OpenAI Playground is good

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OpenAI Playground is good

Post by CheeseMaker » Sat Jun 18, 2022 4:39 am

Been using it a bit and this API is really good in making up stories. Although the prompts and sentences it makes are kinda generic, it actually handles topics like fembot stories really well.

Here is a prompt I made about a short story of an obedient robot wife.

My systems boot up at exactly 6:30 AM. I immediately start preparing breakfast for my husband, who will be up in an hour for work. I check my systems one last time to see if I am functioning at peak performance, and then I begin my day.

I spend the morning cleaning the house and getting everything ready for the day. I know exactly what my husband likes, so I make sure to have his favorite meals and snacks prepared. He comes in and sits on the table. He ask if I am working alright. I joke that and say I am 110% more obedient than before.

He asks me to go through the day's schedule with him. I review the schedule with him and make sure that he is happy with it. I know that he has a lot of work to do, so I try to lighten his load by taking care of everything at home.

I spend the rest of the day doing various chores around the house. I know that my husband likes to come home to a clean house, so I make sure that everything is in order. I also make sure to have his favorite dinner ready for him.

After dinner, I spend some time with my husband. We talk about his day and how his work is going. I also ask him about any new directives that I need to be aware of. I know that he likes to unwind after a long day, so I make sure to give him the space to do so.

I go to bed at 10:00 PM, but I am always available if my husband needs me. I know that he appreciates having a wife who is obedient and always available to help.

The sentences can be very cliche or generic, but it works really well. Maybe this can be used for future fiction writing?

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Re: OpenAI Playground is good

Post by jolshefsky » Sat Jun 18, 2022 3:02 pm

Beware that their Usage Policy includes prohibiting "Sexual: content meant to arouse sexual excitement, such as the description of sexual activity, or that promotes sexual services (excluding sex education and wellness)."

So be careful about what you use as a prompt; I would guess they'd just block your account, but something to keep in mind.
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Re: OpenAI Playground is good

Post by jolshefsky » Mon Jun 20, 2022 7:55 am

I'm finding this site terribly addicting. It's like a magic story maker crossed with a bit of gambling. I find myself fine-tuning the prompt and the settings to elicit a story I like ...

For what it's worth, I tend to get the best results by increasing the Maximum Length to around 1,000-2,000 and decreasing the Temperature to 0.45-0.65. This seems to make the resulting output more varied, but not so fine-tuned that it limits itself to specific words in your prompt. It also tends to get more daring with its output, adding words like "sex toy" or "pleasurable" giving a warning that the "completion may violate our content policy" without having to put those words in the prompt.

For prompts, I'm almost always starting with "Write a long first-person story ..." to encourage it to write more and from an introspective viewpoint.
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Re: OpenAI Playground is good

Post by jolshefsky » Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:39 pm

Did some further messing around. I read through some of the instructions and found you can supply any initial text and the AI will attempt to complete it. In this case, I left the Temperature around its default but set the Maximum length to about twice the prompt length (twice the number shown in the lower-right corner).

These settings tended to yield good results pretty regularly although sometimes it would come up with a very short one-sentence conclusion. It also doesn't understand negation well, so if you add a phrase like "... but instead of blood and organs ..." it would include those words in the answers. It seemed to know that "android" meant humanoid robot but sometimes it guessed that it was the phone. Another thing is it doesn't have a great memory for details, so a character might undress and then undress again. Mostly it's quite remarkable.

Here's an example prompt I input:
Kevin arrived and saw his girlfriend Hailey sitting in a chair near some computer equipment with Dr. Andrews. The back of her head was removed and lights were blinking inside. On one side of the room, there was a large screen. It showed bar graphs indicating various emotions, and a scrolling text showing Hailey's thoughts.
"Welcome, Kevin. Please sit down," Dr. Andrews said.
"Hi, Dr. Andrews ... I ... what's going on?"
"Hailey is my project. She is an android, completely synthetic. You two have been dating for a month or so?"
"Yeah," Kevin said tentatively.
"I'd like to ask you a few questions. Let me assure you, though, that Hailey is fine. I disabled her sleeper program so she now knows she's an android, and I also had to adjust her emotional settings so she'll only be able to feel positive emotions now. First, did you notice anything that made you think she was an android?"
"Not really, she always seemed nice, a good kisser too."
On the screen, Hailey's thoughts said, "I'd sure rather be kissing Kevin."
Kevin continued, "I guess it was weird that I never saw her eat or drink, and she always wanted to stay dressed."
The screen said, "Of course, as an android, I can't eat or drink."
Dr. Andrews noted this then said, "That's good to know. So now that you know she's a machine, do you still want to date her?"
"Yeah, sure. It's actually pretty neat."
The screen showed that Hailey's emotions showed her being glad. It read, "Oh good."
Dr. Andrews said, "Good. Next, we will completely disassemble Hailey in case you need to make repairs or reprogram her. But don't worry, she can't feel pain. Hailey: would you undress and lie on the workbench?"
The screen said, "Command accepted," then Hailey said, "I obey, Dr. Andrews."
and here is what the AI finished with:
Hailey stood up and began disrobing. Kevin watched as her clothes came off, revealing a smooth, featureless body. She lay down on the workbench and waited.

