Creating Information: Reference sheets

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Creating Information: Reference sheets

Post by --NightBattery-- » Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:12 pm

I would like to display some of my favorite fiction (well duh) androids in some short of Fake informative sheet with a tint of Fixation.
Drawn by myself of course, because that's what i do.

And i would like to list some points that i could use in multiple characters no matter how different they are.
(I.e: a cyborg from a very plain t.v serie or an obscure robot from a japanese comic)

In a normal fantasy character sheet w̶e̶a̶b̶o̶s people would list things as eye and hair color, gender and age.
But i think those things are not very meaningful if the sheet is meant to describe a Robot more as a Robot than as a personality.
So i would like any one or everybody to take a look at these that i have thought so far and perhaps, if you feel grand, suggest some more to me that are not extremely specific and impossible to know properly (Like power consumption, processing capacity...), since it seems my knowledge in non-Biological engineering is more narrow than what i would like to admit and i don't know what else to add.

Designation: (Name)
Stephford Scale Numeral:
Classification: (Robot, Cyborg, Synthetic, Bioroid)
Manufacturer: (Company X)
Designer: (Dr. X)
Engine: (Nuclear reactor, fussion core, blablabla...)
So what you say?
Any idea?
I am dry of them right now. can't force 'em out.
Last edited by --NightBattery-- on Fri Nov 20, 2015 6:31 am, edited 2 times in total.


Re: Creating Information: Reference sheets

Post by --NightBattery-- » Thu Nov 19, 2015 6:25 am

Thank you for your cooperation Robotman, but those are some that i would call very specific and hard to find for most gynoids out there.... :(
for example if i wanted to make one of those, for Mokoto kusanagi from ghost in the shell, i think i would never find that information.
It would be the same for other character like: "Angelina jolie" from cyborg2, Alita from Gunnm, Android 18...

͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °


Re: Creating Information: Reference sheets

Post by --NightBattery-- » Thu Nov 19, 2015 3:33 pm

Not this time.
(I have a thing for charts and Visual data)

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Re: Creating Information: Reference sheets

Post by Saya » Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:43 pm

One thing I can recommend is something listing their function. For instance, Android 18 is basically a combat android (though calling her a combat android is like calling an MIRV a sparkler), so you can throw something in like that.

Also? I -love- this idea. You aren't the only one with a thing for visual charts and diagrams of robot girls. I'm not a fan of cyborgs myself (wetware eugh), but the diagram you have down there is pretty much -exactly- what I am into! >.>
"If the time should ever come when what is now called science, thus familiarized to men, shall be ready to put on, as it were, a form of flesh and blood, the Poet will lend his divine spirit to aid the transfiguration, and will welcome the Being thus produced, as a dear and genuine inmate of the household of man."
- William Wordsworth


Re: Creating Information: Reference sheets

Post by --NightBattery-- » Fri Nov 20, 2015 7:07 pm

Great to hear it!
I also plan add small Descriptions of information that doesn't fit in a category. without explaining personal information about the character.

For Android 18 for example, *working text*

Android No.18
Model: infinite-powered Android (No really, that's what i found)
Stephford Scale Numeral: 13
Classification: bioorganic Cyborg
Manufacturer: Red Ribbon Army Robotic Engineering Section
Designer: Dr. Gero
Engine: Universal Energy Reactor
Power: Universal Energy (Qi)
Function: Long Range Meele combat android

The Biological frame for the construction of Android 18 was a young human girl modified to a point that little of the original subject remains. Digestive system has been removed for a metabolic pot, Bone structure was replaced over a period of years for a biometalic alloy. Central nervous system was severed and the brain re-encased in a new skull connected to a new muscular system tailored for the new structure. The biological tissue in the muscular system was grown with a specific genetic load unrelated to the original human for reasons explained next.
The intention of using a living being for the combat contraption was in order to test a novel source of radiation inherent to living beings known as universal energy (also referred as Qi) that presents still a unknown set of properties in the interaction of fundamental principles of physics according to its quantity. Android 18 is fitted with a universal energy Reactor that allows her to subtract “Qi” from her surrounding areas and accumulate it on living tissues. Because the traditional notions of the disciplines that study the Qi her sexual organs had to remain. While the Universal energy Reactor is capable of subtracts unlimited Qi, the reservoir of this energy is limited to the density of Android 18 biomass. Special biomass was added to 18’s prosthetics to enhance the accumulation of this energy above human level. The technology behind android 18 creation was lost with the disappearance of her manufacturer.

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