Dyson Family Values Pt. 8

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Dyson Family Values Pt. 8

Post by petey » Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:15 pm

Part Seven. Technically it's an extra update, but I don't think anyone is going to complain.

Unit UX1729 came online and ran through the list of status messages that composed her initial activation diagnostic. She was receiving tactile data from all her extremities and limbs. Positive feedback was coming from all her articulation controllers. Her battery was fully charged. Simulated pulse and respiration functions were active. Her processing core was running at its optimal temperature and speed. She could taste with her synthetic tongue and pick up on the faint sounds and odors in the room. Finally, her vision initialized, pixilated for only a moment before becoming crystal clear.
She could see Units UX1002, VX9319 and VX9422 standing in front of her. She checked her accelerometer and confirmed she was activated in an upright position. Tactile input and an analysis of the eye movement of the other androids indicated she was nude. And in a little corner of her display, she could see that her personal files were loading.
Suddenly, the androids in front of her were Dr. Dyson, Dana, and Christine. The information displayed in her vision was a new thing. Receiving and understanding information in binary was new as well. Then she realized that being nude wasn’t normal either. Zoe’s hands zipped in front of her privates and she felt her skin flush, aware of the commands being executed that made it so.
The three other android women chuckled at her modesty. Dr. Dyson spoke, “I suppose this is a good time to test your personal interface. Focus on the top of your display and bring up your ‘comfort with nudity’ setting, then adjust it up until you feel better.”
Zoe followed the direction without thinking much of the implications. A series of menus flashed across her vision until they stopped on the sliding bar Elaine had mentioned. Zoe moved it with a thought. It was a strange thing. There wasn’t any fuzzy feeling or lights flashing, she just felt silly covering herself up before three other women that she knew.
Zoe lifted her hands away and closed the window in her vision. She took a step forward, stuck her arms out and did a spin. “So, how do I look? Any I-beams sticking out of my back?”
The other androids laughed at that, and Zoe smiled along with them. She wiggled around, stretching out and testing her range of movement. It wasn’t a scheduled task, but it felt good to do. She was a little more flexible than before, but nothing beyond belief. Dana motioned her over to a far wall and Zoe got a look at her new self in the mirror.
It was a striking change. She didn’t look like a whole new person, but she looked so much sexier than before. It took her a moment to develop an analogy in her head, but it was like the image in the mirror had been airbrushed for a magazine. And it looked like she had spent a little more time doing crunches than she really had. She made a few more poses in the mirror, checking out her body in addition to her face. The face moved like her old one and looked like the one on the model. Then she realized that it was the one on the model.
Finally, it was time for the main event. She stood straight and opened up her paplexus panel. Her hand hovered over the exposed mechanics, this physical proof of her synthetic nature. She broke out into a wide smile as she willed that panel closed and opened the one below her sternum. Finally, she let her chest split open, and she gently pulled apart the doors. She looked at all the different tubes and boxes and was greeted by helpful pop-up messages, telling her what each component was as her focus darted around her chest cavity.
She was so immersed she didn’t see Christine come over and rest her chin on Zoe’s shoulder. She reached over and began to tweak one of the nipples on the open barn door. Zoe was momentarily taken aback both by the intense sensation and by the fact that it was happening at a right angle and several inches forward of where it should be happening.
“Mmm, please, Christine, stop.” Being naked in front of Christine was one thing; going to second base with her was something different. Even if it felt damn good.
“Why? Doesn’t it feel great?”
“Yeah, but I’m not really comfortable with you touching me like that.”
Christine giggled and stopped, instead pressing one of the chest doors back into place. “I forgot that you don’t come out of the box with all the features enabled.”
Zoe pushed the other side into place and watched everything seal up again, “What are you talking about?”
“Go to your Sexual preferences menu, there are all sorts of goodies there, including enabling some wonderful sapphic software.”
With barely a thought, the submenu for sexual preferences opened into her field of vision. She scrolled through the list, a little embarrassed that she hadn’t even heard of some of the things toward the bottom. But she left that stuff for later and went back toward the top where the sexual orientation toggle lay. Upon opening it, she found it was two toggles, independent determinations of attraction to women and attraction to men. The male toggle was about halfway to maximum, the female a little above the minimum. Zoe decided they should both go up. She amped up her attraction to men almost all the way, and moved her attraction to women three-quarters of the way to the right.
She could see Christine as she moved the slider and it was an amazing experience. The other android steadily went from intellectually attractive to emotionally attractive in Zoe’s eyes. She knew Christine was attractive, but now she was attracted to Christine’s sparkling eyes and cute little nose.
“Oh wow, that’s something.” Zoe half-muttered to the ether.
“You don’t know the half of it.” Christine took the initiative and began kissing her coworker. And Zoe made no attempt to push her away. It surprised Zoe a little bit, that she was enjoying playing tonsil hockey with another girl this much. And she cooed into the other android’s mouth when Christine began caressing Zoe’s bared buttocks.
Dana and Elaine had been standing to the side, taking vicarious pleasure in the new unit’s explorations. They silently agreed that Zoe made for a very sexy android, even though Elaine made a point of diving into her own code to limit the sexual arousal she felt toward her future daughter-in-law. But now it was obvious that Christine and Zoe would be fine alone.
“Come on Dana, let’s go see how Gretchen’s transfer is progressing. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, girls.”
The smooching ladies didn’t acknowledge the good doctor as she left the room with Dana. Zoe was busy trying to work her hands into Christine’s clothes. Eventually, Christine had to stop the festivities.
Zoe looked up at the other unit, “Did I do something wrong?”
“No, you’ve been programmed excellently. But there’s something special I have planned for us.”
Zoe felt a warm feeling of satisfaction at the positive affirmation about her performance. “And what exactly did you have planned?”
Christine began pulling the two of them toward the door, “It has to do with what we were talking about during our night out, come on.”
Zoe followed until she got close to the door and hallway beyond. “Umm, shouldn’t I cover up?” She was ok with being nude, she wasn’t comfortable with exposing herself to everyone. As she thought about it, Zoe appreciated the fine details possible in her programming.
Christine found a lab smock by the door and threw it to Zoe. You could guess there was nothing underneath, but it covered all the naughty bits with cloth to spare. Thusly, Zoe was able to happily accompany Christine down the hallways.
Zoe zoned out a bit to take it all in. The balancing data from her legs. The temperature of the hallway. The sounds from the testing rooms amplified by software in her head. She really was a machine, from the tips of her toes (stress levels during locomotion within optimal parameters) to the top of her head (scalp tactile sensors reading no defects).
