Son, fetch my shotgun !!! Them's doing a remake !!!

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Son, fetch my shotgun !!! Them's doing a remake !!!

Post by Rotwang » Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:52 am

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Post by jakeCTom » Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:37 pm

well, it was bound to happen. I'm just wondering who they will have to direct it. It is good and bad more exposure for our fetish and maybe it will garner interest in old sci fi movies including the orignal and maybe some others (Aelita Queen of Mars). Or, it will just be some hokey movie that will be nothing but a waste of billions of dollars. I just don't know.

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Post by Stephaniebot » Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:36 pm

As stated, eventually someone had to think about remaking this.

I dont know, the whole scene in Rotwang's lab is all the more amazing because you know how basic effects were back in those days. Whereas now...! I'll certainly be interested to see the recreation of Metropolis itself, and who gets to play Maria.
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by andoroido » Mon Dec 10, 2007 2:55 pm

No doubt that it will end up just as screwed up by politics as the Stepford Wives remake...

I think, if it is eventually made, it will probably be far more watchable if we do so (in thibute to the original) with the sound off. Maybe go to the cinema with an iPod and your favorite Metropolis soundtrack.

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Post by droidlvr » Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:54 pm

This time she'll some bio engineered clone. :roll:

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Post by DJDojo » Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:53 am

Why, why, why does Hollywood have to mess around with a classic...

And I actually liked Metropolis too...

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Post by visceralpsyche » Wed Dec 12, 2007 6:54 am

Hmm, interesting.

Here's a bit of trivia for you - the soundtrack to my short film "Birth" was composed by Mr Benjamin Speed, who was half of a group called The New Pollutants, and who composed a completely new 2 hour score for the original 1927 "Metropolis" which played to a live audience in 2005-06.

You can see a short clip of it on his personal web page:

It was his demo CD with Maria's Theme that got me interested in asking him to score "Birth" for me, and I couldn't be happier with the results.



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Post by TheSpotConlon » Wed Dec 12, 2007 8:22 am

You know what? It'll still be better than that ridiculous Georgio Moroder re-edit from the eighties.

Here's the big thing, though: it's not going to be made. It won't happen. Coppola tried to do this six years ago (he was going to call it Megalopolis), and he was drummed right out. When I Am Legend fails to make back its five-hundred-million-dollar investment, then there will be a pull back on ultra-expensive film projects. As this will cost a ridiculous amount of money and have basically no appeal whatsoever outside of masochistic film students and die-hard robot fans, we will never see this project come to fruition.

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Post by noidguy » Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:30 pm

Rotwang, the one-handed inventor, is strapped for cash so he partners up with a nerdy rich kid to create the perfect girlfriend in ...."Can't Buy Me Glove."


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Post by minkwheel » Wed Dec 12, 2007 8:26 pm

Ladies and Gentlemen....NOIDGUY!--

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Post by DJDojo » Wed Dec 12, 2007 8:48 pm

Oh my gawd, the puns are just killin' me! LOL

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Post by jknight_2000 » Wed Dec 12, 2007 9:28 pm


Another bad remake idea, didn't the Stepford Wives remake teach them anything. It was so bad, I think it gave Roger Ebert a stroke, this movie was god awful, and this one will probably be worse. And something to really scare you, remember the possible Westworld remake it hasn't been completely killed off yet. Haven't Hollywood learned anything.


Let's be honest - sequels are just money making platforms, and remakes are cries for help. We should send these people to Mirage for some serious re-Wiring, ASAP.

To tell you the truth the best remake/sequel that was remotely similiar to what we like, was a porn film, "Sex World 2002" - which was directed by the original person who made the original "Sex World" - Passollini. It wasn't great but it was viable and made sense. For god's sake the stinkin' remake of the Stepford Wives did not involve robots, it involved nano-technology.

W-T-F !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yikes! this trend continues and am going to exclusively stick to stories from this site, for my Gynoid / Sci-fi stories/movies/ As the writers here, have some vision (and in the case of Mirage, a dementia, too.)

Here's hoping the "Sarah Connor Chronicles", does not turn into the "Lost" of the new year.


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Post by Baron » Sat Dec 15, 2007 2:58 am

{choke, **koff-koff**}

Well, since I was the "Watchman" for the Stepford debacle, let me first offer up my sympathy and respect for Rotwang, now that's he's doing the same thing I did. You're another Old-Timer here too, Mate, so don't worry about doing what you have to do as this situation plays out - we've all got your back!!! :wink:

As for the re-make specifically, I'm pretty much in accord with all the responses so far, but I can add a thought or two to the discussion. My recent musings about "re-imagineering" got me to thinking about it's companion technique, the scene-for-sceen remake; ie, the 1998 version of "Psycho" starring Annie Heche. My wife and I rented the DVD recently, just to see if it was as bad as we thought it would be {when it first came out we were still dating, but sharing a passion for "Hitch," we both flatly refused to waste one cent on such heresy}.

Guess what? The remake wasn't the pile of steaming Limburger we were expecting. Don't get me wrong; although the acting left a lot to be desired, the remake did manage to capture several small elements of the original, like mood, settings, and so on. They left the screenplay pretty much alone, to their credit, but in the end the new version struck both of us as a faintly pleasant {but still pale,} imitation of the original.

