So....this is how people think we are......

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So....this is how people think we are......

Post by N6688 » Mon Nov 03, 2014 5:07 pm

So....this is how people think we are......
Well it's official, we are all a bunch of creeps according to the person that wrote this article.
Nice non biased journalism here. ... -sex-sheep
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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by --NightBattery-- » Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:49 pm

There is also this radio/podcast show in australia that said that we are mostly harmless and hate how philosophical some threads get here.

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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by 33cl33 » Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:01 am

Yeah - 2 year old jezebel article. 'Nuf said. Their target audience is a poorly informed middle-school kid with angst toward most of society.

I think most people put up a public facade toward the idea of technosexuality - but the day a non-creepy, real fembot is put up on the stage, people will start voting with their wallets.

We were at a comic-con (not THE comic-con) recently, and one of those 'creepy' dudes-with-a-fembot were there exhibiting. My wife joked "Why does she look like she's made of dead hookers?" It was essentially a mannequin with a speech-simulating laptop connected to it.

But then agreed with me that the first guy to build a good one will be a billionaire.
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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by Tinkertoy » Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:48 am

As a technosexual woman I found that article incredibly offensive. Every time "these people" are mentioned the word "men" is bracketed as if this particular fetish is exclusive to dudes, not only dudes, but apparently, sad, gutless, worthless and creepy individuals that can;t even look a real woman in the eye with out either fantasising they are either robots or real dolls, or objectifying them as some media projected sexual object.

So basically, what this article tells us (apart from the people writing it not having a single clue) all technosexuals are creepy dudes that look like rapists. Yet, on that same site that seems to think it is a "right on for the ladies feminist action now!" site, women using electronic devices for sexual pleasure is a-okay.

*sighs and shakes head* it nice to see that the human race has evolved enough to still be incredibly judgmental of things they do not understand...then smear their ignorance all over the net....seriously, bring on the rise of the cyborgs and the robots, already.

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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by 33cl33 » Tue Nov 04, 2014 4:16 am

Tinkertoy wrote:As a technosexual woman I found that article incredibly offensive. Every time "these people" are mentioned the word "men" is bracketed as if this particular fetish is exclusive to dudes, not only dudes, but apparently, sad, gutless, worthless and creepy individuals that can;t even look a real woman in the eye with out either fantasising they are either robots or real dolls, or objectifying them as some media projected sexual object.

So basically, what this article tells us (apart from the people writing it not having a single clue) all technosexuals are creepy dudes that look like rapists. Yet, on that same site that seems to think it is a "right on for the ladies feminist action now!" site, women using electronic devices for sexual pleasure is a-okay.

*sighs and shakes head* it nice to see that the human race has evolved enough to still be incredibly judgmental of things they do not understand...then smear their ignorance all over the net....seriously, bring on the rise of the cyborgs and the robots, already.
Preach it, sista! :thumbsup: :applause:
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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by Stephaniebot » Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:00 pm

I'll just say its an awful article, and leave it at that.

I must say the one thing I don't get, that many seem into, is malfunctions, but that might just be me? But if you've got an expensive, good looking fembot, and you want her to malfunction, hmm?
Face plates, body panels, I get, big time though
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by Tinkertoy » Tue Nov 04, 2014 1:13 pm

I get the malfunctioning part, for sure...maybe a little bit too much, I get a huge, big kick from it.

All technology is fallible, right? I'm sure we have all had a beloved piece of technology go on the fritz or breakdown or just generally give us sass (I'm looking at you desktop computer! *squints and points accusingly*) So to have this beautiful, exquisitely crafted, expensive fembot succumb to the same problems; malware, faulty circuitry, bad or corrupted programming, buggy/glitchy software, makes perfect and sexy sense to me. It gives "our girls" a more realistic vibe for being machines. Also...if you malfunction, then you need to be fixed, updated, reprogrammed or be installed with new parts *quivers* ....which is obviously what floats my proverbial boat.

And yes, yes, YES!!! Faceplates, body panels, visible circuitry, shiny SHINY bodies, the fusion of organic and synthetic (for us cyborg perverts), robotisation and constantly being updated, reprogrammed, repaired and...*shivers* getting new parts...good golly...*trembles*

...I think I better go have a little lay down.