Christine pulled Zoe into their destination room with girlish glee. There was a small, indoor pool there, with no units around. Zoe noticed how her body automatically did a seal check on all her panels and connection points of her skin. Even a small leak could be a problem.
Zoe still wasn’t sure what made Christine so excited, until they got closer to the pool, and she realized there were units there. Three women, probably all brunette — it was hard to tell with the water’s refraction — were underwater and tangled together. Zoe had an urge to save them, before realizing they were fine down there.
Christine reached around to unbutton the lab coat. “You were embarrassed about not having sex anywhere interesting, I thought this might be a good way to fix that. Go ahead and halt your autonomic function simulations and seal all your tracheal openings.”
Zoe let the coat fall to her ankles and began following Christine’s instructions. Her fake heartbeat stopped. Her fake breathing slowed to nothing. Even the urge to blink weakened. A status message told her that her throat was sealed off. Zoe turned around and found that Christine had stripped down and was standing there posing with a ‘come hither’ look on her face. As excited as Zoe got before, the sight of Christine’s perfect android body set her pussy aflame. Fortunately there was a pool of water nearby to douse it.
Wordlessly, Christine took a big step to her left and jumped into the pool. She sank with barely a splash and did not surface. Zoe took the hint and followed her in. The pool was just deep enough that she could stand on the bottom and still be completely submerged. Once inside, it was easier to see. Zoe briefly looked at the other girls twisted into a three-fembot pretzel before coming back to Christine. Her blonde hair lightly flowed around her head and her breasts hung even higher on her chest. With the light only coming from above, she looked like an android angel. If an android angel had a swollen and aroused pussy, of course.
The two of them glided through the water and made contact. Zoe swore she could sense every little bit of water gliding across her skin. She was amazed at how her breasts felt against Christine's and how her lips tasted when tinged with chlorine. Even in her aroused state, Zoe noted how different it was, kissing without breathing. The flexing of their cheeks pushed some water between them, but otherwise it was all about the contact.
Christine broke it off and moved her hand from around Zoe to one side of her. She used the leverage to do a bit of a cartwheel that put her feet above the water line. Zoe quickly interpreted the maneuver and assisted in bringing the other android into position with their mouths before each others' pussies. Christine started first, but Zoe had to stop and admire how juicy the blonde's pussy looked now. She briefly realized that the attraction was programmed, but once she felt the tongue in her own snatch, the reticence and awe evaporated and she plunged in.
Zoe was splitting her resources between interpreting Christine's expert cunnilingus, running an expert licking program of her own, and trying to keep the pair of them from toppling over. There wasn't much more room left to think. Sex had never seemed so simple, even though it was accomplished by 214 separate software subroutines. Zoe just sat back and enjoyed it. And in sitting back, she gently glided her and Christine to the floor of the pool, with Zoe on top. That freed up enough room for her to think about some things.
God, Neil isn't even half this good. She felt a little guilty about thinking it, but it was true. She realized that she — and by extension Christine — wasn't using any maneuvers that required blowing or sucking. The software had automatically omitted those actions from the programs she was running.
While that was a feature to be appreciated, Zoe realized a rise in her arousal and drop in her available computing resources. She had only a moment to realize what was going on before Christine had caused Zoe's first artificial orgasm. Her legs shook and her chest heaved. It felt like her brain was going to explode through the top of her head. Zoe had no idea where she was, she was simply awash with the pleasure.
She came down in time to sense her partner grinning into her crotch. And that only provoked Zoe to go doubly hard at Christine. Like a seasoned lesbian, Zoe brought Christine to an equally satisfying release.
And that's how they spent the next two hours. They exchanged orgasms sequences like the pleasure was something tangible, like a tennis ball, to be volleyed between them. They heard, but didn't acknowledge, the departure of their poolmates. There was serious cuntlicking to be done.
Finally, Christine extracted herself and swam up to the surface. Zoe watched that lovely form swim to the wall before getting up herself. She was so focused on watching Christine's nude body leave the pool that she was out of the water as well when she realized there were other people there.
She immediately recognized Dr. Dyson, who was now clad in nothing but bikini bottoms, but couldn't place the naked woman beside her. Zoe felt the urge to smack herself in the forehead when she realized the new girl was Gretchen. But she looked so different now, like she had been through half a dozen expensive cosmetic enhancement surgeries. But more than that, it was as though all the stress she had been under was whisked away.
Gretchen was beaming and looked like she might explode. Instead, she leaped forward and hugged Zoe.
“Ohmigawd Ohmigawd I'm a robot now ” Gretchen proudly stepped back and opened up a panel for Zoe to see. Zoe's newfound affection for women's bodies was only enhanced by evidence that it was a woman's android body. She reached for the panel before realizing she had wet hands and shouldn't go near exposed circuitry. Instead, she moved toward Gretchen's, now bare, pussy.
Gretchen stepped back when she realized where Zoe was going, after all, this was her best — and straight and engaged — friend. Zoe realized the problem almost immediately and gave her friend a comforting smile.
“It's ok, being with another android woman is just astounding. Go to your sexual preferences menu. Then you can enable some outstanding sapphic software.”
Like Zoe just hours before, Gretchen gave little thought to opening up the proper menu and sliding her sexual attraction bars closer to the max. When her focus left the heads-up display, she was treated to the arousing sight of Zoe's perfect, nude, and shiny wet body. Gretchen leaped again, but this time she went in for an aggressive kiss.
She had learned that Zoe was the link that allowed her the opportunity to receive this body, and that appreciation, combined with the pre-existing fondness, exploded into lust. Zoe had to step back to prevent the two of them from tumbling into the pool, but she managed. Gretchen wanted to kiss Zoe forever, but also needed to say something.
“Thank you so much, I haven't felt so alive in years.”
Zoe smiled, and that turned into a grin when she looked down at the perky, enlarged breasts on Gretchen's chest.
“What do you say I dry off and then you spend an hour or two thanking me with that new software you activated.”
Gretchen's grin nearly swallowed her own head, “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”
Elaine had been happy to see the girlfriends become lezbot lovers like so many other pairs of friends that came to the institute. But something else nagged at her as Zoe led Gretchen away. Zoe hadn't been so aggressive, and didn't like women, and suddenly she was encouraging her friend to activate her lesbian urges. She could remember seeing it before, but it had always seemed a lot more beautiful than it did just then. The feeling was enough that she went towards her office, rather than the room Zoe and Gretchen were headed toward.