Perhaps if this notion is used for Metropolis, rather than re-imagineering, the end result will go down a bit easier with us Community lot here.

I'm not holding my breath, though.........
:wink: :mrgreen:
Assemble the ladies? I didn't know that they were broken......

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Post by A.N.N. » Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:25 pm

Wasn't there already a remake? It was an anime version that came out just a couple years ago. Not technically hollywood, sure, but pretty close. What did everyone think of it?

I thought it was okay. They really changed the story around (bad), but it was still entertaining (good).

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Post by Doctor Robo » Tue Dec 18, 2007 8:37 am

A.N.N. wrote:Wasn't there already a remake? It was an anime version that came out just a couple years ago. Not technically hollywood, sure, but pretty close. What did everyone think of it?

I thought it was okay. They really changed the story around (bad), but it was still entertaining (good).
The anime version didn't really share much with the original other than the title, IMO.

I think a remake of "Metropolis" has the potential to work if done correctly. Of couse we all want to see the fantastic Rotwang/Maria scenes (Scarlett Johannsen anyone?) but movies like "The Matrix", "Blade Runner", and "Terminator" have brought the 'dystopian man vs. machine future' to the forefront. A "Metropolis" remake could certainly follow that tradition without straying too much from the original Romeo and Juliet style storyline.

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Post by rabiator » Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:10 pm

Doctor Robo wrote:I think a remake of "Metropolis" has the potential to work if done correctly. Of couse we all want to see the fantastic Rotwang/Maria scenes (Scarlett Johannsen anyone?) but movies like "The Matrix", "Blade Runner", and "Terminator" have brought the 'dystopian man vs. machine future' to the forefront. A "Metropolis" remake could certainly follow that tradition without straying too much from the original Romeo and Juliet style storyline.
Yes it could, if you get the right director for the job.

My first choice among living directors would be Ridley Scott. He did a great job with Blade Runner, and his talent for epic mass scenes would serve a Metropolis remake well. :)

James Cameron (Terminator) or the Wachowski brothers (The Matrix) might make it into a decent action film, but I guess it would lack the deeper thoughts in the story of the original Metropolis film. :?

But the one I'd really like to see doing it is no longer among us: Akira Kurosawa. :(
His films were both epic and deeply moving, and considering the japanese fascination with robots I guess the story would have meshed well with his cultural background. I'm sure Kurosawa would have found an original approach to Metropolis, different but as impressive as the original.

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Calmed down a bit.

Post by jknight_2000 » Fri Dec 28, 2007 10:31 pm

First off, on my previous rant -- if I offended anybody I apologize. But, I do agree, if the right director is selected it could be a great film. Here, a director option -- no one will think of.

Dark, macabre and has experience with this type of film, Tim Burton. Yes, I know he done a lot of children movies, and some really unusual films, but let's be honest Metropolis was not meant to be a sunshiny-happy film. It is meant to be dark, foreboding, and enlighteniing and I think he could do a good job with it.

Wachowski brothers would another option if the movie is going with a high-tech feel. And we would have a better visual view of the original story with them at the helm.

But -- Let's be honest they'll probably hire the guy who did X-Men III to do this film and completely ruin it.

By-the-by, The anime invasion is coming to American Cinema, recent movies that will appear in America are the following.

Speed Racer (2008)
Astro Boy (2009)
WitchBlade (2009)
Battle of the Planets (2010??)

And there is actual discussion on someone doing a live-action movie version of Ghost-in-the-Shell. :shock:

And unlike the sequels -- these will be following the original story-lines.

Yes. :D

This is could start a nice trend.

Will keep the group informed when more concrete information is released to the NET.


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Post by minkwheel » Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:40 am

The SPEED RACER movie is rated PG-13, and will have a huge summer push with Burger King, etc...even the Speed Racer movie logo is very close to Burger King's logo (at least the ones that I saw about a year ago... if they have changed recently now that the movie's in the can, I do apologize) -- I will see a lot of the merch for the Speed Racer movie, and even the beginnings of the new GI JOE concepts etc at this year's TOY FAIR next month. ---there WILL be a sequel to TRANSFORMERS. --probably to introduce DINOBOTS .....and I do believe that America is fairly ready to see ASTROBOY on the screen... THE HIGHEST RATED NEW CHILDREN'S PROGRAM in the USA this year was 'EON KID" --for those in other countries it was called 'IRON KID" but for the fact that America didn't want to confuse folks about Marvel's 'IRON MAN" ...the name was changed to EON KID to make the lawyers happy....aaaaaaanyway.... EON KID is a story that borrows from a lot of other existing things... AstroBoy... Gigantor, Ben 10, WitchBlade, etc......since kids did enjoy EON KID, they might like to see his Grandaddy up on the screen. -- I also have to mention that the film industry isn't just pandering to American tastes anymore... they know that the international market should not be ignored. ---in their heads, it basically means they can churn out the same old stories, but use a foreign flare to tell it.......... same old same old, but LOOK.......NOW IT'S IN INDIA, etc.............. ah...Hollywood. Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing TINTIN come to the big screen, but instead of Mr. Speilberg, I'd like to see him team up with a European director so that the character does not lose his roots and focus. Why the hell hasn't there been a JONNY QUEST movie? -- let Steven S do a JONNY QUEST film, and someone like PETER JACKSON do a TINTIN one......... there you go! -- minkwheel
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