage and the part that controls breathing isn't working. Go ahead and implant a little unit that will take over this function by all means. You're still human.

2. A person truly wants and has a psychological need to have brain modification for some reason.
You want to allow someone else to control your mood, your behavior or just be able to turn you off and on or whatever it may be.
I think we can look to our own Sthephaniebot for more on this topic.
I suspect this process would be like having a sex change is now.
Years of therapy, living as a robot and stacks of legal forms.
50 years ago the idea of a sex change was unheard of. Now, gender dismorphia is a recognized condition and it's fairly common place. I even work with someone having it done.

Would this person be a human or a robot? I would have to be cautious and say Yes, he/she is still human
He/she should have the same right to be protected from abuse enslavement and all the other rights we enjoy as standard issue humans even though they have chosen to give up some degree of free will.

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Post by tectile » Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:02 am

One more thought :)

What about a human brain that's copied to an organic brain blank of an artificial mechanism?

I think there may need to be another classification created for this situation but I'm leaning in the direction of robot because as I have said before, a copy no matter how perfect is still just a copy.

Going to have to think about this one some more.


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Post by Stephaniebot » Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:59 pm

Wow, what a subject to bring up!

I think nowadays even Cyborg status is a fascinating one, does someone having a heart pacemaker, or one of these cochlear implants to help their hearing become a Cyborg just because of that? Strictly they do, but most wouldnt see it that way of course. Me, I dont see them as Cyborgs in all honesty, but some would.
To me, true Cyborg status would take at least 25% non organic enhancement of the body to be reached. And ideally there would have to be internal enhancement as well as physical ones as well, but thats a point you could argue over.

But to reach Fembot status would take far more than that. In all honesty I think the only true element of human that could be in a Fembot, and justify that status would be what some call the essence of the person. In other words my essential memories (and intelligence?) could be downloaded into the Fembot body so that it 'seemed' to be me, because it knows my thoughts and memories, but strictly its just an AI version of me that thinks like me!
And no, I wouldnt want an ugly body!

Human brain with implanted circuitry.
This is where the questions lay when the line is drawn. If the implanted circuitry is controlling the 'being' then its pretty much a robot, because directly, or indirectly she is computer controlled through the implants. But if its her brain doing the controlling, enhanced by the circuitry, then I would say Cyborg.
But yes, I have to say that under 'normal circumstances' the process of volunteering to be 'robotised' would be pretty tricky to achieve. As you say, roughly equivalent to the challenge now faced for sex realignment surgery, only probably more so, at least at first!
As I say, they wouldnt be human with implanted circuitry, but Cyborg or Fembot would be argumentative unless they were downloaded into a Robot body, not their own enhanced one.

Yes, I would like to be a totally controlled Fembot, but I definitely need a new body for that to be attractive to most other people! Even more so by the time this is realistically possible.

But as I said, under normal circumstances that would be the case. But lets look at the scenario where turning humans into robots is possible, and not surprisingly there is a high demand for sexbots. There are then 2 distinct possibilities, the first is a fee paid to pretty young women to go through the process, either for life, or by use of cryogenics (which I suspect might also be possible by then) freezing their human body for say a 5, or 10 year contract as a robot before their 'mind' is sent back to their human body and they carry on with a normal life.
Or of course, if there is enough money to be made, then young, pretty girls might just 'disappear'! New AI personality, and...

Sadly as a middle aged frump I'm not likely to be sought in either case, especially as I will be an old aged (or dead) frump by then!
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by Korby » Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:18 pm

tectile wrote:

No you're not :)
Darn right, buddy! :D That's my line!
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Post by darkbutflashy » Sat Feb 16, 2008 4:20 pm

To me, it's all about awareness. If she thinks she is human, she's at most a cyborg. If she's aware (propably proud) of her machine nature, she's a robot.



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Post by Stephaniebot » Sun Feb 17, 2008 11:31 am

Not quite sure if this is the right place, but it doesnt seem a bad one to add this,
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by Tio » Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:01 pm

I would enjoy being a cyborg. I would like the never changing body though I believe if you still have a human brain then you are a cyborg not a robot.

Of course it all depends on your definition of robot.

To me I like my fembots to be machines - looks like a girl but is just a controlable machine which does my bidding. Give it a sense of life and an AI and the ability to be its own person with thoughts and personality then it is the same as a human and I couldn't own that.
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Post by L.W. » Sun Feb 17, 2008 10:42 pm

Hmmm... Interesting, my fetish is for built non-organic robots that just look human, but given my family history and just the way my body is acting, I do not have a problem with cyborgs, I hope they hurry up with replacement parts.

