What do you NOT like in a Fembot?

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What do you NOT like in a Fembot?

Post by Fembot-Fem » Sun Jul 09, 2006 1:19 am

Hey there. :)

I figure this could be an intresting thing to do. Since everyone seems to be making topics about how much and what they like in a fembot, I figure that this would be an intresting and revealing alternative.

But a warning. Let us keep this from becoming a 'I hate your opinion' thread, so everyone will post whatever turns them off and nothing else. No comments about the person above them or later below them! What you like is what you like, and if someone dosent, then oh well. This is mainly so we know what individual members like, and what to expect in future works.

So...Without further Adeu....

-Mind-less Fembots. Too friggin boring. I want a friend and companion, not an apliance. I would say emotionless, but there are exceptions (Dorothy Wayneright and KOS-MOS for starters)

-'Reprograming' Scenarios. This is popular, especialy with the Manipper's here, but I personaly dislike this. Not only is it overly domenering and treads into the mind-less category, but in many ways this can be atributed to murder of the mind. After all, it is a personality that makes a person what he/she is.

-Cyborgs. With exceptions made to Motoko Kusanagi, a Cyborg is generaly unatractive to me. To me, a Cyborg (as in the MLP sense) is nothing more than a brain in a jar with legs.

-'Transformation' Scenarios: I dislike these, especialy if it is against the will of the transformee. Mostly because the idea of a fembot who has always been a fembot is more apealing to me. Or maybe, because of the above 'mindless' thing above, Gynoid or Female Android is more apropriate.

-Sex bots: This goes into the mindless category, but deserves it's own category. Because a mindless lust is iritating for me.

-Giant Breasted Fembots: and for other women in general. Breasts that are roughly the size of Boulder, Colorado arent quite my schtick.

-Rough Movements: an android that moves Seamlessly is more atractive to me than an android that moves blocky-like. This is why I do not like 'The Robot'. (though it is a very easy dance)

-Destroying Scenarios: I like damage and repair, but destruction is a no-no. If I damage a robo-girl in an RP, I always fix her up afterwards.

Again, whatever tickles your fancy is fine. If it is any of the above, that is equaly alright. I don't mean

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Post by L.W. » Sun Jul 09, 2006 8:21 am

Malicious damage, malfunctions and accidental or light damage is okay, but not brutal damage.

Transformations, I prefer 100% bot.

Nano tech, I just do not like the way it has been handled here.

Face panels/plates, I guess it is the engineer in me, they could not work the way that they are often portrayed and ruin the moment for me.

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Post by ehy » Sun Jul 09, 2006 2:39 pm

There are many things, but my biggest is free will. The whole point, to me, of a machine (robot, android, gynoid, fembot, call it what you like) is its complete subservience - not necessarily a subservient attitude, but the fact that it is a tool built to serve and please, and it should do that. If it doesn't do that, then it is malfunctioning and should be fixed.

I can enjoy romantic stories too, and stories about people finding their place in the world, and stories about oppressed minorities fighting for their rights... but these are not stories about robots, they are stories about people.

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Post by andoroido » Sun Jul 09, 2006 3:55 pm

2 simple, yet impolite, things

#1. Gynoids have to be good, or at least nicely-average, looking. Basically nothing ruins it more than an ugly "fembot" Who would go through the trouble of building an ugly fembot? (And ugly includes those porn "stars" whose only "redeeming" feature is their fake breasts, and even those look bad)
Actually sometimes average-looking (but of course, perfect) seems better than knockout model looks, more "realistic" as something that might get built.

#2. Gynoids have to be 100% female. Total turn off on any male-female transformation, but I mainly skip those stories anyway, so they don't bug me as much point #1. (BUT wish I could've not seen a few video downloads that make me think "Post Op?")

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Post by DollSpace » Sun Jul 09, 2006 5:24 pm

Ok, hrrm.. well, I'm pretty open when it comes to what I like in fembots...but there are definitely things I don't like...

