The Baron's Belated 10th Anniversary

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Post by minkwheel » Wed Oct 17, 2007 3:30 pm

Congratulations Baron... Stepford Mary has a special CHEER for you....

THIS CAN'T 'be where it all ends"

We Stepford women LOVE to BAKE! -- in celebration of your tenth anniversary here...I made you some YUMMY ITALIAN CANOLI Here you ARE!----Enjoy them!

Baron>>>> Thank you Dear Lady..... ummmm..... why...are they SILVER?

STEPFORD MARY>>> Silly Baron.... THOSE are the CANS! ---Did I Err?
...From my HEART and from my HAND
WHY don't people understand my intentions?

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Post by barakuda » Thu Oct 18, 2007 1:34 am

Its been a while since i first saw the Gynoid Gallery in 97 or 96. Glad to know some of the old regulars are still here. Thanx for for all the memories, pics And reviews Baron. Heres to the next ten( Holds up his bottle of beer) Salou!!!!

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Post by Baron » Thu Oct 18, 2007 1:53 am

minkwheel wrote:Congratulations Baron... Stepford Mary has a special CHEER for you....

THIS CAN'T 'be where it all ends"

We Stepford women LOVE to BAKE! -- in celebration of your tenth anniversary here...I made you some YUMMY ITALIAN CANOLI Here you ARE!----Enjoy them!

Baron>>>> Thank you Dear Lady..... ummmm..... why...are they SILVER?

STEPFORD MARY>>> Silly Baron.... THOSE are the CANS! ---Did I Err?

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

And here is another perfect example of the limitless creativity to be found in this Community!!

Minkwheel was gracious enough to let me "steal" his "Boomers-R-Us vs. Robo-Depot" idea, and do all sorts of strange variations on the theme with it {the bulk of my photomanips to date featuring at least a passing reference to the companies, for example}. Thank you for being such a good sport about it all these years, Mate!!

As for his current work with Buffybot, Stepford Mary, et. al - well, I sure as hell get a big kick out of all the zaniness in the stories!!!! I always look forward to the cameos, and whatnot - silly, just for the hell of it!!! A man after my own heart, really. :wink: Keep them stitches coming, my Man - you do GREAT work.

And finally, I'd like to add a little extra for Stepford Mary's benefit. While I truly appreciate the gesture of the home-made CANoli's, I have to caution you that at present I'm on a seriously restricted diet, due to my ulcer flaring up again about three weeks ago {for real, just for the record}. And part of my dietary restrictions are no iron {or tin, aluminum, copper, zinc, titanium, chromium, molybdenum, lead, platinum, OR cadmium-alloy}. However, if you ever run across a recipie for a sour cream and chive potato CANish, I'll gladly break my restrictions, Luv!!!

Please don't think of me as a pooper about the CANoli's, Dear Mary - I bribed my local Domino's driver with 2 bucks to re-deliver them {still warm!} to Inspektor 12; HE really does have a cast-iron stomach!!!
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Post by Baron » Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:38 am

code_author wrote:Congratulations Baron,

Lest we forget the humble beginnings as a simple News Group. Alt.Sex.Fetish.Robots (ASFR). I found it on a lark and would religiously go there every night (on my 56K X2 modem) to see what new posts and if Mr. Mike and his wife put up any new pictures of their role play. The first web site I saw with asfr content was Robolover's Lair and from there found the link to the Gynoid Gallery and eventually the F.A.C.. Animated gifs were as close as we got to video back then and material was far and few between. A lot of people's effort went into getting us to this point and they should know it is greatly appreciated. Speaking of which where has "Herf" :lol: been lately? Before I continue to ramble on, thanks for the great topic Baron and a big thank you for everyone who participates and helps this community flourish.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Code!!!
And I have to admit that I didn't really know just how many of us Old-Timers were still around, when I sarted this thread. Your mentioning of the newsgroups as "ground zero" for ASFR jogged the old memory into proper recall; I'd clean forgotten the true roots of the community. :oops:

Be that as it may, it's still a good thing that we're even able to celebrate such an Anniversary - most of the other "fetishes" {GOD, how I LOATHE that term, as applied to our Community} still aren't comfortable enough with themselves to even ADMIT to their predilections, much less celebrate them. We're maturing, while "they" are not, in other words.

BTW - I've still got my trusty Nokia 2600-series cell-phone {circa 1996!}, which is still doing yeoman service despite advancing age, and my constant habit of "hot-rodding" its' programming and functions. It may not be able to take pictures, brew the morning coffee, or any of a number of other ridiculous features, but it CAN plug into the 'Net wirelessly, and download anything I want.

And I don't have to pay one damned cent for the "privilege," either!!! Tracfone it was at birth; and Tracfone it remains today - and I have yet to encounter any of the service-package problems that plague most other cell-phone owners........................
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Re: Wow

Post by Baron » Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:43 am

barakuda wrote:Its been a while since i first saw the Gynoid Gallery in 97 or 96. Glad to know some of the old regulars are still here. Thanx for for all the memories, pics And reviews Baron. Heres to the next ten( Holds up his bottle of beer) Salou!!!!
I remember this character!!! :wink:
You've acquired some whiskers here yourself if I'm not mistaken, barakuda. I'm glad you're still with us, and thanks for the kudo!!
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Post by Baron » Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:53 am

~? wrote:Thanks for the trip down memory lane, Baron. I too fondly remember those halcyon days back in 1997, all the favourite sites like GG and FAC (those clips were so cool!). Dial-up was the standard, Alta Vista and Lycos were search engines and google was still just a number (googol).
I really enjoyed your Rochelle Swanson story. She was the ONLY good thing about Cyber Zone, although I still wish she had played the dancer in T-Force rather than the waitress.

