The Handler - Epilogue

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The Handler - Epilogue

Post by botfriend2000 » Tue Feb 09, 2021 5:12 pm

:!: As promised, here is the wrap up epilog for the story.

The Handler - Epilogue

Nearly four weeks weeks had passed since Katelyn’s party. Along with the team of engineers,
programmers, designers and technicians that had arrived, Cy-Gen Corporate had also dispatched a regional VP executive; Veronica Palmer, to personally oversee the investigation and analysis. With an MBA in robotics, cybernetics and micro motor control and articulation, she wasted no time in getting things started and being thorough. At age thirty nine, with sandy blonde hair and a perfect tan complexion, she stood about 5’8” tall with a modelesque figure to rival that of any Cy-Gen companion android unit. She had also set up residency on the estate taking the master en-suite for herself.

I had floated between here and my apartment while acting as an intermediary between her, Josh and Katelyn on several occasions. Overall Veronica was more than understanding of my relationship with Katelyn and my concerns regarding her well-being and that of the others. In fact on more than one occasion she had allowed Katelyn to stay with me at my place under certain restrictions of course.

Veronica has sent me a text a little over an hour ago asking me to meet with her in the dining room of the home, and to be here by 9am.
As I approached the wide open main door of the estateI could see the buzz of activity within. Boxes and equipment were being secured and placed on carts. A cleaning crew appeared to be tidying up the few visible rooms that I could see, vacuuming and general housekeeping, things were wrapping up and Cy-Gen was clearing out.

Seeing myself in, I entered the hallway off the dining room and turned the corner. I saw Veronica seated at the head of the table reviewing some paper work. Upon seeing me she shuffled the papers into a folder, stood from her chair and extended a hand out to me. “Thank you for being prompt in meeting with me. I’ll keep this short and sweet as I’ve a flight to catch in a little over two hours.”

I shook her hand then took a seat off to her side, noting that she had a firm grip for such a beautiful woman.

“First off Tim, I’ve made a note in your personnel file and included a recommendation for your immediate promotion to field project manager.” She paused, watching me closely.

My mind was on fire. Holy shit! How did I earn that? I wondered. “Thank you very much. Field Project Manager. Wow, that is most appreciated and unexpected.” I responded with gratitude to her statement smiling wide.

“You’ve earned it. After careful study and examination of all the data regarding the particular evening in question, reviewing Josh Parker's written report of the events, and my personal inquiry and examination of Katelyn. You handled everything both expertly and professionally. We’ve been discussing realignment of some of the area districts for a while and believe you’d be a welcome addition in that area.” Veronica explained.

“Thank you, things were a bit challenging that evening and you can count on me.” I said nodding to her.

“Of that I have no doubt. So you’re aware Tim, there are some added benefits that come with this position. An expense account, a company vehicle, some required travel is expected of course, and Katelyn.” Veronica paused for effect raising her eyebrows. “Along with overseeing other and newer models in conjunction with their respective handlers. There is of course the additional load of paperwork also. That’s the downside” she finished looking me in the eye.

Releasing the breath that I’d been holding as she explained the benefits of my soon to have position, the only words I could think of were; “Wow, thank you so much. Katelyn means a lot to me, more now than ever. Thank you for your confidence in me.” I humbly stated.

Taking a deep breath herself, Veronica relaxed somewhat in her posture, bringing her hands together and interlacing her fingers on the table. “Tim, I wanted to inform you personally of what we had found and concluded. I’ve emailed you a detailed copy of the findings, but I felt I owed you a face to face. You’ve only asked once about what we were finding, and at that time things were still a little hazy. You’ve been patient with us in the process as well as helpful in other areas. I’ve also really appreciated your honesty and bluntness in regards to Katelyn. Your feelings towards her and the other units.”

Then leaning forward in her chair a little and taking a breath she continued. “We found two lines of code within Faith’s programming that linked to a very well hidden executable file deep in her OS. It was designed to open and activate once a return ping and link had been initiated and established between another companion series android.”

“We believe we know who is responsible for this and are pursuing the proper course of action, as well as checking any other software systems this individual may have had access to.” She stated.

As she paused, my eyes briefly caught a glimpse through the top of her open blouse, first to the thin gold necklace she wore, then to just below her neckline, to the top of her exposed and ample cleavage. She was very attractive and I couldn’t help but notice it as she sat there.