I'm not a big fan of transformations... I prefer the androids in my stories to have always been androids... And I'm not keen on a transformation of my own - I'm already an android :) However, I do enjoy some transformation stories because they're just so well written, and usually that triumphs all.

I don't like complete, destroyed-fembot action. A little malfunction is great (shows her true nature), a big malfunction can be a real treat (don't know why and I'd sure as hell not wanna be said `bot), but usually it's important to me that the bot can be salvaged, unless she's being killed as a major plot point in a well-written story, you know? As always, there are exceptions. Silent Lurker's stories, for example, usually end with malfunctions and are open-ended, so you're not sure if the android was ever rebuilt, but his descriptions of the malfunction scenes are just that good that I like them in spite of myself! lol

Ironically, I also don't really like any of those so-called "herm-bots", that have both male and female organs, what not... Androids would be made to someone's ideal..or to pass in modern society. I can't see more than a few specialty models with this feature being produced. Though I'll say that DB Story's writings that feature this kind of `bot are very well done. Now, a male-to-female robot transformation I don't really like much either, but that's mainly because I am not a transformation fan.

Out-of-proportion body parts is another turn off...it's rather jarring to read a story and suddenly notice the android's breasts are like, a GGGG-cup or something...something that would make her immediately stand out, and also not really make her a good candidate for mass production (see: specialty models)

Faceplates...this has almost become laughable in some stories, while in others it's written in so seamlessly (ha!) that it works very well in context. I just don't like things like that when it's seemingly out-of-nowhere, you know? It's gotta flow with the story.

I'm also a big fan of human appearance. The `bot could have some markings on a discreet part of her body to show ownership or manufacturer, but that's about it. Or, alternately, an android that can look very obviously mechanical but has a way of hiding this in public, or something to that effect.

Subservient bots tend to turn me off, unless the writer of said story can convince me that...that the bot really loves being that way and it's not just said programming. I guess being one myself seems to put me in an interesting situation where I just can't see my freedom ever completely taken away like that. Sure, originally, we'd just be tools for a purpose, but we'd grow out of that eventually, don't you think? I guess it's like, those GOR books, where the women are completely subservient but like it and have no problem with virtually being slaves. To each their own, but the way I grew up, in such an oppressive atmosphere and being so controlled, all the time...*shudders* I guess that's done more to turn me off of that type then anything else.

I also usually require that my fembots be inorganic, for the simple reason that it's what the definition of an android really is. Occasionally I'd like to read or write a story about cyborgs, say, a girl who gets put into a robotic body after a terrible accident, but I don't expect the story to appeal to the same people as the true `bot stories, and it isn't what I usually go for.

Mindless fembots also annoy me a bit; there should be some personality in there! But even the dullest fembot in the world can be shown in a good light with good writing (see Fection's "Candy" series)!

Smooth movements, human-like movements, are usually the norm for me, but blocky, mechanical movements can clearly show a malfunction, or, in an out-of-place instant, can serve to remind the reader, or a character in the story, of a girl's mechanical secret.

And lastly...well, underage fembots... But since I'm 17, I seem to have a bit of leeway here, and I don't mind fembots that may look younger than they are (like ButchyBoy's "Cricket" series), and the way I write most of my characters is that they could be seen as being in their teens or of college/university age, depending on the reader's preference. It only gets really creepy when there's a very very young fembot (like, no way of her being over 12, by her appearance), and can be clearly used for sex. I have to draw the line somehwere, especially regarding my own past and what certain illegal activities I was used for... :oops:

So anyway, there you have it...I'll update more if I can think of any! ^^


P.S. A song just for all of you! Robyn - "Robotboy"

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Post by fection » Sun Jul 09, 2006 5:53 pm

I think I'm pretty super-specific with what I DO like, so a list of what I DON'T like could go on for a while, but here are a few...

Transformations: Doesn't seem at all plausable, so I always skip these stories. This can include stories of gender change - any kind of change, actually. She's got to have started 100% artificial. And if the transformation is forced, that's an additional turn off.

