After The Makeover: Maria's Night In

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After The Makeover: Maria's Night In

Post by Korby » Fri Apr 29, 2005 12:55 am

This takes place after some of my previous stories, and features the return of the sexy blonde android wife of Senator Logan from "The Makeover"...
Thanks as always to RX3000 for inspiration.
Your comments are somewhere in the nebulous ground between 'welcome' and 'demanded'.

After The Makeover: Maria's Night In

Maria left the Dyson Institute, completely confident that the technicians would repair her friend Rachel. It was, after all, a fairly minor sex hardware malfunction--Maria had experienced those herself.

Maria smiled to herself as she reached her apartment. She was so glad that Rachel had decided to become an android. After several months of being a machine herself, Maria had wanted very badly to share this wonderful new life with her best friend. A particularly nice and somewhat unexpected bonus was the chance to make love with Rachel. Maria had always found her friend very attractive, but she hadn't supposed that Rachel would be interested in a little bisexual fun. After Rachel had become an android, with fully-reconfigurable sexuality programming, things were different.

The hours of intense lovemaking with Rachel and Jessica had been fantastically hot, but not nearly enough to totally satisfy Maria. Her sexual system settings were configured to give her a powerful sex drive, bordering on pure insatiability. Maria loved every aspect of being a machine, but particularly enjoyed the unbelievable pleasures made possible by her highly-advanced sex hardware. Much of the time, Maria had to revert to her default system settings; otherwise, she would be unable to function normally. During her free time, however, Maria would switch to her preset custom sexuality settings--which gave her the powerful sexual appetites she most enjoyed.

With her sexual desires now at the preferred level, Maria's system responses exploded into action at the slightest thought of sexual activity. Data streams raced through her circuitry, triggering a variety of sex-response subroutines. Her skin temperature rose slightly, as did the rate of her simulated breathing. Subdermal sensors went to full enable. She felt a hint of moisture beginning to appear at the juncture of her thighs. Maria's sophisticated subsystem went into overdrive, simulating the outward physical signs of arousal in a human female.

Maria drew her fingers gently across her chest, eliciting a delicious burst of pleasure data from her nipple sensors. She deliberated her next course of action. She could certainly see to her own needs... but she wanted more than merely solitary pleasures. She could call any of a number of male acquaintances, each of whom would eagerly leap at the chance for an evening of intense sex with so desirable a woman. Such a prospect was not at all unappealing; but with any of these men, Maria would be obliged to carefully conceal her synthetic nature. Ever since she had revealed her sophisticated robotic systems to an amazed Rachel--an indescribably erotic experience for Maria--the luscious android woman had been more than usually aroused by her own perfect artificial body. Maria wanted to enjoy being a machine tonight, as much as being a woman. She wanted to revel in being a complex assembly of microcircuitry, servomechanisms, and fiberoptics contained within a beautifully-crafted, exquisitely feminine polymer synthskin exterior. Only another female android could allow Maria to do so; only another synthetic woman could understand and share the simple joy of being a beautiful and incredibly advanced piece of machinery. Rachel would, unfortunately, be some time at the Institute. Jessica was likewise unavailable, having left town on business. But there were other possibilities... she picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hello," she said in response to the voice on the other end. "Mrs. Logan, please." There was a pause. "Christina, hello," Maria said, smiling. "It's Maria. How are you?"
Maria listened intently for a moment. "The Senator is away on business.... I see... well, I've ended up all by myself this evening, and I wondered if you might want to stop by for a bit."
"Yes... wonderful. I'll see you then. Goodbye." Maria smiled to herself, and went into the bedroom to prepare herself.

The doorbell rang at last, and although her internal clock told her that one hour, eleven minutes, and thirty-two seconds had passed since her conversation with Christina Logan it had seemed to Maria like an eternity. She went to the door, an expensive silk kimono barely concealing her shapely body while displaying her long, toned legs.

The door opened to admit Christina Logan. The sexy blonde was dressed in an expensive designer suit which perfectly accented her flawless figure and generous bosom. "Hello, Maria," she smiled.

