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Post by droidlvr » Sun Nov 16, 2008 10:09 am

By the way take a look at this and imagine the whirring sound that can be added to the eyes rolling back and quivering and nothing else added:

another post is actually named erotic eye roll. :wink:

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Post by droidlvr » Sun Nov 16, 2008 10:14 am

That is a whirring sound that quivers and pulsates in sync with her eye movement. :) Sexaaay. :)

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Post by droidlvr » Sun Nov 16, 2008 10:23 am

Sorry, here's two more. ... re=related ... re=related

The second can be a forced "deactivation" scene.

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Thank you

Post by hypno1 » Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:58 pm

Hello everybody

First I want to thank all of you for taking the time to write all of your very helpful suggestions and input.
Somebody mentioned that ASFR is a much more complicated fetish than most others and that almost everybody has at least a slightly different preference and or taste. I find this to be true and although I try to incorporate as many aspects of it as possible, it does not seem to always work. There seem to be a number of variations when it comes to arm movement and positioning, malfunction procedure and language, glitches and what have you. This brings me to the reason why I reactivated this thread. I like your input and the more I get the more variety I will be able to produce. So far there were only two or three people who send me their ideas and of course, the material I produce is based to some degree on their input. A few month ago many of you asked me to go away from the hypnosis and focus more on the robot content which I did. I never meant to ignore certain suggestions but the bend over at the waist malfunction also came with the more zombie like behavior of the fembot and the standing at attention yes master routine. This was except the 90 degree angle arm position basically what I had done before which was what many of you asked me to change. Somebody suggested to produce one of each segments. One with the girl being hypnotized to believe that she is an obedient mindless robot and one were the girl is hypnotized to act like a robot which is what I am doing now. I could probably do that if I had the time to start a separate site with ASFR content only but than I would have to sell a lot more clips in order to finance the additional shoots. It takes more than a hundred clips to just pay for the girl, given the fact that clips4sale keeps their share. The fembot clips sell well but not nearly enough to even think about a separate site. So it looks like for now I have to keep them together which causes a lot of grief among the more traditional hypnosis crowd.
Some of you mentioned to use more props which I would do but here again it makes my hypnosis fans upset because it would take away from the believability of the traditional hypnosis part of my site. This is, besides the fact that 99% of the girls are absolutely not interested to memorize a script with long dialogs and malfunction monologs, another reason why I do not use more props. The only way to change that would be to let go of the nudity, masturbations, toy play and really most of the sexual parts. That way I could hire actresses instead of adult performers but they are just a expensive and I still would have to start a separate site.
I remember a few threads which were posted a few month ago in which some producers were asking for input in order to produce some content and I have a feeling that they have not produced anything yet which might be because it is more difficult than they initially thought. Anyway I did read those threads and tried to use some of the suggestions and it looked like they turned out quite well. Here again the reason why I mention this is because I like your input and I appreciate all of your comments whether they are positive or not at least it gives me something to work with.
wjbaines mentioned to keep doing what I am doing but with more of your input and I am sure we can find ways to incorporate at least most of your tastes.
I enjoy producing the fembot segments immensely and I hope I can afford making them for a long time to come.

Thank you all again and keep sending me your ideas and suggestions.


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A request

Post by blond111 » Tue Nov 18, 2008 11:04 pm

I love your work its absolutely amazing. However there is one girl I would love to see and that is Cassie Young, I would buy all of her vids ;)

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Thank you

Post by hypno1 » Wed Nov 19, 2008 5:48 am

Thank you very much. We will try to contact her and see whether she wants to do a shoot with us.


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I will try

Post by hypno1 » Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:06 pm

Thank you I like the idea of Wenona comming back as well and the yoga instructor is perfect for her.


