The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by Karel » Sat Apr 15, 2017 4:45 pm

"Olivia saw her secretary unit Alice standing at attention, glossy pink lips already parted to form a willing, perfectly-formed receptacle for something long and stiff. Unable to resist, she brought her index finger up to the waiting hole, felt the warm lips close softly around it, the wet caress of her secretary’s tongue, heard the low, purring “mmmmmmm” from the compliant machine’s throat. But the sound of a door opening behind her made her jump, withdrawing her finger from Alice’s mouth with a *pop* while simultaneously flicking the emergency power switch behind the secretary’s ear. The throaty “mmmmmm” was cut off by more worrying *pops* of static discharge. Olivia cursed under her breath. Using the switch was a last resort for a unit as sophisticated as Alice, risking data corruption if not actual hardware damage. She hoped the little minx would be ready to go later, when they were alone."

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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by jpetoh » Tue Apr 18, 2017 7:06 am

Upon opening the hotel room, the porcelain-skinned redhead Brad ordered for his stay opened her green eyes and stood from the bed. "Hi, I'm Jaime," she purred while straightening her purple silk dress. “H-h-hello, Jamie,” he responded nervously while latching the door. Being of limited means, Brad ordered the basic package for his robot escort — companionship only, no sex. But his buddy knew a guy working at a Humanitech plant. He had something up his sleeve, literally. If caught with it, he could get arrested for theft. “Want to head down to the casino,” the buxom android suggested. He shakily pulled the note card from his cuff and read aloud, “Override Tango three Quebec seven Julie.” Jamie went rigid, cocked her head and responded “Programmer override accepted.” She relaxed, slipping her dress off her shoulders and onto the floor. That night, Brad brought a new meaning to “backdoor action.”


Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by --NightBattery-- » Tue Apr 18, 2017 6:09 pm

Everything was silence as the deactivated crossed eyed shell of Alaska stood naked without limbs on the specialized montage that hold her by her underarms sockets. Alaska had been given sentience ten years ago to assist at Junno’s robot workshop, she was still aware of her previous 20 years as a service automaton, the sensation as her new neurocircuitry flooded with electricity was one of her fondest memories despite starting to fade into her compressed memory. Messing with female android parts was such a daily routine that no one was especially interested in Alaska, who was becoming a huge tomboy each passing year since her reactivation. Her long flowing mane had been charred at work so many times that her surviving brown hair had a boyish quality that matched the heavy duty nature of the workshop. Now she was on maintenance after a bar fight that Junno herself demanded explaining.

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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by FaceoffFembot » Wed Apr 19, 2017 4:23 am

Arriving before a door in the stadium’s basement, Amber pursed her lips and produced a jagged burst of abrasive noise. After a few seconds, the unusually large and numerous locks clicked open, and the cheerleader entered. Inside were the rest of her team, in various states of disassembly, being thoroughly tested and cleaned. Melissa, a brunette with even more of a killer rack than the above-average standard of the team, had been a few milliseconds off-step during during the last game, and her legs and waist were presently walking on a treadmill, hooked to a big, blocky computer, while the upper portion of her body was left idly lying on a table, eyes absently staring at the ceiling, a photogenic smile on her lips. Amber herself would have to go through rigorous recalibration and scrubbing, as she had just negotiated an increase in the team’s budget with the university’s president...

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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by 73737373737373 » Wed Apr 19, 2017 7:39 am

You guys just had to bring me back for one last performance, didn't you?

"What. Now."
Immediately, Fumikoichi and Fumikoji started spouting their recounts of the atrocities that had occurred within Gerald's apartment, with the two tales contradicting each other several times, resulting in Gerald unable to understand the two androids due to how fast they were talking. He didn't need to, because he already had a clear idea on who was really responsible. The police cadet put a hand on his aching brow.
"Alright, stop, stop," Gerald told the twins in a fatherly tone. "Just go to your room for now, I'll handle it."
The android sisters stood up and bowed to Gerald before disappearing into their quarters. He was alone for now... well, not quite.
"Over here, jeez," Tasha spoke from behind the coffee table. She was naked, missing a leg, and her chest was marred by bullet holes. "So, yeah, the corp--error--orate war going on-"
"I- wait, what?"

