Ask Galatea (V.I.C.I.-verse "Interactive" FAQ)

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Ask Galatea (V.I.C.I.-verse "Interactive" FAQ)

Post by DukeNukem 2417 » Thu Dec 07, 2017 2:58 pm

NOTE: In lieu of a proper "V.I.C.I.-pedia for the series, I decided to create an "interactive" FAQ thread and answer questions in-character as Galatea---who, by virtue of being a character transplanted from my crappy old, pre-V.I.C.I. writing to the V.I.C.I.-verse itself, knows all that I know about the series. Any question you have, feel free to post here---within reason, of course.


....right. For those who remember me from the "V.I.C.I.-verse", I'm Galatea. If you're thinking of the robot girl who rode a horse in a psuedo-medieval setting, that's another Galatea. If you're thinking of the JLU version of Power Girl, that's another Galatea---y'know what? I've never been good at introductions. Let's just get right down to it: all of you want to know what's going on, who's who, and why everything has happened, is happening and probably WILL happen for the foreseeable future. With that in mind, all you need to do is ask me---thanks to certain, shall we say, connections, I'm as close to a walking and talking encyclopedia regarding the ALPA and its history as you'll get.

Now, before we begin, a few....I don't want to call them "rules", since that would sound really restrictive, so, ah...guidelines. Let's call 'em guidelines.

Before we get things started, a few guidelines.

1.: I know what kind of site this is, what you're all into and why you're all here, but PLEASE don't ask me anything.....intimate....about Vicki. If you want Rae Clarke's sexual history, no problem. What every version of Alicia from The House is into? I'll gladly spill the beans. As for Vicki....considering what she's dealt with, I'm pretty sure she doesn't want THOSE details of her life divulged at random.

2.: In keeping with forum policy, I can't go into any details about Vicki's life before her time at San Jose State University began. I don't think I need to explain any further on this one.

3.: It may take a while for me to get back to some people with specific answers on specific questions. As ironic as it may seem, I'm not perfect.

4.: Spam questions ("What is the sound of one hand clapping?") will be ignored. Also, don't try to break me with a logic bomb---I have my ways around them. :wink:

And finally....

5.: Some of the material in the "V.I.C.I.-verse is in a state of flux. What you call the earliest stories in the series, in particular, need to be edited and changed slightly---the main stories are canon, but a few of the minor bits need to be fixed, tweaked, what have you.

Further guidelines will go up as events warrant. For now, I hope these will be enough.

Anyway, that's the introductory bit over with......let the questions commence!
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V.I.C.I.-Pedia coming soon (-ish)

Post by DukeNukem 2417 » Wed Jan 10, 2018 1:23 pm

NOTE: I think that this idea of mine was a good one in theory, but had more holes than a sieve in regards to execution. With that in mind...

Galatea rolled her eyes (she knew they were ocular sensory receptors, but calling them "eyes" was a lot quicker) as she stared at the monitor. "350 views and no replies," she mused, a sigh leaving her neon purple lips. "I bet if I took my top off---"

"Try it and I'll have you written out of the series entirely."

The silver-skinned gynoid groaned. "You were in ALPA custody the last time anyone saw you, Oberon! Why are you---"

"This bit doesn't count," the ex-ALPA chairman beamed. "Out-of-continuity, non-canon, call it what you will.....this was meant to be a way to get people to ask about the series, and so far....." He shrugged. "I suppose," he added, "that asking them to go back and read earlier entries was a bit too much---especially with your line about some bits needing to be changed---"

"That's just because Duke wanted to rewrite parts of the earlier stories to, well, suck less!" Galatea insisted. "He's not rebooting the series or anything!"

"Except you never mentioned that in the initial post. Plus, having the author say he's posting in character is....a bit weird, isn't it?" Oberon chuckled. "Brings to mind that Surrogates movie---I never did see that one---"

"Oh, shut up...." Galatea propped her chin up with her hands, blowing a lock of purple hair away from her eyes. "So he's just going to delete the thread and send us back into a holding pattern, then?" she inquired. "And while we're both here---why are YOU being so nice to ME?! Last time we were in a story together, I shot you in the hand---"

"And the back, and five inches---or was it centimeters? I can never remember.....anyway, you nearly shot me pretty sodding close to the heart as well....but you know that doesn't translate to this. Outside of the story, we're still who we've always been." Oberon grinned. "Besides, I didn't just show up here to snarl the continuity with my little glorified cameo.....I came to make an announcement."

"And what announcement would that be?"

"Well, since you asked...." He turned his attention to the monitor. "I think we should let Duke tell them this part."
It's come to my attention that trying to have an interactive FAQ thing probably isn't going to work---nobody wants to go back and pick through the early stories bit by bit, especially since I still do need to "touch up" a few bits in the earlier ones (the second story from Season 1 in particular still makes me cringe). That being said, I'm going to ATTEMPT to have a story-by-story V.I.C.I.-pedia done up, starting TENTATIVELY this summer (earlier, if at all possible), to go in-depth with info on the important characters, organizations, technology and terminology of the series as a whole.

