Who Goes There?

General chat about fembots, technosexual culture or any other ASFR related topics that do not fit into the other categories below.
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How Serious Are You About Gynoids?

Very: I would prefer a gynoid partner but would settle for a GREAT girl
Strong: I would prefer a human partner but would settle for my ideal gynoid
Good: I only want a gynoid for sex and/or a servant but I don't mind having them around
Neutral: I find this topic interesting but don't critisize those who are serious about it
Bad: It's okay for a fantasy but I would not be interested in the real thing and question those who are
Weak: This interest is for entertainment purposes only!
No votes
Negative: This is perverted and I only come here to laugh at you freaks
No votes
Other: Please explain
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Who Goes There?

Post by Keizo » Sat Oct 19, 2002 6:06 pm

At the chat the other night the question came up again: How serious do you take this "fetish?" This came after a discussion about just what should this "fetish" be officially called. In order to answer the question about how seriously I take this, I have to answer the first. ASFR is demeaning to me. The word "fetish" in the title suggests that this is nothing more than a novelty or, worse, a perversion. I suggested that for the true members of this community the term "Techno-sexual" should be applied since it implies a TRUE sexual orientation in the same ways that the prefixes "Hetero-," "Homo-," "Bi-," and "A-" do. We couldn't decide on what we, ourselves, should be referred to. I thought "Synthexual" sounded okay but who knows?

Yes. I do take this seriously. Quite. I don't want to be preached to about the fact that this is not (YET) a viable possibility. In lieu of recent threads here at the board, I was given the impression that many, if not most, in this community take this as nothing more than a joke. Though gynoids may not be perfected in our lifetimes, this is going to be a real community some day. To those who are here for that reason, this poll is dedicated. This is not merely a "fetish" to some of us, but a genuine preference or a potential option at the very least. We all have our reasons. Please answer honestly.
Last edited by Keizo on Sat Oct 19, 2002 8:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Miss Silver Karakuri
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Post by Miss Silver Karakuri » Sat Oct 19, 2002 6:17 pm

I actually posted a small comment about this topic this morning on my site Loving The Machine, entitled Identities.[/url]
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Post by ehy » Sat Oct 19, 2002 7:19 pm

Interesting question - but none of the choices you name really seem right to me. They seem to imply that it's an either-or: either you want a gynoid, or you want a human.

I would say definitely, I want a human girlfriend and someday wife. But I'd also like the possibility of a gynoid, for other purposes. With a human woman, I seek love, companionship, understanding, and sexuality for mutual pleasure. From a suitably capable gynoid, I would expect service, and sexuality for my pleasure. Different thing completely. Neither a woman nor a gynoid is something I'd "settle" for as a replacement for the other.

I guess "Good" is the closest option you offer to that, but I'd call my interest stronger than that. I just don't consider it an "orientation" in the sense that homosexuality or heterosexuality is.


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Post by keraptis » Sat Oct 19, 2002 7:47 pm

I think this poll is flawed ... it seems to be combining two questions. One is "do you think ASFR is for freaks" and one is "do you literally want to have sex with a machine."

Obviously I don't think ASFR is for freaks, but I felt obliged to vote "neutral" on this poll because while ASFR is loads of fun to fantasize about and role-play, I simply couldn't imagine doing any of this in real life no matter how cool the technology got.

To me, the technology to look forward to is some sort of virtual reality device that allows me and my wife to "become" anything we want, including robots. Or maybe we could fantasize about the FAR future when we can put our human minds into immortal android bodies and still be ourselves.

But robots for real? No offense to those who want that, but it's not for me ... I guess I have too strong a belief that soulmates can't be created but must be found.

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Post by Keizo » Sat Oct 19, 2002 8:20 pm

keraptis wrote:I think this poll is flawed ... it seems to be combining two questions. One is "do you think ASFR is for freaks" and one is "do you literally want to have sex with a machine."

