Welcome Surprise - Part 5

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Welcome Surprise - Part 5

Post by 33cl33 » Thu Sep 23, 2004 12:37 pm

"Well, that's a good thing I suppose." was my reply.

"I can fix myself." Crystal repeated.

"I know, you just..."

She was paying me no attention, as one could assume, "fix myself. Myself. myself. self self elf elf lf lf lflfflffffffffffff..." she was straining out through her now clenched, paper-white teeth. I noticed her upper body was starting to bend backwards at the point where her stomach had melted through, still sparking. Her eyes were focused on nothing in particular as she fell backwards, right onto the squirming pile of naked fembots on the floor.

Karen, Michelle, Laetitia and Alissa were creating some sort of orgiastic chain of 69's in the middle of my living room, not really taking notice of Crystal, nearly broken in half from the sparking fire that has now taken up much of her midsection. I'm not sure what's worse, the grinding sound coming from her malfunctioning voice and straining servos or the smell of her skin sizzling. And I should probably be concerned by the wine pouring out of her and down onto…

Wait! I thought, just a tad too late…

The wine that had leaked out of Crystal's torn stomach had poured down onto the bare ebony ass of Laetitia, who was moaning and giggling between Karen's legs. Just as I jumped up to reach for Crystal's twitching torso, a giant spark arced out of her, clearly shocking all five of the synthetic women at once.

You could almost see the current race through their interconnected bodies, each of them now uttering choppy electronic gibberish and flailing their limbs with no clear intention. Michelle and Alissa each had their heads kicked askew on their shoulders, tearing wires and spraying fluids from within their necks. It was quite a display if I must say so myself.

I kept reaching toward them to try and shut them down, but each time I'd get close one of the bots would spark and I wasn't so sure about how much current I was willing to absorb… After all, it made quick work of the "girls."

Instead, I decided to just get the fire extinguisher and put out the few little fires that had erupted from their bodies, which were becoming less and less distinguishable from each other. Their synthetic skin was melting together to create something that looked right out of one of those Hieronymous Bosch gothic paintings.

As the flames died out, the few movements and sounds coming from the pile of busted fembots on my living room floor also came to a slow, grinding halt. At this point, I had no idea what to do with them. Or Jaime & Kristen for that matter, still leaning all awkwardly against the one wall. Though they were perfect replicas of stunning women, they just looked like mannequins leaning there.

I threw some towels over the pile and went to bed. Figure I'm not going to come to any great conclusions this tired. Might as well wait until morning.


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Post by 33cl33 » Thu Sep 23, 2004 12:37 pm

Well, I slept right through to one o'clock the next afternoon. I got up, all groggy from the previous couple of days' excitement. Staggered across the hall to my bathroom and took a nice long, warm shower to wake up. After I got dried off, I walked out to the living room in my robe, and was shocked at the site of the room.

Only for once, it wasn't because of how bad it looked. On the contrary, it looked nicer than before all of the activity. Everything was clean and straightened up. But the most notable thing was the fact that all of the fembots were gone. There wasn't even any stains from the wine or hydrolic fluid, or … anything for that matter, on the carpet. Jaime and Kristen were nowhere to be found. All that was left, was a little clear-plastic card on the center of the floor.

I bent over to pick it up, and realized it had a hologram in it. All it displayed was:

5579 Forest Lake Drive
8:00pm tonight

No note, no explanation or phone numbers or names. I guess Anthrotek was looking for me as much as I was hoping to find them. Guess I'd better not be late.


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Post by 33cl33 » Thu Sep 23, 2004 12:38 pm

I was driving along the lake for hours, it seemed like. There weren't many places along the road, so you'd think an electronics, or, whatever company would be easy to spot out here. But not so. I had to turn around about seven times because the only two structures I found were abandoned houses numbered 5200 and 6136. On the seventh drive between the houses, right about 8:45, I noticed a little hidden dirt driveway between some brush with a little raised metal plaque just off the road with 5579 engraved on it.

