Clip Premieres

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What's your overall opinion of the ASFR Films clips? (please elaborate below!)

Great! Love to see more!
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Clip Premieres

Post by Android675 » Sat Sep 06, 2003 11:08 pm

I've uploaded two never-seen-before clips from ASFR Films to Barbarella's new FTP site. I'm not sure whether he'll be moving them to the video downloads folder, or if you'll be able to download them directly from the "android675 uploads" folder.

The files are called ASFR Films 1 and ASFR Films 2. They're Quicktime clips (I live in a Macintosh world - so there). The first clip is about 11MB's and the second is about 6MB's.

A little about these clips - this was an experimental project to see what would happen if we got a bunch of actresses in a room, gave them a basic storyline, and let them improv. If it had worked, it would have been an incredible timesaver, as writing a script and blocking it out and rehearsing it is extremely time consuming. Unfortunately, in my opinion at least, for the most part it didn't work. I think the reason it didn't work is because the fetish itself is rather complex, and it takes a carefully calculated series of events, reactions, and dialogue to really make it gel. That's just my opinion.

We ended up with somthing that we couldn't really sell, but there were a few good moments that came out of the thing. A couple of those moments are the clips that I've uploaded.

We (Keraptis, Robolvr and myself, not to mention Stuckfast), are EXTREMELY interested to hear people's opinions of these clips. Getting some feedback on this will help us in the future if we decide to move ahead with another project - it will also help us decide if we should move ahead with another project at all. We'd like to hear details about what you liked or didn't like about the clips - whether you liked the little snippet of story, the actresses, the costumes, the dialogue. Did the clip you saw inspire you with any other ideas? What is the backstory and/or continuation of the story you imagine? EVERYTHING is helpful - please take a moment and give a few comments on this stuff.


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Post by handle » Sat Sep 06, 2003 11:11 pm

I haven't got enough credentials to hit barbarella's FTP for these clips yet, but I think I definitely like the idea. Give them a few more rounds of practice and some experience of the fetish and they'll either come around or go out the door...


Clip premiere

Post by KingJeremy » Sun Sep 07, 2003 5:36 am

Android, those 2 clips are outstanding! I particularly enjoyed the second one. That particular scenario is one of my all time favorites. Pretty woman not actually knowing her true identity. Good stuff man...good stuff.



oh yeah

Post by KingJeremy » Sun Sep 07, 2003 5:44 am

Being in the field I think you're in ( the same as mine ) it's only logical that you live in a macintosh world hehe. I work on an 8 man crew and I have to use my wifes old, old g3 ( the kind you can put the monitor on top of :oops: ) to do any editing work while the rest of the guys I work with have their g4's ( noone rich enough to buy a g5 yet i guess lol ) to play with. Mac's own when it comes to graphic design and video editing. :D


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Re: Clip Premieres

Post by Barbarella » Sun Sep 07, 2003 8:11 am

Android675 wrote:I'm not sure whether he'll be moving them to the video downloads folder

Wow, im a male now :)

As for the clips, i think they are excellent. The improvisation idea is also something new, maybe you could try and half way house between improv and scripted though :)
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Post by andoroido » Sun Sep 07, 2003 8:24 am

Very nice clips.

The first clip:
Although the short switching off was cool, a nice simple freeze (maybe a bit too short for many) the clip as a whole seemed kind of long (although it was 2 clips spliced together it seemed). Maybe just because of the monologue nature of the clip, and it being out of any context.

Just a small note, would a robot pause to think and take a couple deep breaths before answering a question? (or maybe that was just waiting for a cue?) It was hard to tell if the character is supposed to have a very human-like personna, or not.. seems to go back and forth, which makes the character less believable. A robot going clearly from a very human mode to a very robotic mode is believable.. but one floating in between the two seems not to be. [But maybe this gives me more appreciation to the actor who seemed to pull it off well as Data.]

This could also go into the "walking zombie" effect; we humans like our droids to be very clearly artificial (from monotone voice to chirpy but pre-programmed smiling artificiality), or almost perfectly human.. anything in between is just creepy.

The second clip:
Many people (including myself) are fans of the gynoid who thinks she's human, or at least acts very human. Nice freeze, but being shut off and then basically ignored kind of deacreases the fun potential. I assume the other woman was a gynoid aware of her own nature.. if this scene was part of a bigger story involving freezes or surprises for both of them, I see good potential, I would like to see more! So, of course I hope there is more available from this project.