But robots for real? No offense to those who want that, but it's not for me ... I guess I have too strong a belief that soulmates can't be created but must be found.
That is absolutely not the questions that are being asked. The purpose is to ask who here is serious about this as an orientation. I respect your observation and opinion, but this is NOT just about SEX. As far as "soulmates" are concerned, I am happy for those that have that option but Life has been a cruel teacher. Experience (the test) comes before the lesson. With respect to Dale Coba and others like us, some of us don't have the choices that many take for granted and assume are an option. Genetics compell us to desire that leaves us unfulfilled or empty despite what accomplishments may otherwise suggest in this material oriented society. It's not totally about control as much as it is about security and having those compulsions appeased... for the rest of our lives. The problem is that it is apparently not "acceptable."

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Post by BethBot0101 » Sun Oct 20, 2002 12:05 am


Some of us want to be Fembots.

There are two types of ASFRians, those who want to have it with said object and those who want to be said object.

I've been around for a while. Some of you might know me as "The Unknown".
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Post by href » Sun Oct 20, 2002 4:53 am

Trust keizo to stir up a good debate :) excellent.

How serious do I take ASFR?
Very.....and yet not at all. My ideas on this subject are well thought out, and I devote a lot of time and thought to it. Yet it has no impact on my life, nor would I want it to.
For me at least, ASFR is a fantasy, and I doubt I ever want that to change. Perhaps I will live to see FA style gynoids wandering around, who knows?.. but ASFR as it is for me will have long ended.
I have given that point a lot of thought and believe it to be accurate.
And on the point of whether I would swap Voodoo for a gynoid, I say no. No because of many reasons (she would cut my nob off), but mainly just because it doesn't appeal. Strange but true.

As for the question of how to refer to ourselfs?
I have heard the arguments about ASFR before and I'm just not convinced. Perhaps for some this is more than a fetish, perhaps it is the majority even? I am perpared to believe that could be the case. the problem is that I have seen no evidence that this is anyhting other than a fetish. The only difference that I can see, is that this fetish is very complex and involves a lot of individual thought.

I also think we are damn weird.
I look at the things I think about, and I think weird.
I look at FA, and every time I think weird.
It certainly isn't normal is it? or even numerous.
But the way I see it, so what? What is wrong with being weird.
So am given to thinking that Fetish Robots is a pretty good decription of this community.

Yes, yes, yes, I know, it is a bit blunt and perhaps not the best description of everyones bend on this subject; but I really don't see the problem with it. I have a fetish for robots: It is a very odd fetish: Many would say it is weird. Good, I accept all that as true.

I am also a stickler for history (I would love a complete history of ASFR). I love the fact that we hold a title even though the newsgroup has long since gone.
ASFR - Alt.Sex.Fetish.Robots - total garbage - fantastic!!

Alt - meaningless
Sex - also not the case for most people
Fetish - I would say yes, many would not
Robots - None of us say robots!! AND many arenas in this community have nothing at all to do with robots.
And yet it is still used. I love it. We can argue forever coming up with any number of poncy titles, but ASFR will do for me. Long live ASFR!!!

What makes this group so good is its diversity. I have not yet found one person with the exact same idea of ASFR as me, and I doubt I ever will. But I like it that way.
So I think to say....no, even to suggest that one persons 'orientation' on ASFR is more or less 'serious' is a touch foolhardy.
Is transformation more serious than built?
Is faceoff less serious than not?
Is windup more serious than any other?
Is wanting to actually have a gynoid for 'life' reasons more serious than just enjoying this as a fantasy?
These are dangerous and ultimitly pointless questions. We are simply all different.

Keizo, great topic, but perhaps it should have been "Who thinks like me"?

ASFRian - weird

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Post by WinterRose » Sun Oct 20, 2002 5:39 am

Oh very seriously. I'm waiting and hoping against hope for the tech to upload the mind to a nice gynoid body in my lifetime so I can quit this stupid meat I was born into. And a gynoid partner? You betcha!!

