Artificial chromosomes - Robot reproduction

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Artificial chromosomes - Robot reproduction

Post by Leanne » Sat Feb 05, 2005 6:29 pm

Rise of the sex machines

A South Korean inventor is set to revamp the world of cyber sex with the launch of artificial chromosomes that lets robots feel lustful and might even let them reproduce.

Kim Jong-Hwan says his development at the Intelligent Robot Research Centre has pioneered real-world possibilities by copying the model of human DNA.

Over the next three months, he plans to install software in a robot so the machine can have the ability to feel, reason and desire.

According to the Guardian, Mr Jong-Hwan is no crank and has already masterminded some of the world’s leading robotic innovations.

In this instance, the acclaimed professor is installing software into robots that run on a scaled down version of DNA, instead of the double helix of a real chromosome.

“Robots will have their own personalities and emotion and - as films like I-Robot warn - that could be very dangerous for humanity,” said Kim.

“If we can provide a robot with good - soft — chromosomes, they may not be such a threat.”

His idea centres on using a seminal computer code to determine a robot’s tendency to ‘feel’ happy or sad, angry, sleepy, hungry or afraid.

According to Kim, previous experiments have focused only on the functionality of the machines but his project is to exploit the “essence” of the cyber creatures.

The news comes as innovation in robotics has led one scientist to create cyber guide dogs to help those with disabilities, as well as overcome the mass of projects devoted to military or defence projects.

Professor Vladimir Kulyukin said as 90 per cent of research in science and engineering is devoted to military means, his advance in assistive technologies would do the opposite; by enhancing life.

Yet he has encountered some test problems with an embedded voice system, when a blind man found a glitch by clearing his throat and falsely alerted the robot he needed the lavatory.

“Every time the man cleared his throat, the robot would immediately change directions and guide him to the bathroom,” said Kulyukin.

The Russian professor said it was an “especially embarrassing moment” in his project, which one day could allow blind people to go shopping with carts to guide them around the supermarket.

Feb 4, 2005

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Post by Stephaniebot » Sun Feb 06, 2005 1:30 am

This story was covered quite recently here on

so it might be worth having a peek there Leanne.
At the time I did wonder what would happen if these robot chromosones 'accidentally' got injected into a human body,as to whether they would be powerful enough to override the human system and cause some adaptation.Not altogether surprsingly I volunteered to help out with any experiments along these lines but sadly havent heard anything as yet.
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Post by Kriegsaffe No. 9 » Sun Feb 06, 2005 5:17 pm

Iiiinteresting. This also leads to weird stuff like pregnant robots, CyberLabor 204X, and the actualization of the ever-creepy "little girl" robots, as seen in Xenosaga.

And four-year-old robots. I am reminded of that episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, where the robot legs for the massive "top of the line" net surfing units humped each other. They used an A.I. helmet with the IQ of a four-year-old on one so that it would disenguage. That worked. Until it saw a pool and jumped in... "A pool let us go swimming!" And then the other chased it and jumped in (its jacked-in user screaming "No, stop, she's too young for you!"). Promote explosions.
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Post by Leanne » Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:30 pm

Stephaniebot wrote:This story was covered quite recently here on

so it might be worth having a peek there Leanne.
At the time I did wonder what would happen if these robot chromosones 'accidentally' got injected into a human body,as to whether they would be powerful enough to override the human system and cause some adaptation.Not altogether surprsingly I volunteered to help out with any experiments along these lines but sadly havent heard anything as yet.
Tell us if they do call you. I suspect the robot chromosomes wouldnt work in the human body and would be rejected. Unless there is sufficient numbers to splice with the human genome - probably need nanobots to invade every cell at once and do some major tweeking. My guess is that there would be a high death ratio of the individuals infected at any rate.

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Post by Stephaniebot » Sat Feb 12, 2005 11:00 am

Tell us if they do call you. I suspect the robot chromosomes wouldnt work in the human body and would be rejected. Unless there is sufficient numbers to splice with the human genome - probably need nanobots to invade every cell at once and do some major tweeking. My guess is that there would be a high death ratio of the individuals infected at any rate.
Hi Leanne,well I never got a reply anyway! I'm inclined to agree that just injecting the robot chromosones into the human body wouldnt bring about any transformations,as you say our immune system would probably just reject them.I suspect if as you say there was some means of splice them into the human genome then the results might be more effective,though as you say I suspect the only way of having overwhelming success would be a mass 'flooding' of the human body with these chromosones,I guess with nanobot technology that might be possible but I have absolutely no idea.Clearly there would be some risk involved in doing this,but shall we say I'd be prepared to take my chance on that one.
I'd still happily volunteer given the chance.
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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