My car idled slowly up the driveway, which shortly ended at a rectangular cement patch, not much larger than my vehicle. There was no other structure around. Nothing. Just trees and bushes as far as the eye could see. Which wasn't all that far, given the sole source of light was my headlights. I shut off my engine and sat there in the dark for a moment, taking in the ridiculousness of the situation.

Whoever these Anthrotek people are, they're probably pissed off at me for breaking a whole gaggle of their androids, or even just for fucking them… and now they've duped me into driving out here in the boonies while they rob my place or rig it with explosives or something equally vengeful.

Just then, a pole with a small video screen rose up out of the ground next to my window, and the screen blinked on to reveal the face of a breathtakingly gorgeous dark-haired woman, smiling at me.

"Welcome." She said simply.

I stammered, "Uhh, hi, I'm not sure exactly why I'm here, but…" I began to explain myself, but she was either not paying attention to me, or the woman was just a recording.

"Please make sure your car is in park and the break is on. Enjoy your visit." She continued. And with that, the screen blinked off again, and retracted into the ground. I heard what sounded like large metal doors opening, and almost jumped out of my seat as my entire vehicle began sinking down into the ground.

I was glad to realize it wasn't some sort of quicksand. Rather, it was a large elevator-lift. After continuing down for what felt like a couple of floors, my car came to rest in a small dark room with a door just off to my left. I got out of my car, walked through the door and down a dimly-lit hallway and into a front office that had only a few modern-looking chairs and tables and a large black desk, behind which sat the supermodel I'd seen up on the screen outside.

"Hello. We've been expecting you." She said very professionally. Such a calming tone to her voice. I wish my dentist's office had a receptionist like her, I thought.

"Yeah, I know I'm a little late and all. But I had some trouble finding the place, and all I have is this card with the address - frankly I don't even know why I'm here or where here is…" I was beginning to ramble, and the woman behind the desk just sat there smiling at me, until she realized that I was finished.

"The owner of the company will be with you shortly. Just have a seat and make yourself comfortable." She said before turning to a PC on her desk and resuming typing. She wasn't looking at me anymore, but I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

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Post by 33cl33 » Thu Sep 23, 2004 12:39 pm

After a few very silent minutes in the office, I noticed she very deliberately placed a finger up to her temple, looking very alert, before she turned to me and began speaking.

"The owner is in a meeting right now, and he feels you might be more comfortable dealing with me, so I have been authorized to get you oriented. Please come with me." I was told by the gorgeous brunette.

"If you say so." I walked over to follow her through a brushed-metal door to the side of her desk. I introduced myself and held out my hand. She shook mine and looked into my eyes as she spoke.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Jaime." She purred in a sexy deep voice, then turned and continued down a long hallway with me in tow.

I admired the shimmery skin-tight dress she was wearing. And the view of her athletically-toned ass and legs, ending at her stiletto heels. Made me wonder if the robot Jaime was named after her, or if she was just another of Anthrotek's … products. I figured it couldn't hurt to ask at this point.

"Um, excuse me, Jaime. This might come off as rude, but I can't help but ask. Are you a robot?" I got out finally.

"That is correct. I am actually the latest version of the Jaime android line you have become acquainted with. The unit you met was a series one. I am a series five." She explained matter-of-factly.

"Wow. You don't look much alike." I said.

"The skin, face, hair and muscle tone of Anthrotek androids changes with each series. The name just differentiates models within a series. All of this will be explained in time. Right now, the owner of the company wishes for me to explain why we've brought you here." Jaime stated. I like a woman who gets down to business.

She continued, "As you may know, Anthrotek is in the business of creating realistic androids, though we are still a rather secretive project." As she was talking, we passed through a room full of fembots in various states of construction, repair and programming lying on tables, being serviced by other fembots in white leotards. It was safe to say they were bots because each had cables trailing down from the ceiling into their upper backs.