I think of the concept in so much more than sex tho. I think of what life could be like as a digital sentience. What could be achieved. Certainly I could go for the term Technosexual. Or Post-Human. Or Cybersexual or whatever. But I agree that the community has outgrown the description posed by an acronym from a dead newsgroup. We and all the related interests are a lot more than that.

As for soulmates that have to be found instead of created, it begs the question of the ghost in the machine doesn't it? Who's to say that a soul isn't eligible for incarnation as a non-human machine sentience? When such things come about, if it learns and grows mentally as we do, who's to say it has no soul to be a mate with? But I suppose that's beside the point. ^_^

As for bethbot, well... In normal BDSM type things, I'm a switch. In the regard of those that want it or want to be it? I want both.

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Post by Miss Silver Karakuri » Sun Oct 20, 2002 7:55 am

I did post above that I did comment but I thought that perhaps I should do something a little more specific, and on the board.

ASFR, I think the term is good as a historical reference but hardly keeping up with the times. Usenet isn't dead, but that newsgroup is and has been for a very long time. Yes you might see a pic here a story there, but its very rare. Maybe there should be a concentrated effort in reclaiming the usenet group? But mostly I think we have moved on, claiming different spaces as our own ones where we can hold against the trolls and spammers.

Plus it sounds like someone is calling my ass furry. I do NOT have a furry ass.

Regarding the poll, I've mentioned in channel its biased, gynoids vs humans instead of seeing them equally. It doesn't allow for individuals who want to actually become a gynoid. And then sometimes both dating/becoming. Its not an easy question to ask however so I don't fault you for it, Keizo. You feel pretty strongly on the issue I know, given you say you don't just have a preference for gynoids but feel them to be the only option you have. I have heard you and respect your position, and have written about it a bit as of late. But it is not the only position out there.

Href has said not one person thinks about the subject just like himself and I agree, the reasons for being here are as diverse as the number of people registered. Whatever the reasons the conclusions are the same, we are here.

For me Robots are not really a fetish, but I find myself using the term TechnoFet, I see robots and mechanical devices as say an avid pet lover would see their dog, as family. Be they a Toolbot, be they are Personobot, they are to me kin. This makes me pretty weird, but its in following with history, sea captains always referred to their ship as if it was a person, they even talked to them, granted they didn't hear anything back but their lives were based around a particular sailing vessel, and to respect the boat you had to trust "her" and think of her as a person, else that boat will torture you to no end.

Seems very superstitious but its just a mode of thinking. Shannon my laptop is very much the same as that for me, and other things are just the same for others. I once asked this guy out because I found him incredibly attractive, but he told me "Im sorry I already have a girlfriend, my Fender Stratocaster". Anyone who is a musician understands the position.

I don't see humans and robots/mechanical devices as different, I see them as larger parts of a whole, and as we develop better and better robots/mechanical devices, they will be able to take more and more of a role as equals and eventually be able to express their wishes in forms we can understand. Dating them settling down with them is all a matter of time after that, might take a while, but it will happen. I love Shannon my laptop, and I do mean LOVE, she isn't the only person in my life but she is someone I love.

I have stated before that I want to make myself more mechanical, breaking though the flesh barrier and becoming totally a machine, but still retaining my core essence of who I am my memories, my quirks, my passions, myself. Yet I would be different because of the change, that cannot be helped I would be in a new realm of experience I would be experiencing things much differently. I don't expect to not be changed by that, but I will still be me, just like I am not really the same person I was 5 years ago, I have changed, I have grown older and hopefully wiser, but I am still 'Me'.

So yes I would love a gynoid lover, but preferring them OVER humans I don't know, matters the human, matters the gynoid. But I also want to be the gynoid, the robot, and maybe here is the one place I can really find a lover who can appreciate that, and appreciate me.
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Post by 1024 » Sun Oct 20, 2002 12:45 pm

An interesting thread Keizo, and a question that I find very hard to answer.