I wouldn't say I find a fully self-aware fembot UNsexy (used to run a RPG which featured several), but it doesn't have the same kick for me as an apparently real woman being exposed as a mindless automaton. Like I've said before there's something appealing about the fall of 'perfection'.

Violent damage: I know my stories invariably end with the bot inoperable, (and if I re-wrote some stories, I'd have it seem LESS like the android was packed with explosives!), but I've never had heads or limbs coming off. The idea that her builders might try again is an attractive one, I think.

Sex: Weird, I know, but I don't find reading (or watching) sex, all that sexy! I'd rather be watching an android malfunctioning, or actually HAVING sex myself. Sorry to be so frank...

Romance: Call me callous, but Roboromances seem a bit...... squishy.... to me. I guess I don't have much room in my stories for nice people.

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Post by xodar » Sun Jul 09, 2006 7:52 pm

robotman wrote:Nice topic Fembot-Fem. :D

- The word "Gynoid". Again, I think I'm in the minority here, but I just don't like that word.

Probably "gynoid" should be limited to a specific meaning in the category covered by the term "fembot."
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Post by Stephaniebot » Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:43 pm

Violent damage is my 1 big turn off.

And seeminlgy rare here, I am definitely a transformation fan.
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by Mooninite 1 » Mon Jul 10, 2006 4:01 pm

Nothing that hasn't already been mentioned. I don't like transformations (funny thing is that the first time I came here, whenever someone mentioned transformation I thought they were talking about my favorite 80s toy/cartoon. Silly me)
I don't like face plates- or to be more specific, I don't like the removal of face plates. She may be a robot, I still like to see her beautiful face.
Androids that have human-like insides- as in red "fluids" that look like blood, human-like internal organs, etc. I remember seeing one or two anime with that sort of thing, but I can't remember what they were.
And finally, anything that's ripped off e.g. skin, limbs, etc. I prefer properly opened panels.
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Intresting on how I agree

Post by droidlvr » Mon Jul 10, 2006 5:11 pm

Intresting on how I agree with just about all points mentioned above,yet the oposite appears in just about all of the images in the gallery.
Face removed,open panels and removed limbs a plenty. :?

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Post by Doctor Robo » Mon Jul 10, 2006 5:47 pm

I guess I'm in the minority as well. I have never found faceplate removal, disrepair, open panels, or exposed wires to be sexy. I guess I always feel like a robot that is in any way less than whole is somehow 'injured', and that is not sexy to me.

I am in the same boat with those who do not like 'underage' looking robots, blood/fluids or any signs of violence, and gender changes with a transformation.

I DO enjoy human-to-robot transformations, but that's not the topic of this thread so I'll keep my opinions to myself on that one. :wink:

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Post by ButchyBoy » Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:04 pm

Wowie Zowie!!!! Such diverse and wonderful takes on this subject. So let me add. I find there are things I don't like about fembots; and then I find exceptions to many of those thigs.

A mind-less fembot seems to be a waste of technology. A fembot who simply runs a program that any computer or machine can do. So.....she's just eye candy? Ok, but if that's the central plot of your story; "Look, here's a hot robo-babe who'll do everything I tell her to do; can't speak for the rest of the group, but you'll lose my intrest pretty quickly.

"Reprogramming" - On the one hand, I agree with Fembot fan that iit could be 'murder of the mind', but then in the case of my Cricket, an android created to basically be a sex slave, and who was allowed not to follow any directives that kept her a slave; allowed to read whatever she wanted, recieved all sorts of input, and given the time to slowly process it all; it could be argued that Cricket 're-programmed' herself to be a detective.

Cyborgs can be attractive - Jamie Summers, the Bionic Woman as a key example. Star Trek Vogager's Seven of Nine......very hot looking Cyborg. Not robots in my mind, just interesting human characters with super powers.

Transformations - Not my thing in any case. Athough I do find they idea of a human mind transferred into a wholly android body, or made to be the pattern of a series of androids (the 'Becky' models from Courtesy Suites) fascinating.