Given a choice I would suppose I would rather see such clips made into a segment on a video if possible, just to help recover costs for you.
But if such clips are destined to remain on a hard drive forever, I hope they will be shared.

[over-analysis is my specialty]
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Post by blkwdo » Sun Sep 07, 2003 8:41 am

Both clips are very nice.

In the first clip I would have liked to see a bit more of a robot in the character. More monotone voice and stilted movement.

In the second, I am craving to see more of the story line. I loved the subject of the scene, but I thought Sarah was moving a bit too fast. Especially if she is indeed a robot as well.

Thanks for sharing these with us.

Hopefully you have more to fulfill our cravings.

I like Androidio's idea of a clip show video. I'd be interested in it. And maybe it will help you recover the cost afterall.


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Post by tc » Sun Sep 07, 2003 9:41 am

both clips are good. I thought the second was better and would love to see more.

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Thanks for the feedback

Post by Android675 » Sun Sep 07, 2003 11:45 pm

Thanks, guys, for the feedback. The comments and suggestions are appreciated and helpful. And, don't worry andoroido - what you call over-analysis, I call good feedback!

So, it seems like the general consensus is that the second clip was preferred over the first.

Given that scenario, what sort of storyline would you envision, and more importantly, HOW WOULD IT PLAY OUT??? This is where we always get stuck - the ASFR fetish tends to break down when you start shoving it into a coherent storyline that has to take place in a very limited location (an apartment), doesn't have special effects, can't have complex dialogue due to the talent level of the actresses and time limitations, can't have expensive costumes of props, can't involve more than two actresses (MAYBE three at the most) and doesn't involve sex.

Truly, any and all ideas are appreciated, keeping in mind those limitations. Any thoughts?

One other comment in response to andoroido's comments about the acting in the first clip - this is another problem that I always have - it seems to be nearly impossible to get the actresses to do a good, believable, non-ridiculous monotone voice, and even more impossible to get them to move in a convincing robotic way. I was trying to find that middle ground, and settled on a Data-esque (as you aptly pointed out) sort of approach. As you'll notice, she acts fairly human, but just a bit stilted and precise. This is most apparent when she walks out of the room. Would this kind of robot appeal to anyone? Perhaps if I got rid of the deep breaths and such?

C'mon everyone else - 107 views and only a few responses and 7 votes - gimme somethin' here....


PS: King Jeremy - would you be interested in working on a video at some point? PM me, if you want to talk about it.


Possibility of Posting Them On Kazaa or In Emule

Post by dubhdanaidh » Mon Sep 08, 2003 3:31 am

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Re: Possibility of Posting Them On Kazaa or In Emule

Post by Barbarella » Mon Sep 08, 2003 8:22 am

dubhdanaidh wrote:I was just wondering if there was anyway that you could post these clips on Kazaa or Emule since some of us, such as myself, have not posted enough on this board to even get an email saying we have been rejected for said user name and password for Barbarella's ftp site.

I'm sure no one will believe me but I uploaded Boxed In and Dead or Alive Final Scene to Barbarella's ftp site only to be cut off from it before I could add a txt document saying so. :evil: Anyway since my involvement does not even warrant a response if some could post these clips on Kazaa or Emule it would be very appreciated.
For a start i never got an email, or pm from your user name requesting access, so how can i email you refusing access if i never even got it, dont try and twist this to make me look bad when you didnt even send a request. :evil:

Secondly the FTP has been closing down now and again due to the FTP program crashing. The server runs from my own computer which is online 24/7 so its bound to close down every now and again.
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Post by Android675 » Mon Sep 08, 2003 9:56 am


Unfortunately, I don't have access to Kazaa, as I'm on a Mac and can't use the program. At least, I've looked for a Mac version, and can't seem to find one. Not sure about Emule, but given the usual state of affairs, I'm guessing no Mac version of that, either! If anyone knows of Mac versions of these programs, please let me know.

As for Barbarella's site, I'm not sure what series of events led to what appears to be a little misunderstanding, but I know that she got back to me very quickly once I sent in my request. Once you figure out what was causing your requests to not get through to her, I'm guessing she'll be happy to set you up.

