Visceral Black.... sexy ASFR fan-supported series

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Visceral Black.... sexy ASFR fan-supported series

Post by visceralpsyche » Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:41 am

Hi all,

most of you know I've been into robot movies for some time now and am here in Japan pursuing that further via my regular work.

But I've also had my eye on this site regarding how viable the custom video market is and to that end have been reading about what everyone likes and dislikes, along with a lot of the stories everyone has written.

I'm in a fairly unique place, in that robotics and the sexual fetish thereof is fairly developed here, even if it is a bit culturally centric at times.

My aim with Visceral Black is to blend the mainstream robot material I've been developing with a healthy dose of adult fantasy. Think Black Label Penthouse for inspiration. I know from my own desires that good fantasy is infinitely preferable to simple pr0n, though both have their place! But like you I've found that my fantasies lie outside of what Joe Average thinks is sexy, so I'm taking it upon myself to create those fantasies for the rest of you, using the equipment and talents I have available to me through my regular job as a film director.

Since my time is limited and I want to provide you with the best quality ASFR you've ever seen (both technically and artistically), I will need to make this financially viable. What I plan to make won't be a $500 custom video shot on handycam. I have three Red One digital cinema cameras, fully loaded with accessories that I use in my regular day job. This is the same camera Hollywood is using on major blockbusters. These ASFR movies will LOOK like Hollywood movies. I intend the SFX to match as well as the quality of the acting. That means I need to pay people for their skills and work. I'm not talking million dollar budgets by any means, but reasonable recompense in order to make it sustainable and keep the good stuff coming month after month.

Right now I want to hear from you in this thread.

I'm envisioning (in broad strokes) budgets of between $5,000-10,000 per movie, distributed to those who have paid on Blu-ray or DVD as requested, with various ideas on profit sharing acceptable for custom jobs etc. Can I generate this kind of money from this community? I don't know so I'm asking you to help me figure it out.

I'd like to make a short demo of the style and quality you can expect but this may take some time initially.

For nudity I will also be paying the actors a proper wage commensurate with what they will be doing, because again I want this to be sustainable and not a flash-in-the-pan.

But this is early days - your posts here will help flesh out the best way forward and give me a good idea of what direction to go in.

I've registered a website to be the hub for all this:

There's just a front page there at present but I hope to get some content up shortly.

So, pour forth and let me know your thoughts! I look forward to reading all your replies.
Last edited by visceralpsyche on Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by visceralpsyche » Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:17 am

I don't envision any one person paying that much for a customised video (though obviously it's an option if you are wealthy!).

Rather, I'm thinking more along the lines of say 100 people paying $50 each to get the video made.

If 200 people are willing to put in $50 each to get a completed Blu-ray Disc sent to them of the movie, the budget can be $10,000 and the quality can go way up.

I plan to cover most of the themes this forum loves related to fembots. I'll freely admit I don't get the hypno sub-genre myself, but that's in no way invalidating it. If the interest is there and the viewers can help explain exactly what they find best about it I can work up a storyline to suit, no problem!

I've already put quite a bit of thought into this endeavour.

Here's a bit more info on what I'm planning:

In the first year of production I plan to shoot 13 short stories - one a month if all goes well, plus a Christmas bonus episode given free to those who have "subscribed" (for lack of a better descriptor) to all twelve previous episodes.

There will be a vein of continuity through these pieces, though each will definitely be watchable independent of the others.

Think "Animatrix" as inspiration for the way I plan to package these together.

I've decided to have a bit of fun with the naming of the episodes/stories:

Self Aware
Lonely Heart

Body Shop
Kill Switch

I'm fairly sure most of you will see a title that jumps out at you as fitting your particular interests. I've been reading a lot of the stories here and have formed some great little stories to shoot!

If all goes well with the first year then I will repeat the process again.

I intend for this to be a blend of the best ASFR fantasy and a TV/webisode series.

Like I said, I want this to be viable in the long term and of course the onus is on me to keep everybody coming back for more! I don't intend to disappoint.... :wink:

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Post by visceralpsyche » Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:44 am

Incidentally, for those who don't know, THIS is what I'll be shooting the movies with:



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Post by AK » Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:58 am


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Post by The Collector » Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:25 pm

Kishin wrote:You got my 50!

