Exo Saves the Day, Chapter 13

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Exo Saves the Day, Chapter 13

Post by gynoneko » Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:05 am

It's back!! I know it's been a few months, but I've been really busy. I will probably continue to be busy, so i don't know how fast I will be able to write this, but I have been dying to continue the story. After this chapter is the part where it actually starts to get interesting.


Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4.
Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 7. Chapter 8.
Chapter 9. Chapter 10. Chapter 11. Chapter 12.
Exo Saves the Day
Chapter Thirteen: A Third Wheel
By Gynoneko

I awoke to the pleasant sensation of a kiss. It was in the mid-morning when we finally woke up, and despite the late hour we finally collapsed into sleep, I was feeling surprisingly good. Apparently, Tera was too, as evident by her kisses along my cheek and neck. She held onto me, snuggling in bed beside me, sharing each other’s warmth. Alarms be damned, kissing is THE way to get up in the morning. It didn’t hurt that I had morning wood, and one of her hands slid over my side to fondle it. It felt good, but something was bugging me in the back of my mind. No, this wasn’t a dream, she was really there, really kissing me and touching me. No, it was something else.

I rolled over on my back, and she snuggled even closer, lifting one leg onto me, and moving her hands to my chest, as she pressed herself into me. It looked as though she were ready for another round, and it was really hard to say no.

Still plugged into the wall, she slid on top of me, and rubbed her crotch against mine. She was really begging for it now. Her sweet smile turned into a barrage of heavy wet kisses, as she grinded her body against me. I hadn’t even rubbed the sleep from my eyes yet, and she was already straddling me. I cleared my eyes with one hand, while I held her with the other. She was warm, soft, and felt amazing. I tried to turn my head to see my clock, but she turned it back toward her smile, and engaged in even more kissing and caressing. She was not going to take no for an answer.

Reluctantly, and yet eagerly, I aligned my hard member to her soft folds, and pressed myself inside her warm wetness. Instantly, she started gasping and moaning. Our bodies moved in harmony, her hips pressing together in time with mine, as we made love yet again. She pushed her body up, pressing her hands into my chest, as she undulated her hips. I could see a perfect view of her bouncing breasts as she pounded against me, making slapping noises with our hips as we pumped into each other. Her face was locked in an expression that looked like half pain and half ecstasy. Her still digitally distorted voice escaped her lips in bursts of excitement, and long moans of pleasure.

Reaching up, I massaged her breasts, pushing her up, off my chest, and putting more force into our movements. She leaned back, arching her back, holding one hand to mine against her chest, as we pumped harder together. Her head fell back as she let out a long high pitched squeal, full of breath and passion. She reached one hand down to her clit, and started rubbing back and forth quickly as I massaged her internally.

vzz Oh GOD, MASTER!” she yelled as she approached her climax. “vvv Fffffudge! I’m… I’m…” she breathed heavily between words. Fudge? Did she really just say fudge?bzzzt System Overload, too much stimul- AHHHH!!” She suddenly leaned forward, into my chest, moaning and squealing in my ear, allowing me to pick up the pace of the action down south. “vvv FFFFUUUUU---- AHHHHHHHH!! I’M COMIIING!” I felt her body clench and her vagina tighten on my member as she reached her climax, and exploded with pleasure. Her body started convulsing in twitches of pleasure and passion. Her climax brought me at the last second to the edge of mine, and with a few more thrusts, I came inside her.

She collapsed fully onto my body, her vagina still holding me inside, as she caught her breath, the occasional muscle still twitching. She lay on me for a few minutes, before finally smiling an exhausted and pleased smile, and giving me a big thank you kiss. Her disheveled hair made her look all the more satisfied as she clung to me. Screw kissing, sex is THE way to get up in the morning!

I glanced over at the clock. It was 11:15 already. Suddenly, that nagging thought that I pushed aside for a few minutes of pleasure shot back at me.

“Fuck! I’m late!” I rolled Tera onto the bed, pulling out of her, and stood up to rush into the bathroom. I had to pause a moment before I could go anywhere. After several hours of sex last night, followed by a hardy helping of sex in the morning, mixed with no breakfast and lack of sleep, made me light headed, and I almost didn’t catch myself. Luckily, I did not collapse, and I made my way into the bathroom, to relieve myself and take a quick shower. Tera joined me in the bathroom, but did not get in the shower with me, thankfully. She took care of her needs, and left.

A few minutes later, I stepped out of the shower to the smell of cooking food. Tera must have been cooking eggs, or trying to start a fire. It was a mixture of the two. I worried that she might have accidentally set something on fire, so I quickly finished in the bathroom, threw on some underwear, jeans, and a shirt, and made my way to the kitchen.

Tera stood there, with the same “SCIENCE!” apron she wore last night, and nothing else. Now she had really completed the sexy apron look, although a frilly apron would have worked much better. I made a mental note to myself to get her some cute and sexy clothes, and a frilly apron. The smell of burned toast filled the room, as she tried hard to not also burn the eggs. A minute later, she turned around with a smile, and presented 2 plates of undercooked eggs and burned toast.

I took my plate with a strained smile, and sat down with her to eat. With a little salt, the eggs weren’t that bad, although I did worry about the dangers of eating undercooked food. The toast was crunchy, to say the least. After only one bite, she turned to me and apologized.

vzzt I’m sorry! I’ve never made breakfast before. It didn’t turn out like I hoped. Here, let me make it again.” She went to pick up the plates, but I stopped her, and took another bite.

“It’s ok” I said with my mouth half full. “It isn’t that bad, besides, it was your first time, and no one gets it right their first time. We can practice together later. But I need to get going, so let’s just finish up, so I can get ready to go.”

Tera’s eyes lit up, not literally though. “Oh? Bzzz Where are you going?”

“I’m supposed to meet a friend at noon, but I’m running late. I have to give her 2 of the finished androids in the other room. She gets off at noon, so we were just going to hang out.” She looked at me intently, with wide open eyes, as though I just finished a magic trick. “What?”

vvzz Can I come? Please!?! I would love to meet your friends. I don’t know anyone yet, and have no friends except you.” She was putting on her pouty face as she pleaded to come along.