As for the other stuff, well, don't know what to say exactly, as you covered a lot of ground, but I felt I should respond. Overall, I think you're right that many people don't post because they don't have much to say. There's certainly nothing wrong with that - when I asked for feedback in my e-mail it was meant in a positive way, to encourage those folks who have seen the clips to say a little something about them. Please keep in mind that asking for feedback is not a negative comment or criticism of those who aren't commenting. There's nothing wrong with lurking - I think we're all happy that the membership of this board has grown to 600. Even though only a small percentage of those people post, it's nice to know that there are that many people who share the fetish. If they get around to posting someday, great. If not, that's okay too.

At the same time, one of your comments is a bit of a Catch-22, and I think you hit upon a good point that could use underscoring. You said that many people don't post because they're just too busy or don't have anything to say, and then went on to point out that you've seen people who finally DID post, then stopped because they didn't get a response. So, basically, when people finally de-lurk, they're pushed back into lurker mode by the lack of response from other lurkers. I think that's irony. If nothing else, it's certainly a shame. Perhaps, when people do finally de-lurk on this board, we could all try to post at least a "welcome" comment to make them feel more comfortable. I'm as guilty of this as anyone else, and I'll make an effort to do that in the future.

Also, to anyone who does de-lurk, keep in mind that responses are often very slow in coming, if they come at all, for everyone on this board. Even long time contributors sometimes get almost no response at all. So, even if you don't get a flood of responses right from the start, please don't let that stop you from posting. Every additional person who comes out of lurk mode helps the board, and continued de-lurking will, hopefully, help solve the lack of response problem in the future.

As for the star that burns bright, it does seem that some people have blown in here and posted like crazy, only to disappear shortly thereafter. I suppose that'll happen on any board. But, at the same time, there are many, many regular long-time contributors who go in cycles - lots of posts sometimes and not many at others. Like you said, "real" life takes precedence, and we all make time for this strange quirk when we can. I think we have a strong core of long-time members and contributors who aren't going anywhere - many of them have been into the ASFR community since the very beginning - and it's always gratifying to see their posts and efforts to improve the ASFR community.

And, I can't speak for the moderators of the board, but I don't think you have to worry about getting banned. Nothing wrong with putting forth your opinion - that's exactly what we're trying to encourage!


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Post by tinyspider » Tue Sep 09, 2003 3:23 pm

I haven't saw the clips until yesterday and I think both are great Android675, I like the way Monica freezes, she's very proffessional on that, judging from the preview clips I found on sutckfast's movies. Is a very 'candid' scene. As for the second I liked the face that the robot girl does when is deactivated, maaan, :o is just amazing, that adds all the spice for me, the way she walks out of the room is very cool too, maybe people liked most the second clip because there are more 'action' on that, but for me, I simply can't decide wich one is best, both clips are great as I said before. Big Thanks for sharing that with us 8)

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Post by ehy » Tue Sep 09, 2003 5:14 pm

These clips sound great, but I can't find them on the server - what folder are they in?

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Post by ehy » Tue Sep 09, 2003 6:59 pm

Ah, araenae set me straight. Now I've got them.

I'm not sure what you were trying to do, exactly, with the first one. The sense I got was of an android who had multiple modes. In the first mode she thought of herself as basically human, and wanted to be treated as such (though it's not clear why she was explaining) - but then her owner gets tired of that and switches her into a more servile mode, incidentally giving the lie to everything she had said previously - the android is inhuman in much more than her feelings; she really is there to serve her owner's wishes. If you went on with that scenario, I'd like it (as there is, there's not really enough story). I think her "acting" was fine, but I don't really go for the extreme robotic behavior. This was mechanical enough to help make the point that she's a robot, but human enough to be attractive.

The second clip was very well done, but there was even less to judge. Remember, the advantage of video over stills is you can tell a real story, and the second clip didn't do that.

Overall I think I preferred the first clip, because I like the way it got into the psychology of an android, and because the idea of an android that thinks it's human just doesn't sit well with me. (I know I might be in the minority there; so be it.) But both ideas have potential.

As far as scripted vs. non-scripted: I think that unless you have really excellent improvisational actors who really "get it," you need a script. It doesn't necessarily have to be written in advance - it could be worked out from a basic scenario, and rehearsed a few times before filming - but you NEED that rehearsal time either way. Otherwise the actors will look like they're fishing for what to do next, and that never looks good - especially when a character is an android who should be programmed to respond quickly and efficiently. Nothing kills a mood like an android who says "Um... okay... I mean, yes ma'am..." And having a pre-written script gives you the opportunity to really plan things out carefully, include some good dialogue, work out in detail where you're going so you can foreshadow... all the stuff that separates lame-but-kinda-sexy from really-good-and-sexy.