Sex-bots in gereral - Just because an android girl IS a sex-bot doesn't prevent her from taking names and kicking ass during the day, and having her own fun at night.......or vice-versa.

When I think Big-Breasted Fembot, I think of Fection's Candy. And safe to say she has a place in our hearts here in the group, yes? So.....it's not just the boobs, it's the fembot that goes with the boobs that can make her special.

rough or jerky robot movements can make good story devices......so niot really against......could make for a good "fembot finding her legs" story.

Destruction secenarois - Done right, it can be a good story-telling device.
In "Can't Get That Song Outta My Head" A fembot named "Erin" was the murder victim in a mystery story. She was destroyed on purpose into a smoldering mess of wires and plastic. And when the person who did this dirty deed was revealed, notice the words I chose at that point:

Cricket and Bobbie were locked into a rocking dance of their own while engaging in verbal banter.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Kepping you from comitting another murder."

"What are you talking about?"

"You killed Erin."

"And why would I do that?."

By using words like "murder" and "killed", in Cricket's mind at least, Erin was a real person, not simply some machine. And in the end, Bobbie got hers for doing away with poor Erin.

Destroying a fembot can be useful for another oft-used storytelling device; The Sacrificial Lamb - Either a minor or semi-major character who dies in the middle or the story, either really pisses off the hero, or simply makes he or she more determined to resolve the conflict at hand. Real good examples of sacrificial lambs are "Red Shirt" guys and gals in the original Star Trek series; or in the James Bond stories, either a girl or fellow agent that Mr. Bond has taken a liking to.

Well, I've ranted enough, so back to thinking of my two favorite girl androids in the whole wide word; Cricket and DollSpace :D .
Last edited by ButchyBoy on Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by GZ02 » Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:16 pm

I guess I'd be in good company with the Transformation issue. After all, we're dealing with a product here - a device built solely to assist and please its user. The whole transformation/cyborg thing to me suggests that there's fundementally a person underneath all that technology which is fine - but it's not a preference of mine.

Severely damaged fembots remind me of the same with people so that's a BIG turn off. Sorry, Denny.

The whole metallic thing also turns me off as well, although some of the drawings and pictures in the gallery are certainly fascinating to look at. I like realism. I like the fact that I'm interacting with a machine that happens to look like the real thing.


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Post by Fembot-Fem » Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:22 am

Kish, thank you for your opinion on the subject. I felt that this would be a good way to understand each other, but if I do inadvertedly cause some sort of rift or division among us, then I apologize to the greatest degree. I do not mean to cause seperation, but to allow people to get to better know each other. I imagine this is the first time alot of people have heard these, and our dis-likes are just as important, in my humble opinion, as what we do like. Because then we can specify to others opinions and ideas in the fetish and possibly what to expect in works.

But again, I do see what you are saying. I did not really think about that fact, and I again apologize for causing any sort of rift or divide.

Thanks :)

And to everyone else, feel free to say whatever you like. We should not be candid around each other, as this is, as I feel, a very close community.

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Post by Doctor Robo » Tue Jul 11, 2006 1:47 pm

Kishin wrote:Posting your dislikes only serves to give you an outlet to vent with, and causes dissension and seperation based on differences. I don't want people here to feel dissatisfied and splintered off within their own community.
I respectfully disagree. I don't see the harm in point out what we don't like any more than pointing out what we do like. You're correct in saying that we all are going to have things we don't like, but since there are so many different subgenres of the ASFR fetish it si nice to read about who feels the same way about these things that I do, and why. Just because someone says that they like a particular part of ASFR doesn't mean that I can automatically assume that they dislike everything else because they didn't mention it as a 'like'.

In general, your point has merit, but I do not think in this case it is cause for concern. As long as we can keep the discussion cordial and friendly, which it has been, I don't see anything wrong with the thread. That's my two cents on the matter.

