A Welcome Surprise

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A Welcome Surprise

Post by 33cl33 » Tue Mar 09, 2004 12:38 pm

The following is one of my first attempts at fiction, so it might be a little rough. There's also a manip I did in the gallery (once it's verified, of course), just some visual aid to go along with it - Enjoy! -33cl33

---A Welcome Surprise---

I had just moved to Los Angeles a couple of months earlier. Living in the great lakes region (and the frigid winters that come with it) finally took it's toll on me, and I packed my things and headed for sunny Southern California. Found a nice little apartment near Hollywood and started looking around for jobs. Now, I've never been the most career-minded or social guy around - and someone told me a while back that you can actually make a decent amount of money being an extra in movies and tv shows, and that it's rather easy to get into.

So I signed up with a few of the "background talent" agencies in L.A. and started working on some television shows right away. With my inability to overcome boredom in an office job (and a need to come out of my "shell" a bit) I found a nice little niche for myself, and it did pay the bills in between hanging out at the beach, playing with the dogs and going to see bands in little dive bars - alone.

Naturally, I stuck with the extra work for some time. The only real drawback to it, was that I didn't really have much free time on my hands to meet people. And since you're working with different people in different locations every day, you really don't get much of a chance to make lasting relationships. To make a much longer story short - I was in desperate need of some female companionship.

The other problem with working around celebrities and all the glitter of sorts, is that a lot of women you meet (and a lot of guys, I'm sure) are just out to find that next connection that's going to make them a star. And because of this, the more attractive they are, the less likely they are to socialize or even talk to another extra who doesn't look like he's got something to offer. At least, that's the stereotype I had built up in my head over a few months of the job. That is, until I met Jamie.

It was one of the first really warm days of the year and I was working on one of the higher-rated television shows of the season at the time. The temperature had jumped from the fifties and sixties to almost ninety degrees, so when I arrived on the set that day the last thing I wanted to do was sit around in a hot, humid tent with two hundred other extras. After checking in and grabbing something to drink, I pulled my chair outside under a tree to sit in the shade, read a screenplay a friend had handed me and enjoy what little breeze there was in the afternoon heat.

I was sitting there, watching all the other actors arrive and (as I'm sure most any been-single-for-a-while guy would be in a place such as this) checking out some of the more attractive ladies as they went through wardrobe and such. The concert-goer scene dictated that most of the women had to be knockouts, and many of them were quite easy on the eyes. There were a couple of particularly attractive blondes and brunettes hanging out in the parking lot, but something about their personalities was kind of a turnoff.

Then my gaze came across a shorter brunette sitting by herself reading a magazine off in one corner in the sun. I've always had a thing for shorter women, and she was around 5'4" or so. Looked like she couldn't be a day over 19, but she later told me she was 23 years old. Even though she wasn't what many people might call "supermodel" hot, she was possibly one of the most beautiful young women I had ever seen. Brown hair that fell to just below her shoulders, deep brown eyes and a nose that gave her just a perfect profile. With the sunglasses, tight black tank-shaped top that accentuated her breasts (which weren't too large or small, just right for her smaller figure) high heels and a flowing striped skirt that was so short it gave an ideal view of two of the most statuesque, slightly athletic-toned legs - and a hint at the spectacular ass that topped them.

She must have eventually noticed, despite our both wearing sunglasses, that I was admiring her because she smiled clearly in my direction at one point. And not just a smile like you give some random person who meets your gaze on the street, but one that was so light and caring and upbeat all at the same time it made my heart skip a beat. I shot a friendly look and a wave back, not completely sure if the gesture had been to me - and a tad too nervous to just go over and introduce myself.

The brunette then set her magazine down, got up and proceeded to walk (very gracefully in those large heels, mind you) over towards me, my heart pounding a few hundred times per second. She comes over next to me with her hand extended.

"Hi, I'm Jaime!"

"Nice to meet you, Jaime," I said, shaking her hand while trying not to lose it over the fact that the only woman I already had the hots for was actually speaking to me under her own will. "Seems like we're the only two people not already involved in one of the usual superficial conversations here." I introduced myself and invited her to share the tree shade with me.