As for where the series stands now: "King Nothing", the latest entry in Season 2, is still being worked on---and I have a spin-off series planned that can hopefully flesh-out some of the more underdeveloped areas of the V.I.C.I.-verse for those interested. Reading back on the works of authors like TW, WilloWisp, Baron, General, Austrapolith, propman and the others over the past few days, as well as ruminating on the series as a whole while getting over my latest bout with the common cold (oh, how I HATE it), I know that trying to rush myself isn't going to end well---and trying to cram an encyclopedia's worth of info into a single post is A.) something I couldn't get away with if I tried and 2.) very likely to break the site (and probably lead to Robotman invading my dreams to demand restitution or something like that), so...yeah.

In summary: Story-by-story V.I.C.I.-pedia starting this summer (hopefully), "King Nothing" will be posted by Easter (I could make a few jokes about the timing, but I won't....yet :mrgreen: ) and expect a spin-off soon if I can get all the issues ironed out.

Happy times and places! :D
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Re: Ask Galatea (V.I.C.I.-verse "Interactive" FAQ)

Post by LongTimeLurker » Sat Feb 03, 2018 10:33 pm

Great to see you still writing, Duke - looking forward to seeing the touched-up versions of your initial stories. I keep intending to go back and touch up my own, but I'm very lazy :)

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Re: Ask Galatea (V.I.C.I.-verse "Interactive" FAQ)

Post by Brytestar » Thu Apr 11, 2019 8:39 pm

RP Reply to Galatea starring Jake Brytestar

Note: Up until now I forgot about this interactive FAQ section because honestly I was lead to believe that things were being reorganized (and retold). That’s why at this point (Yes it took awhile because I had a tough time framing this.) I wanted to take part in this. It was only after King Nothing was completed and released that I decided to revisit this post. Activating RP Mode in 3...2....1...



Planet Earth hologram is shown as it shrinks down to North America....

South Haven North Beach
South Haven, MI

Date unknown Time 1100 hrs


Jake is seen looking at his IPad Mini 7 as he went thru his favorite website. (Fembot Central of course) The playboy soccer paladin and socialite that makes Bruce Wayne look like he belongs to a Single A team from Nowhere, KS. Something caught his eye it was his old friend Gally (a.k.a Galatea) holding an active Q and A section. This caused Jake to think about the times spent with Vicki and her allies. Jake cues up the camera with a beach towel wrapped around his shoulders.

“It’s been awhile Gally. Yeah I got some questions. Maybe you can assist in jogging my memory some. So if youre ready here are my questions...” Jake pauses and takes a deep breath.

“Who was Vicki’s first friend before joining ALPA?”

“What Major Tom’s low point in his adult life and how did he deal with it?”

“When did Alicia and Vicki first meet?”

“This last question is a bit how can I say this. How and or when Celeste got the virus that cause the rift between her and Oberon?” Jake wiped his watery eyes as he does care for Celeste.

“Anyway I’m sorry for not responding sooner but well things have been a bit crazy on my end for the last few weeks. The blad look does look good on me. He grins at the camera as he completes his transmission.”Oh one more thing. My code me Valkerus.”

((The scene fades and he catches some more rays with a group of certain blondes of the female persuasion.))
Sometimes you just gotta look at the Bryte side!

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Re: Ask Galatea (V.I.C.I.-verse "Interactive" FAQ)

Post by DukeNukem 2417 » Mon Apr 22, 2019 7:42 am

(Author's Note: more in-character replies incoming.....)

Galatea stared at the monitor, trying not to roll her eyes too much (last time she'd made that mistake, it'd taken her fifteen minutes to get them out of a loop). "'Gally'? Really?"

"Someone's been watching too much Battle Angel," Oberon mused, chuckling. "If he'd reread the stories proper, he'd know your proper nickname is 'Gal'."

"You're not helping, y'know. You got shot at the end of 'King Nothing', and the story left off with you bleeding on the floor..." Galatea groaned. "In any case...actually, there's proof he didn't read one of the earlier stories, too!"

Oberon arched an eyebrow. "And that would be...."

"Vicki and Alicia first met in 'Out of This World', back in Season 1," Galatea reminded him. "Which is also the story you first showed up in."

"Your memory serves you well, Galatea...."

"Save the flattery for another time." The silver-skinned gynoid scrolled down the questions, frowning. "Major Tom's low point.....really? Vicki's best friend before joining the ALPA?"

"Considering what happened to the author of our fine tales last week," Oberon mused, "I think the 'low point' question will have to be tabled for the time being. As for Vicki's best friend--"

"Well, maybe you can answer the one about how Celeste got that virus of hers," Galatea cut in. "Give you a bit of......"

She stopped, noticing Oberon's stony stare. "....sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned it...."

"Someone had to bring it up eventually," Oberon mused. "And thanks to the multiversal paradox, the Jake asking the question isn't the Jake currently being held against his will by Celeste down in Florida....otherwise he'd know first-hand about what made Celeste into the gynoid she is now."

Galatea nodded. "....makes me wonder how this Jake would be doing if it were him being forced to dye his hair and cater to the whims of an obsessed gynoid....."

"Questions for another time, Galatea. In any case, this Jake apparently hasn't done the research and gone back through Season One."

"So we just shelve these and tell him to go back and read the earlier stuff?"

" a more polite way than that....again, this is a Jake from an offshoot of the reality we inhabit. As for shelving the's your call."
Elvis Lives. Not in this timeline, but in quite a few others.
I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been.

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