Covid-19 Discussion

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Covid-19 Discussion

Post by Spaz » Fri Apr 10, 2020 10:08 pm

Folks, during these troubling times, the importance of a community as tiny as ours has never been more clear. As such, we, the Fembot Central Staff, would like to know: How are you all doing?

I'll start with myself to kick things off:

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, in California, USA. If you've been following the news, you'll know we started the first stay at home order in the U.S., and we've been sheltering in place for almost a whole month now, with roughly another month left to go. Fortunately for me, I work corporate security for a large tech company in Silicon Valley, so they can make money even if their workers are working from home, but they still need security to watch over the building, so I still have a stable job; saving the building from water leaks, for the most part...

So far, I've been healthy, especially since 99% of the people who would normally occupy the building are working from home, but there is now way of knowing if I already contracted the virus and simply had no symptoms, or if I have been lucky thus far and avoided it entirely.

Overall, though, I've had a fairly positive outlook, since my entire family, with the exception of my youngest brother, have moved out of our home and we are effectively isolated from one another. Although my parents fell ill after returning home from Disneyland, they have since recovered, but still don't know if they had Covid-19. Furthermore, the health advisors in my area have announced that we are bending the curve, so much so that our governor even sent away vital medical supplies to other states that have not yet reached the point we have.

Well, that's how I'm doing, now how are you? Are you all well in both body, and mind?

Please let us know.
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Re: Covid-19 Discussion

Post by Aaack » Sat Apr 11, 2020 4:16 am

Heh... the beer virus...

I live in the capital of X, a huge city. However when the pandemic exploded I was in my summer house, at a small coast town on a neighbor country.

I decided to stay in this town, and now X completely lockdown itself, including closing the borders. I don't care: I work from wherever as long as I have an internet connection and a computer.

Here in country Y there's less than 500 infected and I think 5 deaths. People is cautious, there's next to no social gathering and this place is especially empty since it's a tourist hotspot and tourism is literally dead right now, but there's no one I know that's sick with beer.

The virus pushed me to think what I want to do next, I've been saying for years I want to live here and leave that huge, grey and overpopulated capital city of X, I believe it's time for me to actually do it.

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Re: Covid-19 Discussion

Post by Emma. » Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:40 am

hello from the uk.

I live in the northern part of the uk , north Yorkshire.
were all in lock down with most of use that can work from home are, I work for an insurance company and for the past week or two I,ve been able to work from home.

for all you guys over the pond.

stay safe , take care. best wishes from the uk.


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Re: Covid-19 Discussion

Post by mstrdrew » Sat Apr 11, 2020 2:27 pm

Guess my turn well seems I live in corona central(New York) the now most fucked place to live on the planet :thumbsup: thankfully i do live on island so for most part able to stay safe except the 1 day a week i have to go to mainland for food.. we only had 6 cases here, 3 still active 2 deaths and 1 recovery.. As for work my income is 0 till probably 2021 sadly I get 0 for unemployment due to working off the books and 0 for this so called stimulous check sooooo yeah im fucked :cry: Anyways hope all others are staying safe

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Re: Covid-19 Discussion

Post by AshenAlloy » Fri Apr 17, 2020 8:11 am

Well, I live in the country that has the worst anticipation measures to contain the pandemic, but I actualy live in a small town, not many passages, but I got some pollen allergies, and the trees are blooming everywhere so, meh, routine.


Re: Covid-19 Discussion

Post by --NightBattery-- » Fri Apr 17, 2020 10:54 pm

Everything is as usual here.

I am living in Baja. Only six deaths so far despite being a huge touristic place.
The W.H.O had extreme doubts about this zone of the world, we expected a hecatomb. So I guess we over-prepared.
Countrywide there are close to 550 deaths and politicians are trying to blow this out of proportion.

Lots of sacrifices are being made despite the low infectivity.
my little brother is not even going to graduate despite he is about to get his masters.
I just finished school and now I cannot go job hunting. But I am fine. Got enough savings to be comfortable for a couple of years in the worst of cases.
As an introvert who would be Homestuck anyway, I am having a lot of fun having everyone at home.