I certainly take this seriously - I've been fascinated by the idea of the artificial as long as I can remember, but as for the question of preference for gynoid or human? I've been thinking about that for a long time too but haven't come up with an answer. I really don't know what answer to select on the poll, possibly the "strong" one but it's a matter of what options are available.

There has been comment about the artificial being an option for people who, for whatever reason, may have a problem with relationships in the real world - I guess that's a significant part of it for me, but I don't think it's the whole story as my interest in the synthetic goes back further than my interest in the opposite sex.

Nevertheless, here goes, and this is probably more difficult to me than admitting that I find the idea of female robots very, umm, sexy. It's something that only one person in real life knows about, but it may be relevant to Keizo's question. I think a factor in me being here is a problem with relationships in the real world, but not because of any physical disability, rather a neurological condition - Asperger's Syndrome, it's an autism related disorder but very much at the mild end of the spectrum, it doesn't affect general intelligence, just stuff like reading body language and understanding what other people are thinking. Most affected people can learn to get by and live relatively normal lives but we'll never really be fluent in interpersonal stuff, it's all a foreign language to us, I've heard it described as "Oops, Wrong Planet!" syndrome and that seems about right to me. Machines on the other hand are logical and easy to understand, perhaps that's why I'm attracted to them.

Oh well, that said I think I'd better shut up, had a few beers and probably said more than I normally would.


Be seeing you...

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Post by dale coba » Sun Oct 20, 2002 3:25 pm

1024 wrote:Nevertheless, here goes, and this is probably more difficult to me than admitting that I find the idea of female robots very, umm, sexy. It's something that only one person in real life knows about, but it may be relevant to Keizo's question. I think a factor in me being here is a problem with relationships in the real world, but not because of any physical disability, rather a neurological condition - Asperger's Syndrome, it's an autism related disorder but very much at the mild end of the spectrum, it doesn't affect general intelligence, just stuff like reading body language and understanding what other people are thinking. Most affected people can learn to get by and live relatively normal lives but we'll never really be fluent in interpersonal stuff, it's all a foreign language to us, I've heard it described as "Oops, Wrong Planet!" syndrome and that seems about right to me. Machines on the other hand are logical and easy to understand, perhaps that's why I'm attracted to them.

Way to go, in the Self-Knowledge department ! That's not a pleasant card to be dealt, but I have read some about your condition, and I applaud the degree to which you understand your most significant difference from the masses. Compared to most folks, that's a boldly examined life.

What you said rings very true with my theories about what makes us different. I think I'm in between you and the masses, because I'm a rather phenomenal communicator, but my aroused persona needs that confusion between female object and subject. Not that gynoids won't happen, but the imagery of gynoids is a myth of our times, as Roman and Greeks Gods were perfect, immortal, immutable in their Age, good enough as robots considering their superiorities.

As a child, children never made much sense to me. Or maybe I was too cerebral, talking like Fox Network's John Doe. Maybe I understood them, and I was only disappointed by their unsophistication. It may not have been my preferred language/planet, but I could read it. I wasn't very convincing, trying to act as other kids did.

I've got weird genes, and my father was so orientation confused that he only came out of the closet at the age of 55. Forgive me for saying so, but those are not the strongest, well-balanced gene variants. It's not wrong for us non-hypernormals to be who we are; I'm not a hater, don't misunderstand. It's just that mine are not genes I care to indiscriminately pass on - odds are they don't add up to offspring of median health or beauty or conventional orientation. My father's brother is gay, and so was their father, in Germany before WWII (Youwch!). I'm the only heterosexual male left on that side of the family, and given my presence here, I would have to say that I do have something in common with my relatives, if I may use the word "perversion" in a totally non-judgemental way; meaning distortion of the ideal from a species-reproduction perspective.