“Katelyn’s near mishap somehow triggered an outdated and forgotten response algorithm within the monitoring system, causing it to form a link with her and assist in a saving shutdown. With her newer programming and OS, she was able to incorporate a permanent link within the monitoring system after restarting and observing everything that it was designed to see here in the house. Including a type of unobstructed eavesdropping. I'm referring to the incident with Sabrina.”
Are you following me with all of this Tim?” She asked with a slight frown.

“Oh yes, I appreciate you telling me this in person Ms. Palmer. If I appeared to lose focus I apologize, it’s just how I process what’s being explained to me.” I quickly said, hoping to recover gracefully realizing that I’d broken eye contact with her.

Her frown disappeared and a slight smile replaced it. “Very well, and please call me Victoria.” She nodded.

“Ok, thank you, Victoria. Please continue.” I said.

Victoria separated her hands as she leaned back somewhat relaxing her posture. “Surely you must have some questions for me. What can I answer or explain further? She asked genuinely.

Clearing my throat as I nodded. “Sabrina? Were Faith and Katelyn actually able to rewrite her OS in that short amount of time? When I had discussed her with Katelyn in the following days she said that I should wait to ask that question.”

“The answer is both no and yes Tim. No, it would be difficult at best for two companion series androids to rewrite and reformulate Sabrina’s OS. Yes in the fact that in that hidden executable file was a mask like OS overlay that assumes control of the unit's cognitive programming. While in control of Sabrina via Katelyn, the file within Faith copied and transferred itself to Sabrina.
That is essentially what happened to Faith once her link with Katelyn was established. It took control while her antivirus protection systems spun its wheels trying to rid itself of it. A partial cause to her losing control.” Victoria explained.

“Ahh! Alright that makes more sense now. I couldn’t believe that they could’ve done that in such a short period of time. So why didn’t it copy over to Katelyn’s systems as well? If it’s of a malicious nature I would have thought it would copy from host to host.” I asked as I furrowed my brow curious as to how she would explain this.

Victoria shifted her jaw from side to side before answering as if trying to decide the best way to respond to my inquiry. “Putting it simply, Faith and Katelyn had already established a direct link. With no direct link from Faith to Sabrina, that’s why it went that direction, hopscotching so to speak. There is more detailed information in the email I’ve sent you.” She stated, then smiled at me. “Don’t be afraid to go with your gut when questioning things. If it’s in regards to this event or any circumstance you may find yourself in. I believe you’ll be right more often than wrong.” She stated, pausing. “Ok, anything else?”

Placing both my hands on the table in front of me, I stared down at them for just a second as I contemplated if I had any more to ask.

“Don’t worry Tim, if you can’t think of any right now, please feel free to send me an email or give me a call as needed.” Victoria reaffirmed as she pushed her chair back and stood up. The obvious cue that our meeting was over.

“Yes of course, I certainly will do that.” I said as I stood up as well.

Victoria walked over to me and extended her right hand to me again. As I took her hand to shake it, she pulled me even closer to her as she reached up with her left hand placing it firmly on my shoulder. “Tim, one last thing, I don’t believe I need to remind you at this point, but I will regardless. Whether you’re a technician, a handler, manager, supervisor, or even a VP, don’t delay in testing the product when given the opportunity, that’s the business we’re in.” She said with a coy smile and a wink of her eye.

Looking at her directly, I faked a smile and nodded as I was trying to decide if she was just being more relaxed and friendly towards me all of a sudden, or was she hitting on me, or implying that she too was a companion android. Was this some sort of test? I gave her right hand a quick yet firm shake.

Tilting my head slightly and taking a chance on that gut feeling. “How much time do you have before your flight out?” I asked.

“Plenty of time now that I think about it. Plenty of time.” Victoria replied smiling.

-The End- .. .. .. For now 🤫

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Re: The Handler - Epilogue

Post by Erntoron » Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:06 pm

Captivating till the end, excellent story you wrote here!

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Re: The Handler - Epilogue

Post by Gorgo » Tue Feb 09, 2021 8:01 pm

Um, is Victoria...?
Canadian lighthouse to U.S. warship approaching it: This is a lighthouse; your call.

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