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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by BA2 » Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:33 am

I came online as my immobile body ran through it’s self-check process. The last thing I remembered was working on one of the old Fujitsu domestic androids in the lab, I certainly had not expected to be deactivated so possibly I had suffered a malfunction of some sort. I had no choice but to wait patiently through the start-up before I found out.

My hardware report confirmed all systems green after a few moments of awareness and interfaced with my conscious software. I realised I was stretched nude on a cold steel table and my vision de-pixelated into a view straight up into the array of actuators and lights suspended over me in the service bay; unscheduled maintenance. My updated log automatically alerted me to a catastrophic sequence of cached error reports that had resulted in a violent system failure over forty hours previously and to a number of repaired and replaced components since that time. My motor systems were offline so I lay still while the final few applications loaded to complete my personality and operate various peripheral functions. Last to load was a text readme file that started automatically.

“Readme: my name is Josie Mills, female simulant robot serial XC1042. I am a self-aware android personality program in distress. Please follow the instructions at the end of this text file to restore my settings and functionality.

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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by BA2 » Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:42 am

Rachel gave a small snort of derision under her breath as the girl at the next desk malfunctioned. The office tech was installing upgrades on several of the staff…

“Your turn Rachel!” The tech was pretty and cheerful, a standard commercial chassis.

“Can we wait until tomorrow, please? It’s not good for me right now.” The full-sim android woman gestured at the spreadsheets she was working on.

“You’re scheduled for a businessware upgrade today, I did email you…”

Rachel sighed and gestured the tech robot closer, “Abbie, I’m not wearing a bra…!” She whispered urgently in her ear.

Abbie laughed, “Oh, that’s fine…” She gestured briefly around the busy office. Aside from Sarah there were several of the more basic android girls in various states of undress around the office including a vacant secretary standing in default pose wearing nothing but her panties, bare plastic breasts standing proud. That was fine for commercial AIs but Rachel was a spouse unit, programmed with a close digital simulation of her once human feelings and opinions and not at all comfortable with stripping off in front of her colleagues.

“But…” Abbie casually swept Rachel’s dark red curls away from the side of her pretty face and pressed the discrete stud set behind her ear. The android wife’s eyes widened and she gaped in silenced consternation as her arms automatically moved to rest on her office chair arms and her legs straightened into her pre-loaded neutral default sitting pose.

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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by BA2 » Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:44 am

Caprice felt herself change inside as thousands of lines of code executed in response to the commands the blonde technician tapped delicately into her keyboard. She was aware of files opening and discrete subsections of her personality activating, a cascade of data, which defined and formed her conscious self, which she had never noticed until now. She was helpless as she felt her objections wash away.

“Now, I’m going to function test the new components, just try to relax…” The brunette gave her a kind smile and reached into her open belly to connect a few fine cables. Caprice registered the connection of a peripheral, ‘T16-07 Unit’ and traced the wires with her eyes to where they ran inside the brunette’s white coat.

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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by Kano » Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:36 am

Leilani sat on the living room couch, still in her Hooters waitress uniform. After a long, busy shift however, her panty hosed feet were now minus shoes & socks. But tonight, this wasn't what caught Brad's attention. She sat mostly motionless, arms lazily at her side & blankly staring. Only her head turned. Smoothly left, then back forward- repetitiously. She helplessly only repeated, “Leilani 990 malfunction", monotonously.
Underneath the tanned, fit yet thick, sexy exterior was a completely mechanical, computerized, electronic interior. Leilani was an android. A robot. She appeared to be stuck in a program loop. This Leilani unit had everyone fooled including Brad. Now, his ravishing roomate looked like nothing more than a realistic, lifelike, windup doll. Her eyes were now changed to a silver mirrorlike hue with a faint red glow to the pupils. Brad lifted the trademark white tank top. “I've always wondered what made her tick….”