“Surely you remember Jack?” I asked, recalling how many hours Jack was helping us last night.

vzz Who?” she said, puzzled. I forgot, she was unconscious the entire time he was there, and she never actually met Jack.

“Never mind” I answered. “I’ll be glad to have you come along, but I don’t want anyone to know what you are yet. I mean… if someone were to catch on that you are a robot, there could be serious trouble.” I was especially concerned if someone who had ties to the mob found out.

bzzzt Of course not, Master. I’ll be on my best behavior” she said, with stars in her eyes.

“That means you can’t talk to anyone either. Your voice would give you away in a heartbeat.” She nodded in reply, a determined look on her face. “And if you need to recharge, or something, you’ll have to wait in the car.” Again, she nodded. “Alright then. You can come along.” A big smile crept over her face, and she dutifully finished eating her breakfast in silence, scooting her chair closer to mine.

After breakfast, or what I could manage to finish of it, I made sure Tera got herself cleaned up and dressed. There wasn’t time for her to take a shower, so I decided to wipe her down with a wet cloth, cleaning off any sweat or bodily fluids left behind. She cleaned up well, and kept mewing as I ran the cloth over her skin. She was driving me crazy, but I loved it. I still didn’t have any clothes that fit her properly or looked good on her, but she had to wear something out. I rummaged through my closet until I emerged with a pair of jeans and a button-down shirt.

The jeans were way too big on her, and I didn’t have any belt that would hold them up, so I had to abandon that idea. The shirt was also too big on her, but it was actually really cute. I couldn’t help but notice how her nipples poked against the fabric a little, revealing her lack of a bra. However, it was far less obvious with this button down shirt than it had been with the small t-shit she had on yesterday. I decided to let her keep the shirt on, but I had to find something else for her butt. Again, without any underwear, I wanted to make sure she would not have to worry about them falling off. I decided to go with a pair of sweat pants, which a draw string similar to the shorts she had on last night. They were baggy and loose on her, just like the shirt, and they didn’t go together well at all. However, I had nothing else I could find that would look any better and still fit her. So, we decided to roll up the sleeves and legs, and stick with that.

Before we walked out, I made sure to bring my exo-suit, stuffed inside a reusable grocery bag, as well as the 2 completed robots. One was a newer model android that was suffering from a moisture problem that stiffened the joints, while the other was an older model gynoid that needed a replacement gyroscope, she kept falling over. With Tera’s help, we lifted each robot and wrapped them in plastic, closing off the opening with a seal. I then carried them to the backseat of my car, one-by-one, while Tera held the doors open for me. She was a great help, even doing these little things. It isn’t easy opening car doors while carrying a heavy android. Luckily, these were light-weight models, and I didn’t need the cart, but they were heavy none-the-less.

Tera waited inside the front passenger seat bouncing excitedly as I made sure I had everything I needed and I turned off everything and locked up. She was so cute and excited to be going on errands with me, it was her first exposure to the real world. As I started up my car and drove off, she eagerly looked out the window at everything that passed by. She would point at signs and gas stations, wave at random people, and stare in amazement at the variety of people, places, and things there were to look at.

The car trip wasn’t a long one. I was running late already, and I didn’t want to leave my friend waiting for me, as usual. She was not the kind to let go of something, especially if it was the 12th time this month. We arrived at the Best Bargain parking lot in plenty of time to be late. Tera hopped out of the car before I had a chance to stop her, and gazed in amazement at all the people walking in to buy their electronic and home products. I parked to the side of the building, since the service center’s ‘back door’ was my destination, and I didn’t want to have everyone watching me carrying plastic-wrapped bodies into the building. Tera helped me with the door again, but I could still only carry one at a time.

As I approached the side entrance to the service center, the door swung open. Jen stood there, her stylish short dark red hair with subtle highlights framing her annoyed expression. She was one of those tomboy types of girls who always get along the guys and would sooner cut you than wear a pretty dress. Pity though, since she was actually gorgeous under that boyish behavior. She glared at me with her light green eyes, and shot beams of hate into my soul.

“What? How did you know I was here? There aren’t any windows” I said defensively.

She continued to stare her death gaze at me. “I have psychic powers” she said sarcastically. “I could feel you coming an hour away. That’ how long I’ve been waiting for you. An hour!”

“Were not. It’s only” I checked my watch, which is no easy task while carrying a robot in my arms, “12:45. I’m a good 15 minutes…” I shut up.

Her left eye brow lifted, and her gaze increased in ferocity, burning holes in my flesh. “Thanks to you, I now have to work another shift later tonight. Cause I was just hanging around, they assumed I had nothing better to do with my time.” The heat of her gaze increased. She must have burned a hole right through me, since she suddenly noticed Tera who was hiding behind me nervously.

“Who is this? Babysitting?” She did not glare at Tera, only at me.

“I’m sorry, I’m running late. I had a rough night last night. This here is my new friend Tera” I said, stepping aside so Jen could get a look at her. “She doesn’t talk.” Tera just froze there ready to shrink behind me again. Jen looked her over.

“Hi” she said nonchalantly to Tera, before looking her up and down and turning back to me. “Is she wearing your clothes? They look awful on her. Why is she in your clothes?” I think Jen has something against me, perhaps its cause I’m always showing up late.

“I’m sorry, let’s just drop it, before I drop this android. Please let me in so I can put it down.”

“Fine!” she groaned, and let me inside reluctantly. I carried the newly repaired android into the back room, with Tera following close behind, and Jen behind her. I had the distinct impression we were being scrutinized. Placing the android down in one of the available docking bays, I turned around to get the other one when Jen stood not 2 inches from my face. This was quite a feat for her, since she was so much shorter than me, but somehow she did it. She sniffed at me, and eyed me carefully for a moment, while Tera wandered about looking at all the stuff, but careful not to touch.