"Sure. Just let me get my bags & stuff." Jaime said, right before she trotted back to her chair - giving me a grand rear view of this beautiful woman. Retrieving her things, she came back and sat down facing me. She looked almost expectant of me to start the conversation. Being the shy person I've always been, I have a hard time breaking the ice. I usually just wait for someone else to start and go from there... Jaime seemed to be waiting for me to say something though, and far be it from me to want to seem too boring. So I asked her if she found the scene we were working on interesting.

"I'm having fun, how do you like it?"

"I don't know. It's an entertaining script. I mean, the dialogue is written very well - it could be funny. But the actors are delivering their lines kinda robotically in my mind. Just ruins it a bit for me"

"What's so wrong with that?" was Jaime's reply

"With what?"

"With acting robotically. You say it like it's a bad thing." She seemed so serious in posing the question, I was a little confused at first - but some of the cooler people I've met on set are really good at messing with you & joking around. So I figured she was being sarcastic, and I decided to just run with whatever she threw at me.

"There's no spontaneity or natural feel to their performance. They aren't acting the way any real people would probably act in that situation." I explained, just in case she didn't even realize what I was talking about.

"Oh, so you mean they're acting like poorly-designed robots. A well-crafted robot would act a lot more like a human."

I wasn't sure why she was stuck on this whole robot metaphor, but I figured it was something to talk about, so I just kept going with it. Besides, I've always had a little fascination with fembots - and I was getting a little kick out of this hot girl even talking about robots.

"Yeah, I suppose I do... But acting like a robot, even if it's a good one, probably isn't a good thing for an actor." I said.

"Well, I'm an actress, and a robot - is there something so wrong with me?" Jaime replied matter-of-factly, kind of frowning as if I'd scolded her. I was a little shocked - my fantasy was starting to happen before my eyes. I couldn't let on, though - this was just her way of having a little laugh together after all, messing around in casual conversation. So I kept going with the joke.

"There's nothing wrong with you - on the contrary," I gave a little wink, trying to be just a tad cheesy so she wouldn't be off-set thinking I was flirting too much... and a wink to let her know I was going to keep on with our little joke: "they must have spent a lot of time on the drawing board to build you. You're the most attractive robot I've ever met."

"Really?! You're just kidding. I'm sure you say that to all the ladies." She said, that smile coming out again.

"Well, if I did, they'd probably lock me up." I responded, trying to throw in a punch line. We both chuckled, me feeling much more comfortable now that we've had a little laugh between ourselves. This girl was really winning my heart over quickly. Unfortunately, we had to go onto set right then, and we got separated for a few hours. Later, on a break, we met up back at the craft service table, both grabbing some water. Jaime didn't see me coming up behind her. So I said: "Stopping for a recharge?"

"Yeah, don't want to overheat the processors!" She beamed back at me, I smiled and we walked back over to our spot in the shade. I was repacking some of my things in my bag and checking my cell phone for calls when Jaime spoke up again.

"Speaking of recharging, I'm in a sort of temporary living-space situation, and a robot girl like me could use a friendly face with a regular place to charge my batteries and make repairs." She looked pretty serious as she said this, and even though I've got my fantasies, I thought: 'man, she's kinda wearing out this robot joke... oh well, at least I'm talking to a hot woman for once in a while.' And she seemed to be asking to come over to my place or something... maybe this was an actual come-on, if a little convoluted for two people who've just met. Why not run with it?

"Hey, I'm pretty good with computers - and my apartment has plenty of outlets. You should stop by some time and check it out. We could catch a flick or a show or something too." I said, hoping she actually wanted to get to know each other and wasn't just joking around for the hell of it. "Here's my number, give me a call sometime." I handed her my card with my cell number on it, she took it just as the second assistant director called us back in to the set.

"Great! Thanks!" she said as we walked back in. I was praying she actually wanted to go on a date or something. We didn't really have time to talk after that, though. So I couldn't get much of a vibe on what she thought of me. I missed her in the line to check out, and drove home with all sorts of lurid fantasies dancing through my mind.

I didn't have to work that next day, so I had slept in rather late. I woke up to the phone ringing around 2:30pm. I crawled out of bed all groggy and stumbled to the phone.