I am so sorry this had to happen.
But it was gonna happen eventually.
This is a huge opportunity to set humanity priorities straight.

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Re: Covid-19 Discussion

Post by robolover69000 » Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:10 am

Hi all
Hope everyone is doing okay & staying safe.
I'm in St. Louis, Missouri, I had been working from home long before this whole thing started, so that much hasn't change, but I can't go to the library, there were several group events I wanted to attend that have been either canceled or postponed. Because I work from home, before this mess, I would find any excuse to get out of the apartment and run to the store for something, just to get out, lately I only go to the store only if absolutely necessary. I didn't have much human contact before, but now it seems even worse! But I'm trying to stay calm, and stay safe & healthy.
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Re: Covid-19 Discussion

Post by Gorgo » Wed May 06, 2020 9:16 am

I live in a small city on the Niagara Peninsula in Ontario close to the border with New York. My current residence is a supportive living establishment and has been on total lockdown since the start of April; the Niagara regional government declared a state of emergency around then, which made us stay inside.

Most of the people living here have stayed put, but we got a couple of people who don't mind straying from the limits, which make the matrons pull their hair out all the time.

As to when we can head out, that depends on the government in Toronto.

Personally, I'm alright.
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Re: Covid-19 Discussion

Post by Miss Pris » Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:47 pm

Hey there - how's everyone doing right now? I just wanted to check in with y'all, because I haven't been on a lot the last few months (not even to lurk that much.) The pandemic has decimated my livelihood, so I've been hustling to stay afloat (working wherever I can, applying at schools all over, etc. but enrollments are down everywhere.) I have friends and students with Covid, and I know a few people who have died from it at this point. I'm having to take in one of my friends who was about to be homeless, too. It's a difficult time, but I'm surviving. How are all of you? If anyone needs to talk or vent about all this, let me know (chat here or PM me.) Things are crazy right now, so just remember that you have people here who you can talk to if you need it.

Love and virtual hugs,
- Pris

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Re: Covid-19 Discussion

Post by Alex Bluefall » Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:42 pm

Doc Bluefall reporting in,

Honestly, everything feels so insane, and I just feel... hopeless, in a sense. I won't talk politics, because that'll only further my disillusionment with everything going on, but needless to say it's been draining seeing everything going on. Were it not for my girlfriend, I'd be infinitely more depressed than I currently am, and I don't know if I would have made it this far without an attempt at my own life.

Oh, and online classes start tomorrow for me. And one of the sites I need to use to meet my teachers is busted :3

I hate pandemics.

Warm regards,
Dr. A. Bluefall

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Re: Covid-19 Discussion

Post by toysher » Wed Aug 26, 2020 3:27 am

Hello? I live in korea
As anyone who reads the news often knows, you've probably heard the news that the COVID-19 prevention is working best

However, in such a catastrophic situation, I think it is pointless to judge who is safer, so it would be stupid to boast that Korea is the best country for COVID-19 prevention in a place where people of the same taste gather.

I just wish everyone's safety and health and hope this nightmare disaster will pass as soon as possible. I hope everyone be careful.

PS: I can't speak English well because it may be a little awkward because it is written with Google Translator.

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Re: Covid-19 Discussion

Post by 33cl33 » Fri Aug 28, 2020 3:00 pm

I switched to working-from-home on Friday, the 13th of March. My wife was laid off a week later. I was laid off two weeks later.

My industry (performing arts) is pretty much decimated, and the few employed folks who are still being positive / hopeful in public are pretty much just doing a typical PR dance, or are in a very rarefied position to still be operating sans revenue this long. Some countries have managed to protect much of their arts sector and live performance venues and theaters... but the situation here in the US is another story. Surveys are showing that nobody really seems to care if 50-90% of our art / music / film venues have to close their doors permanently. Cool.

