FILM > Westworld snippet.....

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FILM > Westworld snippet.....

Post by fection » Sat Oct 05, 2002 3:56 am

Hiya. Found this at

Westworld: Sometimes some stories just make you shake your head, and here's one of those to end the week. UK mag Hot Dog recently ran an article indicating that Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sly Stallone and Bruce Willis will all team up for a project together. Which one? None other than Warner's remake of Michael Crichton's 1973 sci-fi thriller about a futuristic amusement park where people live out their fantasies with the help of androids - until the droids go screwy and start attacking. Arnie has been attached for a while as the Robot Gunslinger made famous by Yul Brynner in the original, and is after Willis for the lead role as the 'hunted' Peter Martin whilst Stallone's involvement will be an ill-fated cameo towards the start. If that's not concerning enough, according to the article "New areas covered by the pursuit include Aquaworld, Lunarworld and Jurassic World, and in an early draft of the script, the actual holiday center is located on the Moon".

Hmm.... Quite WHY you would NEED a 'lunarworld' on the moon is up for debate...Fection.

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Re: Westworld snippet.....

Post by kb7rky » Sat Oct 05, 2002 9:47 am

fection wrote:If that's not concerning enough, according to the article "New areas covered by the pursuit include Aquaworld, Lunarworld and Jurassic World, and in an early draft of the script, the actual holiday center is located on the Moon".

Hmm.... Quite WHY you would NEED a 'lunarworld' on the moon is up for debate...Fection.
Good find, Fec...and to answer your question:

For the realism


Another take on that...maybe Arnie and the gang are trying to combine WW and Futureworld...?
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Post by Magoo » Sat Oct 05, 2002 5:18 pm

It's called "hollywood is out of ideas"...

Get used to it... Hollywood tries to use better versions of old cliche nowadays to make good movies instead of relying on dialogue or plot. You don't need a good plot or good dialogue to sell millions (case in point: xXx)...

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Post by andoroido » Sat Oct 05, 2002 7:32 pm


I don't put too much stock in a that rumor. Schwarzeneggar, Willis AND Stallone? Never happen. Who would get their name on the top of the poster? Also the salaries would instantly use $50+ million of budget. THAT's a waste of money, on what is not a sure bet, since this is a remake. How many of the top-grossing films are remakes?

Aquaworld? Too expensive and impractical.
Lunarworld, on the Moon? That makes no sense even for Hollywood.

Westworld was probably set in the Old West because there a tons of leftover Western sets and costumes in Hollywood. It's the cheapest setting. (Also easy to understand for US audiences, and a prostitution scene doesn't seem so taboo to viewers, or the MPAA, if it happens in the Old West)

And I think the basic rules of film making and plot would require some kind of scene that clearly shows most of the staff on Westworld are actually robots (since it's the main plot point). The repair room scenes do that quite well. Having a bunch of people lie on tables without blinking is a lot cheaper than making a bunch of electro-mechanical dinosaurs.

I'm hoping for a female sidekick who turns out to be a robot.
Any rumors of a pretty but minor league actress getting a prominent role?


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Post by tectile » Sun Oct 06, 2002 8:25 am

I have to agree with Kishin on this one.

The typical hollywood thinking would go something like this.

We got Arnie signed on.

We got Bruce signed on

It's a scifi thing so we can throw in some dinosaurs like Gerasic Park and a lot of FX like Starwars.

Who needs a good script, We got all we need so let's get this one into production.

We will make millions the first few weeks untill people figure out that it sucks but we will make even more millions on video rental, cable sales and the overseas market.

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Post by Baron » Sun Oct 06, 2002 9:27 am

"Waterworld Meets the Jurassic AI Mailman!"

The new dungeon scene:
Girl - "No pee....No pee.....No pee, no. NO, NOOOOOO!!!!!!"
And then Tom Greene comes in and drinks the pee.............:twisted:

Guess they'll hire Tarentino for the script re-write!!
Assemble the ladies? I didn't know that they were broken......

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Post by 1001011001 » Sun Oct 06, 2002 9:16 pm

Safe to say, I'm not keeping my hopes up for this one. I'm still reeling from A.I.

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Post by kb7rky » Sun Oct 06, 2002 11:59 pm

Please, let it be ANYONE but Kevin Costner making the film...

Don't allow him anywhere NEAR Hollywood if/when it ever gets going
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Westworld remake ??

Post by jknight_2000 » Mon Oct 07, 2002 8:23 am

I think this should teach us to not to have hope in remakes. Every remake Holywood has put out has been inferior to the original (Either in script, design, bad casting, etc.) Come on let's be serious, we all knew when the rumor started that this was going to happen. Another great classic down the tubes, I say pay the money get the Letterbox original and avoid this "new" movie like the plague.

Aquaworld, Jurassic World, uugh!!!

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Post by ButchyBoy » Mon Oct 07, 2002 11:21 pm

I put NO stock in rumors, internet or otherwise.....the only source I've found to be 100% trustworthy as far as cast, crew, and plot is, and they list nothing about the Westworld remake yet, so I'm guessing it's deep deep in devolopment hell.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Mon Oct 07, 2002 11:31 pm

......and speaking of my favorite non-gynoid website, imdb sez The Stepford Wives is due out October 2003 (probably near Halloween) and is to be filmed in Farefield County, CT. No cast yet.

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Post by andoroido » Tue Oct 08, 2002 6:25 am

ButchyBoy wrote:I put NO stock in rumors, internet or otherwise.....the only source I've found to be 100% trustworthy as far as cast, crew, and plot is, and they list nothing about the Westworld remake yet, so I'm guessing it's deep deep in devolopment hell.
I'm hoping development = research.
Then I'm hoping research = internet research
Which I hope leads to people involved with the film seeking
input from us ASFRians. (anonymously or not) Or just ripping
off ideas from the ASFR/LTB archive.


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