The Nightingale's Song - Part 7

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The Nightingale's Song - Part 7

Post by ButchyBoy » Sun Feb 08, 2004 11:41 pm

After determing that the reclusive inventor, Carl Throckhammer was nowhere to be found and wasn't going to turn up anytime soon, Harry and Cricket made their way through Old Chicago, with Harry leading the way this time. As they walked, Cricket was admiring the little golden nightingale in her hand, listening to it's song. "Pretty, isn't it Harry?", she said as she looked up to her friend. Harry looked down at his blonde robotic partner and smiled, "Yeah, sure is. And it's 150 grand pretty for us, so don't wear it out." "Yes, Harry", was her simple reply. She silenced the little golden bird, and carefully tucked it away in a secure place in her backpack. "So, where are we headed?" she asked. "Looking up and old friend who owes me more than a few favors.", Harry replied. "Hopefully, he'll have some nice transportation to get to St. Louis in." "I sure hope so. It's getting super cold Harry." Cricket said as she leaned into him for warmth. He wraped his arms around the little blonde robot as she kept her mind occupied so as to not think about how cold it was.

"Harry, I've been trying to think of what Mr. Throckhammer meant when he said the nightingale's song was the key. But the key to what?" She's got the right idea, he thought. Think about the case, not the cold weather. "Well," Harry said, "keys usually unlock things. Or perhaps our little golden friend is the key to a puzzle of some sort." "Maybe", Cricket replied, "There's just something about the way it sings. Something you almost can't hear." "You mean like a subliminal message?" "Not quite, Harry. Not a message per se, but........." She suddendly became silent and deep in thought.
Last edited by ButchyBoy on Mon Feb 09, 2004 2:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Mon Feb 09, 2004 12:36 am

The pair arrived at a rather plain looking bulding. A faded sign hung rather loosely over the door, with the name "Decker". Harry rapped hard on the battered door. A slot on the door opened, revealing a rather cold pair of eyes. The voice behind the door gruffed, "If you're the collector, I've got till the end of the month!" Harry just shrugged off the comment and said, "Yeah, I'm a collector. Of sorry old war vets who don't recognize a pal when they see him." The pair of eyes behind the door slot squinted. "Harry....Harry Lang???" "Yeah, Harry Lang. Now can we come in, or you just gonna wait till we become popsicles?" The door opened, and the pair outside quickley entered. Closing the door was a gruff looking, portly gentleman, more then a few years older than Harry. Also much shorter, but tall enough to look down at Harry's companion.

"Well, Harry Lang" the man beamed for the first time, "I'd never though I'd see you again. Not round here anyway. And I see your keeping nice company these days." eyeing the girl by Harry's side with a smile. She smiled back and offered her hand, "My name is Cricket. I'm Harry's partner." The man just laughed and introduced himself, "Well miss Cricket, I'm Bill Decker. Harry's sometime partner, mostly during the war. So, you're Harry's partner eh?....How cute." The robot just smiled back at him. Decker looked back at Harry, "She for real?" "Yep", Harry replied matter of factly, "Don't let the size and smile fool you. She's gotten me out of few tough scraps." "It's only fair, really" Cricket chimed in, "Harry's saved my life 87 times since we've met." This statement just floored Decker. "87........and uh, how many......scraps have you gotten him out of?" Cricket had to think about that question a moment, then chirped, "Oh, I've saved Harry's life two-hundred and...." "Uh, look Bill" said Harry rather quickly, "We on a job, and we need some fast transport to St. Louis. Can you deliver?" "Well, it's goona be tough, what this being the holidays and all. It's not gonna come cheap." "How much?" Harry asked. "Well, seeing your an old friend...." "Who you owe more then a few favors to." Harry reminded him. "Ah, yeah.......Well, I can get ya something nice for say.......$30,000" Harry just looked at him. "How nice?" "Get ya to Saint Louie in an hour" "It better for $30,000" "Sure, sure" Decker replied, "Now if you'll just deliver the money, I'll point the way to..." Harry cut him off, "You'll show us the transport first, then we'll talk price." Decker just sighed. He almost always lost every bet, and every fight to Harry when they ran together. "Allright, we'll cut through the mission district, and then you'll see a real beauty my friend.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Mon Feb 09, 2004 1:53 am

The trio left Decker's place and went through a snow covered park which had become sort of a poorman's "Christmas Town" and shelter. Here, familes who weren't lucky enough to have a roof under their head gathered, keeping warm with fires, some portable heaters smuggled out of the domed cities for a hefty price. The food here wansn't in huge supply, nut the prople made do. All about, Christmas lights hung, more then a few burned out. Cheap plastic Santas and reindeer, tinsel, and small trees decorated the landscape. Yet, in spite of all the seemed misery around them, the people actually seemed happy with what little they had. People were gathered in groups talking, childeren were bundeled up playing, having snowball fights.

