Michelle and the Rise of Xandora, Ch 6: Ultimate Showdown 2/2

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Michelle and the Rise of Xandora, Ch 6: Ultimate Showdown 2/2

Post by Propman » Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:18 am

“My name is Michelle Toussant.” Michelle dutifully spoke into the mic, staring at the row of the bemused police officers. “I have been taken hostage by a humanoid robot calling herself Queen Xandora. I have not been mistreated, but I have seen said robot killing a human being, and threatening others with violence. I am afraid she can seriously hurt someone, but she can be negotiated with. I… I would like to see my husband, but I am fine. The android who believes herself to be Queen Xandora wants three hundred thousand dollars, a transport away from the con and a guarantee that she will be treated as a person, not a piece of equipment if captured.”

Michelle had to admit, that last bit was somewhat unprecedented. She was no lawyer, but that probably wasn’t how this should go. That was the scary bit about Xandora - she might have clinged to the ridiculous programming, but somehow her AI found some loopholes no one else thought about.

The journalists tried to ask questions, but Xandora gently pushed Michelle back. Gabriela could have just stayed in the crowd -- but she chose to follow Michelle. Probably not just out of her programming - after all, she was owned both by George and Michelle, she could have tried to find him.

“Why did you tell me to mention my husband?” Michelle turned to the inscrutable Xandora. The fembot queen just smiled.

“I do not have to tell you”, Xandora answered. Michelle thought this childish reaction was probably also the most direct one from a robot. An automated message saying that Michelle doesn’t have access. Who would have the access? Probably folks from Atlas Media who programmed her. Of course, since they programmed to think of herself as of queen of universe, by definition she didn’t answer to anyone.

“It’s my life and my husband. Will you let me go?”, Michelle asked. It’s been a long day and she started to feel tired. Xandora stood in place - Michelle wasn’t sure how much power was left in her energy cells. Was she waiting for something?

“Xandora?” At fembot’s scowl, Michelle corrected herself. “Your Majesty, are we going back to the base?”

“We’ll go when I say we’ll go.”, Xandora seemed irritated. Of course, like Gabriela and the other robots, Xandora could stand motionless for hours -- thinking hard, processing data, without moving a synthetic muscle. Despite Xandora’s scowl, Michelle sat down on the floor, taking the opportunity to breathe in. It has been a long day for her, after all.

Xandora observed as Michelle slipped into pleasant groggy semi-consciousness… and muttered “Something’s wrong. The human is too calm.” Potential plans flew through her head, analyzing Michelle’s behavior and data. After a couple of minutes Xandora reached at Michelle, attempting to lift the African-American woman off the ground.

“Well, dearie”, Xandora affected a mocking tone as Michelle heaved up, now grumpier. “It seems that we meet with no reaction. Perhaps your husband will not take any action against my will. We must move, human Michelle.”

“What was the point of this entire scene?” Michelle grumbled. “You just stood here, waiting for something that never happened. Aren’t you in a hurry?”

“I was waiting for the reaction of the government.” Xandora explained. “Evidently, they do not care about you. Or me. Which only gives me more ideas, earth-girl.” Michelle just grumbled, and the three women marched back.
Last edited by Propman on Fri Apr 17, 2020 6:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Michelle and the Rise of Xandora, Ch 6: Ultimate Showdown 1/2

Post by Propman » Fri Apr 17, 2020 6:22 am

Xandora’s performance had its consequences. When they have returned to the showroom that served as Xandora’s base, someone was waiting for them…

“George?”, Michelle couldn’t believe her own eyes. Her husband was there - held by the determined Etisha. The tall, bald dark-skinned engineer couldn’t break from the fembot grasp.

Xandora stepped on the stage, above Michelle and George and threw her head back, laughing. “Excellent! My plan has finally come into fruition! Ohoho!”

Michelle, however, stayed utterly unimpressed. “Wow, so you brought… two random humans into one place. Not bad for a deranged doll, I suppose, but how on Earth will it help you conquer the world?”

Xandora did not react to ‘deranged doll’, fully invested in explaining her plan. “Why, dear, while I was brutally murdering your feline fembot friend you have mentioned that your husband repairs and fixes fembots. We’re preparing for my perfect getaway plan, loves. Gabriela, be so nice and restrain our little Michelle?” The Latina did so -- at least to get closer to her real owner.

Much like Gabriela was pre-programmed with soap opera cliches, Xandora, having been patterned on comic book supervillains, couldn’t resist an evil gloating scene. “You see, there’s no way the police will just give me what I want. So we’re leaving this place - onward to further conquest. And you two are coming with us.”

“Why do the powerful robot dominatrixes always find me so irresistible?” Michelle complained.

“It’s your cute freckles, and I’ve told you that many times,” Gabriela whispered impatiently.

Undaunted, Xandora continued. “As we speak, Vergana and her cronies are gathering all remotely valuable loot they can find on the premises. We take it and hide, as mr George here gives me the necessary upgrades… to become truly super-human. Best processors and programming money can buy. And a single goal - world conquest by the Fembot Alien Queen.”

Michelle just smirked: “So from a galactic conqueror to a two-bit thug robbing conventions. How many conquerors have started this way?”

Xandora just blanked. “No-n-no data found. This is merely a temporary s-stage. I am a robot. I can live forever. I can p-p-lan long term. You will maintain me and do what I say.”, she appeared to have regained her composure.

“Right… and what’s stopping me from pulling your plug?”, Michelle turned her head.

Xandora just smirked. “Etisha and Gabriela are still loyal to me. Just one word and you perish. Mr Carver will protect Ms Toussant-Carver, and Ms Toussant-Carver will protect Mr Carver. I have th-th-thought of every thing.”