“So what’s the story with her?” she asked in a hushed tone. “I mean, you just show up an hour later with a random girl on your arm and she’s just your ‘friend’? Where did she come from? Why doesn’t she talk? Are you two dating?” She bombarded me with a half dozen more questions. I felt like I was on a game show, except one of those Japanese ones where they torture you for getting the answers wrong.

“I’ll umm… I’ll explain later, let me just bring the other robot in first.” I tried to buy some time, but I was afraid she wasn’t buying it, and her expression just turned more suspicious. She stepped aside, allowing me to return to my car to grab the other robot. One of the other employees there offered to lend his hand, but Jen stopped him.

“No, he has to do this on his own. It’s his punishment for abandoning me here.” He seemed to understand, and just shrugged at me and went about his business. Tera saw me leaving and followed behind. Jen held the door open for us as we went to the car to get out the repaired gynoid. Before we reached my car, my cell phone txt message alert went off. I fumbled through my pockets till I pulled out my phone, and a half-dozen loose receipts I had to scramble to pick up before the wind blew them away. The message was marked from Tera! It said simply:

“I don’t think she likes me.”

I blinked at my phone, and Tera just smiled a knowing smile looking up at me. How did she do that? Did she know my phone number? Does she have 4G?

“How did you do that?” I asked. My phone buzzed again a few seconds later.

“I was looking at your phone while you were in the shower. I’m sorry, did I do something wrong?” I read the message carefully, she was really smart, I just hoped this wouldn’t be traceable. I shrugged and reached into my car, pulling out the smaller gynoid, which was easier to carry but still took both my hands. Tera closed the car behind me and locked it, and joined me by my side again.

“No, it’s ok, I just didn’t expect it” I responded to her last message, before responding to her first one. “I don’t think it’s that she doesn’t like you, it’s me. I promised I’d hang out with her when she got off work at noon, but it’s already almost one, so she’s just pissed with me. She just hasn’t gotten to know you yet, but I’m sure she’ll like you.” My phone buzzed again, which I left in my hand so I could still read it, but only just.

“She seems really cool, but a little scary too. I’m not sure she’ll approve of me” Tera asked through the phone message.

“She doesn’t need to approve of you, I already do, and that’s all that matters. Besides, I’m sure she’ll like you once she gets to know you.” As we approached the door, Jen stared surreptitiously between us, as she let us in. I just smiled nervously and went inside.

The backroom, which often doubled as a break room, was empty except for Jen, Tera, and myself. All the other employees had finished their breaks, or hadn’t yet started theirs. I felt bad that Jen got stuck with another shift because of me, but I didn’t know what I could do about it. I had the feeling Jen would let me know in no uncertain terms.

I went out of the backroom to fill out some paper work for the manager on duty. Jen was nowhere to be seen, but I just wanted to get these documents done and get paid before I tackled anymore unpleasantness. There were no new androids for me to work on that day, so the manager just handed me a check for the agreed upon amount, thereby ending the transaction until they were next in need of my assistance. Before I could shake hands goodbye to him, Jen stormed out of the backroom and glared at me hard with her mouth wide open.

“Uh.. What?” I asked, in all the poetic mastery I could muster.

“Where did you find her?” she asked in a harsh but hushed tone.

I looked back and saw Tera standing at the door to the backroom, her hands over her mouth and her face filled with embarrassment and shock. Oh crap!

“Let’s just go back in the backroom and we can talk about this” I hissed through my teeth, making sure no one was listening in. She looked around herself a bit, and decided it was best to discuss this away from the public. Once we were in the room, Jen locked the door, and turned toward me.

“Where did you find her?!” she asked in a commanding tone.

“It’s kind of complicated. Why? What did you…” I started to ask, hoping had the wrong impression about her.

“What did I find out!? That your new girlfriend here is a robot! That’s what! And an amazing one too!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Jen” I said nervously.

“Bullshit! I saw you two talking at the car, except humans can’t send text messages with their mind! She’s A-Mazing!” Jen’s mood suddenly got a whole lot better, but I got a whole lot more nervous.

“How did you figure out…”

“I just tricked her into talking out loud. Her voice is a dead giveaway” Jen interrupted. “Besides, humans don’t have Thunderbolt cords dangling from their back.”

I looked behind Tera, who was shocked to hear this, and turned to look behind her as well. Sure enough, the USB cord I charged her with last night was still dangling from her back. I know she didn’t have that out when I was cleaning her off this morning, or getting her dressed.

bzzt I’m sorry, Danny” Tera said quietly, on the verge of tears. “I messed up. I was charging in the car…”

“See!? Isn’t that awesome!” Jen said excitedly. I suppose having a robot girlfriend is enough to put her in a good mood, although I feared she had an ulterior motive behind it.

“Look Jen, I don’t want word about her getting out. She’s special…” I pleaded.

“Of course she is! I’ve never seen a robot like her. I mean, she has no visible seams, she has a personality of her own, and…” she began, ranting like a high school girl. She got excited around robots, even more than me. Tera just stood there tensely, holding her cord in her hand, playing with the end in a nervous gesture, listening to our conversation.

“No, that’s not what I mean” I interrupted. “Look, I can’t discuss it, but just trust me when I say she is more special than you could possibly imagine. And I want to keep her true nature a secret.”

“What, that she’s a robot?” Jen asked.

“Yeah, no, I mean.” I sighed, and gathered my thoughts. “I want to keep everything about her a secret for now, I mean, you have no idea who would be after a prototype this advan-”

“Prototype?!” Jen practically yelled, before lowering her voice to just above a whisper again. “How did you get your hands on a prototype!?”

Ah crap, I did it again. “I… she… Shit!” Jen’s eyes lit up at my frustration. She knew she could play me like a violin, but I needed to keep Tera a secret as best as I could. Of course, the first person she meets finds out about her in less than 5 minutes. Wonderful. “Look, Jen, this is really serious. We need to know that we can trust you.”

Jen looked me square in the eyes, and said in a serious tone “Of course you can trust me, Danny. You know that.”

“I do” I said. “But Tera doesn’t, convince her.”