Just let me know where and when to send it! :D

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Post by visceralpsyche » Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:43 am

Hi all,

it's been a busy week for me so forgive my lack of replies.

Thanks to those of you here who have responded with offers of financing here and via PM. Just a technicality but when I do get enough finances together to get "Virginal" off the ground, payments will be requested in Japanese Yen, not US Dollars, since I'm living in Tokyo and budget in that currency! :) So I'll be asking for ¥5,000 when the time comes, not $50 as previously mentioned. Currently the Yen/USD ratio is 97.7 so it's just about equivalent if you slide the decimal point two places over.

Speaking of finances for these movies, I think that the first one will obviously be the most difficult to get started because there is no track record of success yet (not counting "Eve" and "Birth", anyway, which were shot on far inferior equipment and budgets!). With that in mind, I'd like to hear any suggestions to make raising the capital for the first episode easier.

I'm already thinking about sponsorship from related product merchants in the form of appropriate product placement or a straight out ad attached to each episode. They will definitely be relevant and if it's product placement it will be done in a way that doesn't beat you over the head with it. I'm NOT a fan of product placement per se so be certain that if it is in there, you'll find it unobjectionable and even interesting (which is after all the whole POINT of advertising!). The beauty of creating future based scenarios is that anything is possible and one can imagine technology moving forward in just about any way! It's all about vision.... if you are reading this and want to advertise your product or brand in the first episode, contact me privately for more information. Think BMW Films and not an actor remarking how good brand X tastes! :evil:

If you put in ¥50,000 or more to finance one episode, I will give you an Executive Producer credit for that episode, which will appear at the beginning of the movie, as well as a credit on the website and a link to your home page or related product.

My next question concerns actors, specifically their race. I'm in Japan so clearly it's easier for me to find Japanese actors (who can speak English, as this is made for you), but I'd like to know if any of you have a strong desire for Caucasian actors as well. I do want a good mix but I'm letting you know ahead of time that this may prove more difficult given my geographic location so if it's wildly in favour of Caucasians then I will have to rethink the budgets a bit to make it possible.

Costumes. Since I've got the episodes largely figured out already I have some idea of the look each will have, but if you have specific requests and they are popular in this thread by other people's responses I'll incorporate them in some way. Keep in mind I have easy access to an amazing array of costumes thanks to the Japanese love of cosplay! :wink:

Locations won't be a problem, though a budget closer to ¥1,000,000 (roughly $10,000) will give you a real studio location that will look the part completely, along with additional CG effects where necessary to enhance it even more. Here's a small sample of where I live.... "Blade Runner" anyone?!


Last edited by visceralpsyche on Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by visceralpsyche » Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:56 am

For music I plan to get some original scoring done which will have thematic consistency across episodes. I would like to pay someone to do this but I'm open to using existing music as long as we have full rights to distribute it globally without recompense. Creative Commons music is fine (and will of course be credited) but above all, it has to fit the series and mood.

All suggestions and links welcome!

Also, I'm sure there are many of you here who have all sorts of interesting skills that could be applied to this series. Feel free to suggest anything at all you think will enhance this endeavour, here or via PM.

As with everything, if your work ends up in the movies you will be credited accordingly. Oh and Fembot Central will be getting a credit in all the episodes anyway since it is the inspiration for this venture! :wink:

More feedback please! We're just getting started....

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Post by visceralpsyche » Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:00 pm

Ten word synopsis for "Virginal"....

Two women. One real. One fembot. Naked together. With story!

Interested in contributing yet? :wink:

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Post by visceralpsyche » Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:05 pm

Thanks to those of you who have indicated your interest towards getting this series made.

I've started a poll on a separate thread to better keep track of how many people are interested, so even if you have already said you are interested here please go ahead and mark the poll accordingly so I and everyone else knows how close we are to production capability.



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Post by visceralpsyche » Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:20 am

So far 15 people have indicated their interest in paying for the production and subsequent Blu-ray of "Virginal".

At the very minimum I need 70 people to be interested to go ahead, and that assumes I and my staff essentially work for free.

