Autolog of a Synthetic Mom

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Autolog of a Synthetic Mom

Post by HypnoticProse » Fri Jan 05, 2018 6:15 pm

This is meant to be an autobiographical story about a synthoid (synthetic humanoid). This unit is named Natalie. She is designed to be a woman in her mid-40s with an 8 year old son and a husband who works for the company that created her. This is not an incest story.

The "autolog" format is an attempt to reflect some of the processes and protocols Natalie undertakes when it comes to processing information and making requests. It's meant to basically articulate Terminator Vision in written form:

Below is a sample of what I'm working on. I didn't want the autolog language to be too technical (although that might appeal to a lot of users on this forum.) My sense is that overly technical language could inhibit future erotic scenes. And i wanted to see if people thought this is going in an interesting direction so far. A lot of action hasn't taken place yet, but there are a few ways I think I could take the story. Comments and suggestions are welcome!


Next Synthetics
Autolog File No: 67436

Covert Companion Unit Number: [REDACTED]
Unit Operational Date: [REDACTED]
Unit Code Name: NATALIE
Location Operation: [REDACTED]

Below is a simplified transcript of CC Unit NATALIE, operating in [REDACTED]. This particular excerpt is from [REDACTED] until [REDACTED]. Names of human civilians have been altered to protect identity.

Primary Routine "Consciousness" Engaged
Time Check: 6:18:37 A.M.
Wake Up Routine Engaged

I slowly open my eyes and smile. Sitting up in bed, I look over my shoulder to see my husband still quietly snoring. My data banks tell me that Jim prefers sleeping an average of 12.32 minutes beyond his 6:30 time to wake up for work. I stand and stretch, pulling on my robe and slipping downstairs to the kitchen.

My head moves back and forth slowly, preparing for the next phase of the Wake Up Routine.

Evaluating Breakfast Combination Selection
62 Unique Combinations Identified
Combination 14-A Selected
Breakfast Preparation Engaged

I walk over to the counter and started the coffee pot. As water begins to heat up, I remove two packets of oatmeal from the pantry and milk from the refrigerator. My movements are crisp and precise. A quick diagnostic report indicated that all systems are nominal.

Foot Traffic Detected
Analyzing and Comparing Profile
Possible Profile Identified as “Jim Song”
Initiating Spouse Interaction Protocols

“Good morning, lovely,” Jim mutters in a still-sleepy tone. The sensors on the back of my neck measure the temperature of Jim’s breath and conclude his body temperature was within an acceptable range. I feel him caress my shoulders. I decide a “goose_bump” subroutine is an appropriate response.

“Good morning honey,” I answer, modulating my voice to suggest affection. Jim broke the embrace when the coffee maker quietly beeped. Pouring the fresh brew into his favorite cup he turned back to me. "Interesting day today?"

I carefully pull the bowl of oatmeal from the microwave. "Not really," I sigh. "Just some cleaning around here. The school doesn't need me to help volunteer today. Will you come home from lunch?"

"Can't," Jim sighs. "This project I'm working on is driving me crazy. I don't know when it's going to be finished."

Analyzing Voice Stress Levels
Voice Level Classification: HIGH
Initiating "Reassurance" Social Protocol

I embrace my husband, gently kissing his nose. "It's going to be okay, honey," I coo. Trial and error indicates that Jim has the greatest positive response with the combination of a softer voice and use of the affectionate term "honey." "They know you are the smartest engineer at the company. Otherwise, they would not give you the most difficult tasks."

Jim kisses me on the nose in response. "You always know how to make me feel better. I'll go raise the little one from slumber." I watch her husband go upstairs to get our son Michael from bed.

Updating "Jim Song" Profile
Psychological Appeal Rated Highly Effective
"Jim Song" Profile Updated

I continue to finish making breakfast for my son and husband. Michael prefers strawberries with oatmeal, while Jim usually eats nothing more than toast with a banana. I pour orange juice for Mike when I see him come downstairs, his father right behind him.

Subject Identified as "Michael Song"
Initiating "Cheerful Morning Mom" Social Protocol

"Well good morning little one," I say, ruffling Mike's still messy bedhead. He looks identical to his father in virtually every way, given [REDACTED]. My prior references to childhood development journals indicate he has a 17.6% chance to develop a similar psychological profile as his father. Mike hugs me around the knees. "Morning mama," he mumbles. "Do I really have to go to school today?"