Dana and Christine entered Dr. Dyson’s office but didn’t say anything right away. Elaine was hooked to the computer, sorting through the day’s e-mail. Christine nudged Dana in the ribs and got her to speak first.
“Dr. Dyson, VX9422 and I wanted to talk to you about something.”
Elaine looked up and stared the two of them down. She slowed her mail checking to half-speed.
“We were wondering, since Zoe is synthetic now, if we might ask you a favor.”
Christine jumped in, “We hear that you are going to be testing the UX2000 models soon, and we were wondering if we could act as test subjects.”
Dr. Dyson narrowed her eyes and stopped her other tasks. “You want a reward for your work, is that it?”
The two standing androids mumbled something in the affirmative.
Elaine stood up and reached for the papers in her inbox. “I want to tell you about some of your sister units and what they’ve done.
“Unit UX1453, her husband ‘donated’ six million dollars to Dyson last year alone.
“Unit RX9260, did over 600 hours of pro bono legal work for us this year.
“Unit UX1066, her husband is building three new Dyson spas, including our first in Latin America. And let me tell you, that takes as much political as monetary capital to achieve.”
Christine and Dana got the hint, but didn’t dare interrupt Dr. Dyson at this point.
“Unit VX7275, Master’s degree in English, works with at-risk high school girls across the state.
“Unit VX2077, lives on-site and works at the spa when she’s not teaching mentally handicapped elementary school students.”
The two androids wanted to shrivel up and deactivate.
“The only thing I ask of you is to help me help Neil at work, and now to help Zoe. I’m not running the institute as a business, but don’t pretend everyone pulls the same weight around here.”
Christine and Dana nodded furiously. Dana spoke, “We’re sorry. We didn’t think, we were just excited about the idea of being better androids.”
Elaine sighed. She already felt bad about blowing up like that. “It’s ok, I shouldn’t have jumped all over you. I’ll give you each an extra number in the lottery we use to pick some of the test units. How’s that.”
The two of them would have been happy to get out of there with all their parts intact. “Yes, that’s great,” They both said, “Thank you.” And they both quickly turned and sped out of the room.
Elaine slumped over and returned to her seat. She half-heartedly reactivated her computer link and read the rest of her e-mails.
Heroes had a scene with two of the characters making out underwater two days after I wrote this scene. but anyway, Onward
Last edited by petey on Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by TheSpotConlon » Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:25 pm