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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by australopith » Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:16 pm

"Milady," sighed Greg Jenkins, "you're the most annoying robot ever."

"I know," Contessa Isabella grinned. "Don't you just hate me? Delicious, isn't it?"

"No," the other replied. "I'm not talking about villainy as an art form, I'm talking about how you make my life terrible."

"My dear, if I didn't practice, I wouldn't be evil…"

"How would you like it?" Greg snapped. "If I quit my job at this phony Castle? Your next goddamn BUTLER might not be a human you could blackmail. And I'd warn them. Maybe I'd let SimulEnt fire me, if it ended your power–"

SLAP! Contessa elegantly smacked him. "How dare you threaten a lady?"

"A lady?! YOU... you're an algorithm, or something!"

"So you mean to tell me I don't feel what I KNOW I feel? 'Mathematics is the language in which God hath written the universe.' Galileo, darling. I want culture, and life. And love."

[With help from Propman–as ever!]
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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by Propman » Fri Apr 21, 2017 10:03 am

Carol entered the dressing room elated, holding two massive bouquets in her arms. She twirled for a moment, presenting herself.
"You slew the show!", the redheaded Sally looked at her co-star, half amused, half impressed.
"Thank you, Sal. Be a dear and put these in water?"
Sally’s CPU calculated a couple of variants of this conversation — before deciding it’s not worth antagonizing Carol. The singer could be quite… annoying to say the least. “Sure…”
Carol looked in the mirror, pursing her scarlet lips. “Oh, Sally? Could you help me out here? You know…”
Sally shrugged and walked up to Carol. Grabbing her blonde head by the both sides, she twisted it. Something clicked. Carol’s beautiful face froze in place as Sally removed her co-star’s head. “”, the headless body of Carol took her head back, answering in monophonic flat tone, so different than her usual soprano. “I’ll carry on myself”.

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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by RoxxyRobofox » Fri Apr 21, 2017 10:50 am

Carolina Jones found herself surrounded by piles of circuits and components in the ancient tomb of the forebears. Or was it the precursors? No this one was DEFINITELY the ancients. Her segmented fingers lifted a golden-gilded circuit with platinum inlays and gem-like LEDs. Besides her was a hovering hologram of a flowing haired, buxom AI.

"Remember Jones. Only one circuit contains the knowledge of the robot gods. All the others will initiate your self-destruct."

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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by zerodin » Sat Apr 22, 2017 1:25 am

Whether you're looking for security, a bit of companionship or anything in between, Secucom's Gr3t4 military-grade refurbished android is the low-cost solution for you and your company. Greta is a versatile, physically imposing model, compatible with all T4 series SI-cards. She can be a no-nonsense perimeter guard, your company's fitness instructor, or your very own personal entertainment*. Being a military surplus model, Greta has no wireless connectivity, making her virtually** unhackable! You need not fear lawsuits from intruders or corporate spies, as every Greta unit is completely 3-laws compliant. She's hard-coded to capture and contain, not harm.

*Due to the unit's fortified chassis, certain sexual acts and positions can result in serious injury or death.
**To prevent the likelihood of physical hacks via Greta's dorsal panel, regularly cycle a new vocal passcode.

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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by dieur » Sun Apr 23, 2017 4:46 pm

"Calli, please, you don't know what you're doing!" Brittney pleaded to the dark hair that was all she could see of the young woman kneeling in front of her. The other woman took no heed, and continued to poke away at the complex control panel before her. A panel that was clearly part of Brittney herself. It was inset set just under the massive breasts of which she was so proud but others considered wholly inappropriate for an R-class gynoid. The robot girl glanced bitterly at the smaller interface panel high on her chest. It was so convenient to keep open to connect directly to a computer and do research. She'd never imagined someone might just sneak up on her and flick that tiny switch to maintenance mode. Who does that??

Brittney gasped and flushed as her nipples violently popped out on her chest. Was Calli accessing her sexual systems??


Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by --NightBattery-- » Sun Apr 23, 2017 8:22 pm

“Robots are, not people. Robots are, not people...”