"Hello?" I croaked out.

"Hi!" A familiar bubbly female voice rang out... It sounded pretty much like Jaime, but I figured it might be a wrong number.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"Jaime, don't you remember? You gave me your number..."

"Of course, of course. I was just... uh... testing you. How could I forget robot girl." I tried to not sound like an idiot.

"I was wondering if it was okay if I stopped by your place... That is, if you're still interested in doing something together," Jaime said. My heart about jumped out of my skin.

"Of course I'm still interested... but you might want to give me some time, I just woke up actually."

She said, "Why don't I come by around five? Then we can figure out what to do."

"Sounds great to me," I replied, trying hard not to sound too eager. I gave her directions to my place, hung up and jumped in the shower. Well, danced to the shower was more like it. After cleaning myself up, I made sure to clean up my dump of a place before she showed up.

Just as the clock on my VCR clicked from 4:59 over to 5:00pm, my intercom buzzed. As I pressed the talk button, I said, "Hello, who is it?"

"It's Jaime! Am I late?"

"Nope, just in time... The door buzzer doesn't work, I'll be right down to let you in." I hurried down to the lobby and opened the door, greeting her and leading her back up to my apartment. It was a strange mood, though. Even though she looked spectacular, I couldn't help but think she was waiting for me to talk the whole way up the elevator. She just smiled and looked at me the whole time. The walk down the hall to my place allowed me to take in her beauty once again - this time wearing a tight little sleeveless t-shirt, and skin tight pink low-rise jeans, and those clear super high heels again. The funny thing, even with the heels she only came up to my nose.

I opened the door and led her in to my place, "Well, here it is... I'd give you a grand tour, but this, the bedroom and the bathroom are pretty much it. It's not much of a tour. What do you think?"

Jaime slowly walked around the apartment, seeming to really examine the place. She wandered off into the bedroom and bathroom for a minute, came back into the living room and beamed a big smile:

"It's great! I think it'll do nicely. So what do you want to do?" She asked me. I wasn't really sure what she meant by 'it'll do nicely' but who cares - at least she was standing in my own place talking to me.

"Why don't we walk down the boulevard and stop in one of the little clubs and catch a live band?" I asked.

"Sounds good to me. I can only be out until around ten though." Was Jaime's reply.

My building is on the base of the hollywood hills, so my street is slanted at quite a sharp angle. On the way down to the club, I was amazed at how skilled Jaime was at walking on uneven pavement, let alone flat, in those high heels. Some of the more accomplished actresses I've seen can't even look good walking in high heels... So I thought it might be another conversation starter... things didn't seem to be picking up anyway.

"How can you look so comfortable and graceful in those heels? Isn't it hard to walk with them?"

Jaime replied, "Well, my 'walk' programming recalibrates the servo motors in my legs appropriately for each pair of shoes I own. It is equally easy for me to stay balanced in heels, flats, boots and sneakers."

I was a little taken aback, but I quickly remembered our little inside joke from yesterday... How couldn't I, after all? Again, I thought she was taking it a little too far - but I wasn't about to put an end to it yet. "Whoever designed you must have put a lot of effort into you... They thought about everything!" I laughed a little at my own comment, and she looked up at me smiling and laughed a little too.

We arrived at the club, and I led her in. We actually had a great time, even though we couldn't talk much over the loud speakers near our booth. It turns out we had worked together on sets a few times before, but I must not have noticed her in the crowd. She said she finally got up the nerve to come over and talk to me because she figured I was a nice enough guy from watching me on other sets, and she had a thing for guys who kept to themselves, rather than being over-the-top in order to get some attention. I had a couple of drinks through the show, she had one that slowly disappeared. Though I admit, I never noticed her actually drinking it. She must have been nursing it the whole time. I just figured her to be a light drinker.

We walked back to my place around 9:20, holding hands and acting more like an actual couple. The music wasn't over, but I didn't want to keep her if she had something to do around ten. I assumed she had an early morning call time for work or something the next day, and I didn't want to ruin the first date by keeping her up when she needed to get home. When we got back to my front door, she seemed to be expecting to come up for a bit, so we walked back up to my apartment.