(Don't worry, nobody watches Heroes anymore...)

A great way to blow off steam, as it were, between very intense pieces of the story. Each section gets us closer to the end, a resolution which may stun us, or may just freak us out, but will definitely make us think. What I'm really interested in is Dr. Dyson's reactions to this, because it does seem like now that she has what she wants...well, she's having second thoughts. That's an interesting development right there. And I want to see more of the world through Zoe's new eyes, because we'll see how much of her was retained.

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Post by Baron » Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:21 am

I'm going to revise an earlier analogy of mine, with the notation that this story has now also entered into Star Trek "What Are Little Girls Made Of" territory in terms of Dr. Dyson, if not most of the other ladies {in comparison with Dr. Korby's "humanity"}.

Eagerly looking forward to what happens next - take another kudo out of the petty cash, Petey!
Assemble the ladies? I didn't know that they were broken......

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Post by Lithorien » Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:11 am

Well, this chapter does an astounding job of proving Neil's point about Zoe no longer being the person that he fell in love with. Even if she goes back to her organic body, she'll still have all the memories from her experience as a robot - and that's a life-altering event.

Dr. Dyson has destroyed Zoe and replaced her with just another android, holding nothing unique or special any more. And I hope like hell that Neil takes a sledgehammer and smashes Dr. Dyson into tiny component bits, because that's what this ... monster ... deserves.

