Andrew's Research Part 1: The College Girl

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Re: Andrew's Research Part 1: The College Girl

Post by Andrewd » Tue Mar 14, 2017 3:13 pm


“Jeromy, you’re making a mess!” Natalie complained over the constellation of queso drops.

“Hey, I can’t help it! It just slides off the chip,” replied Jeromy. His justification didn’t seem to satisfy her. “Stupid chips, it’s not my fault. I always get fussed at over this. Maybe it’s the chips’ fault for not being more cup-like.” He playfully pouted.

Natalie responded, “Sigmund Freud once said, ‘The instinct of love toward an object demands a mastery to obtain it, and if a person feels they can't control the object, or feel threatened by it, they act negatively toward it.’” She smiled smugly. “You’re obviously just angry at the chip because you can’t handle it correctly.”

“Umm,” interjected Andrew, “I’m pretty sure that’s just a paraphrasing someone did on an episode of House. I have no idea if he actually said that.”

“Since when did you watch classic TV Andrew?” asked Natalie.

“You made me watch that. Remember? Freshman year. The whooole show.”

“Oh. Well you said you didn’t know much about pre-22nd century culture. It was my duty to enlighten you.”

“Yes, I’m sooo enlightened now. Thank you,” Andrew replied, his voice flat.

“Changing topics,” said Jeromy, “Did you guys hear the news? The population of New York has passed a million!”

“I hadn’t heard,” Andrew said. “I was in my room all weekend working.” He wasn’t surprised though. It was projected to happen soon. “So that means we’re going to be officially incorporated as a province, right?”

“Yup!” Jeromy replied, a grin on his face. “We get a senator down in Sydney, and our district council will hold a convention to amend or replace our district constitution! The Unionist club is having a party to celebrate, wanna come? We’ll have lots of dope!”

That sounded like a lot of fun, but he couldn’t. He knew it. “Thanks, but I’m not all that into parties.”

Natalie gave him a knowing look, but Jeromy was far less subtle. “Why don’t you ever do dope?” There it was, the question. It always came up when he was invited to these things, and he always hated talking about it. He could feel his heart speed up.

Dope was the slang term for trenidate, a popular drug. It basically acted like a super-heroin, but without negative physical effects. It was completely legal, of course, and popular with young adults. Andrew sighed, and said, “I never really talked to you about this, Jeromy, but my dad had a big drug problem for a while. Really threw his life off the rails. I don’t know if I would have the same problem, but I don’t want to risk it. Addiction is scary. I totally respect your decision to do that, but I don’t really want a part of it.”

“But trenidate isn’t addictive! Everyone knows that,” said Jeromy.

“It’s not physiologically addictive, but anything can be psychologically addictive. I’ve seen it before, how being addicted to something can change you. It can make you a monster. Thanks, but I don’t want any part of it, and I ask that you respect that.”

Awkward silence hung in the air for a moment, but then Jeromy smiled and said “Alright man. You do you.”

Then the waiter arrived and served them their food. He was an android, of course. No human stooped so low as to perform manual labor these days. “Thank you,” said Natalie when he placed her chimichanga in front of her.

“You’re welcome,” he said with a delighted smile.

“Why do you do that?” asked Andrew, after he walked off.

“Do what?” said Natalie.

“Say please and thank you to androids. I’ve seen you do it loads before, and I’ve never really understood it.”

“Because it’s the polite thing to do.” She said it as if there was nothing more to it than that.

“But he’s just an android. Even if his programmed personality acts offended by rudeness, there’s no sentient person in there to actually feel bad about it.”

“I know that. I’m not one of those old Liberators who thought these androids were sentient. That question is well-and-truly solved. All sentient androids are given full human rights at creation. It’s not a question of how the android feels about it. It’s a question of how I feel about it. Why would I train myself to not be polite?”

Andrew didn’t have a response to that, but he didn’t need one. Jeromy redirected the conversation. “Anyways, are you gonna be at the party Natalie?”

“Of course!” she said. “I’d love to chat up you politics nerds. The real thing to celebrate isn’t our political upgrade. I mean, who cares how we’re represented on the other side of the world in Sydney? What I’m excited about is the next phase of the environmental reconstruction! Forget about the mutants, radiation, and killer nano-swarms that buzz around outside the New York hab domes. There’s good reason to think that there are unexploded nukes just lying out there! And the ERA has done nothing about them! Now that we’re a province, they have to take action. And don’t forget about the radpoles just off the coast! And we’re going to get some scrubbots and–”

“Oh, she’s going on about her environmental stuff,” said Jeromy. “I guess I should order five more courses; we have the time. Hmm and probably a margarita or three...”

Andrew smiled as Natalie punched Jeromy on the shoulder.

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Re: Andrew's Research Part 1: The College Girl

Post by Andrewd » Mon May 08, 2017 12:03 am


Emily was washing the dishes, surprisingly one of her favorite things to do. In another life, a better life, she had hated chores. Manual, menial labor. Now, they were a source of solace. A time when she could be herself, alone with her thoughts. A time when Andrew wouldn’t force her to do anything. Technically he was forcing her to do these dishes, but at least that was less demeaning and hurtful than when he needed entertainment. Or was turned on. Or just frustrated.

That first night with him, she was shocked. Terrified that this man had such power over her, and could make her do those things. Things she tried not to think about. Now, after three years of it, the pain had dulled. There was nothing more he could take from her. Every demeaning thing, every thing that she would never choose to do of her own accord, she had already done. The immediate shock and terror had morphed into an angst about her enslavement, her lack of future and her role as someone’s plaything. That angst had eventually become a numb acceptance. She tended not to feel much of anything anymore.

