"Kill the Power Gamer" by Eric Vall

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"Kill the Power Gamer" by Eric Vall

Post by Sanjuro » Sun Nov 17, 2019 9:34 am

Just finished this novel... Holy shit, that was HOT.

It's about a humanoid android made by an evil AI army in the future that was sent back in time to kill the parent of a future human resistance leader. Sound familiar? It's basically the plot of Terminator 1, but with a twist.

The android is a platinum blonde supermodel-esque woman with nanomachine healing properties. She eventually befriends her target, the future father of the resistance leader, and sexy, coming-of-age fembot scenes ensue. Think "Terminator-meets-John Hughes". The plot is mostly predictable, but it's actually very well written & even has some cool action scenes.

Lots of HUD display, 1st-person fembot thoughts, techno babble, nanomachine tech, video gaming, robots vs robots, and (of course) sex.

This is just a one-off novel by Eric Vall, but MAN is it great. I, personally, would love to see him write more fembot stories now.

"Kill the Power Gamer" is on the Kindle app store/Amazon for $4.99, or you can read the whole book for free w/ Kindle Unlimited.

https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source= ... aJE5n6ZruR

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