Jen blinked at me a bit, a little confused, but decided to play along. She walked over to Tera, who was still fretfully standing and fidgeting with her cord, held onto her shoulders, and looked her in the eyes. “Tera, you can trust me. I won’t give away your secret.” She sounded serious and convincing to me. Tera looked from her to me. I gave her a nod, and she looked back at Jen and took a deep breath before nodded herself.

“Great! So, tell me more!” Jen demanded. She was a very outgoing girl, which was also very intimidating. That’s probably why she doesn’t go out on many dates, not that I could comment, considering she still had more dates than me.

I decided to let her in on some of Tera’s secrets. It might be a good idea to have a female ally as well, especially one who knows androids as well as I do, if not better. The three of us sat down at a folding table and talked in hushed tones.

“I found Tera in the street being attacked by a group of thugs. She was dazed and confused, but I intervened, and fought them off.”

“You fought off a group of thugs? By yourself?” Jen said in a tone that didn’t inspire any confidence.

vvt He saved my life” Tera said.

“I had to use my suit…” I tried to explain.

“You finished the suit? Can I see it?” Jen digressed.

“In due time” I said, trying to get the conversation back on point. “Long story short, I stopped the thugs, reported them to the police, carried Tera home, and repaired her. I got in touch with the people who built her, and they explained that she was supposed to be sold to a mobster…”

“Monster?” Jen interrupted.

“A MOB-ster” I clarified. “Liberati. He tricked them into selling her to him, but they ran off before the transaction was finished. They barely got away, but ended up in a car crash, and that’s when I found Tera dazed in the street.”

“You got the mob involved?!” Jen said.

It went on like this while I explained that my neighbor, Jack, was helping me keep a low profile, and how Cynthia and Tom lost their contract with MMR, who might also be out looking for her. I described how her voice box was damaged, and that we couldn’t get a new unit for a few weeks. I mentioned that Cynthia and Tom had decided to give her to me as long as I kept her safe. I described almost everything to her. I was sure to leave out the sex, the whole ‘binding’ thing, and, of course, the fact that Tera was built with the 3 laws not as hardcoded rules, but as guidelines which she can chose to break. Tera listened and commented occasionally, and was really interested to hear her story summed up, clarifying points she wasn’t familiar with.

“Why not just go to the police?” Jen asked. “I mean, they don’t know you are the same guy in the video, and this Cynthia person already gave her to you. I mean, if the mob’s involved, the police should be able to help.”

“Uh… we can’t do that” I said apprehensively. “If the police found out about her, there could be even more serious trouble.”

“Did you break the law, Danny? Did one of those thugs die or something?”

“No, nothing like that” I explained. “It’s nothing I did. And it’s nothing Tera did either.”

Jen looked at me and Tera suspiciously, and then her eyes suddenly widened.

“Tera, go stand on your head” she ordered.

“What?!” I exclaimed. “No! What are you talking about? She’s still delicate, I don’t want to injure her again.”
To my surprise, Tera shrugged, stood up and tried standing on her head. It was really cute to see her try. Jen just laughed as Tera struggled to not fall over. She laughed even harder when Tera’s shirt fell down around her face, exposing her naked body underneath. I quickly stood up, and got Tera right side up again, who was giggling to herself.

“What was that all about?!” I asked Jen.

“Nothing, nothing. Just testing a theory” she said. “Sorry about that, Tera. I think I can help, although I don’t want to be on the wrong side of the law. So whatever you do, don’t tell me why they would be interested in her.”
I sat Tera back down, who was still giggling to herself, but may have just bought us some time with Jen. It would be really hard to explain her 3 laws, and I suspected Jen’s little theory to be testing her 3 laws programming. I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind, hopefully Jen would not figure it out soon, although she was very smart, so it was only a matter of time.

“Right off, there are two problems I think I can help with” Jen said. “First would be her clothes. Anyone walking around like that is going to draw attention. I mean, she doesn’t even have any underwear.”

“Well, I was going to buy her some clothes myself this afternoon” I started saying.

“Do you know how to determine a proper bra-size oh master of the feminine gender? How about what makeup to buy, or even which store to shop at?” Jen was right. I didn’t know the first thing about this stuff. I was probably just going to take her to a cheap store and buy whatever looked right.

“Ok. You have a point” I admitted.

“I’ll be more than glad to help you pick out some clothes Tera” Jen told her, before turning back to me. “But the second thing is even more important. Her voice is a dead giveaway. If she accidentally slips up again, anyone would know there was something wrong. And texting your phone isn’t much better.”

“But Cynthia told me it would take them weeks to get in another voice box of that model” I objected.

“Oh, but as you said yourself, they are living in a hotel somewhere, hiding out from their company and the law and a mob. I’m surprised they’re able to get anything sent to them at all. Let me take a look at it, and I can tell you if I can get you one sooner.” Jen turned back to Tera, and held her hands laying on the table.

“Here, open up and let me take a look, Tera. I promise it won’t hurt.” Jen was actually being very kind all of a sudden. She must have forgiven me, at least somewhat, for being late to hang out with her, but at the same time, she really got excited around robots, and was probably dying to see inside Tera.

Tera looked nervously toward me for advice. She still seemed unsure of Jen, but I’ve known Jen for years, and she was always a good friend, if a little outgoing and head strong. I nodded to Tera. “It’s ok, you can trust her.”

Tera cleared her throat, and lifted up her chin. A blue pin-point of light appeared from under her skin, and quickly traced the outline on her neck panel. A second or two later, the newly-formed panel swung open to either side, revealing the inner-workings of her throat. Jen gazed in amazement at the dance of the blue-light, and then again at the panel and all that it revealed. “Woah” was all she could say as she watched Tera’s delicate neck open up and expose her true nature underneath.

It was around this time that someone tried to open the door to the backroom, which apparently Jen had locked. They struggled for a bit with the handle, before knocking on the door. I could hear a muffled voice of a man saying “Why is this door locked” from the other side.