As Harry, Cricket, and Decker made their way, Cricket noticed two boys running up to a smaller girl, yanking from her a plastic airplane on a wooden stick she was happily playing with. The boys steeped on the toy, breaking it in half as they ran laughing. The little girl was devistated, and started to cry, picking up the broken toy. She looked up through tear-filled eyes to see the a pretty blonde smiling at her. "Hello, my name is Cricket, and I saw what those mean boys did. Maybe I can help", she chirped. The young robot girl examined the toy. It looked homemade. "You fix?" the girl asked with hope in her eyes. She couldn't have been more then four. "I have something better then this" Cricket said. Hearing this, the little girl sniffed and smiled. Cricket reached into her backpack and pulled out a large pink jeweled case that said "Daddy's Girl" in script letters. She dug though the case to pull out a small stuffed pink pony, with wide eyes and nice silk mane. "For me???" the little girl squealed with delight. "Yes" Cricket said. "Those mean old boys can't break this." The little girl beamed and reached up to hug her. "Thanks you Miss Cwicket." Cricket gave the girl a warm hug. "You're welcome......I don't know your name." "Me name April", the little girl said proudly. At that moment, a much taller woman came up behind the little girl. "April, sweetie, who are you talking to?.......Oooo, and what happened to your airplane?", the woman said, picking up the broken toy.
The little girl pinched her face, "Mean boys bweak it, Mommy!! And this me new fwiend, Miss Cwicket. See, she give me pwetty new pony." the girl beamed with excitment. The rather plain looking woman was a bit taken back, yet she was greatful to this kind young stranger before her. "Well, thank you Miss......Cricket is it?" "Yes, Ma'am" came the happy, yet respectful reply. "I'm Betty Stevens. This is......just so very nice of you." "Oh, it's no trouble at all", Cricket said looking down at little April, "She looked like she could use some cheering, and I wasn't using the little pony anyway. The toy comes standard with all Daddy's Girls."
Harry, who had been watching all this time, suddenly bacame a bit alarmed. Cricket had a rather bad habit of freely revealing her true nature to strangers. It had sometimes gotten them in hot water. Luckily, this time it wouldn't be the case. Betty stared at Cricket for a moment.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Mon Feb 09, 2004 2:42 am

"Daddy's Girl? Are you a........a robot?" she asked in wonderment. Cricket just smiled and replied with a simple, "Yes". "And you just gave her the toy.......all on your own? You weren't told to do it?" "Nope" Now Betty smiled, "That's amazing." Cricket just shyly smiled and said thank you to her. "Look, I've love to explore this more, but I have to get her inside for dinner. You're welcome to join us." Cricket looked at Harry who just shook his head. "I'm afraid not Miss Stevens. I have to get to..." Harry cut in again "We just have to get going" "Well, thank you for your kindness. Hope to see you again, really, I do", Betty said as she and little April rushed inside to the old community center. She wanted to find her who the man was, but she knew if they didn't get in line they would both miss dinner. "Goodbye Miss Cwicket. Thanks fow the pweety pony." April called out as she waved goodbye.

Cricket, Harry, and Decker continued walking. "Well, that was........very nice of you", Harry said to Cricket. The little robot could sense in his voice that he wasn't exactly happy. "Did I goof it up again Harry?" Cricket asked rather shyly. "No, no. Interacting with other people is very important. And that selfless act took thinking. And I'm proud of you there."
There was a long scilence. "But??......." Cricket finally asked. "But, you know that some people.........a lot of people just don't like you for.....well, who you are. It's also not wise to give out our destinations when were on a case." "Yes, Harry. I'm sorry." Cricket looked down as she walked. Harry put his arms around her, "Well, no harm done this time. Just be more careful, ok?" Cricket perked back up. "Yes, Harry", she smiled.
Decker just shook his head. "Lang, this is too rich. Your......."partner" a sexbot." "Was, Decker, was.....I've made some modifications." "Such as?" "Such as seeing she's not so helpless as she was, expanding her memory, downloading history and culture programs into her banks, anyhing and everything useful to me", Harry looked down and gave Cricket a knowing wink, "And her." Decker just kept shaking his head. "Modified or not, I think she'll just be trouble in the end." "And where would my life be without trouble?" Harry asked. Sunddenly, Cricket looked up at her friend with a worried look. "Harry", she almost wispered, "someone's following us. About 250 feet away." Harry look back slightly over his sholder. Indeed, a tall shadowy figure was coming up on them and fast!

Next: A Sticky Solution

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Post by DollSpace » Sun Feb 15, 2004 2:03 pm

Looking good! ^+^

Can't wait for the next part!


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