Intellectually, she had no place to argue. She wasn’t truly conscious, and she knew it. She had looked into the studies, and knew for certain that the rights of truly sentient androids were fully respected. Sure, there was the occasional racist, but those were derided by all of society. She was not one of those. Technically, Andrew could do whatever he wanted to her and it would be perfectly ethical, because she wasn’t sentient. But it didn’t feel that way to her. She felt real, felt the suds between her fingers, the warmth of the water, and the pain Andrew would probably cause her later that evening. But what did those “feelings” matter? A being that was indistinguishable from humans except lacking consciousness would “feel” those things too, and proclaim its consciousness to the world. The only real recourse was science, and science said she was an object, free to be played with by the world. And that’s all there was to it.

Just as she finished the last dish, she heard Andrew calling to her. She dried her hands, and entered the living room wordlessly. Andrew was sitting on the couch.

“Sit here with me,” he said, gesturing to a spot on the couch. She complied, still not saying anything. There was nothing to say. He leaned forward and kissed her. She didn’t resist. Trying would’ve been useless. Sometimes he ordered her to kiss back, but now he seemed to be enjoying his abject dominance, and her total surrender. She felt his tongue invade her mouth, feeling its way around deeper than anyone could really like. He grabbed her hands and started placing them in various places, touching him wherever he chose. He broke his kiss and whispered in her ear to keep her hands on his face, which she did. Then he followed his hands up her arms and reached down her shirt, groping her breasts roughly. He told her to take her clothes off, which she did. He did the same, and entered her.

As he began thrusting, she tried to send her mind elsewhere. Memories of her past life, or of the cute dog she saw through the window the other day. His thrusting inspired pleasures in her, and she hated herself every time they distracted her from the distant thoughts. At least he wasn’t trying anything elaborate. Sometimes he made her to pretend to love him, or participate actively, and she had no choice but to comply. He sometimes concocted obscene games to play, or asked her what she would least like to do. Now, though, he seemed to just need to get off.

Soon he finished, and withdrew from her. Sighing, he said “I’m going to miss you like that.” He told her to clothe herself, as he did the same. “Come on, follow me. We’re going to the lab.”

To the lab? He had only taken her there a few times before, when he did school projects on her. As a robotics major, she had often been the subject of his experiments. One time, he had caused her to orgasm nonstop for a week. Another time, he had made her forget her brother, except for the fact that she had one. What was he going to do to her now? She felt an anxiety well up in her, but she said nothing.

When they arrived, she followed him down the stairs, to an interface chair. He commanded her to sit, and she obeyed. She felt the back of her head open up, and a dongle from the interface plugged itself in. She felt the world around her fade, and she was disembodied and floating in a dark void. She suddenly felt terror without a body to feel it in. Her mind became jumbled. She couldn’t remember, well, anything. Why was she here? Who was she? What was her name? Why is there darkness? Soon the very words for these concepts disappeared, and her thoughts became wordless, confused fear. Then came the pain, pain everywhere.

Outside, Andrew was excited when the first results started streaming through his terminal. His new project wasn’t for any class, but was his ticket to success after he graduated. He had come upon the idea when he was with Alisha. His own android was so resentful of her situation, so full of reticence. He thoroughly enjoyed the active participation that Alisha gave him, and wanted the same thing from Emily. Yet, you can’t just reprogram an android. Their minds grew organically like a human’s, and modifying one directly would require an understanding of the human mind that had yet to be achieved. The one thing that can be done to an android is memory modification. He had erased Emily’s memory to reset her to her factory state, and then tried to woo her politely, but had quickly grown bored of that.

So he invented this new technology; he called it mind sculpting. He had received some funding for it, and had perfected it over the past year. The first few androids he tried it on had gone permanently insane, and had to have their minds reset using backups, but now the technique was down. The idea behind it was simple: a Belgian team had discovered a memory-erasing method that left the emotional affect of an experience behind. For example, if an android learned to hate a person, then had their memory erased in that way, they would still hate that person when they met, even if there was no explicit justification.

Andrew took that foundation and developed a method to systematically condition an android to react in certain ways to a stimulus. If they reacted the right way, activate all pleasurable sensations possible. If they reacted negatively, activate all the painful sensations possible. Erase the android’s memory using the Belgian technique, and repeat. On a modern supercomputer like the one his university had, you could subject the android to years of conditioning in mere hours of real time. Eventually, the android would always act as desired, and would have no memory of the experience. You can use this method to train the android to love anything or hate anything, or to think in certain ways or never think those ways. There were countless dimensions of mind, and you could pinpoint any location in that space and the search algorithm would steadily push the android towards it. Ever since they were first invented, androids were essentially mentally free, even as their actions were controlled. Now their personalities and minds could be sculpted like clay. The possibilities were endless.

Andrew looked again at the terminal, at the reported successful results streaming in. Yes, he thought. This was going to be big. He looked at Emily, who sat there motionless. He stroked her hair gently. They were gonna have fun this evening, too. He had made sure to save a backup of her unmodified state, in case he wanted the fun of her unwilling self again. But tonight? She would give herself to him, completely willingly. He had always had the power to make her do whatever he wanted. Now he had the power to make her want whatever he wanted. He felt himself growing excited by the thought.

Even more than his personal gain, he was going to show this to the world. He was making his contribution to science, and it would be noticed. He knew it.

End of Part 1.

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