Feel free to contact me privately if you'd like more thoughts. I'm sure I can generate some. :-)

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Anybody remember this?

Post by ~? » Wed Jan 11, 2006 11:14 am

(BUMP) from the distant past.

Just wanted to ask Android675 if anything ever became of this and if there was enough footage to compile?

I would have posted an opinion back when you posted this but I never had the chance to see the clips until recently. So for what it's worth, I think the second clip is better simply because it lends itself to more possibilities. I'm left wondering what the girls were doing, what were the malfunctions and why the brunette robot is aware of her nature but the blonde is programmed to think she is human? An added dichotomy is that, apparently, the blonde is "sub-consciously" programmed to be submissive to the brunette as she allowed her to turn her off. Also the apparent fact that the brunette was malfunctioning, and yet she deactivates the blonde. Was this in itself a malfunction? I would love to structure a story around that clip. My only criticism would be that the blonde's face should have blanked rather than freeze when she was deactivated.

I liked the girl in the first clip, there just wasn't much to it. The interview was odd; why interview a robot and why would a robot be seated? That may sound odd, but people sit because of fatigue or for comfort. Robots have neither and I think posture adds alot to the portrayal so they should always be at a position of attention when awaiting a command or bent at the waist when deactivated. However, her deactivation was very good, as was her change of attitude when reactivated. Her movements were good but would have been better if they were slightly slower and more precise.

The wardrobe was awesome in both clips.

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Post by General » Wed Jan 11, 2006 3:40 pm

I missed these clips before as well. Where do they currently live? I tried a few different FTP servers and couldn't find them but then again I could have missed it.

Thanks for the help,

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Post by ~? » Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:20 pm

General wrote:I missed these clips before as well. Where do they currently live? I tried a few different FTP servers and couldn't find them but then again I could have missed it.

Thanks for the help,

I found them on Luke's FTP in Devil's folder within the Upload folder.


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Post by General » Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:50 pm

Thanks. I completely glossed over that folder. I took a look in there once and assumed it was only screen captures.

Thanks again.

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These films rock!

Post by westworldfan » Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:49 pm

The first clip was good. I thought the acting was good. You should continue the story with reprogramming being done to the "robot" in different rooms. I would end with the "wife" running low on power and/or malfunctioning and the "robot" just letting it happen. The second clip was amazing. Those two girls were amazing here and in the Stuckfast robot friend clip. They really get it. I would wheel the "unaware" robot into another room and sit her on a table. I would have the silver-suited robot make adjustments to the other robot. She should activate her occasionally to test her. Each time the robot will still be unaware of her nature, and she will have a slightly different malfunction. Finally, she will be reclined on the table and covered to be worked on later. The other robot should move to a chair and begin recharging. As for the effects to simulate repairs, do what we do in theatre. Hide what you don't want us to see. Repairs to the "unaware" robot can be done to her back while being filmed from the front. You can simulate a head panel, a back panel, and a waist panel. When she is tested, just make sure that the other robot pretends to open the panels and pretends to close them each time. I hope you take these further. I would definitely pay to see the finished products.


Post by xerxes3141S » Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:12 pm

The costumes are great, and the acting is great as well. If there is any more, please upload them.


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Post by Karel » Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:06 pm

Everyone seems to be commenting on how great these clips are, and I suppose I should add my own opinion to the pile, but am I correct in assuming that I wasn't the only one remiss enough not to buy Upgrade or Freeze Tease 3, for which each of these clips was obviously the genesis? I waited until it was too late to order either of them. It's a shame they aren't available any more, because I've found pornography to be degrading, both to my senses and to the people I'm watching. But I guess that's the difference between pornography and professional acting; when professional actors don't wish to profit from a thing any more, it has to stop being sold for money.

Thanks for the hosting the old clips on your FTP, Luke! :)

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Post by Trace Venom » Sat Mar 04, 2006 2:26 pm

I hadn't seen this clips, but I have to say that it's enough to arouse quite a bit of curiosity. Is there anyway, paying or otherwise, that they could be acquired now?

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