It's been... a challenge, to say the least. Four months of straight rejections without interviews from hundreds of employers. My wife's back to work part-time, but once our unemployment's exhausted, her current paycheck won't even cover our rent.

So I'm putting more energy into freelancing. We'll see how that goes.

I'm also gardening a lot. That keeps me somewhat sane.
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Re: Covid-19 Discussion

Post by xskww » Thu Feb 18, 2021 9:53 am

I'm glad to see you are so optimistic.
I'm in the north central part of China. My family is the most common urban petty bourgeois family in China, commonly known as the middle class.
My school is closed and we have classes on the Internet. Although my family's economy is facing a crisis, but fortunately insisted on down, and not too much loss.
I will cross the great wall and bring you the message of China.
1. About medical treatment and epidemic situation
Thanks to the centralization of the Chinese government, China mobilized more than 90% of the country's medical resources with the authority of the state. At the call of the government and non-governmental organizations, the remaining 8% - 5% of the private medical resources have also been mobilized.
For political purposes (the realization of the five-year plan), the government is even willing to pay for millions of accounting reagents (although this will be conditional on negative feedback from tax and economy).
Since the summer of 2020, the epidemic situation in China has been suppressed to within double digits. But in 2021, due to the quick success of educational institutions and the government's need for economic revival, the epidemic broke out again in Northeast China and North Central China.
But so far, everything is in good shape and the short-term economy is recovering.
2. About economy
Since 1978, for the sake of the development of productive forces, China has implemented part of private ownership again. So far, China's economy is about the same as Lenin's new economic policy of the Soviet Union and Roosevelt's new deal of the United States.
The epidemic has dealt a heavy blow to China's economy. As China's economy is concentrated in manufacturing and foreign trade, the blockade has forced factories to shut down, which makes the workers, who account for one third of the population, directly lose most of their sources of income.
In fact, because any private ownership society will inevitably lead to the gap between the rich and the poor and social tearing, China is also facing the problem of polarization. On the one hand, China's luxury consumer market soared, on the other hand, China's daily necessities market shrank greatly.
3. Politics and economy
Economy is the material basis of society, while politics is based on economy and society and feeds back economy and society.
From 1949 to 1956, China implemented state capitalism and nationalized social resources. After that, the Soviet style planned economy was implemented (but it did not exploit the agricultural population as much as the Soviet Union).
In 1978, the Chinese government "overcorrected" and carried out excessive capitalism. Although this is to develop the productive forces, it has caused nearly 20 years of social chaos.
Today, the Chinese people are more and more pursuing fairness, rather than blindly growing. We know that the commodities in the world are actually far beyond what we need in life. Today, with the development of society, Chinese people began to cherish the memory of Mao Zedong's time (a saint like Jesus, who insisted on ordinary life and hoped that others would live a better life) and began to learn Marxism.
If I say that there are nearly two generations of Chinese who do not believe in communism, will you believe it? ( • ̀ω•́ )✧)
On the Internet of China, people begin to study Marxism again, discuss and debate again. To some extent, China has come to the dividing line between capitalism and socialism, and its people are tired of riding on the wall.
4. Summary
According to Chinese traditional culture, every 60 years of the year of gengzi means that there must be disasters in that year.
In 1840, the war between Britain and the Qing Dynasty. In 1900, the war between the Eight Allied forces and the Qing Dynasty. In 1960, severe natural disasters. In 2020, the epidemic situation of cvd19 will be serious.
According to Marx's materialism and historical materialism, the changes of human society are material, regular and not controlled by individual will.
China's performance in 2020-2021 is almost predictable, and every indicator is almost between capitalist countries like the United States and pure communist countries like Cuba.
At present, China is facing increasingly intensified social contradictions and serious historical crisis. I believe that this 5000 year old country will not collapse. Every nation and everyone in the world is great.
It's time to abandon prejudice and discrimination. Human beings are born equal and free. Let's unite and fight for the future of mankind!
PS:Governments always want us to hate each other to control us, but I love you my friends!

