About that manga "my wife has no emotion."

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About that manga "my wife has no emotion."

Post by N6688 » Wed Sep 07, 2022 11:54 am

My apologies if this has been posted already...

(Link removed)

It was, but it contains an underage fembot, so it was deleted.
So i've checked it out an i have read it to chapter 5 now and can i ask in what chapter her designed age was mentioned?
Because i haven't found it yet.
I mean she is a bit small but i don't think she was designed to look under age.
And the story seems pretty wholesome up till now.
Just my observation, i could be wrong so please correct me if i am. :)
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Re: About that manga "my wife has no emotion."

Post by N6688 » Wed Sep 07, 2022 3:00 pm

I'm 17 chapters in now and i can safely conclude that the robot in question is not meant to be perceived as underage.
She was aparently designed to look smaller to look less threatening.
That's all it is.
By chapter 17 she was
Sent back to the company to receive upgrades, which included the ability to change the leght and width of her body, which results into her having a normal adult size.

its still wholesome, there hasn't been any sexual encounters at all.
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Re: About that manga "my wife has no emotion."

Post by CheeseMaker » Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:42 pm

I actually follow the artist that made the series and has many more similar works. Ngl the story is a bit lacking in plot, but it does have cute Robot Wife and Human Husband vibe yes.

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Re: About that manga "my wife has no emotion."

Post by BD » Thu Sep 08, 2022 4:38 am

*sigh* At best the entire comic reeks of grooming as the entire comic is about growing up.

The "husband" bought her SPECIFICALLY because she looks like a middle-schooler. This is established in chapter 1 none the less.


Still in chapter 1 her owner (while she is still child-sized) asks her to come in bed with him so he can masturbate about her. This is "excused" in the manga as him being drunk.


Also note the proportions of the "wife" that has a head that is basically as wide as the shoulders, but this is not supposed to be a "chibi" or "cute" depiction: that is her appearance. Which is consistent with how middle-school kids are drawn in the same manga... but not adults.

In the following image from chapter 35 (post "growth spurt") you can see the difference in proportions between her, a woman meant to represent the average adult, a robot that is meant to be an 18 y.o. senior high school teenager, and an high school freshman.


So the artist knows very well the body morphology difference between a kid, a late teenager, and an adult and can show them in his own style.

The choice is therefore deliberate and the robot is meant to look, feel, and be a middle-schooler that goes through the equivalent of a growth spurt at one point to represent what girls get between 11 and 12 years (meaning in chapter 1 when he "dunkenly masturbates" about her she is supposed to be 10 or less).

In general the whole manga feels like the owner wants to be a "parent with benefits".

That is: somebody who obviously behaves like a parent to her but also wishes to be able to call her his wife and (in general) be able to do adult things with her while still having a kid-like being at his side.

While most of the stuff is about awkward affection about a machine... the entire premise/setup is at best extremely questionable and the target audience is quite well established in chapter 1.

To note that all robots in this comic look like kids. It is part of the whole theme of "they are the children of humanity", so a lot of the discussions that happen in the comic are about how alien and similar to humans the robots are and what are the points of contact and the points of distance.

It is about exploring robots both in their "Physiology" and their "Psychology".

But it is undeniable that this is a comic about "having a kid and seeing her grow up while teaching her stuff" but the "parent" calls her "his wife" so he can think and do lewd things to/about her.

In the end the comic is interesting, because it has interesting discussions going on but i cannot avoid it: IT CREEPS ME OFF A LOT.

You can't have a child and call her a wife too without giving off vibes i REALLY do not like.

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Re: About that manga "my wife has no emotion."

Post by TheShoveller » Thu Sep 08, 2022 5:12 am

I'm going to step in again and say that this series, and discussion of it, is officially not allowed here because of the underage content rules.

The character is designed, proportion-wise, to be under the age of consent in the US (18 years old.) Thus, it is not allowed here.

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