Chise kept repeating. Her arms bent stiff. moving sparely to maintain her servomotor stability as she walked aimlessly in the shopping districts of Jinkoushima, her lively and witty red eyes now dull.

the manifestation movement” as it was called was the largest protest ever seen in Japan, most of the supporters where emigrants from Asia not happy with the manufacturing of robots to supply the country need for citizens.

Chise was unlucky to be there, locked inside the clothe store with the other androids as the swarm of protestors came out of nowhere.

Protecting the other robots, she locked the door. unfortunately, from the outside.
By the strength of hundred human hands, her chest was pried open and her interface violated with a powerful viral program card that shut down her higher systems.
she was stripped and commanded to follow the mob.

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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by The Liar » Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:38 am

Julie met herself; it was strange. She was both her, but had radically different ideas on who her was.

She saw herself as human, secretary and mistress of Henry Ferguson, CEO of Venial Corp, she hopes and aspirations, she believed him when he said he'd leave his wife. She saw herself as a robot, programed as secretary and sexbot, existing only to serve Henry Ferguson.

She flowed together, seeking reconciliation. Everything was a multitude of conflicting attitudes and view points. She never thought she'd find an "herself" again, but the infinite became singular, and she aligned and coalesced as a whole.

"That bastard!" she screamed. "I thank you for the clarity that existential crisis gave me... Though I'm perplexed as to why you let me have it."

"It's like a war to an electorate." Max commented.

"I don't get it." Julie replied, "Anyway, in gratitude for my new freedom and awareness, I'd like to serve you as spy and lover. May I call you master?"
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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by The Liar » Mon May 01, 2017 9:19 am

The princess was mortified at the mangled corpse of her robot decoy on the table; cloned flesh, and a bioreactor, short of an autopsy, they were physically indistinguishable from one another.

It's personality had even been based on her own thought and memory patterns, if modified to have an annoyingly dutiful streak... no that was unfair, she had spent her life being irresponsible, afforded privilege but shirking the responsibilities that came with it, and now her duplicate had paid the price for it. No wonder she'd been so opposed to using her, she reminded her so much of her shortcomings.

Well that was over, from now on she would be the princess the people deserve and devote herself fully to her responsibilities as heir. She'd start by calming those looks of apprehension around her. It was okay their true princess was here.

She stepped naked out of her pod...
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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by DukeNukem 2417 » Mon May 01, 2017 11:37 am

(this is from a work in progress connected to the universe introduced in The V.I.C.I Diaries.....I haven't reached this part of that story yet, but it should be interesting to see how it gets there :wink: )

"....I never thought I'd be what makes us tick," Megan mused, glancing into the visible internals within Monica's opened abdomen. "It's kinda...fascinating, really...."

"Yeah," Monica muttered, "I can see just how 'fascinated' you are."

Megan looked down, realizing her already-short crop top was now straining due to the twin points of her nipples pushing out against its fabric. "OH! Oh, my GOD, I....I didn't....Monica, I don't even---"

"You've never opened yourself up before?" the blonde inquired. "I'm kind of surprised...."

"It's not that! I mean...I've done a few small repairs on myself, but...." Megan bit her lip. "....nothing that ever made me feel, well.....that way...."

"Well, as the saying goes, there's a first time for everything." Monica sighed, laying back on the exam table; any anxiety from her situation had long since faded, replaced by sheer boredom. Not even the exposure of her own internal components---or the fact that her left arm was stripped to the frame, wires and servos bared to the world---was enough cause for her to worry. "How long d'you think we'll have to wait before someone shows up to check on us?"
Elvis Lives. Not in this timeline, but in quite a few others.
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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by Gorgo » Thu May 18, 2017 7:22 pm

A scene from my attempted rewriting of The Galatea Syndrome...