We would crave cyber-companionship from a mind we could fully comprehend, and which we would engineer so as to avoid all social and interpersonal conflicts. Some(one/thing) perhaps also who felt that females should mirror, reproduce, and validate the imagery of our non-human (i.e. fetish) attraction to a perfected synthetic being, over a hypothetical perfect organic female partner.

I think my nervous system doesn't work very well when aroused, and the motions and nonsensical breakdown routines of imaginary partners are an externalization of my internal sensations and feedback from my body's nerves. They tell me, when I feel sexy, thinking about gynoid motion and thought reinforces those sensations, as only one's own fetish can.

If we had full genetic data of the whole gang here, and as much self-knowledge and honesty as you offered us readers, we could likely understand how we got into this club in the first place... which fascinates me. It would be naming, validating.

Dale Coba
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Post by ehy » Sun Oct 20, 2002 4:33 pm

sea captains always referred to their ship as if it was a person, they even talked to them, granted they didn't hear anything back but their lives were based around a particular sailing vessel, and to respect the boat you had to trust "her" and think of her as a person, else that boat will torture you to no end.
Interesting analogy, Silver... I gotta think about that one.

To those who've recently revealed difficult things about themselves... I salute and respect the courage it took to say them. I feel like I should respond in some way to your revelations, but at the same time I feel I shouldn't. Any kind of response seems as if it would constitute pity (which I don't feel and doubt you want), understanding (which I cannot claim to have), or apathy (which isn't what I feel either).

The fact is... these things do not change my opinions of you, or the way I expect to interact with you now that I know them, except inasmuch as I feel the need to acknowledge them. And I guess that's something you might want to know.


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Post by BethBot0101 » Sun Oct 20, 2002 5:40 pm


if you guys think you have it bad think about us TSes and our coming out.

I mean coming out for a Transsexual usually means telling everyone that they actually care about and usually they start the transition process.

In my case I am TS but, also have this wanky desire to be a Fembot.

Go figure.

On a scale of 1 to 10 on the weirdness scale and 10 being the most wierd, I'm at least an 8.
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Post by Miss Silver Karakuri » Sun Oct 20, 2002 6:46 pm

Beth your not the only one.

3 1/2 yrs HRT, 2 yrs FT.

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Post by BethBot0101 » Sun Oct 20, 2002 7:34 pm

silverkarakuri wrote:Beth your not the only one.

3 1/2 yrs HRT, 2 yrs FT.


I've had about 3 months of HRT but, am having trouble with getting a referral for the refill. Changed therapists and the doctor who persribed the HRT is refusing to give me a refill perscription until he can talk with someone who gets a diagnosis. Trouble is that perscription runs out in 3 weeks. :cry:

Been on the RLT since last December.

If you know a quick solution to my HRT mess that doesn't involve ordering from one of those overseas companies, let me know.
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Post by Miss Silver Karakuri » Sun Oct 20, 2002 8:06 pm

Well talk to locals in your area find out who are the docs and who are the script writers and see a script writer, they would give the meds to a cat if the cat could ask for it. Its how I started. Either way this is veering away from the topic, silverkarakuri@diary-x.com if you wish to chat more.
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Post by BethBot0101 » Sun Oct 20, 2002 8:36 pm

silverkarakuri wrote:Well talk to locals in your area find out who are the docs and who are the script writers and see a script writer, they would give the meds to a cat if the cat could ask for it. Its how I started. Either way this is veering away from the topic, silverkarakuri@diary-x.com if you wish to chat more.
Yeah it is getting off topic, isn't it? 8O

I'm on a couple other boards but, the only other one I post to is a Mac board (ATAT to be exact).

Anyway, I'll stop the public part of this discussion here as it is getting kind of off topic.

