The Nightingale's Song - Part 9

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The Nightingale's Song - Part 9

Post by ButchyBoy » Tue Mar 16, 2004 12:21 am

Harry, Cricket, and Decker carefully emerged from the bunker they had dived into. The Executer droid, Athena was scattered all over the ground, limbs twitching and sparking. Harry looked down at Athena's head, her face a total look of shock, as if she didn't know what had hit her. "Cricket, let's see if we can find out where our ah......friend came from." "Right, Harry." the little blonde robot replied. She dug through the backpack and pulled out what looked like some sort of vu meter device. She picked up the disembodied head of Athena and carefully attached the jumper cable at the end of the box to a wire that was hanging loose from the head. "Not too much juice now", Harry said looking on, "we just need her to talk." Cricket gave the dial on the device less than a quarter turn. It was enough to widen Athena's eyes a little. Cricket looked right at her. "Identify yourself please", she said in a simple pleasent tone. The reply was slightly feminie yet cold, "I am Executer model Athena 07625. I am the property of the GlobalCon corporation of New Chicago. My mission is to..." "That's good Cricket, I've heard all I needed to." Harry said as Athena contined to spell out her programmed "mission". Cricket detached the cable wordlessly. What little power Athena's head had slipped out as she struggled to speak her last, ".......night-in-gale and......and......killllllllllllllllllllllllll" Her voice deepened, and her eyes rolled to the back of her head as Cricket lightly set it on the snow. "Well, it looks like the Chairman is hot on our tail kid." Harry said to his partner. "And by the looks of things, he's dead serious about getting his hands on our little golden friend." Decker chimed in. "Well, I can't imagine what the likes of The Chairman wants with a toy, but from what I've seen, you should't have any trouble at all. Not with this lil spitfire at your side." He smiled down at Cricket, "I'm sorry I doubted you before missy." "That's ok, Mr. Decker. Lots of people underestimate what I can do." She leaned up and wispered with a sly smile, "Especially the bad guys." She smiled and gave him a wink. Decker smiled and winked back. Harry was getting restless. "I hate to interupt this meeting of the mutual admiration society, but you mentioned something about fast transport I believe, Bill". Decker suddenly remembered why he joined the little party. "Oh sure sure, Harry" he quickly said. "The little beauty is just...." They were suddenly interupted by some flashy laser fire tearing up the landscape around them.
Last edited by ButchyBoy on Tue Mar 16, 2004 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Tue Mar 16, 2004 12:57 am

As the trio scatrtered for cover once more, Cricket noticed sights aimed right at Lang's chest. "Harry, look out!!!" Cricket cried as she put herself into the laser sights. Her back ended up taking the full blast "CRICKET!!!!", Harry cried out as he watched his partner twich and shudder violently, babbling, her eyes crossing every which way, sizzling and popping noises coming from within the blonde fembot. She fell into the snow face up, wearing a total blank expression. "Sorry about your lil friend.", a voice came out of the darkness. "Yeah, guess they don't make em like they used to.", came another. The pair laughed sickenly as they came into the moonlight. It was the Chairman's other two lackys who had been tailing the heros, intoducing themselvs as Mr. Hacker and Mr. Slacker. Harry would have had quite a time making fun of the hididous pair, but all he saw at this point was red. He would have also given them the beating of their lives had he not had two laser pistols pointed at him. "Now Mr. Lang, if ya don't mind", Hacker said. "Or even if ya do mind", was Slacker's follow up. All Harry could do was try and stall. Where the hell was Decker, he thought. Harry couldn't believe he would just abandon him like that. "Don't tell me, you want the golden nightingale. Everybody wants the little toy birdie. And here I thought Tie-Me-Up Barbie was what all the kiddies wanted for Christmas." "Joke it up all you want Lang", Hacker said with a sadistic grin. "You're luck has finally run out." As the laser powered up, a bright pair of headlights blinded the two. "What the..." Slacker had started to say. They suddenly started scrambling from a hail of bullets from an old fashioned Tommy Gun. Harry quickly ducked for cover himself. 'Yeahhhhhhhhhh, take that ya ruddy blanks." A gruff voice come from behind the shiny silver car now in view. More bullets were fired as the pair of villians ran for their lives. The trigger man then showed himself as Harry came out of hiding. It was Decker. "Now, about that 30 grand."
Last edited by ButchyBoy on Tue Mar 16, 2004 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Tue Mar 16, 2004 1:08 am

Darkness. Warning Harry, trying to get him out of harm's way, and then darkness. That's what Cricket remembered. Then, distant voices. All around her was still dark, but she could hear voices. "Got someone for ya doc........My God, what happened to her..........took a laser shot for me, sweet crazy kid.........let's get these off her.......looks bad.......miss cwicket....please wake up miss cwicket." Voices, just voices.
Next: Showdown
Last edited by ButchyBoy on Tue Mar 16, 2004 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by DollSpace » Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:11 am

Poor Cricket! *chirrp* Great story continues, can't wait for the next part! :)


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