Glad to see you back, and good luck with the band and everything.
Happily at your service, ~? !!!
Ten years ago, if you told me that by 2007 I'd be a happily married homeowner, still-working musician, AND a respected "Elder Statesman" of an online community, I would have laughed politely - and then most likely start guzzling whatever YOU were drinking at the time!!! :shock: :wink:

I'm not blas`e NOW - I'm gratified, humbled, and amazed............ :oops:
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Post by minkwheel » Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:34 pm

I'll just have to say THANK YOU, Baron, with all of my BLUSHERY and HUMBLERY at my side.... Stepford Mary wishes to make up for her rich dessert "err" she comes with something a little more HEALTHERY

STEPFORD MARY>>> I am a SMART ONE, I am.... for Baron's health, I made him a nice WATERCRESS SANDWICH.... here you ARE Baron... to your HEALTH.

Baron>>>>'s all .....SOGGY.....and WHAT'S THIS WHITE STUFF? --OH...LIKE.....EEWWW.

STEPFORD MARY>>>ON WHOLE WHEAT BREAD, I spread a special mix of WATER, and TARTAR CONTROL CREST TOOTHPASTE! -- not only is it HEALTHY... while you EAT your sandwich, you take care of your smile at the same time! -- can you TASTE THE MINTY FRESHNESS? ....Please let me squeegee you off a slice.......

Baron>>>>....ummmm...Pass the CANolis......
...From my HEART and from my HAND
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Post by Baron » Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:45 am

minkwheel wrote:I'll just have to say THANK YOU, Baron, with all of my BLUSHERY and HUMBLERY at my side.... Stepford Mary wishes to make up for her rich dessert "err" she comes with something a little more HEALTHERY

STEPFORD MARY>>> I am a SMART ONE, I am.... for Baron's health, I made him a nice WATERCRESS SANDWICH.... here you ARE Baron... to your HEALTH.

Baron>>>>'s all .....SOGGY.....and WHAT'S THIS WHITE STUFF? --OH...LIKE.....EEWWW.

STEPFORD MARY>>>ON WHOLE WHEAT BREAD, I spread a special mix of WATER, and TARTAR CONTROL CREST TOOTHPASTE! -- not only is it HEALTHY... while you EAT your sandwich, you take care of your smile at the same time! -- can you TASTE THE MINTY FRESHNESS? ....Please let me squeegee you off a slice.......

Baron>>>>....ummmm...Pass the CANolis......
:twisted: :twisted:

"Blushery?" "Humblery?"
Let me guess - former speechwriter for GWB in "real life," right? :wink:
No wonder your work here is so good!!!!!! :mrgreen:

No, no - don't go off on a political tangent, Friends. Minkwheel's response sparked my response, and that's all there is to "read" into it, OK?

Mink - you still Da Man!! Stepford Mary's "errs" are part of her charm, so I've patience in abundance, regarding her best efforts. Either Stepford Mary has rubbed off on me, or I'm more ill than I thought; but the combination of watercress and Crest actually sounds GOOD to me right about now! :shock:

Oh, shit - d'ya think I might be PREGNANT??!!??!!?? :wink:

Anywho {sic}, I'll refrain from totally scrambling Dear Mary's circuits by not mentioning one of my favorite desserts - pineapple upside-down cake!!!! :D

OOPS - did it anyway!
My bad!!! :wink:

{I'll stop, for now - I'm already laughing WAY to hard to see my monitor......}
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Post by Brytestar » Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:41 am

Its been awhile Baron. Have you caught up with all the movies yet? Let alone the shows on the small screen?

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Post by Baron » Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:35 pm

Brytestar wrote:Its been awhile Baron. Have you caught up with all the movies yet? Let alone the shows on the small screen?
Sorry it took so long to reply Brytestar, but yes I have been planning some brand-new reviews of recent happenings. I confess to finding myself extremely busy all of a sudden, but I'll shoot for having something new here before we lose the last calendar leaf. :wink:

BTW - you're yet another "long-timer" here, as I recall. Glad you still appreciate my work {humble as it is}!!!

BTW 2 - did you see the recent Stepford hatchet-job of mine here I put up a few days after Turkey-day? :twisted:
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Post by Brytestar » Tue Dec 25, 2007 11:45 am

Baron wrote:
Sorry it took so long to reply Brytestar, but yes I have been planning some brand-new reviews of recent happenings. I confess to finding myself extremely busy all of a sudden, but I'll shoot for having something new here before we lose the last calendar leaf. :wink:

BTW - you're yet another "long-timer" here, as I recall. Glad you still appreciate my work {humble as it is}!!!

BTW 2 - did you see the recent Stepford hatchet-job of mine here I put up a few days after Turkey-day? :twisted:
Yeah I still look forward to it. Although I haven't gotten any feedback from my stories yet.

I'm think I missed that one in regrads to BTW 2. Sadly I was only able to catch the last 30 minutes. It was the ending that got me. Too many fumbles and sadly it could've been done differently. It was more augmentation then anything else. Yet another let down...


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