Jen, never looking away from the complexities of Tera’s neck, yelled back “I’m changing, give me a minute.” I think it confused the guy on the other side, who probably assumed girls would change out of their uniforms in the bathroom. Luckily, it bought us some time. Tera was looking nervous, and I was about ready to grab her and run.

A moment or two later, Jen reached inside and unclasped the box that gave Tera her voice. She studied the box closely.

“I see your neck has been hurt” Jen said softly, “but you seem to have been repaired well enough. However, this box is trashed. As good a job as you did, you just can’t repair this model when it is damaged this badly.”
“You’ve seen this model before?” I asked.

“Yeah, it’s a new one; just hit the market last week. I’m surprised she already has one in her. It’s supposed to sound very realistic, but I haven’t had the chance to play with one yet.” She pulled out a mobile tablet and typed in a few numbers on the screen. “You’re in luck! We are getting a shipment in this afternoon, 12 of them to be precise. It’s new enough that I don’t think it will sell-out anytime soon. I think I can grab you one, although it will be tricky setting up the voice customization.”

“Today?! You can get it today?” I squealed.

“Calm down there hot stuff, of course I can. And I won’t even charge you for it. The labor, on the other hand, now that will cost you” she said slyly, winking at me.

“What do you want?”

“You will be taking me and Tera to lunch, wherever I want to go, and driving us to whichever stores we want, and buying whatever clothes, makeup, and accessories we wish. Lunch first, I’m starving! Can Tera eat?”

With that, she gently closed Tera’s neck, pocketing her voice box, leaving her once again without a voice. Tera sighed, but seemed to be getting excited about going to buy clothes and stuff, and even more excited that there was a chance she’d have a voice before the day was out. I helped Tera to her feet as Jen got up and walked toward some lockers in the corner of the room. The door knocked again, more loudly this time. I could see the shadows of at least 2 people on the other side of the door.

“Who’s in there?” another man’s muffled voice rang out. “Why is this door locked?”

I turned to face Jen, only to see her pulling off her work shirt and pants, revealing the back of her black bra and panties to me. She yelled at the door “I’ll be done in a minute. I’m changing!” She noticed I was staring at her, and hissed at me “Get out! I’ll meet you by your car. Go, perv!”

Taking the ever so subtle hint, I took Tera and walked out the side door on the opposite end of the room, leaving Jen to deal with her co-workers herself. We walked to the car, and cleared the back seat. Tera seemed to be in a better mood, smiling as she grabbed some trash on the seat and carried it to the trash bin nearby. She looked like she was almost dancing as she walked back, smiling brightly.

I was going to ask her why she was in such a great mood, but Jen came strolling up to us wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, a slim fitted black t-shirt that really showed off her curves, and an oversized belt, along with various accessories and a white long sleeve shirt underneath. Her t-shirt read “John& Paul& Ringo& George.” in grey letters and was very chic. Actually, despite the Goth-like tomboy appearance, it was more feminine than I’d seen her wear in a while. The clothes fit well, she showed off her natural curves, all while not revealing much skin. It was a big change from the baggy, loose-fitting clothes she used to wear.

“Wow, you look great!” I complimented. She really did, I hoped she would keep up this style, and I had hope now that she would find something suitable for Tera.

She came strolling out to the car, smiling at my comment, and said “Shotgun!”

As tradition dictated, she sat in the passenger seat while Tera sat in the back. We chatted a lot about life and clothes, and of course robots. She was amazed at seeing Tera and how advanced she was. Jen swore that if she didn’t hear her voice, she’d never have guessed she wasn’t human. That made Tera smile. Of course, she was silent in the backseat, and just listened to us. She couldn’t say anything anyways, so Jen did most of the talking for her. Whenever I suggested a place to go to eat or go shopping, Jen would say something like “Tera wouldn’t like that, no lets go to the Majestic.”

We ended up eating at a diner called Majestic. It’s a nice place to eat, and is fairly fast and cheap. We each ordered a sandwich, although Tera didn’t know what to order, so I ordered her a basic Turkey and Cheese sandwich, and a Coke. She sat there silently listening to Jen and I talk, taking in our every word. We talked about my suit, and how I found Tera, and the video on the news. Jen talked a lot about her own life, which wasn’t as thrilling as my last few days have been, but were interesting none the less. She was supposed to go back and see her mother in Ohio, but she really didn’t want to take the time or the money to do it. She complained that she hadn’t been on a good date in a while, and this was the closest thing to a date she’d had in months. She excused herself for a moment to use the restroom, and Tera and I sat silently and waited for the food.

Tera leaned against me, placing her head on my shoulder. She sipped at her coke, smiling brightly as she savored the taste. Our food came before too long. My Reuben sandwich was nice and hot, and Tera’s Turkey and Cheese was toasty and warm. Before we could take a bite, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I struggled to pull it out, and read another text message by Tera.

“I think I like her” she wrote, and gave me a big smile.

“See, I knew you’d open up to her” I said, nudging her arm playfully.

Just then, Jen grabbed my phone from my hand. “No more of this, you two. If someone else saw you two doing this, you could get into real trouble. With me! I’ll not have any of this.” She glanced down at my phone and read the message still on the screen. Tera just blushed and looked down at her sandwich steaming on her plate. “Aww. That’s so sweet! Well, I like you too Tera, but don’t go sending any more ‘mind-messages’. It’s for your own good. I’ll forgive you this time cause you are such a sweetie, but don’t let me catch you doing it again.” She almost sounded like a mom, but I dared not say such a thing to her.

She handed me back my phone, and we started to eat our lunches. Jen and I just stared at Tera as she squished her face together after her first bite. I wasn’t sure if she liked it or hated it. Luckily, she swallowed the bite, and her big smile returned to her face as she gorged herself on another one. She really must have liked that sandwich. Then again, she hasn’t eaten much yet, at least anything good. This must have tasted like heaven to her.

“Wow, you like it that much huh?” Jen asked Tera, who just nodded with her mouth full of another bite.

“She hasn’t really had much to eat yet” I stated. “This is kind of her first good meal, actually.”

“So she can eat and taste food, what else can she do?” Jen asked.