The new Jaime continued, "The five commercial units you saved from the crashed control van were on their way back to us for de-commissioning. They were obsolete and were to be recycled. The series one Jaime and Kristen units you had met were beyond repair as well, and we are disassembling them as we speak. They had been placed in various social and work situations in order to gather information about the viability of their artificial personality programming. My creators decided to overhaul the project after Lani the control unit was destroyed, rendering Jaime and Kristen useless."

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Post by 33cl33 » Thu Sep 23, 2004 12:39 pm

We came to a smaller room, much like a motel room, but without windows or a television, and the new Jaime closed the door and motioned for me to sit down. She kept on with her speech.

"After Anthrotek followed the GPS signals and recovered the damaged units from your apartment, we were able to download the remaining sectors of their memory and determine that you were a trustworthy individual, given your obvious concern for the welfare of the units and your propensity for engaging in intimate situations with them. We would like to extend an invitation for you to become an employee of Anthrotek."

"Well, that's awesome, I guess… But I really don't know much about electronics or anything…" I muttered.

Jaime explained, "What we need is a quality control technician. Somebody who would live with a different unit each week and involve it in various interpersonal situations. Then at the end of each week, you would complete a survey on that unit, and she would return to the company, and we will send a new unit to you for the next week. Seeing as you would have to devote a considerable amount of time to testing each unit, we are prepared to offer you a salary that will free you from having a separate job. Anthrotek is offering $250,000 a year, plus benefits including health insurance and lifetime in-home technical support for two brand-new series five female androids of your choice, yours to keep as long as you work for this company." And with that, she sat gracefully on the edge of the bed and looked at me expectantly.

"Well, I guess it's an offer I can't refuse… Where do I sign up?"

"All you have to do now is choose which units you would like to take home, and they will arrange the rest of the details for your testing to begin once fully set up and initialized at your residence." And with that, she drew a PDA-looking device from somewhere behind her and handed it to me. It had two arrows each on the left and right sides of the screen, and a scrolling display of literally dozens of stunning women in the middle.

Jaime stood up from the bed as I was using the arrows to scroll and rotate through the fembot photos, of which I noticed there was one of Jaime. Beside this one spectacular blonde called Kelly, I really thought Jaime was still one of the best-looking. Plus, I had grown a sort of attachment to the original Jaime, her being the first one I met and all.

She began to speak, "Once you decide which two you would like, just double-tap their photos, and they will arrive here in the room shortly, for you to inspect further before taking them home. If you need my assistance, just triple-tap the screen." She lifted her hand to open the door, and I interrupted her exit.

"Wait, Jaime!" I blurted out. She immediately froze, then smoothly rotated to face me and spoke, patiently,

"Yes, how can I help you?"

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Post by 33cl33 » Thu Sep 23, 2004 12:40 pm

"I noticed that you're one of the available models listed here. Uh, I mean, there's definitely a lot of intriguing ladies on here, but … man, I'm sorry. I just can't believe I'm having this conversation right now. What I'm trying to ask is, can I take you home?" I finally managed.

"Of course. Do you know which other model you would like to take home?" Jaime closed the door and came to stand in front of the bed where I was seated.

I looked down to the small screen and the selection I had stopped on. It was a perfectly toned-and-tanned blonde girl who looked to be around 28, a perfect size 6 and a gorgeous smile that could stop a truck. "I think this Kelly here might go well with someone like you," all sorts of devious thoughts racing through my head at this point. I double-tapped the blonde gynoid on the screen, which promptly blinked off with a small beep.

Jaime continued, "All right then. It will be just a few minutes before a Kelly unit becomes available. In the meantime I will tell you a little about our technical specifications and improvements over the models you have already interfaced with, and prepare myself for inspection." As she finished this statement, she stepped out of her strappy black high heels and reached up slowly and deliberately to release her hair from the pony tail holder it was in.

I was speechless for a moment. Watching her seductive movements was mesmerizing. But I just wanted to make sure I was clear on what exactly was going on. I asked sheepishly, "Uh, just so I know… What do you mean 'inspection?'"

