MANGA > Gunnm / Battle Angel Alita: Last Order

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MANGA > Gunnm / Battle Angel Alita: Last Order

Post by dudemqnguy » Tue Sep 24, 2002 12:47 am

Those of us who are regular comic store goers will already know this, but the revised Battle Angel comic by Yukito Kishiro has finally hit the streets.

The art has changed a little since the original was finished, but it's still unmistakably Kishiro - Inhumanly sharp and clean when it needs to be, while being looser and more relaxed elsewhere. If you followed the original story from the beginning, you can attest to how the artist has grown and matured over the years.

The story has been rebooted where Alita finds herself alive in the floating city of Tiphares after being virtually obliterated by an explosive trap. Instead of the ending that proceeded from there in the original version, Kishiro has decided to flesh out the story substantially, and go back to Alita's origin on Mars. Be warned though - If you are especially sensitive, the story is harsh and cruel, and there is rather extreme and graphic violence upon occasion. Scifi, martial arts and of course gynoid fans will no doubt enjoy it.

With Ghost in the Shell coming out soon also, this is shaping up to be a good time for comic and manga fans.
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Post by UserJesse » Wed Sep 25, 2002 7:34 am

Alita, Gally (and her dozens of other names) is a Great charactor, I collected the series for a good long time til my local shop stopped carrying it for some moronic reason *shrug*
Remind me to get a subscription... =)

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