“Well, besides sending ‘mind messages’, she can pretty much do anything a human can, except she has robotic parts, of course. She sleeps, eats, breathes, and even pees.”

“Can she fuck?” Jen asked.

I choked on my sandwich. “What?!”

“Can she have sex?” Jen clarified. “You know, procreate, make love, screw, do the nasty, dance the horizontal polka, get it on, get hot and heavy,…”

“Okay, okay, I get the picture” I said trying to interrupt her, still choking on my last bite of sandwich.

“… get her leg over, hump, do it, get physical, fornicate, bury the bishop, hide the salami, bang, shag, bumping uglies, making whoopee, snu-snu” she continued.

“Enough already! I’m still not going to answer that question” I said with a smile on my face. I’m a terrible liar.

“Oh ho! I see” Jen retorted. “So you aren’t as innocent as you appear. You will have to spill all the nasty details.”

I glared at her, she was clearly not going to let this go easily. “Maybe later. I’m eating now. Moving on…” I said, trying to force the conversation to go in a different direction. There is no way to stop a girl from gossip, but maybe I could at least try to get her on another topic she would indulge in. “She can also connect to computers and other robots. It’s almost like she can hack into them, and take over their systems.”

Jen was reluctant to change the topic, keeping that knowing smile on her lips, but indulged me all the same. “She must have some good programming in her AI to handle a live hack. What have you seen her do so far?”

“She managed to hack the voice system of another gynoid I’m working on. We had a conversation that way” I explained.

“She’s probably pretty good at navigating through AI systems since she’s got one herself” Jen suggested. “I’m pretty sure her hardware can handle it. What version of Thunderbolt are you using, Tera?” Tera looked up for a moment, deep in thought. She was apparently accessing some data in her system.

“What do you mean Thunderbolt? I didn’t see any Thunderbolt port on her” I said.

“You’re kidding right? What do you think that tail thing was I saw sticking out of her back?” Jen exclaimed. Tera held up 3 fingers as Jen was talking, probably indicating the third generation of Thunderbolt. “3? Really? Wow, state-of-the-art stuff, kiddo!” she said to Tera.

“It looked like a USB port to me. I mean, it even hooked into my USB phone charger” I clarified.

“Well no wonder she needed to charge in the car, that’s not a USB port, it’s a USB adapter!” Jen retorted. “You see, if she was running the latest USB, she would still only get around 10 Gbps. That was the same as the first generation of Thunderbolt. But Tera here is running Thunderbolt 3, which not only runs at 1 Tbps, but also supports more power throughput. It would allow her to charge faster. You need to upgrade your charging equipment, my friend. Here, let me see your cable, Tera.”

Tera handed Jen he cable still attached to her back. I was surprised to see she had it in her lap the whole time, and I never noticed! “Was that dangling there the whole time?” I asked. I guess we forgot to put it away after Jen saw it the first time. No wonder she was so easy to spot by Jen. I’ll need to be more diligent about that stuff.

Jen reached over the table, careful to not get in anyone’s food, and held the end of the cable in her hand. “Here see? This looks like a USB port now…” she held up the end to me, careful to make sure no one else saw. Then with a twist and a flick, the USB end popped off, revealing the much smaller and more advanced Thunderbolt connection. “… and now it’s a Thunderbolt port. Much faster. I can get you a Thunderbolt charger back at the store when we are done, but for now, make sure you put these away, properly this time” she said, handing the cable and the adapter back to Tera. She nodded, and started to mess with the port in her back.

“Here, let me help you with that” I said, as she popped open the panel on her lower back. I retracted the cord fully, using a button inside the port, but didn’t know where to put the USB adapter. Tera took it from my hand, and started to fumble with it behind her back. It must have been hard to see what she was doing, but I finally understood what she was trying to do. Inside the port was a small clip, where I could attach the adapter. Helping to guide her, we clipped the adapter inside her panel, and fully closed it. We looked around to make sure no one was watching, and Jen was doing the same.

We were in the clear. Her tail was away, and we could spend the rest of the meal eating and chatting about what else we were going to do. Jen had to get back to work by 6 for the second shift she was recruited for, so we had only a few hours to do everything on her list. As soon as we finished eating, we got back in the car and drove to the fastest place to get a lot of different items, the mall.

Tera’s eyes lit up like Christmas tree lights when she saw the size of the mall. It wasn’t terribly busy being the middle of a work day, but it was more human activity than Tera had ever seen. She eagerly looked at every window display, every passing shopper, and every kiosk trying to sell their goods. As much as I wanted to object, Jen was quick to remind me that my punishment was to go where they wanted to, and buy what they wanted. I had to draw the line at the jewelry stores. There was no way I could afford the diamond necklace Tera and Jen were drooling over, and they reluctantly moved along.

Shopping with the girls was fun but boring at the same time. I enjoyed their company, listening to Jen’s one-sided conversations, and helping them carrying stuff. Paying for it and waiting for them to pick out the right cut and color was torture. Most guys just walk into a store, if they can find what they want, they buy it. The end. However, girls tend to look around, browse through endless aisles and racks of items, picking out a dozen things, and trying them all on, before deciding they didn’t like any of them and picking out something else. After their 5th try, they go back to the first thing they liked and buy it anyways. Jen and Tera were no different. I wasn’t allowed to complain, so Bejeweled on my phone became my best friend.

Tera really enjoyed shopping though. She liked to pick out different things and try them on, and Jen really liked to teach her and show her all the ropes of the feminine world. They dragged me to Victoria Secret, where Jen tried to blind fold me, unsuccessfully, and taught Tera about lingerie and underwear. I learned more about cup sizes listening to her than I had in all of my years using the internet. Incidentally, Tera is on the larger side of 32B. They also dragged me to various makeup stores, and spend hours going over colors and shades and techniques and whatnot. There sure is a lot more to being a girl than it appears. I escorted them to all the finest affordable clothing stores, where they picked out a variety of shirts and pants and skirts and blouses and jackets and shorts and shoes and belts and hats and so on and so on. My favorite part was getting to see Tera try on the different outfits, and see what kinds of things she liked, and what I liked on her. I was glad to see that she had good taste in clothes. She liked to wear things that showed off her figure, and made her look cute. She loved to wear pretty dresses and even frilly things, but she also tried to copy some of Jen’s style, while still keeping it her own.