The brunette android in front of me had reached behind her and drawn down the zipper on her skin-tight shimmery dress. She was now bending over and peeling her fishnet stalkings down her legs and off of her perfectly replicated feet. "Any client who purchases an Anthrotek android may first inspect the unit or units for physical and cosmetic flaws, obvious mechanical errors and perform a sexual test, before making their final decision. As our new quality control technician, you are entitled to at least the same experience." Jaime beamed as she slid the straps down over her shoulders and along with the dress, down the rest of her trim, olive-toned body. The whole time, making eye contact with me.

"Each of us series fives comes with many vast structural and mechanical improvements over the ones and twos you've met." She continued, slowly and seductively sliding the dress down past her hips, revealing white thong panties and an unclad pair of the most perfect round breasts I'd ever seen. She stepped out of the dress and moved closer to me… very close.

Jaime continued, "All previous series were prone to water damage, whereas I am completely water proof down to 1000 feet. The earlier use of servo motors has been replaced in me by electro active polymers. Feel how realistic my muscles are…" she brought her right knee up to rest her foot next to me on the bed, her panties mere inches from my face. "… they don't get damaged when moved involuntarily, like in sleep mode or when shut down, and they are much more energy efficient."

I reached up and gave her thigh a light squeeze. It flexed just like an organic woman's muscle, I just couldn't believe that this beautiful woman in front of me was a machine, if not for her being so uninhibited and my recent experiences. I continued stroking her leg lightly up and down, and I noticed she even had small goose bumps rising as I caressed her upper leg, circling closer and closer to her thong.

Jaime shivered a little, closing her eyes for a second, "…Ooh. Mmm, that feels good. Please don't stop… As you can see, my limb joints are seamless for improved realism and durability. … Oh yes, I like how you touch me." It was kind of amusing, and arousing, that she obviously had no control over the orientation-speech stuff, as her sexual programming was causing her body to act aroused. Even though she was beginning to breathe heavy and caress her own synthetic body, she continued to explain her technical specs.

"Jaime, I'd like to see the rest of you, if you don't mind…" I asked, preemptively slipping my fingers under the straps of her thong. I didn't really wait for a response, just tugged them down a bit clumsily. She had a completely hairless pussy, and I swear I could just make out the faintest scent of roses.

"Yes, please don't stop touching me, I love how your hands feel on my skin…" She cooed. Her head now pulled back to face the ceiling as she ran her own hands up and down her torso. I reached up and cupped her perfect breasts in my hands, softly fondling them and lightly pinching her nipples which immediately grew harder and harder. "Mmm, yes…. My power system has been upgraded so that I can now run for up to four consecutive days on a five hour charge, … please, don't stop… even at full system activity levels such as jogging or having sex."

I slowly ran the fingers of my right hand down the center of her chest, stomach, and abdomen and began playing with the lips of her now moist synthetic pussy. She began to twitch and squirm a little bit, the programmed arousal almost too much for her. I reached around behind her with my left hand and ran it down her back to rest on her firm athletic ass, and then just to see what she would do, I slid my fingers into both her pussy and anus, partially surprised to see that she had both.

Jaime yelled out, "OH! Yes! I'm so hot, please take me now! Fuck my brains out, please!" So I grabbed her waist with both hands and spun her around on the bed and laid her down on her back. I nearly ripped my own shirt off, and she made quick work of my belt and pants, sliding them off like a true professional. I climbed on top of her and began kissing and licking her nipples, occasionally biting them a bit. Jaime giggled and moaned like a high school girl. I moved up her neck, kissing softly, and up to her earlobe. She moaned again, and I moved to her lips, which were clearly waiting for mine.

