Debbi's Diary Chapter 12 My First Date

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Debbi's Diary Chapter 12 My First Date

Post by Murotsu » Tue Apr 26, 2016 8:04 pm

Chapter 12: My first date

I know this is not the normal sequence for a relationship, but I am not a normal girl. After the sentient robot law passed I could act like myself in public. I really wanted to do some things I could never do before. One of those was go on a date with my boyfriend, Brad. Yes, he is my owner and master, but I have come to process his relationship with me as my intimate companion. That makes him my boyfriend.

I placed his dinner plate on the table then sat down with a glass of water to join him. “Master, I would like to ask if you would do something with me.”

He looked at me with his head tilted slightly. “What exactly did you have in mind?”

“Would you take me on a date?”

He picked up his fork and began eating. I sat there and this horrible emotion welled up inside me.

“What’d you have in mind?”

A wave of relief washed over me. “I studied the manga and anime you watch along with reviewing a number of dating advice sites. I was able to compute numerous alternatives.”

“You did, did you?” He put his fork down and looked directly into my eyes.

I giggled. “You made a palindrome Master. That was very clever.”


I became puzzled by his response. “I have studied you carefully Master. You like and regularly use clever speech and wording in talking to others.”

“That’s not the point Deb. Cartoons aren’t real.”

“Understood. They are the best I could use for a database to try and compute a set of choices from.” I looked down, frowning. “I am sorry. My robotics limit my ability to be creative.”

He nodded back. “I’m sorry too. I know it’s not easy for you and that your robotics are a real limitation. I should have praised you for trying like you did. What’d you come up with?”

I squirmed a little in my seat, giggling. “Based on the data I collected…”

“Deb,” he started. I instantly stopped. “Yes Master?”

“Deb, just how much data did you collect to do this?”

“Ten point two one four gigabytes. I used two terabytes of my processor space for a total time of sixteen hours, seven minutes, forty-eight seconds to collect and analyze it.”

“So, you really put some major effort into this didn’t you?”

I looked down processing that I was being scolded.” “Yes Master.”

He took my hand and rubbed it, then looked at my eyes to get me to raise my head. “I bet what you planned will be terrific. Do you want to invite Allen and Suzy to come too, or will it be just the two of us?”

A double date flashed through my processors. “No Master. I compute it should be the two of us. This is our first date. I want it to be special, for us. That is what the data showed is normal.”

“Okay, tell me what you’ve planned.”

“Based on the data I collected, we spend the morning shopping in the electronics district. That is something you enjoy. I compute you could find some software or a new component for me to improve my performance. Then we have lunch at an e-café. They allow robots in, so while you eat I can recharge.”

“Then you can select an option for the afternoon. We can go to one of the museums nearby, or to a movie…”

Brad held his hand up. “I want you to select the option.”

“Understood.” That brought on frustration, although I did not display it. My processors started to load up with the data on the options and I tried to pick the best one. Then an option popped up, solving this problem.

“I would like to go to the Museum of Art.”

“Why the art museum?” he replied.

That loaded my processors right back up. My expression must have hinted at it.

He gave me a wry smile. “Making you think am I?”

I stuck my tongue out at him. “Yes, Master, and it is very frustrating.” I cocked my head and started to try to process an answer for him. He sat patiently waiting for me.

“I compute if we go there you can help me improve my imagination by discussing the art we see. It really frustrates me that I am so limited in that respect. I want to be able to contribute more when we talk or play games. Right now I have great difficulty doing things I am not programmed for or that you did not instruct me to do.”

“I want to be able to… think for myself.” I could feel my chin quiver and I bit my lip. “I feel so limited by my robotics.”

It took Brad thirty nine seconds to answer. He hugged me. “Then that’s what we’ll do. Afterwards, I think I we’ll do something special you should like.”
I smiled, then kissed him. “What would that be Master?”

“It’s a surprise so I can’t tell you.”

We went on our date the next Saturday. I wanted Brad to want to be seen with me, and tried to find ways that other humans would have a positive reaction to our relationship. I knew from my research that many humans saw a human — robot relationship like ours in a very negative way. If only I can change their perception…
I decided on wearing a nice, bright, floral print shirt dress with sheer white tights, and my tall tan suede boots that were a little scrunchy. Brad was a fashion wreck. I had to help him pick out what to wear. At least he was not resistant to my help.