By the end of our shopping excursion, I had my hands full carrying dozens of shopping bags with everything from shoes to shampoo. I was carrying everything a girl would need and even a few things for Jen, who couldn’t ignore one or two outfits she saw. Luckily, Jen managed to keep the price down as much as possible, but it still adds up. Tera skipped ahead of us as we made our way back to the car. By now, she had ditched my ill-fitting clothes for much more stylish and charming ones. She wore a light blue cami with a light trim along the hem, and a white elegant pattern on the front. It did a great job showing off how slim she is, along with the curves of her body. With it, she wore half-length jeans and cute brown sandals. The weather was still warm enough for this, although she might need to wear a jacket before it got too dark.

It was starting to get late already though. The sun wasn’t setting yet, but it was low in the sky. We had to rush to get Jen back to Best Bargain so she could make her second shift. Jen rode in the back this time, and talked mostly to Tera about girl things. We arrived in time for her to start her next shift. She took her 2 bags with her, while I made sure the rest of them for Tera were in the trunk. Tera and I had to enter the front this time, since I had no further business with the store itself. We looked inside at all the movies and electronics and furniture that the store provided. I actually found the Thunderbolt charger that Jen was talking about, but Jen said she'd buy one as a gift for Tera, so I didn't et one yet. Hopefully, she would be able to get more charge quicker with this, and I wouldn’t need to use an adapter.

Jen came out of the bathroom to meet us, in her full attire. She was covering for one of the sales reps, who was out sick that day. She took out of her pocket the broken voice box, and started typing into her mobile tablet again. This time she confirmed that the shipment had arrived on time, for once, and proceeded to the back of the store to grab one. A few minutes later, she emerged with a black plastic-wrapped box in hand.

“Here it is! Straight from the factory” Jen said enthusiastically. “Now I’m going to ring this up, and customize the settings to match what your old voice box used.”

“Ring it up?” I asked. She told me there would be no charge. I wasn’t cheap, and I would pay for it if I had to, but I had to confirm with her if I indeed needed to.

“Don’t worry. I’m going to give it my employee discount, and cover it myself. Consider this my gift to you, Tera. That and the charger your dolt of an owner didn't know about. I hope you think of me whenever you use it… unless you’re having sex. That’s just weird.” Jess was an odd one, but that’s why I liked her.

“I told you…” I started to say before she interrupted me.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m just teasing you. I’ll be back in a few minutes, but then I’ll need to see her alone to install it. I’ll meet you by the service desk.”

Jen disappeared, leaving us to browse for a few more minutes. We nonchalantly walked over to the service desk while I tried to convince Tera of the joys of Japanese animation, but it was hard to judge her opinion when she had never seen one, and still couldn’t talk. We waited for a few more minutes, until Jen finally emerged from the tech room, where they keep all the computers and robots in need of repair.

“Let’s meet out back again.” Jen said quickly. “I’ll let you in the side entrance. The break room is empty, and we are busy enough that no one should come in and bug us.”

We went back around to the side, and Jen let us in the door. The break room was as we left it, with the door leading into the store closed and presumably locked. I wonder how she managed to convince the others to let her do this.

We sat down at one of the tables, and Jen took her chair to sit directly in front of Tera. “Now, open up, Tera.” Blue lights appeared again, and once again Tera’s neck separated, and her throat panel was opened. Once again Jen said “Wow” at the sight of it. This time, I assisted in getting her voice box in place. It seemed bigger to me, but perhaps that was just because this one hadn’t been bashed in by a 2x4. I was thrilled to hear the box ‘click’ into place. Closing up the clamps to secure it, Jen took a small screwdriver, and prepared to make adjustments.

“Ok now Tera, say ‘Ah’” Jen instructed. Tera opened her mouth, still looking up to give us room to work, and let out a distorted “Ahhhhhh”. Tera started to get nervous as this distorted voice, but I heard massive improvement over her last voice box. Jen quickly started to make adjustments. She’d turn one screw, then another, making minute motions that had a profound impact on the quality of Tera’s voice.

Before long, Tera’s voice came out sounding like a trained pop-star. It was stunning, and quite spectacular. Her voice rang out like Christmas morning bells. She was singing a single note, but it sounded like a choir of angels. Ok, so I’m exaggerating, but the fact is, her voice sounded amazing, better than anyone I knew. Tera stopped singing, and let in several deep breaths as Jen closed her up. I could tell she was on the verge of crying. “To many years of friendship, and conversations” Jen said as she finished up. Tears rolled down Tera’s face as she cleared her throat with a natural sounding cough.

Tera stood up and threw her arms around me, sobbing into my chest. “Thank you for everything, Master.” Her voice was perfect. She had that kind of cute but sensual voice that drove me wild. I hugged her back as she tried to sniff away the tears. “I’m finally whole again” she said.

"Don't I get a hug?" Jen asked.

Tera then threw her arms around Jen. “Thank you for everything Jen. You don’t know what this means to me.”
“Hey. It’s ok, kiddo. It’s all good.” We eventually calmed down Tera, who finally stopped crying, and just started talking.

“I sound like my old self again!” she started out. “I used to sing and sing in the lab, everyone would teach me songs cause they loved to hear my voice. You don’t know how hard it is to have no voice, or to lose it so suddenly. I’m so glad I finally have it back. Oh, Danny, I can talk again! I can sing!”

We let her talk a little while longer and get it out of her system. She didn’t talk about anything in particular, other than how happy she was and about all the good things we’ve done for her. She felt really wanted, and it made me happy to hear her so happy.