Maria took a moment to savor the sight; as she did, her subsystems displayed recognition data in her field of vision--Christina Logan Unit RX3421, accompanied by other pertinent data points, scrolled before her. A cached image of the hot blonde, lying naked and headless on one of the Institute's maintenance couches, appeared as Maria recalled the last time she had seen Christina. "Hello," she said, and embraced her friend. "Please, come in."

Christina pushed the door closed behind her, and embraced Maria again--an embrace accompanied now by an eager and very deep kiss. She twirled her tongue around Maria's, and deftly undid the robe holding the other woman's kimono closed. She broke off suddenly. "I'm sorry it took so long for me to get here," she said. "I couldn't stand it. The closer I got to your house, the hotter it made me."
"You're here now," Maria smiled, punctuating her statement with another brief kiss.
"Yes... and I want to be with you now. I want you so badly, Maria... it's been so long..."
Maria simply shrugged her kimono the rest of the way off, letting it fall to the floor. She took Christina by the hand and led her to the bedroom. Once there, she kissed the blonde again, and all but tore her clothes off before moving toward the bed. Christina, now totally naked, followed suit. Maria lay back on the bed, allowing Christina to crawl atop her. They kissed with unrestrained passion. Maria reached up to caress Christina's tanned, spectacularly-full breasts. Christina, in turn, inched closer to allow Maria better access.