"So what did you think of that band? It was a bit loud, but I thought their playing was tight." I said.

"I liked it a lot." Jaime smiled at me, and just stood there in the middle of the living room, as if she was waiting for me to do something again.

There was a short uncomfortable silence... It's been a while since I've had a beautiful woman over, and I wasn't too sure where she wanted this evening to go. I didn't want to come on too strong, and I thought she had to leave in a half hour anyway. I was just about to ask her if she had to go soon, when she interrupted me.

She said, "Do you want me to take my clothes off?"

I did a double-take. "What?!"

"Do you want to see me with my clothes off? We seemed to be having a good time, you were holding my hand affectionately, I concluded you most likely want to have sex with me," Jaime said. I about lost it at this... but I was a little confused. I assumed she was trying to break all the first date protocol and joke around a bit, but she seemed so sincere and bubbly, I didn't know what to do. So why not go with it?

"Well, yeah... Uh, sure I do. I suppose. Just didn't expect you to come right out..." I started to say, but to my surprise - she swiftly yanked her tank top off to reveal her perky breasts contained in a sexy black lace bra. She then unbuttoned her jeans and slid them off to show a matching lace black thong. She did a little pirhouette in her bra and panties, as if to give me a full view - and man, what a view! I was hard as a rock by now, and she quickly removed her bra and thong, stepped out of her heels and began walking over to me very deliberately. Her light, even tan covered every inch of her smooth, toned body.

I stammered, "So, uh.. should we head..." I was stopped short as she reached up and grabbed the back of my neck softly with her hands and kissed me deeply. I placed my hands around her waist, feeling up and down her smooth back, running them over her pert buttocks, glancing across her breasts. She let out a soft moan as we felt each other up. She started unbuttoning my shirt, then ripped it the rest of the way off, and started kissing her way slowly down my neck and chest. While moving down towards my stomach, she unfastened my pants and slid them down along with my boxers. Without skipping a beat, she began to give me the best oral sex I've had in my life. This girl certainly knew how to use a tongue, that's for sure! It was so overwhelming, I had to lean back against the wall a bit to keep my balance.

Just as I was about to explode, she pulled away and stood up. She took my hand and started to pull me to the bedroom. On the way in, for some reason, I noticed it was 9:48pm. Guess she gave up on leaving at ten, I thought - not that I'm complaining mind you.

She laid down on her back, and I lowered myself down on top of her, massaging her breasts while we kissed some more. I moved my hand slowly down over her stomach, caressing each curve on her spectacular body. As my fingers reached down between her ever-spreading thighs, I began to softly rub around her sex. She sighed and moaned more and more, and I sank my fingers into her moist folds. She started squirming, and looked like she was about to lose it, her eyes opened quickly and she looked at me very seriously,

"Fuck me - fuck me right now! I can't wait any longer!"

I slid myself into her warm, moist vagina - I'd never felt a woman like her, she just felt perfect. Her grinding and my pumping sped up quickly, both of us in perfect motion with each other, breathing hard. She would let out a little high pitched moan every now and then, when I would give her nipples a small nibble. We had to be going at it for about fifteen minutes when something happened I'll never forget.

She seemed about ready to orgasm, moaning and panting, grinding away at each other - when her head jerked to the left quickly and she let out a strange gurgling sound from her throat. Her head jerked back to look at me, and she had a rather stern look on her face.

I tried to ask, "Jaime, is everything oka..."

"CAUTION - BATTERIES AT 0.2% CAPACITY... SWITCHING TO AUXILIARY POWER SOURCE." Jaime blurted out, then returned to normal. I was about to lose it - this was awesome! I'd finally found a hot woman who was not only uninhibited when it came to sex, but she must have an ASFR fetish too - what more could I want?! We kissed deeply again, I was just about to come when I swear I heard a loud beep come from inside Jaime's chest...

"ERROR - TEAR IN VAGINAL WALL...POWERING DOWN IN TEN SECONDS TO AVOID SHORT CIRCUIT...TEN...NINE...EIGHT...SEVEN..." Jaime said in that odd artificial-sounding tone again, it was making me hotter than I'd ever been.