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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by N6688 » Tue Nov 04, 2014 2:06 pm

Thanks guys, what you said makes me feel a little bit better.
It's just every time i find an article that people are accepting our little "kink" i find 10 others that think we are the scum of the earth just because we like robot girls.
Most of us keep this little secret of ours hidden to even the women/men we love (some even for years).
I'm just scared that if i tell what i'm into to my girl i think ......well she wouldn't leave me because of it, but i think she would never see me as the "nice guy" she fell for again.
I tried to give subtle hints to what i'm into by watching some scifi movies the feature fembots but she pretty much said that:
"those people that are into those mindless shells are sad, i mean i can get that you are lonely but that youre willing to boink (yeah she uses the word "boink",it's those little nerdy things why i fell for her :lovestruck: ) a hunk of plastic instead of a real girl is sad, and i feel sorry for them.
I still hope they ever find love though

I would rather have a less kinky sexlife than risk "comming out" and lose my relationship with her.
At least i can Always freely talk about you guys about this, and i thank the guys that made this site for people like us :notworthy: .
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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by Stephaniebot » Tue Nov 04, 2014 3:02 pm

The ironic thing is, these people think that EVERY woman would be turned off by a spot of acting like a robot, when its just not true! There are some that would be, others of course just love it!

But they think they are talking for everyone, but... :roll:
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by darkbutflashy » Tue Nov 04, 2014 4:39 pm

Self-denial, I'd say.

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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by Mirage » Tue Nov 04, 2014 4:42 pm

I think more and more will see this as being a normal fetish, as young peoples deals with ROBOTs being a day to day thing now.

Want to hear something that was somewhat surprising to me... I post my comics at other sites (even my robots related ones)... and I got lots of positive feedbacks, from Teenager girls, no kidding.

One even said she loved the sexuality of it.

There is hope for the future (L).

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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by darkbutflashy » Tue Nov 04, 2014 4:49 pm

Browsing that article again (read and discarded it a while ago), I find the most hilarious claim is
Doug Barry wrote: But make no mistake – this is not the average sexual fetish or proclivity that merits the "as long as it's not illegal, occurring between two consenting adults, no judgment" response.
Hilarious. DUUUUDE, it's occuring with *one* adult. ONE. Did that guy just claimed masturbation is sin? HILARIOUS :rotfl:

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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by Miss Pris » Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:22 pm

For Tinkertoy: Female technosexuals are pretty much never considered in ridiculously biased hack opinion pieces like the one that began this thread, nor is any of the variation in technosex practices even touched upon.

Allison de Fren - who has, for years now, been held up in these articles as the angel that has graced technosexuals with her "nonjudgmental" portrayal of a "creepy" proto-rape fetish - ignores the presence of females, homosexuals, and transgender/-sexual people in her "research" (which was a media studies exercise, apparently not grounded in any actual social science method, and based on debunked, Lacanian psychoanalysis literature theory that essentially has de Fren shrugging her shoulders and chocking all technosexualities up to castration anxiety.) She has become famous and secured her career with VERY biased publications and documentaries that reduce all technosex practices to sickness. Tinkertoy (and everyone else on this website who takes offense), we will continue to be insulted and disgusted by every publication based on (or consulting) her ridiculous documentary. A rule to live by may be - if de Fren is mentioned as a legitimate source (as opposed to something to be gutted in critique) don't even read it.

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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by 33cl33 » Wed Nov 05, 2014 7:16 am

Re: malfunctions... For me, at least, they work really well in fantasy, fiction, depiction of fembots, because it's the most direct and visceral way to make the point that "she" is actually a machine.

In real life, malfunctions would probably be frustrating. However, programmed scenarios where a malfunction is just a simulation might be a lot of fun, with no real danger of damage.

And as for these hater articles - people are always quick to criticize something new, different, or weird, particularly if they've never contemplated it fully themselves before. Most of us have no ill will toward women (or men) and it's simply a kink like any other thing. Personally, I don't have a thread of DNA that leans toward objectifying women. It's more of the feminizing of objects thing for me. A hot woman and a hot fembot are two different things. Honestly, I'm not even interested in my wife pretending to be one. I love her for the person she is. But if we had a sexy fembot housekeeper around to help us with some busy work (and to indulge our mutual taste for sexy ladies) - that would be pretty great too.

And don't forget - this country is WAY more sexually repressed than many others. So these articles aren't surprising. Popular culture is always way behind what we think and feel in our personal lives.

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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by FaceoffFembot » Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:18 am

Yo, this article - actually, it's more of an editorial - is indeed garbage and all, and I love you Robotman, but...
Robotman wrote:Reading a hit piece like this from the misandrists at Jezebel is like being insulted by a drunken, crazy homeless man. It may be unpleasant to experience, but you know he probably shit his pants earlier, and he'll be sleeping in a pile of his own filth tonight.
Yeah, on average 3 woman die every day because of domestic violence, but these crazy bitches are talking about slapping their boyfriend's phone off their hands? WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!

But I don't defend them, and I beg you to not associate them to feminism - they're probably same one that kink-shame everything they come across, and glorify Iggy Azzalea for appropriating black music while shutting Beyonce down for doing whatever she pleases with her body.