Maria began to suck and lick Christina's large, sensitive nipples. She loved the blonde's breasts; such a superb example of the Dyson Institute's craftsmanship. Christina, in turn, loved the attention which Maria lavished upon them. Her nipples had been specially configured to provide maximum sensation. The sexy blonde cooed with delight as Maria's talented tongue teased her nipples. Christina received a great deal of attention from the Institute in terms of servicing and upgrades, often fulfilling various requests from her husband. Her android body was a showpiece of sexual functionality... in order to keep Senator Logan pleased, the Institute had fitted Christina with all the latest hardware. She had everything she needed to make her the ultimate robotic sex machine. As Maria continued to play with her breasts, Christina's moans grew louder and more heated. She gave a toss of her impeccably-styled blonde hair and looked down at Maria. "Mmmmmm.... I want you to lick my pussy, RX3655," she whispered.
Christina turned around, bringing her beautiful synthetic sex into position over Maria's face. The blonde crouched on all fours as Maria leaned forward to kiss and probe the other android's pussy.
Maria moaned softly into Christina's dripping sex, lapping up the delicious synthetic juices. She always enjoyed making love to the sexy blonde android. Christina's advanced hardware and software made her a perfect lesbian lover. Seeing and hearing how Christina's spectacular robotic body responded to her efforts always made Maria even hotter. Soon Maria could stand it no longer. She withdrew her tongue from Christina's delicious slit long enough to moan, "Do me, RX3421... make love to my synthetic pussy while I eat you. I want to come when you do."
Christina required no further prodding. She leaned down between Maria's shapely thighs and dove in, hungrily devouring her lesbian lover's beautiful robotic pussy. Maria squealed with delight. The oral-sex upgrades the blonde had received at the Institute clearly applied to female as well as male partners. This was little surprise; although Christina was primarily designed and programmed for her husband's pleasure, she could not satisfy her own meticulously-programmed desires with him alone. She adored lesbian sex as an outlet for her digital passions--especially with other sexy android women. Christina slid her tongue deep between the perfect pearl-pink lips of Maria's sex, savoring the wondeful taste. She loved to eat pussy, most of all synthetic pussy. She brought her tongue back to Maria's clitoris and swirled it around and around the tiny bud. Maria simply moaned into Christina's wetness.
"I love licking your pussy, RX3655," Christina said between laps. "It's so perfect, so beautiful. They built you so well... an android pussy like yours is an absolute delight to make love to." She drew the exquisite synthetic clit between her lips and sucked gently. "You are a delight to make love to. I'm so glad my husband has had my software and hardware upgraded and optimized for sexual activity... it's incredible, RX3655. I am a totally perfect sex machine. Every aspect of my body and my mind is designed for lovemaking... it's so erotic to know that. They built me for this. They programmed me for this. I feel so fulfilled when I'm having sex... I am a machine, performing its function perfectly. The senator loves the idea of me being with other women... it makes him so hot. That's why I'm programmed so extensively for bisexuality. He loves it when I tell him about making love with another woman... I remove my faceplate, and let him take me from behind while I look into a mirror and tell him about my lesbian experiences. It's so hot, Maria... and because my programming, I can barely look at a beautiful woman without being overwhelmed by the arousal data. And you are so very beautiful, RX3655... such a lovely, vibrant, sensual woman... so superbly sexy in every way... and completely robotic, just like me... ohhhhhhh...." She plunged her tongue into Maria once more, eliciting a long, low moan.
"Ohhh, yes... yes, Unit RX3421..." Maria moaned. "You are so good... you're doing that so wonderfully. You really are a fantastic piece of technology... an absolutely superb android sex machine." She slid her middle finger gently into Christina's wet pussy, continuing to lick the blonde android's electronic clitoris. "Tell me more about how you love to make love to me."
"Mmmm!" Christina squealed, reacting to the welcome intrusion of Maria's finger. "I do... I adore making lesbian love to you. I'm programmed to love it, RX3655... you understand that. The Dyson Institute constantly updates my software to my husband's specifications. I am a perfect machine, designed and built for pleasure--my own pleasure. Having you lick and finger my pussy like this... it's so wonderful. You bring my sex hardware to the brink of malfunction... you're such a fantastic lover. And eating your delicious pussy at the same time makes me even hotter. You know that I'll need to be serviced extensively after we're done, don't you? So many intense orgasm sequences executing in so little time... it plays havoc with my pelvic module hydraulics. I love it... coming so often, so hard, that my robotic systems need to be repaired every time we do it together." Christina followed Maria's lead, sliding a finger inside her lover's sex while manipulating Maria's clit with the fingers of her other hand. She broke off her monologue periodically for a brief kiss or lick. "I absolutely love eating your pussy, Maria... you taste so wonderful."