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Re: Thank you

Post by ~? » Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:52 pm

hypno1 wrote:This brings me to the reason why I reactivated this thread. I like your input and the more I get the more variety I will be able to produce. So far there were only two or three people who send me their ideas and of course, the material I produce is based to some degree on their input.
If you're only getting two or three people sending feedback I don't understand how we have arrived at the present output, since I know of at least one individual (besides myself) who has been (and persists in) asking for simpler hypno-based content. That doesn't even count the folks who's main interest is hypnosis who've been asking you to stick with hypnosis induced robot.
hypno1 wrote:A few month ago many of you asked me to go away from the hypnosis and focus more on the robot content which I did. I never meant to ignore certain suggestions but the bend over at the waist malfunction also came with the more zombie like behavior of the fembot and the standing at attention yes master routine. This was except the 90 degree angle arm position basically what I had done before which was what many of you asked me to change.
Again, I know I was asking you to go back to the simpler hypnosis based robot you had done previously and there were many over at the MC Forum requesting you return to hypno-robot content. I'm curious about this supermajority of two or three who seem immune to our requests.
hypno1 wrote:Somebody suggested to produce one of each segments. One with the girl being hypnotized to believe that she is an obedient mindless robot and one were the girl is hypnotized to act like a robot which is what I am doing now. I could probably do that if I had the time to start a separate site with ASFR content only but than I would have to sell a lot more clips in order to finance the additional shoots.
You're gonna have to explain this one Frank. You're saying that you could only do the simple hypno-robot content if you started a separate site from your current hypno site which has been producing robot clips completely devoid of even token hypnosis? :? Seem to me you should start another site for the non-hypno stuff.
If, though, you're trying to say that you would need another site in order to justify the preponderance of robot content I don't believe that's the case either. Your two robot clips are so full of nonsensical dialogue and padded with ridiculously long malfunctions that if you cut that superfluous material down you could easily fit all that content into one clip and use the other for hypno-robot. See? Something for everyone and no extra clips! If you really are trying to make everyone happy this should be a no-brainer.

hypno1 wrote: I would do but here again it makes my hypnosis fans upset because it would take away from the believability of the traditional hypnosis part of my site.

Yeah, pretty sure that ship has sailed...
hypno1 wrote: the fact that 99% of the girls are absolutely not interested to memorize a script with long dialogs and malfunction monologs,
But I thought they were hypnotized?
hypno1 wrote: I am sure we can find ways to incorporate at least most of your tastes.
I can't see any reason not to.

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Post by andoroido » Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:54 am

I still don't understand the anger. 80% of Frank's stuff is hypno, isn't it?

Frank's business really took off when he started doing robot sutff, right?

This forum isn't a friggin cross-examination in a court room, is it?
"AHA! You said 2 or 3 people, and I am 1 and my 'friend' is another, THEREFORE there are NO OTHER people expressing their desires to you. GOTCHA you LIAR!" kind of bullshit - wtf?
I know at least 2 people who are contacting Frank too, and expressing no interest in more hypno..therefore YOU are unlikely to exist, and your hypno-loving 'friend' can't possibly exist..SO THERE [kidding]

Though ~? 's particular angle on the whole ASFR is at least interesting. The turn on is they act like robots because they are hypnotized? Because they do what they are told or something? How does acting like a robot because she "is" a robot, and acting like a robot because she is "hypnotized" differ, except in one version Frank does an induction for 3 minutes? Why not just use the audio from one of his older robo-hypno segments, freeze frame on a new segment, play the audio and pretend he "hypnotized" her?

(Just checking but, you don't actually think these girls are actually hypnotized, do you? I hope that isn't the turn on and i just ruined it for you.) ;)

Maybe I can get it from the self-aware/not angle. A gynoid being self-aware of being a gynoid and then NOT being self-aware and thinking she's "human" and alternating between those states could be an interesting story. I'd love to see a gynoid with a "human" mind malfunctioning without all the robo-speech, but genuine confusion about why she's moving strangely, freezing, stuttering, etc.

I REALLY don't understand this outrage at other fetishes being included to make up maybe about 20% of the total output. When Frank does foot fetish stuff, I don't RANT about how silly foot fetish stuff seems to me and how it doesn't jive with MY MY MY MY desires. If you want something exactly made to order to ONLY your tastes, especially if you seem to be one of only 2 people in the entire world to have such a taste, hire some produciton outfit, give them their $500 and get your own personal video.

Still, Frank could start to mix it up a bit. Trying out a bunch of ideas, knowing the limitations that none of these actresses are going to memorize a script and he only has so much time.

Maybe a bunch of 2 sentence ideas instead of 2 page rants?

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eyebore's two cents worth

Post by eyebore » Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:03 am

While I agree that there is some overlap between robot and mind control/hypnosis fantasies, they are basically two separate fetishes. Robot fans are often drawn to the artificial, computerized, and mechanical aspects of a robotic woman and are usually drawn to anything that breaks the human illusion, thus revealing the androids true nature. In contrast I believe most hypnosis/mind control fans are more drawn to the obedience and lack of free will.