In treating this first episode as a pilot, I'd be prepared to go ahead with it on that basis if there's a reasonable chance that the first episode will encourage more to contribute to get subsequent episodes made.

I spoke to a CG artist today who is willing to contribute his time free towards "Virginal" on the basis that more get made afterwards and we get paid for them.

As an aside, I've deliberately kept the story under wraps because I think it's more interesting to watch a movie not knowing how it will end or what the twist is going to be.

But if there's enough people who'd rather know than not know (and you can watch "Birth" online for free to see how my short story style would work) then I'm prepared to give you the broad outline, though I think it would diminish the first viewing for most of you. I for one hate spoilers but you know, if it's a community funded film then I figure as part owners you do have some say in how it should be presented.

By the way, all contributors for this first film will get their forum nickname in the credits as a way of saying thanks for helping to bring this project to life.

I'm currently preparing a teaser poster for you all which will be downloadable as a background wallpaper as well as a thumbnail graphic you can use to promote the series elsewhere. It'll be sexy but work safe and all I need is the location in which to shoot it, which I'm currently searching for.

Keep the comments and ideas coming :)


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Post by WinterRose » Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:40 am

I nave not wished more than now that I were living in tokyo to volunteer my services as an actor for this. As it is... if you need any voice over work or voice acting done, I do good quality work, and am a rather versatile voice. I'm looking to be a voice actor for animated series and features someday, then branch out into on camera acting as well. (Still looking for my big break) Ahh well. Best of luck with this project! I'll be keeping an eye on this.

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Post by visceralpsyche » Thu May 21, 2009 5:45 am

Hi all,

sorry for my long absence but I've been rather busy with work of late and haven't had much time to pursue Visceral Black further.

The good news is, I will shortly be meeting with a company who I hope will be amenable to helping co-finance Visceral Black, so perhaps in the near future I will have some good news in this regard.

Rest assured it remains in my thoughts and I am still developing it!



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Post by visceralpsyche » Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:12 am

I've started a Twitter feed for Visceral Black. If you're a twitterer, you can follow me via @visceralblack

My aim will be to disseminate info about the Visceral Black robot series, but also to tweet about sexy fembot stuff as well, so if you have news you want me to retweet by all means send me a tweet!

Beyond that you can also follow my @visceralpsyche account and if you are politically inclined, my @paulleeming account which is mostly personal thoughts and observations, with no holds barred.

As for Visceral Black, not much to report yet, the meeting I mentioned in my last post fell through unfortunately. On my day to day film business though, things are going to be moving in an interesting direction in the next few months. Can't say too much yet publicly but the direction is going to give me a LOT more flexibility in what I'll be able to shoot.... 8)



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Post by visceralpsyche » Wed Jan 13, 2010 1:12 pm

Hi all, it's been WAY too long between posts here :( I'm so sorry!

Happy 2010 to everyone!

I have some good news - I have potentially (nothing's for sure until the money's in the bank, as with all things film related) secured full funding by an angel investor for the first episode of Visceral Black.

However, this particular project is currently second in line to a bigger funding opportunity that has come up, which is ALSO fembot related; namely the third and final part of my short robot trilogy, entitled "Maria".

I will post more about that in a separate thread but for now I just wanted to say that I am still deep into this project and it WILL get done one way or the other, THIS YEAR.

Cheers all!


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Post by visceralpsyche » Mon Feb 15, 2010 8:39 am

Hey all, don't know if you've seen it but there is a new service started up called Kickstarter that is a potential way to fund Visceral Black episodes and/or any other fembot oriented movie stuff:

The only problem (for me) is that currently they only allow U.S. based people to start projects, due to being run through the U.S. arm of Amazon. I have started two accounts there (Visceral Psyche and Visceral Black) in preparation for the day they allow international projects to start, but in the mean time, if someone like Robotman or Kishin (for example) want to start one on my behalf (eg. under the Fembot Central banner) to fund say the first Visceral Black episode for US$5,000 over a 90 day pledge period, it might be a great way to get started!

If this sounds like a doable plan, then let's discuss it further and figure out exact pledge remunerations (like $50 gets you a Blu-ray at the end of the project and thanks in the credits, $1000 gets you Executive Producer status etc).


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