"So do you, Christina," Maria sighed. "Your pussy is incredible... absolutely perfect in every way. It's so delicious, so beautiful... and knowing that there's so much advanced technology inside it is so erotic. I don't think the Institute has ever built a more perfect synthetic pussy than yours."
"Having such a beautiful, flawless robotic pussy is one of the best things about being an android woman," Christina said. "You know exactly what I mean."
"Oh, yes," Maria said, rubbing Christina's clit while sinking two fingers deep inside her android lover. "So perfect, so smooth, and packed with sophisticated circuitry and sensors. I love knowing that it was designed and built specifically for my pleasure. No organic woman could imagine such new dimensions of erotic enjoyment..." She cried out. "Don't stop now, RX3421... I love the way you eat me. Make me come... and I'll make you come."
"Mmmmm, yes--yes--yes," Christina said, punctuating her moans with darts of her tongue against Maria's clitoris. "I'm ready now... my orgasm sequence is about to execute..."
"Yes... ohhh, yes... mine too... yes... ooooooohhhhh... RX3421... yes--right there--right there! Don't stop! Ohhhhhh, God, yes! Yes! I'm coming!"
"Yeahhhh.... that's it--that's it--eat me, RX3655... eat my pussy... Oh! Ohhh! Yes! Yes! YES!"
That fantastic simultaneous orgasm was far from the last one of the evening. It was common for Maria and Christina to make love for hours on end, enjoying their marathon sessions of robotic lesbian passion. The two gorgeous androids exulted in each other's spectacularly lovely synthetic bodies. They ate and fingered each other, they rubbed their dripping artificial pussies together. They would pause occasionally to nuzzle together, their limbs intertwined, and discuss some of the other powerfully erotic experiences they'd each had.
" was so wonderful, knowing that I was the first to make love to her sexy new body," Maria said. "And Rachel was a fantastic lover. I think the Institute's new sexual performance software is even better than before, if that's possible."
"Dr. Dyson told me how much work goes into keeping the sex software top-of-the-line. They're constantly working to improve it. She says it's very important to her that units like us get the maximum possible enjoyment from our android bodies." Christina moved one hand over to gently caress Maria's curvaceous hip. "Dr. Dyson's really on our side that way. After all, she knows better than any of us what it is to be a perfect female android."
"Have you ever made it with Dr. Dyson?" Maria asked her beautiful blonde lover.
"Oh, yes," Christina smiled. "She is incredible... I'm not sure I've ever been eaten so wonderfully. She and I make love whenever possible... which is, sadly, not quite often enough for my tastes. She has a real talent for licking pussy--and, of course, she knows exactly how to coax every byte of pleasure data out of your sex hardware. Dr. Dyson programmed much of my sexual software personally... she's a wonderful lesbian lover."
"Oh, my God," Maria said softly. "That's so hot. I'm not sure what would be more erotic... to have Dr. Dyson eat my pussy, or to have her reprogram me personally..."
"Both are fantastically hot," Christina said. "Because of my husband, I receive a lot of attention from the Institute, you know... Dr. Dyson takes a particular interest in me. She personally oversaw my initial design... she helped to build me. She was conducting a private diagnostics and software upgrade session on me... that's how she and I came to make love. She opened my access panels and examined my systems... she removed my head unit and some of my other body parts. Then she worked on my software. It was so intense, being reprogrammed by Dr. Dyson. I could feel my mind, my personality being altered very subtly, as she accessed my software core directly. She had opened her blouse and her abdominal panel to connect herself to me directly. I knew that she was an android like me, but seeing her circuitry and her other advanced components was so arousing. She's such an incredible unit, Maria. I couldn't help myself... I had to seduce her. Luckily, she was quite willing to be seduced."
"That's so hot," Maria said, and kissed the sexy blonde android. "I want you now," she murmured. "I want to be licked by a very beautiful synthetic woman who was personally programmed by Dr. Dyson." She began to suck and lick Christina's once-more erect nipples.
Christina sighed. "Ohhhhhh, yes..." she said. "I am programmed to enjoy licking your perfect android pussy. But first, open my abdominal interface. I want to you to see my internal systems, to know that another perfect machine is pleasuring you... I want you to enjoy every picosecond of being licked and sucked and eaten by an android woman, perfectly designed, built and programmed for lesbian sex." She laid back on the bed as the faint seam began to appear in the smooth skin of her belly.
As the panel rose up from Christina's body with a soft whir, Maria gingerly removed the section of synthetic flesh and set it aside to reveal the beautiful blonde's sophisticated robotic components. Maria then moved one leg gracefully across Christina, positioning herself above the blonde's lovely face.
Christina extended her long, nimble tongue to softly caress Maria's moist, hairless sex. Soon Maria was moaning in delight. Christina was an expert lover, without doubt--Maria knew that first-hand. Of course, with her sophisticated programming, she could scarcely be otherwise. What an amazing exercise in technology the sexy blonde represented... the very pinnacle of artificial female technology, and a peerless sexual pleasure machine. The data streams from Maria's synthetic sex hardware were unbelievable. Christina's tongue probed every millimeter of Maria's perfectly-constructed robotic pussy, finding every last sensor.