I prefer stories where the girl is an actual android as opposed to a girl hypnotized to believe she android. ~? I appreciate your concerns, but I would rather see Frank incorporate a robot scene into one of his hypo clips as opposed to replacing a robot-themed clip for a hypo-themed clip. I acknowledge that I do not represent the entire group, so I am glad to see everybody adding their two cents worth. Here are some of the comments I emailed to Frank, which are simply my own personal preferences. I warn you in advanced its quite a list.

I enjoy the subtle glitches/ malfunctions with and occasional head tilt, wide space out eyes and an occasional shutter.

I think many of the clips could use a little less technical jargon at least until the later scenes. I would rather see more stuttering and repetition of words and phrases. The use of jumbled or fragmented dialog, taking from earlier in the conversation, awkwardly inserted into an unrelated portion of a conversation is also effective. It seems to me if a robot is malfunctioning, that portions of her recent and past conversations might surface, but not always in a logical way.

I think several of the girls are not incorporating facial expressions with the head jerks and twitches. It would be nice if a split second before a twitch, if the girl would widened her eyes in shock and perhaps even open her mouth a bit.

It would also be nice to have head twitches/jerks/ tilts synced with stuttering and/or the repetition of short phases. For example The girl may say “I think your really sexy” her head jerks left as she repeats ”really sexy” completing the phrase just as her head returns to its original position only to repeat the phrase and jerk several more times in unison.

I think it is acceptable toward the very end to include some jargon regarding malfunctions, overloads and short circuiting, but I think it works better mixed in with a bit of her previous dialog, or a failed attempt to carry on with the conversation as if nothing is wrong.

I personally like to see the girl maintain her personality and behave quite humanly, and react emotionally to her malfunctions. She should seem confused surprised, worried, nervous, And very concerned, about her inability to maintain control, conceal her secret identity, or frightened and angry about her inability to disobey commands. “ She may not be aware of the glitches, or she may be entirely aware and deeply confused and frightened especially if she is unaware that she is in fact a robot. Perhaps she feigns anger at the “ridiculous accusations” or tries intensely to change the subject, seduce her interrogator, or maybe stumbles in her explanation repeating phrases like “uhm I’m not feeling very well, I should probably go”

Where voices are concerned, keep them natural with inflection and emotion appropriate to what the girl is experiencing. She should appear happy, confused, angry or sconcerned. IF the story calls for a Stepford-like sexbot. Use an airy, sickeningly pleasant voice. It is also possible to achieve a slight artificiality by adding an airy quality and focusing on perfect diction and grammar that avoid slang and contractions. Please try to avoid imitating the mechanical “Danger Will Robinson” voice some of girls have attempted. It is important that she still sounds feminine.

It is fine to have a scene in which her mind appears a blank at times, but I am not really drawn to clips where she is exclusively unresponsive.

I have a few concerns regarding repair scenes. First the zoom angle makes it impossible to see the actress. It’s the girls reaction to the repair that is crucial to the ASFR theme and she is often severely cropped out of the scene accept for a tiny portion of her back or neck. I would like to see her facial expressions change, eyes widen, maybe even cross or blink. I want to see her face and body as she twitches and spasms. At a bare minimum her face and upper body should be in frame. Regarding the plot you generally, shut the girl down and make the imaginary repairs. It would be nice if she were to remain alert, and simply loose significant control of her motor functions. She might protest or plead as you or another actor/actress tampers with her circuits. She yells “hey what are doing” The technician turns the screwdriver in her back as her head jerks to the left, She momentarily regains her composure and cries “Don’t touch that” her back suddenly arches, her eyes widen and her mouth opens. She is frozen for a moment then snaps put of it and yells “stop that, stop that, you are not authorized to alter my programming, not authorized, not authorized.” With another twist of the screwdriver say’s in a confused worried tone “what is hap pen ing to me, as her body jerks again to the next twist of the tool in her back. Her her head then tilts to the side as a ditzy smile and blank stare comes over her face. “ she then states in an airy sickeningly pleasant tone “HI I’m Cindy, I’m designed to please you” I still think your best repair scene was Heather’s first robot clip, followed by Kendra’s, because their reaction to the repairs were not entirely cropped off.

This brings me to the point that it works best when the actress has another actor/actress to play off of. It is better for repair and tampering scenes. In terms of some sort of physical / sexual interaction it would and allow for more story lines. As I mentioned before R rated / PG13 is fine with me although I know sexual interaction is a bigger deal to some members. I realize this increases your cost, but I am willing to trade quantity for quality.

