Girl promotes her Onlyfans by acting as a robot - Darcy Rosa aka. TheDaughterofShylock

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Girl promotes her Onlyfans by acting as a robot - Darcy Rosa aka. TheDaughterofShylock

Post by Muchacho » Mon Sep 07, 2020 8:45 pm

Hey Guys, how's it going? I hope you're doing well...

The other day I was looking for some content on Youtube and just stumbled upon a "Robot Girlfriend" video.
I got quite surprised to see that the girl on this video was actually promoting her onlyfans account... and it seems that it's only 3$ a month with lots of explicit stuff...

Here's the link to the video:

Here's a link to her onlyfans account:

Her instagram also features plenty of sexy content:

Also, here you can see two more videos where she also plays a robot:

As I understand, she also makes custom content. So, maybe somebody here can give her a chance. Of course, I'd order something but unfortunately, I'm still unemployed.

Anyway, what do you guys think? Does she have potential?

Personally, I'd love to see a video of her malfunctioning, so I could edit it...

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Re: Girl promotes her Onlyfans by acting as a robot - Darcy Rosa aka. TheDaughterofShylock

Post by mr.tobor » Thu Oct 01, 2020 10:59 am

I'm pretty sure the other two robot videos were audition videos for an independent movie. I ran across another actress who posted a video on YouTube with the exact same dialog; unfortunately she either removed it or set the video to private. Very interested to see if that movie goes anywhere or if anyone can track down any additional information on it.

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