Pluton BRB Nero

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Pluton BRB Nero

Post by Devil » Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:01 pm

This weeks episode is pretty good I think.

Lorna the Android has some sort of malfunction, so they turn her off, lying on the side of the console on the bridge.

Then there is something about an alternate universe connecting the two versions of the ship, with alternate crews.

Something happens, and the one crew invades the other, and they get driven off.

In some flashbacks of Lorna and the other old android they have a few funny clips, in one Lorna's breast had somehow fallen out of her uniform, and the old android hands it back to her.

Thought you guys and girls might enjoy it. ... nopia.html

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Post by maax » Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:34 am

Any chance we could get a time for that second bit? ;)

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Plot Synopsis

Post by Trace Venom » Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:02 pm

Well, the actual plot of the episode is even funnier than that.

Thing is that Lorna begins having serious malfunctions because of... overuse.

Apparently, she's been overworked (in more ways than one I suppose) by the crew, so she starts having some hard drive issues that degrade to the point of her being a BSOD in female form, forcing the crew to shut her down.

Wollensky, (who is an older model android) is of course, devastated, because he has a huge crush on Lorna and follows her like an abused puppy (and she treats him just like one, natch). While contemplating her all deactivated and such, he starts remembering all the sappy moments they've had together (the way HE thinks they happenned) and in a flashback sequence he remembers a time when he handed her what looked like her missing breast, much to her embarrasment/annoyance.

But that's just the side plot. The main one deals with the Crew THINKING they made contact with a parallel reality where there is another crew piloting the ship. But that's not what's really going on...

They learn through the President that the other crew is not from a parallel universe, but something way funnier.

Apparently, when the President was putting together the mission to search other habitats for the human race, he was asked by another mayor politician to name his son Captain of the Pluton BRB. Since the politicians son was underqualified for the job, instead of flat out rejecting him, he just pretended he actually did name him captain, and gave him a fake crew, with a fake command center/bridge, inside the same ship, so as to both name whomever he chose to lead the actual mission and fulfill the promise to his pal in government. President Culkin told the real crew that the reason why he never told the fake crew what was going on was because he never had the heart to tell them they were all duds. So, instead of confronting them, he stopped answering their calls about six months ago.

The Nimrod that believed he was the real captain of the ship was given the same number of officers, and two androids. One of them was a Lorna model just like the one the real crew had, and the other android LOOKED like Wollensky, but was really an older model with an outdated OS (which made him act caveman-like next to Wollensky).

They were never supposed to run into each other, so, when they did, the president had to explain all this to the real crew. Meanwhile, the fake crew thought that the real crew were not humans, but Lizard people disguised as humans that had taken over the ship.

Long story short, they chased each other for a bit until they had the president himself explain what was going on to the fake crew, and the fake crew didn't believe him, convinced that it was all elaborate alien trickery.

Since the fake crew couldn't be convinced, the real crew had no other choice but to lock them in a flight simulator, making them believe it was an escape pod they could pilot into earth in order to "save mankind" from what they thought was an alien occupation already underway. Querejeta, the navigator was asked if they had enough programs to keep them busy inside the simulator, to which he responded "Yes sir, lots, about six months worth".

Before they locked the fake crew inside the simulator, Wollensky switched the Lornas, giving the fake crew their malfunctioning Lorna and keeping the other one, which appeared to be in pristine condition.

Aaaand, that's it. Ze End.

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Post by Devil » Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:43 pm

The last episode of the season is up. It has Spock or someone like it there for a trial of the Captain.

At the end of the episode, the Spock character turns Lorna off. Why, I don't know. The rest of the crew looks like they are for it.

Also from what i could take from the blog, there is another season, and then that's it. The show ends.

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Re: Pluton BRB Nero

Post by tmc_6882 » Thu Aug 30, 2018 5:41 pm

Devil wrote:This weeks episode is pretty good I think.

Lorna the Android has some sort of malfunction, so they turn her off, lying on the side of the console on the bridge.

Then there is something about an alternate universe connecting the two versions of the ship, with alternate crews.

Something happens, and the one crew invades the other, and they get driven off.

In some flashbacks of Lorna and the other old android they have a few funny clips, in one Lorna's breast had somehow fallen out of her uniform, and the old android hands it back to her.

Thought you guys and girls might enjoy it. ... nopia.html
Since the link has long since expired: ... 11/354287/

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Post by tmc_6882 » Thu Aug 30, 2018 5:47 pm

Devil wrote:The last episode of the season is up. It has Spock or someone like it there for a trial of the Captain.

At the end of the episode, the Spock character turns Lorna off. Why, I don't know. The rest of the crew looks like they are for it.

Also from what i could take from the blog, there is another season, and then that's it. The show ends.
Here it is: ... 13/363635/

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