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Post by 33cl33 » Thu Sep 23, 2004 12:41 pm

I sank my tongue deep into her mouth, and her robotic tongue matched the movements of mine perfectly. Her mouth was so real, it was amazing. Warm and moist, it tasted a bit like strawberries. At this point I was rock hard, and just about to mount her and finish the deal, when the door slid open, scaring the shit out of me.

But it was only Kelly, who looked even more stunning than the photo I picked her from. She was standing in the doorway wearing only a white thong and matching lace bra. She spoke in a sultry voice you'd expect a supermodel 'bot like her to have, "Hi, I'm Kelly. I'm not too late for the inspection, am I?" She asked playfully.

"No, not at all. Just in time in fact. You scared me flaccid coming through that door, actually." I said.

Kelly replied, "Well, I can fix that. Turn around, please." And with that, she literally ripped her underwear off, walked over to me, still sitting between Jaime's moist thighs, now facing away from the bed. Kelly bent down and placed her lips over my manhood and began tongue-massaging it back to it's previous rock hard state. I was almost getting dizzy it was such a good blow job.

Just before I was about to explode, I pushed Kelly's head away and interrupted, "Kelly, why don't you and Jaime switch? I'll finish you off, and you can close the deal for Jaime, so to speak?"

Both girls squealed in unison, "Oh yes! Fantastic idea, master!" and Kelly jumped on the bed and laid down on her back. Like clockwork, Jaime straddled Kelly's face so Kelly could begin licking her pussy. I quickly thrust my cock into Kelly's pussy, also with a rosy bouquet, and began thrusting away.

Jaime was heavily rubbing her own tits together, eyes closed and moaning. She was grinding her crotch against Kelly's mouth, who would occasionally gurgle out a moan in synch with my thrusts, her face drenched in Jaime's juices.

As all three of us built to a climax, I exploded into Kelly, and both girls seemed to orgasm at the exact same time. It was like fireworks on the fourth of July. Then we all collapsed into an embracing pile for a few minutes. Each of us breathing heavily and stroking each others arms.

After a brief rest, the girls sat up and Kelly spoke, "Why don't you get cleaned up and dressed, and we'll do the same. Then we can go back to your place and get to know each other a bit more…" hinting playfully that this was only a preview of their vast sexual programming.

"Deal. I think this is the beginning of what looks to be a very interesting relationship." I said. Jaime & Kelly both kissed me on the cheek and stood up and walked to an adjoining bathroom or something, shortly coming back out with their hair fully done up in pony tails and dressed in cute flowy pants and tank tops. We walked out of the room, down the hall, a fembot on each arm, to the area my car was parked. Jaime got in the passenger seat and Kelly in the back. We waited for the lift to take us up to ground level, and drove off into the night with my mind racing, thinking about all the adventures to come with my two new gynoids. Not to mention the parade I'm to expect through my place to "test."

What a couple of days it's been.

The end?

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Post by kb7rky » Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:28 pm

That definitely rates a "Dude!"


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Post by UserJesse » Thu Sep 23, 2004 7:16 pm

Dude indeed! Great story! *applauds*

Are they still hiring?? :D

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Post by tc » Thu Sep 23, 2004 7:56 pm

Great story. Sorry to see it end.

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Post by Gorgo » Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:32 pm

Perhaps an add-on could be done to demonstrate life for the characters after the job was accepted.
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Post by DollSpace » Thu Sep 23, 2004 11:42 pm

Another great installment! Hope to see more from you soon!


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Post by tectile » Fri Sep 24, 2004 5:19 am

The word "classic" is overused these days but in this case it definatly aplies. I would imagine ASFR fans old and new will be reading and enjoying your work for years to come.

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Post by 33cl33 » Fri Sep 24, 2004 9:52 am

(clears throat) ahem... thanks, all! I am considering this one done, for now. Gorgo's comment was actually kind of what I'm thinking of doing next, but who knows?

Thanks again!

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Post by 33cl33 » Fri Sep 24, 2004 10:07 am

[quote="UserJesse"]Dude indeed! Great story! *applauds*

Are they still hiring?? :D[/quote]


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