C4S Takeover by Feet and Tickles

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C4S Takeover by Feet and Tickles

Post by blond111 » Sat Jul 02, 2016 8:35 am

C4S Robot fetishes seem to be taken over by foot fetish and tickle fetishes. Any thoughts?


Re: C4S Takeover by Feet and Tickles

Post by KingJeremy » Sun Jul 03, 2016 11:44 am

My thoughts are that it stinks (foot fetish joke!). Seriously though, if you don't order a custom you're pretty much at the mercy of those who do or you're left with whatever is hot for that producer at the time or is trending towards the top of the C4S charts as everyone tries to cash in on trends. I look at most of these crossovers as if they didn't exist to begin with. I ignore most of them unless they come from one of what I consider to be an elite producer, I'm sure everyone has their own list. If we weren't such a diverse, eclectic community with so many different turn ones it might be easier to just roll out videos that would sell and be worth a producers time. As it is I think we all stick to our little niche groups under the larger ASFR banner which is already one of the more difficult fetishes for a producer who isn't "into it" to understand.

I wish making robot fetish stuff on C4S were about anything else than straight up profit but unfortunately unless one of us takes the reigns we just have to wait for the rare gem that occasionally pops up. Or maybe some of the subfactions collaborate and pool resources and ideas and contact their favorite performer to produce something. The transformation guys do their thing, the movement guys do theirs, etc.

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