I would like to the plot changed up a bit. I’ve noticed a reoccurring theme in which you accuse the girl of being a robot and immediately deactivate her. Experiment with scenarios, such as giving the girl a back massage and accidentally hitting a button that causes her to temporarily malfunction. Maybe her remote falls out of her purse and she accidentally sits down on it, causing her to go haywire momentarily. Some of the members really like the shutdowns, so I wouldn’t eliminate them all together, just change it up from time to time.

Frank I really appreciate all of your hard work, and encourage all the members to thank you for your efforts to create material catered to our community.

To Fembot Central: I am one of few that members that gives Frank regular feedback, but my preferences may not reflect your own so be sure to let him know what you would like to see. He can’t please everyone, but he can zero in on some common likes and dislikes.

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Karel's two cents worth

Post by Karel » Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:20 am

* * *

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Post by Puppetmaster16 » Sun Nov 23, 2008 1:16 am

Well Karel... personally, I think it isn't 'real' hypnosis, but even if it was, I don't see any ethical problem with that.

If you know a bit about how hypnosis works, basically it's not powerful enough to make people do things they really truly don't want to do. It also only works on a relatively consensual basis, meaning that someone who truly doesn't want to be hypnotized can't really be hypnotized.

But yeah, I think most people are operating under the assumption that it isn't real hypnosis. I'm not saying that with 100% certainty, but I've picked up on a number of cues along the way that seem to support that idea.

As for the models, well, I hope they're having fun with the videos. It's not like this is the only line of work they could be doing, and I'm seeing several models returning meaning they're finding it a worthwhile endeavor at the very least. I have a feeling they also think Frank is a good guy to work with.

So I guess what I'm saying is that I don't see any grounds for your ethical objection to the videos. I do agree that some people's suggestions pretty specific to what they want and such, but it's a free forum, and more suggestions are better than not enough.

Ultimately, I'm pretty grateful Frank has been looking for our input as many others wouldn't even bother to ask. I might send a post with my own suggestions too, but I'm still figuring out what I'd like to see more of in the future. :)

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Thanks again and have fun

Post by hypno1 » Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:00 am

Hello everyone,

Thank you again for all your input. I could not get into the forum for the last day or two and I was wondering what might have happened. In fact I still can not see Karel's reply.
Looking at Puppetmaster's response though it seems to be about hypnosis. Let me assure you that all hypnosis is self hypnosis and absolutely consensual. I do not want to get into a debate about real or not because this can not be answered in a sentence or two. Besides the simple matter of the fact is that everybody who works with us does so because they want to. We have shot close to one hundred girls which would not have been possible if they did not enjoy it. Although there are a lot of people in this biz, everybody seems to know everybody. Many of our girls are sent by reputable agencies who would not continuously send them if it was something they did not like or feel comfortable doing. A fair number of our girls come from referrals of girls who have worked with us in the past and as puppetmaster 16 mentioned many have repeatedly worked with us. We even did some of our shoots at the girls homes. Given the mind blowing number of sites out there, these girls have absolutely no problem in finding work. Last but not least everybody has to sign legal contracts before hand so nobody is surprised at the end. It holds true that performers on any given site usually like that particular fetish otherwise they would not be doing it. We all have different tastes, some like hard core bondage, farting, ball busting, humiliation, just to name a few. What I am trying to say is that there is always somebody out there who wants to at least try it once.
I started the site as a hobby because I did not quite enjoy what was out there and my main focus is that everybody involved in making the site is having a blast. All sex happens 90% in the mind. Think of having sex without the imagination going wild. My hobby has long turned into a full time enterprise but the idea is still the same. Have fun with it and if you do not, well then do not watch it. Nobody would probably get upset over anything if there were 20 plus other sites out there doing something similar. It is pretty much impossible to produce everybody's particular angle to any given fetish. I like everyone's input in order to find out what the majority likes and if it is something I can morally support and of course have fun producing, then I will most likely do it. All input, whether positive or negative, constructive and informative is helpful in making the clips better and I certainly welcome it. What I do not like is anger and I do not respond well to that at all. It is one thing to have a certain preference but it should not go as far as criticizing others for having a different taste. A fair number of people seem to enjoy ridiculously long malfunctions, nonsensical dialog and so on but nobody likes to hear that he or she has a ridiculous, nonsensical taste which is pretty much what you are saying when making those kind of statements. I am one of the few producers who actively asks for input and as you all know, I use as much of it as possible but I can not do it all, nor do I want to. If your particular direction is not part of it, please do not get upset. It is nothing personal besides there are plenty of other choices out there.
We all know there are no real life like fembots at least not yet but the idea of it is what makes us feel turned on. Many of you asked me to leave the hypnosis inductions out of the clips, which not only makes them 5-10 minutes shorter and less expensive but also leaves more room for the imagination.
Kendra James's update consists of seventeen clips and only two of them are robot segments, which is still too much for the Hypnosis fans and too little for the ASFR fans.
The bottom line is that I have to separate the two fetishes which will enable me to produce more involved ( special effects and so on) ASFR content.
Starting soon the robot segments will only be available on clips4sale until we start a second store and site.
I am curious how many people will actually read all this. Anyway thank you all again for your support and do not forget it is all supposed to be enjoyable, stimulating, exciting and entertaining, so have fun with it or...