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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by King Snarf » Fri Nov 07, 2014 5:19 am

FaceoffFembot wrote:Y
But I don't defend them, and I beg you to not associate them to feminism
Oh, I don't, and I consider myself a feminist; one with odd kinks, mind you, but I contributed a #YesAllWomen treat that was very well received.

Basically, it's kind of the inverse of Rule 34- whatever you're into, someone is going to hate it and make judgments on you for liking it.

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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by dale coba » Fri Nov 07, 2014 6:04 am

You know what would be a shocker, is if these haters ever had a new and valid insight into us. I think it would be glaringly obvious if they ever brought up something we hadn't realized long ago. The first time a hater catches me off-guard with an insight, then I'll re-examine the essay and try to take the rest of its points seriously, as a thought-experiment.

Measure the absent virtues of your haters,
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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by Keizo » Sat Nov 08, 2014 8:10 pm

N6688 wrote:So....this is how people think we are......
Well it's official, we are all a bunch of creeps according to the person that wrote this article.
Nice non biased journalism here. ... -sex-sheep
There is one redeeming quality about this article and that can be found in the comments section. While there are many that agree with the narrow insights of this guy, upon further reading the commenters seem to be pretty split on the issue. At the very least this sparked some healthy debate on otherwise hostile ground. Even the some that don't agree with our fetish contend that the tone of the article is unpleasant and some that do agree with the tone concede that they would rather us "misogynists" and "creeps" find our outlets with realdolls and fembots rather than human women. So ultimately it should be accepted.

The real plus side is that many did argue the points that technosexuality isn't just a male fetish but one that is enjoyed by females as well. Not to mention the vibrator defense, the defense of the socially awkward, and especially that it's not hurting anyone, etc. At any rate, we've been dealing with this bias for all our lives but at least it seems to be getting a little more accepted... even at Jezebel. At least some of their audience has more sense and tolerance than their authors. :wink:

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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by darkbutflashy » Sun Nov 09, 2014 6:10 pm

No, the audience isn't split. There are some insightful comments, clearly made by people who also give insightful comments here, and a lot of two-sentence rants, ever-and-ever repeated. This isn't what I call "audience". There isn't anyone who actually could argue the article author is right. But then, how?

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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by xodar » Sat Nov 15, 2014 3:20 am

Gawker media is an excellent source of trash that's useful to make almost any point.
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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by transhuman » Sun Nov 16, 2014 9:28 pm

It's Sunday so you know what that means – time to talk about sex robots and the creepy, socially-stunted people (men) who love them. No judgment or anything.
Got to love how the article starts out so non-judgemental. :roll:

Let them make fun of us now, but just wait. We will have the last laugh.

Imagine this: you could erase your partners memory of you, and pick her up new every single night. In fact, she could be programmed to simulate it perfectly. It could be like a hot one-night stand every night. How awesome would it be to seduce her again and again. What human woman could pull that off flawlessly? Imagine a woman that would shit-test you, be super intellectual and still be drop dead gorgeous.

I'm creepy because I want a challenging and gorgeous AI gynoid? Please. :lol:

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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by xodar » Tue Nov 25, 2014 9:52 am

Robotman wrote:Jezebel is part of the Gawker network. Gawker and the people behind it are scum. They aren't even real journalists, they are gossip artists who are publicly on record as aspiring to sell sensationalized media and to go after and ruin celebrities and famous people for money. People like Gawker, their editors and employees have no morals, so I'm not too worried about whatever shitty opinion they could possibly spew about us.

Odd that people who probably can't sustain a meaningful relationship with real people -- increasingly difficult over my not inconsiderable span -- ridicule as being the same people who actually want to do something about it that doesn't involve harming or even bothering anyone.
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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by dale coba » Tue Nov 25, 2014 11:48 am

People want love, and sex.

Short of that, they want to believe that they have a chance at love, and sex;
but many of those people are only fooling themselves.

Many say, don't give up - but I think they are defensive, projecting their own perspective. They don't want to give up on themselves finding a partner, so their attitude is confounding their analysis. They have no objective, honest measure of what would; what might; or what could never get a particular person happily partnered up with an acceptable+ match.

Ooh, imagine turning the tide back on the haters. When the time comes, we need to dare anyone who disparages fembots, that they have to go with a fembot once - or What, are you chicken? Not MAN enough, hmm? Is it like, you cross that line and you can't take it back, you're "gay for robots" now?

- Dale Coba
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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by Miss Pris » Wed Nov 26, 2014 4:10 pm

dale coba wrote: Is it like, you cross that line and you can't take it back, you're "gay for robots" now?

- Dale Coba
That's what happened to me at summer camp... :wink:

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Re: So....this is how people think we are......

Post by darkbutflashy » Wed Nov 26, 2014 6:15 pm

Now I'm curious about the unholy effects summer camps have on girls so they get entangled into the idea of becoming (?) a female cyborg. :nerd:

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