School Calendar Conflict: NEGATIVE
Weather Advisory: NONE
Analyzing "Michael Song Vital Signs:" NORMAL
Question Response: "Reluctant Negative"

I smile at the request. "Unfortunately not," I say, kneeling down and facing my son. "You must go to school and learn. That way you become smart and kind like your father. I can walk you to school; would you like for me to do that?"

"Yeah!" Mike instantly cheers up, jumping into his chair and scarfing down his breakfast. While Jim normally drops Mike off at school via car, I frequently offer to walk him when Jim was busy with work or Mike remains reluctant to attend school. The tactic results in an improved mood 73.23% of the time.

Mike finished his breakfast and runs upstairs to finish getting ready for school. "I've gotta run," Jim says, draining the rest of his coffee cup and kissing me on the cheek. "I'll let you know what time I plan to be home."

Schedule for "Jim Song": Updated
Estimated Time of Arrival: Unknown
Initiating "Departing Spouse" Social Protocol

"Okay honey," I tell him. "Will pork chops be okay for dinner?"

"Hell yeah," Jim grins, pulling on his shoes and coat. "You know I love your pork chops."

Evaluating Flirtation Options
Estimated Effectiveness: 65.43%
Flirtation Strategy: NON-SPECIFIC
Initiating "Flirting Spouse" Social Protocol

I walk over to my husband and straighten his tie. "Well then, maybe you could find time to come home for lunch and tell me more about what you love about me." I plant a soft kiss on Jim's lips. My sensors record Jim returning the kiss with eagerness. I note there is now a 33% chance he will follow up on my offer. Before anything else could happen, Mike came back downstairs.

"Eww," he spat, "you guys are kissing. That's so gross!"Jim and I smile at him but say nothing. Jim picks up his briefcase and opens the door. "Gotta run. Love you guys!" Jim closes the door and briskly walks to his car. I turn back to Mike and fuss his hair one more time. "Finish getting ready for school so mommy can change. Then we will walk to school together."

I hike up the stairs, returning to the bedroom. I stand in the middle of the room while my processors determine the rest of my day's schedule.

"Workout" Social Protocol Last Engaged: 26 HOURS AGO
Schedule Flexibility: HIGHLY FLEXIBLE
"Workout" Social Protocol: STANDBY
"Workout" Outfit: EQUIPPING

I strip out of my robe and nightgown. Selecting a pair of pink panties and sports bra, I methodically pull them on. While Jim think I simply preferred pink as a favorite color, I truly have no personal preference for color. Yet feminine hues provide a more feminine impression, and my core programming compels me to [REDACTED].

Continuing my color plan, baby blue tights are added onto my slender legs and I pull them across my hips. This is complimented with a blue and gray cold weather workout shirt, a jacket, headband, and workout shoes. The colors all compliment each other to my satisfaction. Finished, I return downstairs to walk Mike to school.

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Re: Autolog of a Synthetic Mom

Post by Spaz » Sat Jan 06, 2018 9:54 am

Very good start! I look forward to seeing more!
Check out my stories:

Current story status: The Small Business Chronicles: Season Two | The Doctor is in - The Clinic (In progress...)

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Re: Autolog of a Synthetic Mom

Post by Extyr » Sat Jan 06, 2018 2:26 pm

I like it! But I'm not too sure about it the family know the mom is a robot. I assume the husband is in the know if we consider his job.

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Re: Autolog of a Synthetic Mom

Post by HypnoticProse » Sat Jan 06, 2018 5:12 pm

There's certainly a lot to more to the story. I'm working on the next phase now!

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Re: Autolog of a Synthetic Mom

Post by 33cl33 » Mon Jan 08, 2018 6:56 am

Great start, looking forward to more!
SynthSuite audio clips, etc:

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Re: Autolog of a Synthetic Mom

Post by KernalGovernor101 » Wed Feb 20, 2019 10:14 pm

Is this being continued? I am really interested to see where this goes!

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Re: Autolog of a Synthetic Mom

Post by tectile » Wed Feb 27, 2019 12:11 pm

I like it so far and look forward to more.
I would say that the format could get tiresome if the story ends up being quite long.
That's just my personal taste so take it for what it's worth and by all means, keep writing.

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Re: Autolog of a Synthetic Mom

Post by dingdongdug » Fri Mar 01, 2019 10:36 am

very nice starting

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