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Post by Mare_Vir » Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:01 am

Very nice. VERY Hot!

Dr. Dyson's organization is a lot more complicated than a bunch of nymphomaniacal, lesbian, machines bent on world conquest (Not that there's anything wrong with that), and she's more complicated as the leader of that organization.

I disagree with the idea that Zoe can't go back to being organic without being irreperally scared. She'd have memories, and perhaps some regrets, but a few experiences shouldn't be enough to make her a different person.

What I'm more worried about is that while Zoe is now the 'perfect' lover to Neil, Neil can never be the perfect lover to Zoe, since he will never have the skill of Christine (or, now, Gertchen). Will she sacrifice the pleasure she can get as an android and the pleasure she can get from an android lover because she loves Neil and wants to live with him in a happy, albeit humanly imperfect, state?

Petey, again, thanks for sharing this. Your work is great, please don't change it because of the comments here. Just appreciate the thoughts your efforts have stirred up. These are weighty, philosophical issues about the nature of humanity and ethics. I commend you for doing this in the context of a very well written and entertaining story.

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Post by Lithorien » Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:05 am

Mare_Vir wrote:I disagree with the idea that Zoe can't go back to being organic without being irreperally scared. She'd have memories, and perhaps some regrets, but a few experiences shouldn't be enough to make her a different person.

What I'm more worried about is that while Zoe is now the 'perfect' lover to Neil, Neil can never be the perfect lover to Zoe, since he will never have the skill of Christine (or, now, Gertchen). Will she sacrifice the pleasure she can get as an android and the pleasure she can get from an android lover because she loves Neil and wants to live with him in a happy, albeit humanly imperfect, state?
That's exactly the kind of point I was making when I said that she was irrepairably scarred. Zoe will forever have these memories of the 'perfect' lover and of the bisexual feelings she now holds, and those memories will change the way she looks at the world forever. Experiences are what define you as a person, and it's those radical experiences that change you.

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Post by DollSpace » Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:32 am

I really like this story a lot. It's very philosophical and gives you a lot to think about at the same time as providing an enjoyable read in many ways. I hope you post the next part soon. :)


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Post by Adon » Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:07 am

I have a confession. I tend to skim over the sex parts of these stories. It's true... I'm way more interested in the character development parts than the stroke parts, not that there's anything wrong with enjoying the sexy stuff.

More than anything, I'm anticipating the fallout. Right now Zoe is immersed in the android aspects. And she's acting like a typical android -- having no problem making out with other girls in spite of being in a committed relationship with someone. She hasn't even THOUGHT about how Neil might feel that she has basically just cheated on him --- yes, I'm one who thinks cheating is cheating, regardless of the gender of the partner, and it being both girls doesn't make it 'okay'. 'Fidelity' doesn't seem to be part of an android's though process. Though I do wonder what will happen when she is given a chance to stop and reflect on it - she's done things without really stopping to wonder whether she should since she's come to the Institute. Namely, how she's able to now 'tweak' parts of her personality and change things about herself. How much can be altered before she's not really, well, her any more?

So I can only guess how Neil will react when he sees Zoe seeming to fulfill all of his worst fears. Probably not well, and he's likely to hurt her badly emotionally while he himself is hurt.

See, a lot of this is about acceptance. Neil doesn't accept his mother or sister as androids, not really. He sort of tolerates it, but doesn't *accept* it as being a good thing for them, personally. Neil's mother in turn doesn't *accept* that Neil isn't into androids at all. She's forgotten it seems that when he was younger he did indeed 'sample the wares'. And after a while he soured on the whole thing. And she is taking that refusal to accept as a refusal to accept her as she is -- which isn't really wrong.

HOWEVER, by doing so she's also taking it a step further and refusing to accept Neil's beliefs as valid, thinking that he'll come around now that Zoe is synthetic. That is woefully underestimating how strongly he feels about it, and she's also forgetting that an organic brain isn't easily 'tweaked' like a synthetic one.

So, base prediction, this is gonna blow up, and bad. Then they'll all need to work on healing and mending fences before there's a permanent rift between mother, son, sister, and fiancee.