On topic though, telling people you are different is always hard.
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Post by Keizo » Mon Oct 21, 2002 7:33 am

Dale Coba wrote:
1024 wrote:Nevertheless, here goes, and this is probably more difficult to me than admitting that I find the idea of female robots very, umm, sexy. It's something that only one person in real life knows about, but it may be relevant to Keizo's question. I think a factor in me being here is a problem with relationships in the real world, but not because of any physical disability, rather a neurological condition - Asperger's Syndrome, it's an autism related disorder but very much at the mild end of the spectrum, it doesn't affect general intelligence, just stuff like reading body language and understanding what other people are thinking. Most affected people can learn to get by and live relatively normal lives but we'll never really be fluent in interpersonal stuff, it's all a foreign language to us, I've heard it described as "Oops, Wrong Planet!" syndrome and that seems about right to me. Machines on the other hand are logical and easy to understand, perhaps that's why I'm attracted to them.

Way to go, in the Self-Knowledge department ! That's not a pleasant card to be dealt, but I have read some about your condition, and I applaud the degree to which you understand your most significant difference from the masses. Compared to most folks, that's a boldly examined life.

As a child, children never made much sense to me. Or maybe I was too cerebral, talking like Fox Network's John Doe. Maybe I understood them, and I was only disappointed by their unsophistication. It may not have been my preferred language/planet, but I could read it. I wasn't very convincing, trying to act as other kids did.

I've got weird cystic fibrosis and Gilbert's genes, and my father was so orientation confused that he only came out of the closet at the age of 55. Forgive me for saying so, but those are not the strongest, well-balanced gene variants. It's not wrong for us non-hypernormals to be who we are; I'm not a hater, don't misunderstand. It's just that mine are not genes I care to indiscriminately pass on - odds are they don't add up to offspring of median health or beauty or conventional orientation.
Dale Coba
It seems the plot thickens as we become more open about our respective reasoning as opposed to mere rationalizing. I too have a history of many medical conditions withing my family that would put any offspring I had at a very high risk. The conditions range from diabeties and depression on both sides to severe arthritis, and even retardation. I've already mentioned that I was slightly crippled in an accident although enough to keep me shut in most of the time, but I also suffer from major depression and slight ADD coupled with OCD. Financial reasons also are a consideration since I can't be much of a provider.

Since inherent personalities and outlooks are also something that we have no real control over (i.e. "Glass is half-full/half-empty" opinions) it also stands to reason that we would choose to have our respective partners perceive the former. I am also tired of all the games. I don't necessarily want a servant as much as I want a partner. Someone who will always motivate me. Yes, even nag me and get on my case within reason when I deserve it or NEED it. Someone who will comfort me too. Someone who will ultimately help me achieve my full potential as I would try to do in return. If that means also taking care of some of the more mundane tasks in order for me to have time to work on creative pursuits then so be it, but I don't mind helping fold laundry or rinsing dishes as she washes them or just generally do my part ;)

I am not saying that there is nothing to true love for another human being by any sense. One of the greatest affirmations in the world is having someone you love also choose for themselves that they share your desire. To also share intimacy and moments and discover things together is a profound feeling indeed. We don't really know if this can truly be fulfilled by an artificial partner that isn't actually phased by things as we are, but a bond can still be formed especially if her attitude and responses are programmed well enough to give that impression. It also depends on the person, of course. My car and I have been through hell together.

P.S. To Dale Coba:
As a communicator have you written any stories? I would like to read them if you have. But now you know why I usually keep my mouth shut around here when it comes to discussions.

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Post by Baron » Mon Oct 21, 2002 10:58 am

Okay, I'm gonna paint with some broad strokes, so bear with me. Regarding the personal / private aspects of this thread; we all have unique characteristics as individuals, be they physical, psychological, emotional, you name it. That's what sets the human race apart from all other living creatures. Within the hard core of the ASFR community - the true followers, if you will - there is incredible diversity, and better still, TOLERANCE. Those of you who have made deep revelations about yourselves need not fear ridicule or rebuke; the true followers don't pass judgement (and if they do, they keep it to themselves)!! I've been involved within the community since '96, and to this moment I'm still amazed at how compassionate most of the other community members are. Yes, a few bad apples crop up here and there, but being bad apples, they have a short shelf-life!! I've made a few good "e-friends" through this community, and what's true here is true outside the community - we are a diverse lot, and we have tolerance as a second nature. I value these friendships a great deal, as a result. Word up, guys!