"...SIX...FIVE...FOUR..." she continued. I kept pumping away, figuring she was trying to time her orgasm with this countdown thing.

"...THREE...TWO...ONE..." Jaime finished the countdown, and I assumed she would come right about then, but she just went limp.

"Jaime? Is everything okay?" I asked her, just to make sure. She really didn't seem to be breathing or anything. "Hey, the robot act is hot - but just laying there is kinda boring... hello?" I shook her lightly to see what the hell she was up to. How could you get so close to having an orgasm and just lay there all still?

Just then, another beep came from her chest - startling me quite a bit. I pulled out of her dripping sex and sat back on my heels. A thought crossed my mind, but no - it couldn't be. There was no such thing as a realistic android yet. Jaime's head twitched again, and she spoke up:

"RESTART COMMENCING...UNIT DESIGNATION JAIME0156 ACTIVATING...CHECKING SYSTEMS..." She laid there staring at the ceiling for a few seconds, all of a sudden a bright orange flash, accompanied by a sharp POP sound, came from... within her waist??? Holy shit - I thought, she might actually be a machine...


Her voice returned to its normal light friendly tone, "Hi, I'm Jaime!" She shook her head a little, "Wow, that was great, wasn't it? Sorry about the restart, but our intense love-making must have torn my vagina a bit... Nothing I can't repair easily after I recharge." She said quite matter-of-factly.

"Jaime?! Recharge??? You... you're... you're a ROBOT?!"

"Of course, you knew that. I told you as soon as we met!" She said, smiling.

"I thought you were just fucking around! Who's ever met an actual gynoid?"

"Well, now you have, silly! How could you not know? I told you right away that I was a robot. You offered me a place to live, and we even had sex... You mean you thought I was human?" She, or it, I suppose, seemed confused.

"Of course I did!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. My programming is relatively new. I can function like a human female in most situations, but I'm not very good when it comes to detecting sarcasm. I hope I have not offended you." Jaime said apologetically.

"No, no - I'm far from offended. Just surprised. And excited, to tell you the truth. I've got a bit of a fembot fetish, to be honest." I admitted.

"Great! I figured you would make a perfect owner! Now I just need to recharge before I automatically shut down and lose my hard drive..." She beamed.

"Um, one thing... Owner?" I wasn't sure what she meant by that.

"I told you I needed a place to live yesterday - you've been so nice to me I don't see why I can't be your gynoid from now on. I've been living out of my car ever since the lab built me and set me free of sorts. Extra work is great because nobody does a background check on me, and it pays for the gas to keep my car running and charging me. But it's not a safe living situation. If you are willing to help keep me running and powered up, I will stay with you forever, fulfilling whatever request you may have for me. I just need to grab my clothes and equipment out of my car."

My mind was spinning, I didn't know what to say.

"But before anything, I need you to plug me in. Auxiliary power doesn't allow me to walk around, so you'll need to grab the cord out of my purse and attach it here before you plug me into the wall..." She looked down at her chest and right then, a panel opened exposing tightly packed wires behind a metal and plastic skeletal frame, surrounded by little blinking LEDs and some kind of soft, fleshy foam that seemed to give her body it's shape and feel. "...I'll only need to be offline for a few hours, then we can get back to some serious love-making!" She squealed.

I got up in a daze, went out to the living room and grabbed the only cord I found in her purse, walked back into the bedroom and handed it to Jaime. She carefully plugged it into her chest, and handed me the three-prong end, which I plugged into the nearest outlet.

"I'll have to shut down now, but I'll be up in a few hours, sweeeeeeeeetieeeeeeee........" Her voice slowed and lowered in pitch as her face came to freeze on the 'e' sound, and then, she was frozen again.

I don't know what's going to happen, now that I've apparently got my own sexy little gynoid, but I can't wait to find out... I've got so many questions to ask her when she 'wakes up.'

To be continued?
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Post by tc » Wed Mar 10, 2004 7:04 pm

I think the story is veally good and I hope to see it continue.

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Post by robolvr » Wed Mar 10, 2004 9:38 pm

Nice job! Keep up the good work...


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Post by jpetoh » Thu Mar 11, 2004 6:04 am

Excellent. Can't wait to see more.

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