Maria cried out, reaching down to fondle Christina's flawless tanned breasts. She gazed down at Christina's open interface, transfixed by the unearthly electronic beauty of circuitry, fiberoptics, and microhydraulics. The rapid winking of tiny LED indicators was hypnotic.
"Oh, God, yes," Maria tossed her head back as Christina licked her synthetic clit. "That's so wonderful... you are incredible, RX3421... you are perfect!" A message window appeared in Maria's field of vision, announcing the imminent execution of her orgasm sequence. She cried out as she came; this was a wonderful climax. Maria never ceased to be amazed at the intricate, subtle perfection of her sexual software... the Dyson Institute's programmers had paid such care to crafting these marvelous digital orgasms, ensuring that android women like Maria received the greatest possible enjoyment from their robotic existence. She turned around and kissed Christina with unrivalled lust. "RX3421, you are unbelievable. No organic woman could possibly please me like that."
"I am one of the most advanced dedicated sex units the Institute has ever built," Christina said, with justifiable pride. "I'm built and programmed to make love, Maria... to give and receive pleasure. I am a perfect sex machine."
"Yes... you are perfect," Maria said. She began to kiss her way down Christina's beautiful synthetic body. "Now I want to return the favor."
"Oooooooh... yes," Christina said, as Maria's tongue teased her nipple. "I'm ready, RX3655... my self-diagnostics are starting to show system errors, but my sexual functions are still at full capacity. Did you know that my subsystems are designed to give my sexual functions top priority? Even if my other systems begin to fail, I am still capable of experiencing sexual pleasure..."
Maria's tongue slid down Christina's soft, tanned belly, tracing the edge of her open interface.
"Make love to me, RX3655," Christina whispered. "Do me... lick my android pussy... make me come... make me malfunction, RX3655. My sex hardware is capable of giving me more pleasure than my systems can handle. I want to come so hard that I need to be repaired afterwards..."
Maria moved down, nuzzling Christina's perfectly-trimmed mound of golden pubic hair and kissing her wet slit. She licked Christina's pussy from bottom to top, slowly and sensuously, only just brushing the tip of her tongue against her android lover's ultra-sensitive electronic clitoris. She plunged her tongue deep between Christina's delicate nether lips, probing deeply. Maria lapped up the sweet synthetic juices that flowed endlessly from that perfect pussy, enjoying the taste of another robotic woman. She could not help but admire the perfection of Christina's sex.
Christina panted heavily, her endlessly-complex subsystem software maintaining the illusion of humanity. No human female, however, could begin to imagine the depths of intense pleasure that now coursed through the lovely blonde android's sophisticated circuitry. A flurry of advisory windows appeared before Christina's eyes, informing her of impending software failures; she knew that her available system resources were increasingly being devoted to coping with the vast amounts of pleasure data. Soon her subsystem would instigate an emergency shutdown, to protect the integrity of her digitized personality data. The contrast between her own personality and her sophisticated software--an intensely erotic sensation--only increased her enjoyment.
"Ohhhh! Ohhh, yes, Maria, yes--do me! Eat my pussy! Just like that! Yes... Oh, yes... oh... you're going to make me come, Maria... you're going to make me malfunction... yes... yes! Ohhhhh, yes! I'm coming... coming... coming... com--error. Unit RX3421 system error. Ohhh! That's--so--good--I--I--I love to come while I'm malfunctioning-ing-ing... it makes me feel-so-robotic... robotic. Robotic. Oh, god, yes! Robotic. Failure in speech synthesis module. Robotic. Maria... yes... yes... yes... Robotic. I am an android. I am Unit RX3421. I am an android. Android. Android. I am a perfect machine. I am a android. I am a perfect machine. Robotic. I am a perfect woman. Perfect woman. Reallocating system memory. I'm coming... ohhhh... ohhhhh... yes... I am Christina Logan Unit RX3421. I am an android. I am a perfect machine. I am a perfect woman. Machine. Perfect. Android. Christina. Woman. Machine. Android. Error. Orgasm sequence executing. Ohhhhhhh! Ohhhhh, yes! Ohhhhherror. Error. Yes! Machine. Machine. Machine. Woman. Machine. Android. Christina. Unit RX3421. Machine--I--am--a--machine--I--am--an--android--android--android--android--android--Unit RX3421 malfunction. System failure. Automatic emergency shutdown engaged. Unit RX3421 is shutting down."
For a few moments, strange, low-pitched electronic sounds issued from Christina's lips. Her body gave one final convulsive jerk, then stopped altogether. Christina's beautiful body was stiff, like a statue--a gorgeous, sexy woman caught in mid-climax: her back arched, her lips parted, her eyes closed. One hand was grasping her full breast, the other pushing her hair back. The LEDs within her open interface were dark.
Maria rose from between the lovely, inactive machine's thighs. She planted a soft kiss on Christina's immobile, insensate lips... then reached for the phone on the bedside table. She smiled as the Institute's service hotline number appeared before her eyes, knowing that Christina was going to thoroughly enjoy the ensuing maintenance session...
"Oh shut up Ray don't talk about gettin' with a robot
That is a ill idea"
--Roast Beef

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