Galatea - Episode 2: The Deception

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Galatea - Episode 2: The Deception

Post by ButchyBoy » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:03 pm

ANNOUNCER: The Adventures of Galatea

(Horses galloping hard)

GUARD 1: Look! Riding away! A girl of silver!

GUARD 2: It's a statue come to life!

VOLTAIRE: It is the outlaw, Galatea! After her! After her!!

GALATEA: Many thanks for the shards, Captain!! Till we meet again!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

ANNOUNCER: And now....Galatea. The adventures of an android girl, made of synthetic flesh, but who discovers she has the heart of a hero. In our first episode, we learned that Galatea was the creation of one Dr. Eric Tanner, a kind, brilliant man, who wished nothing more than to bring happiness to the ruler of the world he lived on, Pangea. Galatea was to be a gift to the wise and noble King Phillip IV, who had taken mysteriously ill, and because the Queen had been tragiclly killed two years before, and Phillip had no heir, Pangea was being ruled by the greedy Prime Minister, Darrian Crane, and the black-hearted Captain of the Kings guards, Voltaire. And it is Voltaire who pays an unexpected call on the good doctor. His purpose; to prevent Tanner from seeing the King, and presenting Galatea to His Majesty by any means nessacary, even if it means killing the doctor. And that is exactly what happens. Without warning, and in cold blood, Voltaire runs Tanner through with his sword, as a horrified Galatea watches from the safety of the doctor's underground workroom, unseen by Voltaire and his men. And now, as our story continues, Tanner lays dying, and manges to look right at a camera that leads to a monitor in the workroom where Galatea is. With his dying breath, he speaks to her.

TANNER: (in a dying whisper) daughter....runnnnnnn.....RUNNN...UGHHHH....FOR YOU LIFE!!!

GALATEA: (trying hard not to cry) Oh Father.....oh he's dead! They've killed him!! But why...why???? I....I have no time to think of that now. I must carry out my Father's last order to me. I must run. But where?? Where can I go??

VOLTAIRE: (heard in the background) Take one squard to the north, and one to the south. Search the grounds and the house. Any girl you find bring right to me!!

GALATEA: They're looking for me. They will find me soon enough. I must do something. Those men who are not men, I know them. RUR 500s. My father helped design and build them before he made me. They will not rest until I am found. Oh what can I do?? Wait...yes, I know now. I shall wait until they pass. Good, they are away from the garden now. I must move quickly. (She begins to run) I'll exit though the secret back door of the workroom, and now (runs faster) through the garden. Oh, I hope they (pant) they don't see me. (She begins breathing harder). Faster, I must run faster (which she does). Here, here is what I seek. My Father's storage shed. Oh please, please hurry door, recognize me and open. (A BEEP and a SWOOSH is heard) I'm inside. (SWOOSH) I'm inside safe for the monent with my sisters, earlier versions of me my Father built that failed to function properly. (Calling out) Hello my sisters. I know none of you can hear me, but I still feel close to every one of you. That is why I regret what I must do now. (She's heard walking) You, my dark red-haired sister. Your face is almost like mine. You were the last to come before me. You'll help me now, won't you? Here, I'll just reach behind your right ear, and depress your activation (Click....Buzz......Whir.....CLICK...CLICK....CLICK)

GALATEA II: (In a very monotone voice) HOW-MAY-I-SERVE-YOU?

GALATEA: I'm going to open the door, and you are going to run. You are to run, and keep running, and you will not stop, until I and no one else tells you to. Do you understand?


(Door SWOOSHES open)

GALATEA: Go now, run!

GUARDS: Look, there's a girl running now. You there! Stop! Stop do you hear?? Stop, or we'll fire!!!

GALATEA: (In a quiet, almost whisper) Oh run my sister, run. Perhaps they will not catch you. Wait, the RUR 500s, they are after her now, but she still runs. Oh she's almost off the estate now. Oh, go my sister go. Oh.....those laser guns...too many of them....they are being fired.

(Several lasrer shots heard)

GALATEA: They've struck her! The lasers are overloading all her delicate circuts. She's still trying to run. Oh, she's fallen. I can see the sparks coming from everywhere. She's twitching, still trying to move. Oh forgive me my sister, but you have bought me much needed time. And while thay are busy with you, I shall cover myself with this grey cloak. I shall take these shards Father sometimes gives me to go shopping with and I shall book passage to Father's cabin by Lake Pangea. He's taken me there before, and it has re-charge ports. Here, here on the shelf are the keys to that cabin. And now I leave here, but I shall return, I swear to you my Father. Somehow, someway, I shall return here, and this.....Captain Voltaire will be made to pay for what he has done to you. And now.....I......I depart (she's heard running off)

GUARD: We have her sir! We have Dr. Tanner's android.

(Sparking and buzzing is heard)

VOLTAIRE: Yes, I see that.....and it's in several pieces too.

GUARD: Yes sir

VOLTAITE: You brainless idiots. I wanted it in tact!!

GUARD: Look sir. It still moves

(More sparking and buzzing)


(VOLTAIRE fires a laser shot into her and much sparking is heard then nothing)

VOLTAIRE: Useless!!

GUARD: Yes sir, it certainly was.

VOLTAIRE: I wasn't talking about the android you fool! I suppose it doesn't matter now. With Tanner dead, and the......King's gift destroyed, His Majesty won't be making any swift recoveries. Wait a mintue. That shed by the garden.

GUARD: Yes sir.

VOLTAIRE: Hmmmm...nothing now. But I thought I saw someone...have the RUR 500s sweep this place. See if they can't come up with something besides the dust specks.

GUARD: Yes sir.

VOLTAIRE: In the meantime, I shall attend the meeting of the Pangiean Nobles this afternoon. I must inform them of poor Doctor Tanner's......suicide. Yes. It sould be a very interesting meeting indeed.

ANNOUNCER: And so, Galatea escapes with her life. She escapes to a secluded cabin by Lake Pangea where she can ponder her future. A future without her beloved Father; a future without a friend in the world...or is fate about to take a hand. And what of Voltaire? What diobolical plans does he have for the people of Pangea now? Don't miss the next installment of....Galatea!!

VOLTAIRE: It is the outlaw, Galatea!! After her!! After her!!

GALATEA: I ride for justice, and the people of Pangea!! Till we meet again Captain!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

ANNOUNCER: Galatea is a copywrited feature of Fembot Central.

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Post by DollSpace » Fri Aug 12, 2005 8:42 pm

A little sad this time ^^; But very good; I look forward to the next part!


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