“Master, we are going on our first date. You need to look nice, not all nerdy. Please, for me?”

We took the subway to the electronics district. “Master,” I giggled, whispering, “I like riding this train. The vibration makes me have little orgasms and going down the stairs to the platform… it makes my boobies bounce and I get feedback that makes me feel so good.”

He nudged into me, snickering. “See, not everything about being robotic is negative for you.”

I laid my head on his shoulder. “You make me feel even better when we do it. I love you Master.”

We walked through the electronics shopping district. Brad used my shopping software and sensors to select stores to go into. We headed into another one. There were sensors at the door to prevent theft and we had to go through them.

I stepped through quickly, shuddering heavily as I did. I let out a gasp and stood still for a moment as I emerged.

Brad looked at me and my reaction. “Are you okay Deb?”

“Ugg! I hate those things” I replied. “They mess with my electronics. They make me feel horrible and my skin crawls.”

“That’s why you threw the refrigerator magnets away isn’t it?”

“Yes Master. Magnets are horrible.”

Brad hugged me. “Maybe they make some sort of degaussing system you can get installed to fix that.”

“Degaussing system?” I asked. “I have no data on such a system. How does it work? What does it weigh? Can you really get one for me…?” I barraged him with questions.

As we walked along, shopping and taking in the sights we came on an area with stores selling robots.

I grabbed Brad’s arm and wrapped mine around it. “Master, these stores sell robots like me!”

Brad looked me in the eyes. “No, Deb, they sell robots but the ones they sell are not like you. You are a very special model, one of a kind, not like the ones on display here.”

I did my little praise dance. “I love you so much!” I added. “Master, can we go in one of these stores? I want to see how the girlbots here compare to me.”
Inside I was so amazed! The store was full of series 7, 8, and 9 robots. The nines looked a lot like me. I could see the sevens and eights looked less than fully human. This was the first time I saw any of the male models up close too.

A fembot sales clerk came up to Brad. She ignored me entirely. “Welcome sir! Are you interested in upgrading your current unit or perhaps you would like to purchase a new one?”

I so wanted to plug her into something that would short circuit her! Brad would never replace me… Would he?

“You have any series ten with at least ten petabyte of memory?” Brad asked.

The sales clerk began to whir and click softly. After a moment, “I am so sorry sir, we do not have that model. Would a series nine with five hundred terabytes fill your needs?”

“No, afraid not” Brad replied. “I think I’ll just browse for a bit. I’ll let you know if I need assistance, thanks.”

The sales clerk left us to look at their inventory.

Brad leaned over close to my ear. “They haven’t got anything close to you.”

It was super hard for me to contain myself. I made little happy noises and squeezed Brad’s arm and hand tightly. “I love you.”

The e-café was a real surprise. I had been to restaurants with Brad nine times already. They always seemed to tolerate me since I could not eat food and preferred to have plain water to drink, if I got anything.

At this one the waitress was a fembot, like me. She seated us. “Sir, would you like to recharge your companion?” she asked.

“Yes, please.” She handed both of us a menu and came back with a hook-up cord to get me plugged in. She then took our order. “If you want to use the restaurant’s Wi-Fi I can give your companion the access codes…”

She called me Brad’s companion… She gave me menu and asked what I wanted! I was giddy with joy. I was not being treated like an object or inanimate machine.

“Enjoying yourself?” Brad asked.

“Yes Master!” I sipped the beverage designed for fembots I ordered. “It is so wonderful to not be an object. This drink is very tasty too!” I pointed at the warning label on the glass, For robot use only. Not for Human Consumption. “They even have special glasses just for us!” I leaned towards him. “I like that somebody has to wear a maid costume other than me.”

That made him laugh and that made me happy.

After lunch we went to the art museum. That required us to take the subway a couple of stops and a short bus ride. I was very glad Brad was with me as my navigation data was badly inaccurate and I probably would have gotten lost without him.

As we walked through the exhibits Brad began to ask me questions about the art we were looking at.