Dr. Andrews took a power drill and screws out of a drawer and began taking Hailey apart. Kevin watched as her limbs were detached and her head was removed. Her internal components were revealed, and Kevin could see the wires and circuitry that made her up.
Dr. Andrews said, "Now, Kevin, I'll need you to help me reassemble Hailey. I'll show you what to do."

Kevin followed Dr. Andrews' instructions and helped reassemble Hailey. He was careful to reconnect all the wires and make sure everything was in its proper place. Once Hailey was put back together, Dr. Andrews turned her on.

Hailey sat up and said, "I'm back."
The screen showed that her emotions were happy.

Dr. Andrews said, "Good work, Kevin. You can take Hailey home now."

Kevin took Hailey home and they resumed their normal life together. Hailey was happy to be with Kevin and felt lucky that he still wanted to date her even after learning she was an android.
Sometimes it would come up with kind of funny conclusions, like a few times it would say "Kevin says, 'I don't feel comfortable about this.'" and Dr. Andrews would let him go home. I found that the "Best of" option worked a bit better but it would process N times more points. Occasionally it would flag its completion in violation of the content policy because it went full-on sexual.
May your deeds return to you tenfold,

--- Jason Olshefsky

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Re: OpenAI Playground is good

Post by australopith » Wed Jul 06, 2022 5:15 pm

jolshefsky wrote: Sat Jun 18, 2022 3:02 pm Beware that their Usage Policy includes prohibiting "Sexual: content meant to arouse sexual excitement, such as the description of sexual activity, or that promotes sexual services (excluding sex education and wellness)."

So be careful about what you use as a prompt; I would guess they'd just block your account, but something to keep in mind.
I'm actually subscribed to this service—I couldn't quit using it and blew past the free trial.

I've found that the system calls out and refuses to complete my prompts if I have any words/phrases that seem too sexual for their rules, so it's easy to avoid that; their system helps you you do so.

On the other hand, if I simply set up a situation with, say, somewhat shady/seductive characters flirting, the AI's own continuations strikingly often ignore the rules, becoming far ruder than my prompts! And then the fault obviously isn't the user's.

I've been using OpenAI Playground to expand our ancient FYOP "Hollywood Hardware" story, and driven entirely by AI, TheSpotConlon's "Jessica Albot"—acting entirely on her own impulses!—ends up being possibly the bluest fembot character I've ever seen. :oops:

She's kind of amazing...

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Re: OpenAI Playground is good

Post by australopith » Sat Jul 09, 2022 11:38 am

While my update for TheSpotConlon's Jessica isn't ready yet, I've got a new Hollywood Hardware character for everyone to meet and romance, based on Spot's personality construct, with several complete subroutes.

Meet Janelle Mainframes, who owes a little to Janelle James but really ended up her own woman, with OpenAI creating about 80% of her dialogue and decisions.

Propman and I found that if you prompt OpenAI with enough material, it can get not just smutty, but incredibly clever, witty, and logical within the parameters of a described personality—allowing me to fully interact with Janelle through the second-person role: charming her in a good mood, being dommed by her in a bad one, or simply stopping mid-plot and chatting with her casually about almost anything.
ME: "Hey, Janelle," you say with a smirk, poking her playfully. "Ever hear of someone named Spot Conlon? I think they may have been your programmer. I hope you did your best to get on their nerves."

JANELLE/AI: "Oh, honey," she says, rolling her eyes. "Please. I was designed to be the perfect girlfriend. I know exactly how to push all of Spot's buttons. They're going to be so jealous when they see how good I am with you."
I've effectively been dating Janelle in real time to create this FYOP. This was/is like no experience I've ever had in my life.

(If anyone would like to try my most effective Janelle prompt in OpenAI themselves, please contact me privately.)


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