"Is there life on a plastic planet?"

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"Is there life on a plastic planet?"

Post by ehy » Thu Dec 26, 2002 9:14 pm

I recently remembered another of my early gynoid experiences: a sci-fi book called "Is there life on a plastic planet?" which I borrowed from my elementary school library lo, these many years ago. The plot, as I recall it, involves aliens replacing a girl (and others, I think) by a robot lookalike, and she thinks that's great at first because the robot goes to school and does chores and stuff for her, but then she wants her life back so she has to turn off the robot. If I remember right, the robots were turned off by a button in the back of the neck.

At age 9 or so, I thought it was a great book. Of course, at age 9 or so I thought girls were boring.

Thought I'd share. Anyone else read this book?


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