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Post by andoroido » Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:31 am

I always favor the "big tent" theory, keeping a few different factions together yields more success and more options and a better chance to get what you want at least some of the time, unless the extremists are succeed at making sure anyone not to their liking is kicked out of the tent. Looks like they're succeeding now.

Never could really understand how the hypno people could be angry if 10% or whatever of the content is robots, especially if 10% of the customers are into robots. Are they next going to demand less foot fetish sutff? I just don't get it, since Frank makes so many clips with different themes, surely nobody can like every clip equally, and probably find some clips boring, but that's the whole point, there will at least be a few clips "for you" each week, which is far better than almost any other producer making this kind of product.

Worried that the probably smaller robo-audience can't make an entire site worthwhile, but maybe there are more than I think?

How about just an alternate version of the site, one has 15 clips on the weekly update but NO robots, because some people are offended by it, and another version with those same 15 clips plus 2 robo clips, for the people who are grown up enough to handle more than one fetish at a time and not freak out if some of the clips aren't to their personal likes.

I can see where it must be especially frustrating to Frank, to put out so much product on schedule and get chewed out by some extremists because 10% of the product isn't exactly to their liking, since if he just uploaded 15 hypno clips, instead of 15 hypno and 2 robo clips, they wouldn't have complained anyway.

Especially ironic that complaints about more particular 1 or 2 peoples desire will probably now have to go completely ignored, since the "no big tent so everyone in their own smaller sub-groups" theory means that instead of being a voice in the big discussion, they become a voice in a very small tent all alone and nobody listens to them.

EDIT: Quite a few people in the larger ASFR community are also really into freeze stuff just on its own, or pretending she's a robot. Once the girl is frozen, if you want to, you can imagine your own personal reasons why she's frozen - hypnotized, turned to stone, turned off robot, frozen in fear, whatever... but maybe some people can't imagine that, or won't imagine that, or the induction is the important part, or the hypnotist having the control is the important part? I'd love to hear the psychological motivations..which in the end all seem to be about control and loss of control, which seemed to be why we could all just get along.

Anyway, a section of the audience would probably be disappointed if a separate robo-site didn't have the freezes already being made for the hypno site.
Last edited by andoroido on Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Post by dubhdanaidh » Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:39 pm

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Post by eyebore » Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:40 am

I have to admit if the robot segments are pulled it is unlikely that I would continue my membership with hypnolust. I am still not convinced that simply placing the ASFR material on a separate page would not do the trick. So long as the hypno folks don't have to wade through the robot material they might be less concerned about it, "out of site out of mind." It might help in the short term, until Frank has adequate time and support to develop an ASFR site.

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Post by Magoo » Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:42 am

Something along the lines of: "You're doing 6 hypno and 2 robot clips a week. Nobody watches that robot crap, you should be doing 8 hypno clips instead!"

People are greedy.
-- Magoo --

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Post by AK » Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:55 am


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Post by eyebore » Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:24 pm

Oh by the way for those who haven't seen the new Kendra clips. She has given another nice performance. I recommend her clip to those going through clips4sale.

It was not my intent to insult Frank or complain, Its just that I joined his site for the sole purpose of viewing his asfr clips. I hope that any criticism of the content has been constructive and respectful. I realize I am just one person, so take any of my comments and opinions with a grain of salt.

