Cryonics - would you do it?

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Would you sign up for cryonics?

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Cryonics - would you do it?

Post by Chise » Mon May 03, 2004 6:04 pm

This is a fairly advanced group of people when it comes to technology. Think about it. We desire robots, a good number of us want to be robots :oops: But all of our desires can't be fulfilled with today's technology.

So, assuming that we can't turn ourselves into robots today, and possibly not within our lifetimes, would you consider cryonics in the hope of being revived in the future when you could become a robot, or when robots are common? I think there were even a few ASFR stories that dealt with people frozen at death, and revived in the future.

What is Cryonics?
Cryonics is the speculative practice of using cold to preserve the life of a terminally ill person who can no longer be supported by ordinary medicine. The goal is to carry the person forward through time, for however many decades (or even centuries) might be necessary, until the preservation process can be reversed, and the person restored to health.
(taken from

So, given that this is a *possibility* now, would you sign up to be frozen when you die? Assuming that when you die, you're dead anyway, and nothing can really "hurt" you. If you get cremated or buried, you're gone forever, but if you're cryonically preserved, you might have a chance of being revived in a better future...

Discuss :)

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Post by freejack71 » Mon May 03, 2004 9:02 pm

Interesting thought. I think that I would give it a try. Like Chise said, your dead anyway. Sure cant hurt to try!! :lol:

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Post by Stephaniebot » Mon May 03, 2004 10:55 pm

Yes I would definitely consider Cryonics given that the opportunity to become a robot may very well exist in the future I would naturally take my chance.Of course at least at present there is the tiny matter of the cost of having this done,but if this wasnt a problem then sign me up now. Grinning at the thought of the label on my tube or whatever they call it,release this person when its possible to turn them into a fembot,or download them into a fembot body.Nice thought I must say,and hopefully I wouldnt be frozen there for too many decades.As you say once we are dead,were gone and probably forgotten soon after,so yes I would happily be frozen for the future
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by minkwheel » Tue May 04, 2004 6:11 pm

On kind of an odd tangent to this thread, I remember an episode of THE SIMPSONS where the old bald bearded guy from Abe Simpson's rest home goes to the KWIK-E-MART, takes out all of the ice cream, and sticks himself in the freezer, with a note that says to 'THAW HIM OUT WHEN ROBOT WIVES BECOME CHEAP AND EFFECTIVE" ...Apu calls the frozen geezer 'FROSTILICUS' and charges folks to see him....... ---okay... back to the topic..... as far as freezing myself for the's not a truly perfected science, and the company could just take my money and pull the plug on me when the family is gone and all....not that I'm not a TRUSTING SOUL....but I wouldn't be able to stop them from taking any money, I'd be too dead and frozen to move much..... ---yes, I'd love to see the future, but I probably would be able to do that when I'm a free spirit roaming the heavens forever..... ---minkwheel
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Post by jpetoh » Wed May 05, 2004 9:45 am

I sure wouldn't.
Have any of you ever read Legacy of Heorot by Larry Niven?
I do not need the microscopic ice crystals that would inevitably form in my brain to give me a randomized lobotomy.
I have far more enjoyable ways to kill my brain cells.

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Post by Chise » Wed May 05, 2004 3:00 pm

jpetoh wrote:I sure wouldn't.
Have any of you ever read Legacy of Heorot by Larry Niven?
I do not need the microscopic ice crystals that would inevitably form in my brain to give me a randomized lobotomy.
I have far more enjoyable ways to kill my brain cells.
Hmm... well, i haven't heard of that before... what's it about? Care to sumarize?

And of course, the point of cryonics isn't to freeze you before your time. You'd "kill your brain cells" all you want with recreational drugs and alcohol, but when your time comes, and you're dead, with your options as being buried, being cremated, or being frozen... would you pick being turned to ashes against being frozen for the minute hope that you might come back in a fembot populated future? If it fails and you get a randomized lobotomy... well, i suppose that's no better then being burnt up into ashes, or eaten by worms underground ;)

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Post by tectile » Thu May 06, 2004 6:16 am

I would never consider having myself frozen.
I'm afraid my view of the future is just too dark.
Ofcourse we all would love to live in a fembot filled future but I just don't see it happening.
I'm older than most folks in this group and when I think of how society has declined in my 43 years I just shudder to think what may happen in the future.
When I was a teenager I would never have dreamed of some of the things that are comonplace today.
AIDS, global warming, bottled water, 12 year olds with body piercings, metal dectors in schools, reality TV, parents drugging children with ritilin, the patriot act, counting carbs, the FCCs overreaction to Janet Jackson's little show, giant SUVs, a pill for just about everything, 40 million americans without health insurance, Iraq, Paris Hilton, crack, overpopulation, suburban sprawl, Fidy Scent, Wal-mart, American Idol, the religious right, guys who get on the internet and type out rants like this one

The future aint looking good kids, and I want no part of it.

I just want to hang in there another 20 years or so, continue to love my wife and my dogs, and have a big old heart atack from all the smoking and drinking and check out for good.

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Post by Mirage » Thu May 06, 2004 11:47 am

I totally agree with you Tectile. the future is looking grim....

I look at how my country (Canada) lost it's innocence due to a big fatcor that is : Refugees (refugees, not immigrators, very different, trust me, Refugees get all free, house, car, money,. got 10-15 kids of course, no jobs, get all free, while the rest of us who work our buts off get taxed to death... and Trust me, I know the facts and crimes are mostly commited by many that are refegees... THIS IS NOT BULL, I have seen the facts.. it's my job to know, can't go in details)

and the rest, society simply get influence by violence and stupid crazes. Look at how many white teens act like wannabe "gansters" rappers(God, please kill them all...Please!!!)

Please don't think I am "racist" because I am not. I look at facts and you have to be a retard not to realise where the problems lies.


But I have a better solution about the future for all.

And it's not getting your noggin frozen too.

MOVE TO THE SOUTH AMERICA!!! (Brazil is a very good choice, of course!)


And almost no "North American" influence life style.

You know, life here is a bit "stressed" out compare to life under the equator... There, you work a bit, go at the beach after, beer in hands, very mellow life there compare to here.

What do you think I'll do when I'll be older, stay here in Canada where our country is dying of decay slowly more and more every day?

Heck no! Retire to Brazil!!!


Just my opinion here... and sorry for the rant...


PS: I am happily married too, to a brazilien too(S)

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Post by jpetoh » Thu May 06, 2004 12:13 pm

Chise wrote: Hmm... well, i haven't heard of that before... what's it about? Care to sumarize?
The book is about a group of human colonists who are put into cryo suspension in order to travel interstellar distances. They find out upon arrival that the process wasn't perfect. Small ice crystals formed in their systems, killing a few and causing varying levels of mental impairment in others. (One of the ship's biologists was forced to become a laborer because her education was "erased.")
The colonists eventually encounter an indigenous life-form they call "grendels," a cross between and alligator, grizzly bear and wolverine. When they get agitated, their adrenal gland squeezes the equivalent of jet fuel into their systems. Tres narsty.
I highly recommend "Legacy of Heorot" and its sequel "Beowulf's Children."

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