“What do you think of this painting Deb?”

“It is by the French impressionist Renoir” I replied. I was loading data on the painting, technical details, critical reviews…

“I don’t want you to recite information others have written on this painting. I want to hear what you think about it.”

“It is a painting of two girls” I replied, hesitantly. “This is very difficult Master. Without data I cannot compute…”

He leaned in and looked me in the eyes. “You have emotions. I know you can be analytical too. Now, look at the painting then find data of similar situations you have experienced yourself.” He gave me a moment.

I looked back at him expectantly. “Loaded.”

“Okay, now substitute yourself into the picture as one of the girls and try and imagine what you’re experiencing.”

I gasped and put my hand on my chest. My mouth quivered and I could feel a tear running down my cheek.

Brad smiled at me. “Well?”

“It is me and Suzy, and we are on the roof of our home. The one from before. It is a summer day and I can feel the breeze on my face and smell the scent of the plants and flowers.” I hugged him tightly. “I feel so wonderful. Master, I want do another! I want to try all the paintings now.”

I found some of the paintings and other art would get a reaction or give me memories I did not know I had. Others did nothing.

“That’s normal Deb” Brad told me. “Not every piece of art is something that will speak to you.”


There was one section with what Brad said was “modern art.” Neither of us could figure it out.

“This looks like a test pattern used to calibrate my optical sensors” I said pointing at one of these.

Brad laughed. “It probably is and somebody passed it off as art for a joke.”

A woman standing nearby snorted at us. “Trying to teach a robot to appreciate art. How stupid. They’re just dumb machines.”

I stuck my tongue out at her and gave her the evil eye. “Meanie.”

She became indignant. “I’m reporting that unit! It showed emotion and self-awareness!”

Brad shrugged. “Go for it. Since they passed the Sentient Robot Act they can have emotions and self-awareness so long as they have an owner and are obedient. Come on Deb, let’s go. You need to get charged up anyway.”

“Coming Master.” I stuck my tongue out at her again.

Brad waved down a cab. That surprised me as he rarely used one and in the past it was only if he was in a rush or the weather was really bad… At least that is what the data I had complied told me. He handed the driver a card.

“Where are we going Master?” I asked.

He put a finger on my lips. “It’s a surprise.”

The cab pulled up at a very nice hotel. I linked to get data on it including interior pictures for my navigation system.

“Master, this is a luxury resort hotel. What are we going to do here?”

He squeezed my hand. “We’re staying the night here. I reserved a suite and had a suitcase with clothes and stuff delivered earlier today.”

He wants to spend the night with me! I was doing my little happy dance. “Oh, thank you Master! I love you so much!” I kissed him several times.

The room was amazing. The bed was huge and there was a hot tub. There were all sorts of electronic devices I was getting feedback from. It had an actual robot charging stand available for me.

“Deb, are you watertight?”

I looked at the hot tub. “I am submersible to two bar maximum pressure Master.”

“So, you’ll be okay in the hot tub?”

“So long as the water temperature is forty degrees or less I can function in the hot tub. If it is hotter, my stay time is thirty minutes less two minutes for every degree above forty.”

“Then we can set it for thirty eight” he replied.

“Understood. The hot tub is set for thirty eight degrees.”

He looked surprised. “You just set the temperature?”

“Yes Master. I can electronically interface with the controls.”


When we got in the tub I snuggled up to him. I could tell he was aroused. I kissed him then ducked into the water. Nine minutes, thirty eight seconds later I came up. He was lying back looking at the ceiling with a smile.

“Did you enjoy that Master?”

“Um.” He looked at me curiously. “It was great. I know you don’t need to breathe but how’d you get dried off so fast?”

I giggled. “One of my design features is my skin and hair are water repellant. It helps prevent moisture from penetrating into my body. Master, I notice that you always seem more interested in my technical specifications than my ability to be intimate and serve you. Why is that?”

He gave me a hug and got me cuddled up beside him. “That’s just how I am. But, that’s also what makes me so interested in you. You have so many unique and interesting features that a human female doesn’t. That’s what makes you so fun to be with.”

The next day we headed home after we, well he, had breakfast, and me, in bed. I had never felt happier.

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