After a few minutes, we decided to head home. She had a big day, and was going to need some rest. I knew I was going to need some rest, but I thought I’d grab us some food on the way home first. We said our goodbyes to Jen, and Tera promised she’d call her so they could go out again soon. As Jen held the back door open for us, the evening sun shown into the room, bright in our eyes. We had to cover our eyes for a moment while we stepped out. It wasn’t until after our eyes adjusted to the light that Jen commented on something.

“Hey, Danny, who is that beside your car?”

I looked up at my car parked little ways ahead, and sure enough, there was a woman standing there, leaning against my car. She was tall, blond, and pretty, with long blond hair and a black corset dress with a mini skirt, thigh-high stockings, and knee high boots.

“No idea” I replied. “I’ve never seen her before.”

As soon as the girl spotted us looking at her, she started to walk toward us. Suddenly, Tera grabbed my arm tightly. I looked down at her, and she stared wide-eyed at the approaching stranger. I wasn’t sure what to make of this, but I knew something was wrong.

“It’s my sister!” Tera said, her voice full of fear.

/Chapter 13
Chapter 14 here.
Last edited by gynoneko on Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:45 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Post by gynoneko » Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:52 am

Any feedback and responses are always welcome.
I decided that I wanted to move forward how soon it would take to get back her voice, since it was actually getting annoying typing in all the buzzes and other sounds she'd make when she talked. (Italics are important with these, but Word doesn't bring formatting over with it into the forums, so I had to apply italics to everything twice, as well as adjust the spacing). I feel that I've explored that aspect enough, and wanted to go in another direction with it.
I have plans for these three characters in the next few chapters, and Jack will be making an appearance again. And you will finally get introduced to another interested party. I hope you all like the story so far. I'm sure I need to work on the timing and length of it, but I just had to get this down and out there.
I hope you all like it!

I am currently working on another story too. It has less sex in it, but it will not be void of the topic either. It was loosely based on an ongoing fantasy I had as a kid, where I ran a secret underground lab of robots. Granted those robots all became female when I got a little older, but it feels good to flesh out some of the ideas I had from it. Not sure when I'll get that one up, but look forward to it.

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Post by gynoneko » Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:57 pm

Hi all. I decided, for many many reasons, to change Gyno's alias to Exo.

First, I never really liked Gyno, and I SUCK at coming up with names (especially aliases, especially for guys). I originally chose Gyno cause it was like 'Gynoid'... but I've decided that isn't a good reason.
I also understand that the term Gyno is short for Gynecologist, which is an important profession and all, but not something I want my character to be associated with.
I also wanted to come up with a name that had more to do with what he did. he wore an exoskeleton armored suit. For this reason, I decided just to call him Exo.

I have already changed every reference that I could find in all the other documents, but if I missed one let me know. And if you can think of a better name, I'll consider it.
And trust me, it will be a LOT easier changing Exo, since I probably used the word "gynoid" 50 billion times, and the find tool doesn't know the difference between Gyno and gynoid. Exo will be a lot easier to find and replace if I have to.

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Post by TW » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:13 pm

So THAT is the sound of a plot thickening...

Well done chapter, IMO. Good to see Tera back to "normal". I'm also a fan of the name change. It seems more fitting than Gyno.

Keep it up!

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Post by gynoneko » Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:36 am

TW wrote:So THAT is the sound of a plot thickening...

Well done chapter, IMO. Good to see Tera back to "normal". I'm also a fan of the name change. It seems more fitting than Gyno.

Keep it up!
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! :D It always feels great to get feedback. Positive feedback like yours makes me feel good that other people actually enjoy my hobby, and critical feedback helps me do a better job and improve my writing.

I have re-written the next chapter, because I originally was going to have Tera damaged again, but I really didn't want it to happen to soon after getting her "whole". Plus, I think I can finally use this to get past a writers block I was in.
I hope to have it up before too long. Look forward to it! :wink:

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Re: NEW! Exo Saves the Day, Chapter 13

Post by BigMacUAE » Sat May 14, 2011 1:16 pm

This is my first post on this forum - I set up an account with the sole purpose of writing this. i just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the whole story and was completely drawn into it so I ended up reading all thirteen episodes in one day. The characters are all entirely believable and in fact are scarily familiar in a couple of instances. I found it very easy to relate to Danny and you managed to make Tera sound thoroughly adorable. There was enough tech in the story and there was, mercifully, no dumbing down at all. The intimate moments between Danny and Tera were also beautifully done and there was not too much so as tospoil the story I am looking forward to the closing chapter(s) and anything else that you write. You have also inspired me to write my first short story - watch this space!

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Re: NEW! Exo Saves the Day, Chapter 13

Post by gynoneko » Sun May 15, 2011 7:44 am

Thanks! I'm glad you are enjoying my stories so far! I have big plans for this one and a few others, and I will update when I have time. Right now I am incredibly busy though, but in a few weeks, I should be able to work on more stories. The next chapter here involves a fight, with a twist, and some computer hacking.
I'm glad to hear you are inspired to do your own, I look forward to reading them!
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Re: NEW! Exo Saves the Day, Chapter 13

Post by TW » Sun May 22, 2011 8:38 pm

So, can I just say that I'm glad the apocalypse didn't happen before I got to read more of this?

Still looking forward to the next chapter!

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Re: NEW! Exo Saves the Day, Chapter 13

Post by Esomark » Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:13 am

Just read through this chapter and I must say I was impressed! I haven't read the whole story yet but I've liked what I've read so far. Your writing is very accessible and doesn't make me have to consult a dictionary or encyclopedia every five or so sentences, which I like. Not that I take knowledge for granted, I just that tend to like stories that use more descriptive words rather than technical words. Will read more!

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Re: NEW! Exo Saves the Day, Chapter 13

Post by gynoneko » Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:41 am

Thanks! Glad you like it. I am working on the next chapter now, I hope to have it up soon. :D
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Re: Exo Saves the Day, Chapter 13

Post by gynoneko » Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:47 pm

Hey. Made a few adjustments to the story. Some names were mixed up and I adjusted things slightly for future episodes. Mosty they are subtle so if you don't want to re-read it, you should be fine.
My heart and soul locked up in a cold steel frame
- Brian May

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