I like some personality in my fembots, I am not into dom/sub so ordering around something totally does not appeal to me. However, I also am for AI rights, that if an AI is fully self aware and wishes to be free then one cannot own them. A marriage might not be out of the question, but owning, no.

Forced fembotization is also out for me too, again, I cannot own or control something that does not wish to be owned.

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Post by Stephaniebot » Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:47 am

Forced fembotisation should be out, I so agree, I suspect there will be a some of us who would volunteer anyway!

But given the way the 'sex industry' in the UK has found 'workers' from Eastern Europe, thinking it wouldnt happen again with fembots when numbers are needed...
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Body vs. mind

Post by rabiator » Tue Feb 19, 2008 12:04 pm

For me, it's all about the body. And it does not need to be 100% artificial either.

So, a human girl with some artificial limbs would definitely qualify. As well as a human mind downloaded to a robotic body. :)

Actually, my bot-friend should be smart and have a personality of her own, so the stories where women are turned into mindless slaves were never a big turn on for me :roll:

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Post by droid_boy » Tue Feb 19, 2008 7:40 pm

For me the ideal would be the purely artificial body/brain combo, however with full autonomy- basically a machine with a soul. The problem with this is that too much philosophy and philosophy of science has made me a materialist such that I don't believe anything like a soul exists. This is a problem, since I love the idea of being an android (hence the name) and being with a gynoid, but I can't reconcile this fetish/desire with the belief that even a perfect copy of me would not be "me". Though to the outside world there would be no difference between me and a perfect robot copy, were I do die, the robot would not be "me" and I would simply cease to exist! Now how could I enjoy myself being a machine if I'm simply gone! Further, I think the same problems are manifested in the commonly used mechanisms for transformation in ASFR literature (downloading, nanites and the like), and hell, even in Star Trek-esque transporters!

The upshot here is that the brain in the robot body seems to me the closest thing I could get to being a "robot" and as a result, I've softened a bit on what that term means to me...if that makes any sense.... :oops:

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Post by A.N.N. » Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:08 am

This reminds me of an older discussion (too lazy to find it, sorry) about what each of us desire in our ASFR fantasy.

As a heterosexual male, I like beautiful women. That's a primary thing.

I consider ASFR as a secondary desire.
-- Cyborgs: The mechanical body of a cyborg (such as Major Kusenagi in Ghost in the Shell) is attractive to me because she is an ideally perfectly beautiful woman. the fact that she has a mechanical body does not turn that off, but does add the the interesting factor, much like a sexy russian accent might. I consider this my hybrid ASFR fantasy.
-- Gynoids: a total machine, no human brain or parts, is the pure ASFR fantasy. Control is definitely a part of this fantasy, but there is certainly some visceral technophile in the mix, hence the affinity for seams, panels, etc. Ironically, I have absolutely NO traditional domination fantasies.

On the other hand...
-- A machine brain with an organic body would be a bit of a turn off for me, unless the machine brain was completely convincing as a human (i.e. I could easily forget or overlook the machine brain part) and there for this wouldn't be ASFR for me, but normal sexual desire.
-- Also, circuits and mechanical parts do nothing for me by themselves, there has to be an obvious female sexual connection.
-- Domination of a human being, even if it's just a brain in a mechanical body, is a serious turn off for me. Even in consensual roleplay, it disturbs me.

Just my thoughts. Hopefully they are consistent with what I said last time! :wink:

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Post by skeetles » Mon Feb 25, 2008 6:48 pm

Yeah, for cyborgs I think the idea of an individual human mind encased in (and in some degree, subordinate to) a beautiful body that ALSO has it's own "mind" is what draws the intrigue. It's when the two minds interact and/or conflict when it starts getting interesting to most.

Androids are definitely different, but I don't really find myself being partial to one or the other. Interesting thought.

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Post by xodar » Tue Feb 26, 2008 7:08 am

a human girl with some artificial limbs would definitely qualify
There is something not quite human about Heather Mills....
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Post by Stephaniebot » Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:38 pm

xodar wrote:
a human girl with some artificial limbs would definitely qualify
There is something not quite human about Heather Mills....
A very expensive model for someone, or likely to be at least!
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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