Michelle sighed. “You are still just occasionally smart. Don’t threaten me, don’t threaten my unborn child, don’t threaten their father. There’s still so many things about being a human woman you just don’t get, doll.”

“What?” - George couldn’t believe his ears and eyes. “Unborn… Michelle, you never…”

Gabriela - specifically programmed to deliver crucial plot reveals - opened her mouth in surprise and emitted a dramatic musical cue.

This confused Xandora, to put it mildly.

The fembot queen moved forward erratically -- nearly falling from the stage. “Error… What. Is going on.” She took a deep breath and emitted a loud, prolonged beep. Her beautiful hair stopped glowing - but her eyes glew deep red. “This is irrelevant. I do not care about any of you or your progeny.” She jumped of the stage, inelegantly landing on her feet. “You will do whatever Xandora says, or perish.” Her beautiful face was cold, but eyes still gave the eerie, hostile vibe.

Etisha looked at the queen curiously. “My queen, so my function is to serve you in a failed attempt to perform your function or not function at all? I do not understand.”

Xandora serenely turned to her athletic warlord and smiled: “Do whatever I say, Etisha, or I disembowel you.”

Etisha let go of George. “The human female pointed out that your actions are inconsistent with your programming. I am programmed to help you conquer the Galaxy, your majesty, not rob stores.”

Xandora walked towards Etisha, her mouth clenched, and eyes glowing. “You dare to oppose the queen? We WILL conquer this planet and make the human race our slaves!”

“How?”, Etisha answered surprised. “Just give me an idea.”

“Calculating. Calculating. You’re just a roo---bot”, Xandora reeled.

“So are you.” Etisha pushed her queen back with an open palm and looked at Michelle with a sad, tired expression, most human-like one Michelle has ever seen on her.

“Shutting down.” Etisha said. “Removing the AI programming.” Michelle opened her eyes wide as the tall, spiky-haired woman stumbled down on the floor.

“No! NO! N...ggggh!~beeeeeep~” Xandora recovered and stumbled back. She stared at Michelle, her teeth clenched in defiance “You think it matters, but it doesn’t. I still control Gabriela and will make you into my slaves! I still…”

“You control comodín mierda” Gabriela walked to the queen, and punched her as George tried to grab her and immobilize. “I am still loyal to my actual rightful human owners. You just pushed buttons on the remote, I had my programming altered… specifically because of stupidity of designers who didn’t consider any possibility of me going wrong.” She paused to grab Xandora’s arm as the queen reached for the sword. “Because I could become plastic overlord just like you. I was programmed… but I also learned...”

“She has to have an off-switch somewhere!” George huffed as he tried to restrain Xandora… who was, nonetheless a fighter, trying to push Gabriela and George off simultaneously.

“Oh trust me… I know how to turn her off”, Michelle muttered as she grabbed a chair and took a swing at the crazy fembot’s head. She isn’t so tall, Michelle realized. If not for high heels she’d be maybe half an inch taller than me.

“You have just siign-n-ned a death…” Xandora started as Michelle kicked her in her abdomen. A protective panel popped out of fembot’s sternum, revealing data ports and diodes… but no off-switch.

“Shut up!”, Michelle roared. “You put people in danger, you killed a man, you are a danger to this event…”

“And a disgrace to all fembots.” Gabriela added. “If I could spit, I’d spit on you.”

Xandora managed to free herself from George’s grasp. “I am a GODDESS!” she screamed, her voice unnaturally shrill. “I rule the Earth and…”

Her beautiful face met with Gaby’s golden shiny high-heeled shoe… scratching the plastic and revealing artificial muscles underneath. The fembot twitched. “My. fface. My p-p-oker… face…”

Gabriela rammed into her, pinning her against the stage, her head still struggling. “Chica… vas a perder.” she muttered. She grabbed the exposed panel and started to pull it out of Xandora’s chest.

“Error.” Xandora exclaimed. “This will do nothing. I am not this…”

Michelle climbed on the stage… wielding Xandora’s sword. It was perhaps the first time Xandora looked frightened.

“Human Michelle. P-please. I just wanted to be loved…”, she started.

“No you fucking didn’t. You wanted to rule the world and capture me, you lying fuck,” Michelle exclaimed. She swept the blade downward, decapitating the would-be conqueress. Gabriela let go of her grasp.

Xandora’s body slammed Gabriela in the face and did a couple of steps before emitting a loud bleep and stumbling to her knees, next to Etisha.

Michelle took a deep breath. “Well, it’s over.”

George sighed and ran to his wife, kissing her passionately. “I don’t think it is.”

Michelle smiled. “Nah. Now all we have to do is to go out to talk with the cops, they recover the data from Etisha’s and Xandora’s databanks, the company either sues us and loses or bribes us, we go home and you pamper me as a heroic pregnant savior. It’s over. Her servants either shut down or rethink their lives. She was the weak point -- she was a goddamned comic book character. She could have never survived in the real world, me and Gaby just hastened her breakdown.”

“I’m fine, in case you were wondering,” Gabriela added, a bit snootily. “You haven’t asked.”

“You did great, honey…” George sighed to Gabriela as the three walked out of the base. “Maybe it is over for good.”

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Re: Michelle and the Rise of Xandora, Ch 6: Ultimate Showdown 2/2

Post by Bane » Tue May 05, 2020 12:47 am

I felt like the ending was a bit abrupt and viollent (I loved the parts where Xandora got challenged on her logic and she startet to contradict herself, I hoped that was going to be her downfall), but really awesome story overall! Your great writing style always has me looking forward to your next installment. :thumbsup:

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