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Post by Adon » Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:14 am

Just a quick provisio. When I say 'Which isn't really wrong', regarding Neils refusal to accept his mother, I mean it as that she is not incorrect in thinking that, not that I think it isn't wrong for him to believe that. At some point Neil does need to learn to accept his mother's choices as being hers and that they are what are best for her, personally. And that she is still his mother and she loves him as a mother does.

Also, it's nice to see the first bit of doubt creep into Elaine. She's noticed Zoe's reversal in attitude... how she wasn't into girls before, and now she is? It makes you look at it differently when it's personal -- when she's watching her son's wife-to-be go off with another girl without a care in the world. And it may make her understand how Neil feels about the whole thing in a way that she just couldn't really grasp before.

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Post by DollSpace » Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:15 am

Adon wrote:I have a confession. I tend to skim over the sex parts of these stories. It's true... I'm way more interested in the character development parts than the stroke parts, not that there's anything wrong with enjoying the sexy stuff..
I usually do the same, and it's one reason my stories don't usually have too many sex scenes in them, either.

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Post by Lithorien » Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:46 am

Adon wrote:She hasn't even THOUGHT about how Neil might feel that she has basically just cheated on him --- yes, I'm one who thinks cheating is cheating, regardless of the gender of the partner, and it being both girls doesn't make it 'okay'. 'Fidelity' doesn't seem to be part of an android's though process.
That's also a very good point that I hadn't even thought about. She did just cheat on him without a care in the world, and I'm assuming that they aren't in a poly relationship... but then again, it'd still be cheating, even under those rules.

Nice catch.

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Post by Magoo » Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:06 am

Adon wrote:Just a quick provisio. When I say 'Which isn't really wrong', regarding Neils refusal to accept his mother, I mean it as that she is not incorrect in thinking that, not that I think it isn't wrong for him to believe that. At some point Neil does need to learn to accept his mother's choices as being hers and that they are what are best for her, personally. And that she is still his mother and she loves him as a mother does.
Neil has accepted his mother's choices to some extent, or he wouldn't even be talking to her.

On the contrary, I think the problem runs the other way: Dr. Dyson is the one who has refused to accept that Neil wants nothing to do with the lifestyle that she has enabled, and is going to force it on him whether he likes it or not. She is consumed by her own life's work and massive synthetically-reinforced ego and by the time she realizes how much damage she's caused, it'll be too late (it already is).

I'm expecting a grim ending. Anything less will be a disappointment.

PS: Excellent story, it's very rare that something pulls the lurkers out like this.
Last edited by Magoo on Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
-- Magoo --

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Post by Adon » Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:25 am

Neil has accepted his mother's choices to some extent, or he wouldn't even be talking to her.
That's why I said in the previous post that he's got a kind of grudging tolerance of it. I don't really regard that as accepting it so much as trying to ignore that aspect of her as much as he can. Trouble is that it's such a BIG aspect of her. ;)

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Post by Stephaniebot » Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:26 am

Dr Dyson has basically ignored Neil's wishes, and considering he is her son...!

And yes, this is totally unlike the Zoe that he fell in love with as well.

Personally I hope Elaine ends up nothing more than a pile of nuts and bolts, as that would be justice meted out to her
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by Magoo » Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:28 am

Adon wrote:That's why I said in the previous post that he's got a kind of grudging tolerance of it. I don't really regard that as accepting it so much as trying to ignore that aspect of her as much as he can. Trouble is that it's such a BIG aspect of her. ;)
Speaking from the perspective of someone who's had to go through something like this before, you can learn to accept what someone else has done with their life, doesn't mean you have to like it. Different strokes for different folks.

Unless the procedure is 100% reversible down to a complete memory wipe of everything that happened up to becoming an android, Elaine Dyson has effectively killed her son's fiancee. That's something I would never forgive. Magnetron, anybody?
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Post by Sthurmovik » Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:01 pm

What happened in this wonderful entertaining chapter was to be expected and exactly the reason Neil wanted Zoe left organic. I think that Dr Dyson just can't fathom the fact that her son might have a human fetish. Imagine if anyone here fell in move with an AI and then your religious parent convinced her to become human. How would anyone here react to that. :x

Let's hope that the author has some balls and doesn't gloss things over in a fairy tale ending. :? As far as I am concerned Zoe just blew her chance with Neil, if they just "work it out" I am going to be one pissed off reader :evil:

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