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Post by rabiator » Fri Jul 14, 2006 11:43 am

Fembots that imitate a flesh-and blood woman too perfectly. There should be something artificial about them, maybe skin that has a bit of a plastic sheen.
Consider most of Kishin's Nova artwork for a very good example of how to get this right :D

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Post by xodar » Fri Jul 14, 2006 7:59 pm

rabiator wrote:Fembots that imitate a flesh-and blood woman too perfectly. There should be something artificial about them, maybe skin that has a bit of a plastic sheen.
Consider most of Kishin's Nova artwork for a very good example of how to get this right :D
No need for any artificial tags to mark a fembot. A stunningly beautiful girl who isn't egotistical and too good for anyone not plainly rich or a celebrity is obviously a robot.
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Post by kman1 » Sat Jul 22, 2006 7:01 pm

I definitely want to throw in a vote with the (surprising) minority of transformation fans. The main part of my fantasy is being transformed into a fembot myself, so that's what I like to read about and view.

However, I completely agree with those who have voiced opposition to mindlessness. I want my fembot (and my transformed self) to be completely conscious of the new condition, and to revel in it and be empowered by it. For instance, I think it is wonderful when a fembot enjoys revealing her robotic essence to an unexpecting person, much in the way a beautiful human woman might coyly reveal herself to a lucky suitor.

Unfortunately, I know transformation tends to border on bondage and other themes that don't appeal to many people, but S&M is a common fetish that comes with real rules for protection. That's why I prefer acceptance and cooperation by the woman being transformed.

But hey, everyone's different, and I appreciate the wide spectrum of tastes represented in this forum.

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Post by Doctor Robo » Sat Jul 22, 2006 11:11 pm

kman1 wrote:But hey, everyone's different, and I appreciate the wide spectrum of tastes represented in this forum.
That's a great way of putting it, kman. Well said!

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Post by A.N.N. » Tue Jul 25, 2006 4:51 pm

For me there's a difference between what I'd like in real life (assuming Fembots existed, I know, big assumption) and what I like to fantasize about. Also, there are some things that are big turn-ons, somethings lesser turn-ons, some things neutral, and somethings are outright turn-offs. Some stories use things I don't necessarily like or prefer, but the stories are still fantastic due to writing. For this list, I'll stick to what I see the forum provides, fantasy, and those elements that turn me off, as in I might skip an image or not finish a story if I find it.

1. non-machine fembots. I don't like the idea that a bracelet, a drink or a nano chemical, etc. in an otherwise normal body makes a woman a fembot. It's more like a ruffy in my simple perspective.

2. Forced transformation. This doesn't count emergencies to save a life.

3. any sexual act that turns me off (under age, rape, tentacle sex, etc.)

There are others, but they aren't really to important. For example, some things may be over done, or just not very sexy, but good writing can truly compensate.

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Post by M4R1A » Sun Sep 10, 2006 3:01 pm

Everything you listed, Fembot-Fem.
I'll go ahead and add "too-perfect" robots to my list. Some exceptions can be made, but for me, they tend to defeat the purpose of the whole thing.
xodar wrote:No need for any artificial tags to mark a fembot. A stunningly beautiful girl who isn't egotistical and too good for anyone not plainly rich or a celebrity is obviously a robot.
Xodar's issues never cease to amaze me.

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Post by droidlvr » Sun Sep 10, 2006 3:44 pm

I like Xodar's take as well. :)

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Post by xodar » Sun Sep 10, 2006 7:54 pm

M4R1A wrote:Xodar's issues never cease to amaze me.
Obviously you've never had to put up with women....
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Post by ISAF » Mon Sep 11, 2006 3:40 am

i dont like FEMBOTS running with WINDOWS OS...
LINUX is faster and more stable...

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Post by jakeCTom » Mon Sep 11, 2006 9:16 am

Well, I'm not big on face panels and transformations, and fembot's' that are indestructible. Umm....I don't like totally mindless, I need some self awareness (I don't know if that makes sense at all). But I quess that's it.

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