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Re: Covid-19 Discussion

Post by N6688 » Thu Feb 18, 2021 2:31 pm

"Robot wives have needs, too"
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Re: Covid-19 Discussion

Post by xskww » Fri Feb 19, 2021 6:11 am

N6688 wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 2:31 pm Image
Oh, yes. Chinese Internet really likes to talk about politics. But I shouldn't say so much here. Please forgive me for my mistake.


Re: Covid-19 Discussion

Post by --NightBattery-- » Sun Feb 21, 2021 3:51 pm

xskww wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 9:53 am TL dc
Those are very positive feelings. I can understand the necessity of explaining to others my background so they can see I am more than the sum of my circumstances and not different from them despite being stuck in the age of nations. Even if it Is sometimes an impossible task I think almost everyone can understand the experience.

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Re: Covid-19 Discussion

Post by GirlieGirl1985 » Sat Feb 27, 2021 6:19 pm

Mostly been talking about this on the discord server really but here we go:

From the UK and we have had not a good run with Covid19. I think we are the 2nd worst in terms of percentages in the world?

So in December 2019 around Xmas, I had the worst chest infection, like awful, then a few months later the world started going crazy about COVID19, so naturally thought I had it, granted had it for about a month before the UK "officially" had it but very similar symptoms. Kinda relaxed about it to be honest. I wasn't taking the piss with going out.

May 2020 comes around, Everyone is getting really scared of it now, UK lockdown tight. Maintain in that first lockdown people were mostly sensible (just remembered that odd weekend when the sun came out and everyone flocked to the beach for "exercise") , it seemed to be certain social groups along with front line workers that were getting it. I get it, officially, staying around my dads (better for work) and he was negative, So I'm pretty much sealed in my room at the time, he's popped out, he's come home complaining that the shop he wanted to go in wasn't open.

He sits down, about 30 mins later, I hear him call out for me, said he doesn't feel so good. Call 111, very unsure of what was going on before noticing the droop on one side. He's had a stroke. He's gone to hospital. Couple of hours later get a call, confirmed for Covid19. Not shocked tbh. A day or two later had a talk from a doctor basically saying that because he's had a stroke, classed as brain damage, they wouldn't be resuscitating him if he goes into cardiac arrest. I didn't sleep so well that night. Or any night for about a week. The most he was on was paracetamol and antibiotics and oxygen. Probably stroke related drugs as well. I phoned them once a day. I tried to avoid "busy" times, being in care myself I was understanding. He slowly improved his COVID symptoms. He had it for 4 months I think in the end. They took scans of his lungs pre and post covid and they look like swiss cheese before and look healed after. Apparently a doctor said that maybe he had "trained" his lungs to heal after quitting smoking. I dunno.

Over the next 4 months he was in a stroke rehab unit. September he came home, Tried to get the flat ready for him. He suffered left sided weakness, he's still not able to walk or use his left arm really. We're looking for a place that would better suit his needs. Go go social housing!

Oh thats right, I had it too. It never hit me hard. I remember having a wheeze when taking the rubbish out at the top of the stairs where I live. Remember forcing myself to eat and drink. I remember a pretty bad migraine for a few nights. It didn't hit me hard. I'm thankful for at least that. And I am thankful that at least I was home, when dad had his stroke, because at least the response time was at the shortest it could've been. There have been thoughts that covid is causing strokes, like some of the therapists think that. Or maybe dad was always gonna get that stroke at that moment, and it a weird way it was good I was stuck home with COVID. God knows.

As for the UK. Lmao. I just want this all to end at this point. Looking like we are getting 1st shot of vaccines out quickly, so that's a positive.

How to end this post? Wear a mask, keep your distance. Keep Safe. I hope this is a thing we'll find out how to kill off.

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Re: Covid-19 Discussion

Post by Deep Blue » Wed Sep 01, 2021 10:37 am

Just do your part well, world is the world.

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