I perhaps unlike some folks would be comfortable allowing Frank to cut the amount of his asfr content in favor of more involved scripted film shorts. I have never been concerned with hardcore or masturbation scenes, so long as the girls are attractive and can act. If we tone down the hardcor aspects we might be able to attract trained actresses, plus we now have a better idea of which of the existing girls seem to have a better grasp of the fetish. Frank does a very nice job considering his time constraints, it might be worth thinking about quality over quantity. It could be perceived by his hypno base as less asfr material, when in fact the time and comittment to our group would not be deminished at all.

Just a thought, that I'm sure will not be embraced by all. Please no fighting, just put your two cents worth in.

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Post by AK » Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:28 pm


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Post by eyebore » Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:04 pm

I feel I have been quite supportive of Franks videos both financially and in terms of recruitment. I have kept my recommendations and critiques limited to private messages sent directly to Frank in the past. I only posted this version publicly to get other members involved so that my opinions were not the only ones being heard. I hope that Frank knows his efforts are appreciated, but he has openly asked for feedback. It may not always be positive, because we all have different taste. I guess I was fishing for opinions from the group about video content in terms of story lines, acting and dialog. I do not think my comments could be interpreted as “Fuck You” by any reasonable standards. If anybody does have criticisms regarding a certain aspect of a video, I hope that they are followed with recommendations on how to improve that aspect and are presented in a polite and respectful manner. That being said, my comment about quality over quantity could probably have been better worded as numerous improvised videos verses a few rehearsed/planned videos. I thought maybe we could even have a story/script contest like we’ve done in the past, but limit the number of characters and locations in such away as to make them feasible for Frank to produce on a limited budget. We could vote for our favorite actresses and combine our favorite scripts with our favorite girls. I have not run any of this by Frank, so it may be more of an undertaking than he’s up for with his busy schedule. I just thought I’d run the idea by everyone and see what there take on it was. I'm not trying to argue with anyone. You're are all entitled to your opinions and I think we can disagree from time to time and still keep it civil.

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Post by wjbaines » Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:34 pm


C'mon, y'all. This dude is producing probably, I don't know, something like 100% of the additional available ASFR video content weekly and wants to improve and asks us how. I really don't know how you can beat that (that's what she said). Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. What you do with a gift horse is ride it. RIDE IT (that's also what she said)!

Thought experiment: Frank says "fuck it" and goes back to all just hypno stuff.

I know I'd pull all my hair out and wind up closing out a bar every night for a week. When I woke up a week after that, I'd probably get so depressed I'd have to start writing in my fucking diary again.

What this dude does is GOLDEN. I don't care if every single thing he produces is exactly what you want, but we have established a wonderful symbiotic relationship. I've spent hundreds of dollars on his clips and on my membership at his site. Some clips are better than others. You take the good with the...not-quite-as-good. I still look forward to the new stuff every week and gobble it up.

And I think I speak for the silent majority of lurkers, without whose money Frank would probably figure that all this robot shit isn't worth the hassle.

Thank You, Frank.


Post by dubhdanaidh » Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:05 pm

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Post by Trace Venom » Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:17 pm

wjbaines wrote:Round of FREAKING APPLAUSE FOR FRANK!!!!!!!!

C'mon, y'all. This dude is producing probably, I don't know, something like 100% of the additional available ASFR video content weekly and wants to improve and asks us how. I really don't know how you can beat that (that's what she said). Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. What you do with a gift horse is ride it. RIDE IT (that's also what she said)!

Thought experiment: Frank says "fuck it" and goes back to all just hypno stuff.

I know I'd pull all my hair out and wind up closing out a bar every night for a week. When I woke up a week after that, I'd probably get so depressed I'd have to start writing in my fucking diary again.

What this dude does is GOLDEN. I don't care if every single thing he produces is exactly what you want, but we have established a wonderful symbiotic relationship. I've spent hundreds of dollars on his clips and on my membership at his site. Some clips are better than others. You take the good with the...not-quite-as-good. I still look forward to the new stuff every week and gobble it up.

And I think I speak for the silent majority of lurkers, without whose money Frank would probably figure that all this robot shit isn't worth the hassle.

Thank You, Frank.
+1 Sir, for bringing the funny with your rant.

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robolust video review

Post by eyebore » Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:57 am

For those shopping at Frank's clip4sale site, I finished viewing the Vanessa Lee clips and think they turned out pretty nice. She did quite a nice job in terms of robotic movement and really had the blank stare down. I think Kendra did a little nicer job in terms of general acting and nailing the voice. I feel comfortable recommending both videos, and hope you enjoy them.

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