TV > StarGate SG-1: The Menace

Share or request information and reviews on various forms of fembot media.
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TV > StarGate SG-1: The Menace

Post by ANDROID69 » Sat Jul 06, 2002 5:54 pm

8) Hey Fellow ASFRains,
Greetings fellow ASFRains, your ol' friend ANDROID69/PETE#69 here. Happy Fourth to you all, & hope you have a safe weekend. My apologies for not posting in awhile, but there has been a shortage of our material.
Anyway for those who have Digital Cable & have ShowB, Tonight at 3:45am is an episode called the The Menace, about a Beautiful Android causing Terror for the SG crew. I haven't heard of this one, but also ShowB is running an SG marrithon.
Also on right now is WESTWORLD on WB, Showtime also has been running GALAXINA last month & this month. MMX will also show CYBORG2.
Just a few upcoming stuff, I thought some of you might want to know about. As for the UPCOMING stuff, Well the only stuff I know of at this time is T3:Rise Of The Machines 2003, CHROME Summer 2003, & The upcoming remake of WESTWORLD with Arnold. If anyone knows of any other upcoming ASFR relate stuff PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!!:) & post your finds here.
Speaking of findings, I was hoping you all could help a android out in his search for ANIME. I'm looking for EVERY ASFR RE-LATED Anime With Female Robots, Female Androids, & Female Cyborgs. I have the following: Grey, New Dirty Pair (with an android of one of the girls), Cutey Honey (whole series) Catgirl Nuku-Kuku, Video Girl AI, Buttobi CPU, Steel Angel Kurgumi. I know I'm miss alot of titles, I know El-Hazard has a few & I know of Saber Marrionettes, But please let me know of All the others, Even if its only one episode of a series:) Thanks folks you all take care & have a great weekend:) Laters , Your Fellow ASFRain PETE#69
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translated manga of interest

Post by dudemqnguy » Sat Jul 06, 2002 8:48 pm

Yukito Kishiro's "Battle Angel Alita: Last Order" - Viz comics September 2002.
Re-starts the original series from Alita's arrival in Zalem, but extends the story much, much further.

Masamune Shirow's "Appleseed Hypernotes" to be anthologized in "Super Manga Blast!" magazine. Includes a short story involving a female terrorist group composed of full-body cyborgs. Previously unreleased in the west.

Shirow's "Ghost in the Shell II: Manmachine Interface" - Darkhorse comics October 2002. May also be released in an unrated, more sexually explicit version.

A second "Ghost in the Shell' movie is said to be in the works as well.

Kenichi Sonoda's "EXXAXION" - Darkhorse comics, 7 issues out of 8 published so far in the first chapter. Subject matter is giant robots, but includes several busty gynoids as peripheral characters. Fantastically clean and sharp artwork.
"Things are always darkest just before you step on the cat."

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Post by andoroido » Sat Jul 06, 2002 11:08 pm

The above webpage (in Japanese)
has an extremely complete list of all movies, TV shows, comics, etc.
with robot girls of any type, and ratings for each (1-5, with 5 as best)

BUT it's all in Japanese.

The lists (about 9 different categories) are accessed by the "database" button in the left frame. Some of the titles in the list of non-Japanese movies and TV have been translated into English. I'm sure you can use
a web-translation site to make sense of some of the other titles.

The biggest lists are of hundreds of manga with at least one female robot character in them.


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Post by Mirage » Sun Jul 07, 2002 3:18 am

You miss My dear Marie, Android Annoncer Maico, ADpolice (old one, I know of), BubbleGum Crisis and Crash, Black Magic, AppleSeed (bio androids), Armitage, Key, Maps, Raven Kabouco, Midnight Eye, Robot Carnival...

The few I can remember off my head.


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Post by minkwheel » Tue Jul 09, 2002 5:30 pm

Howdy! ---there are SO many of 'em, but here are a few that the other folks have missed ......BLUE SONNET, MIGHTY ORBOTS, EIGHTH MAN (episode called SAMANTHA 7) KEIKO KAMEN 2--middle segment has female student gynoid after Keiko Kamen, SUPER DIMENSION CENTURY ORGUSS-episode three to end of series, Moohm joins the cast. Gall Force Eternal Story, Pheonix 2772, Robotech II-the Sentinels (Janice Em is an android-but we never get to see her as she really is, the show had only three episodes finished) --- let me think on this a bit more....I know I have a ton more to report.....--minkwheel

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