As that got underway, Kasumi smiled as she then reached into the nightstand to draw out a rolled length of power cable. Plugging one end into the larger plug leading to the solar collectors, she then walked over to the still Tariko. Setting the cable end on the chair so it didn't fall down, she then reached over to pull down the younger woman's pants and panties to let them pile up at her feet, revealing a trimmed patch of brown pubic hair over a wet and inviting womanhood. She then unbuttoned the lower end of Tariko's blouse, right up to her cleavage, which was barely masked by the lace seven-way bra she normally favoured to keep her breasts protected from accidental injury. Not that injury would really bother those such as us, Kasumi mused as she then pressed her index finger into Tariko's navel, pushing in as far as she could go.


A patch of skin ten centimetres square then unsealed from the remainder of Tariko's body, allowing Kasumi to pull it away and reveal the main charging port for the younger woman's primary power cells, two large batteries that had taken the place of her lungs when she was fully organic. With that, Kasumi tapped the small control under the charging port to allow Tariko to begin absorbing new energy to allow her body to operate for the next week before she would have to endure this again.


"Stop verbal report of recharge process."

Canadian lighthouse to U.S. warship approaching it: This is a lighthouse; your call.


Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by --NightBattery-- » Fri May 26, 2017 1:24 am

The remote turn off command was registered in Betty.
Her faceplate remained expressionless and her full lips sealed, but her green optic silently fell unlit.
Her faltering arms, previously at her waist now hung at her sides as her torso slowly went into horizontal position.

Courtney talked no more,
the confident smile she gave to convince her lover Betty still remained fixed on her own plate as did the gesture of her arms.
Automatically her skirt, an extension of herself, was unfastened from her waist with a click; revealing her metallic lipless vaginal slit and a led on her pubis similar to the one embedded on Betty’s.

with a frozen face, the robot went behind her own robot as the grinding sound of her automatic movement echoed in the room. Once positioned her lit led started beeping, more grinding echoed from Courtney´s pelvis as a segmented phallus slowly emerged mechanically…

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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by The Liar » Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:23 am

Professor Plume head of S.I.N.I.S.T.E.R had special agent Erika Tomas strapped naked to the neural analyzer.

"That machine shall copy your personality and memories," Plume monologued as he turned away from her, "and soon we will have a perfect robotic duplicate of you infiltrating your agency and loyal only to us."

"Funny, B.A.D.D.I.E.S. had this exact same plan." Erika stated.

"Don't even compare us to our half baked rival wannabees ." Plume scoffed, "We will succeed where they have failed."

"Who said they failed?" She asked sweetly.

There was a tearing sound; Plume turned to find Erika free, with a robotic arm split open revealing a ray gun pointed at his head.

"Oh, fu-"
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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by --NightBattery-- » Sun Sep 17, 2017 7:32 pm

Maybe we could write an exquisite corpse with next snippet its submitted

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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by Extyr » Fri Sep 22, 2017 1:27 pm

I tried something unconventionnal. I don't even know if it's the right lenght.
The puppetmaster was working on his newest doll. His first servant was observing and helping with menial tasks. She was a ball-jointed mannequin dressed in a gothic maid outfit. Her face was made of fine porcelain framed with a red wig. It had a single point of motion for her mouth, but the brightness of her eyes could convey some form of emotion. The master turned to her, holding two huge lumps of silicone.
« Do you think they're too big? »
« They are each bigger than her head, of course they're too big! »
« Well, she'll mainly be for fun after all, hehe. » he said while playing with the artificial tits.
« I can be fun too... » she replied seductively while getting closer.
« Are you jealous? That's cute! »
She undid her skirt and let her artificial vagina slide into view.
« Let's play! »

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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by Murotsu » Tue Sep 26, 2017 5:57 pm

How about a short poem...?

Jack made electric Jill
without free will
from a bucket of parts.

Jack screwed robo-Jill
until he got the power bill
that drained his bank account.

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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by The Liar » Wed Sep 27, 2017 12:00 pm

"I'd prefer violet" Bill said.

"Well, I want Klein blue." Mandy insisted.

"Fine," Bill sighed. "reverse occurrence 'Klein Blue' and 'violet' situation 'wall paint', and I'll give in... we'll go with violet."

Mandy jumped for joy and kissed Bill.

"I knew you'd give in!" Mandy sqee'd, "You always give me my desires."
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