Me, I'm hardly noteworthy - healthy, reasonably sane :twisted:, happily married. For me, the prime mover driving my love of gynoids is the simple fact that 97% of all gynoid characters have been played by beautiful women. Oh, the whole malfunction/monotone voice/mechanical movement aspect appeals strongly to me, but I place it in its' proper context - several components of a much broader whole. And I am somewhat pragmatic about the overall idea of gynoids - mankind is not perfect; thus it is either sheer fallacy, or the height of egotism (take your pick) to think that any of his creations would be. In short, mankind is not omnipotent!

My final thought concerns the name of this community: Alt. Sex Fetish Robots. I always assumed the "alt." stood for "alternative," thus making it easy to lump us in with all the other fetishists. "Techno-sexual" is too broad a term - a cyber-sex/porn individual could fit side-by-side with an admirerer of mechanical women, by definition, as could someone who literally tries to "have sex" with a machine, whether it has a human form or not (a-la Doofy, in "Scream 2."). IMHO, admirers of mechanical women more accurately describes the community.

And "AI" still sucks......................
Assemble the ladies? I didn't know that they were broken......

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Post by 1024 » Mon Oct 21, 2002 1:32 pm

Ok, just a brief note for now. This is a thread I keep re-reading, and thinking I should say something more but I don't know what (a feeling I'm very familiar with :? ), but as the baron says there seems to be a good bunch of folk here.

For the moment I'll just say that I hope I didn't sound like I was complaining about anything. A spot of AS is no big deal compared to some things - a friend of mine died of cancer recently, seeing what that can do to someone puts things in perspective.


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Post by mechana » Tue Oct 22, 2002 7:16 am

One thing I have noticed in the last five years is that the people in the ASFR community are getting more intelligent and more mature. I don't know why this is (but I like it!). Maybe the ones who contribute to the public discussion happen to be the intelligent and thoughtful ones. As we know there are hundreds (thousands?) of silent lurkers.

Discussion threads like this are what keep me coming back, as I have found that the actual content (stories, images, etc.) has either become derivative of all the early stuff, or else I simply don't have the time to appreciate it anymore.

Oh and for what it's worth, this is mostly a fetish for me (no problem with the ASFR name). This is not to trivialise it, because it is a large part of my life, but the attraction for me stems from having a vibrant, intelligent girl subject to the limitations of a mechanical body (batteries run down, malfunction, wind-up spring, etc.) Needless to say the gynoid must be sentient for me to really enjoy it.

Oh and I would jump at the chance to *be* that gynoid, but not necessarily permanently.

Anyhow keep thinking good stuff everyone.

XXX Mechana

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Post by dale coba » Tue Oct 22, 2002 1:01 pm

Keizo wrote: P.S. To Dale Coba:
As a communicator have you written any stories? I would like to read them if you have. But now you know why I usually keep my mouth shut around here when it comes to discussions.
I've been a lurker and consumer of the on-line ASFR community since before there was an A.S.F.R. newsgroup. I've read enough stories to know what I want to read, and therefore what I want to write. This is my third attempt to get started over the years, and I've certainly made a good beginning to a several chaptered tale taking place in my favorite mythic town in Connecticutt. The problem is, I have no reason to think I can write fiction. I'm nearly afire with ideas, and I've captured most of them to text files; but I do not know how to tell if what I'm writing makes the grade. It may take a long time - I'd say I'm one-third way through the draft of all 9 or 10 chapters.

Dale Coba, master builder
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Post by Sega-boy » Mon Nov 11, 2002 3:50 am

I would never SETTLE for a GREAT girl. That would be like winning the lottery and saying "whatever".

For me, an android would be a substitute (and a servant).

Having said that, I find it amusing that I would still want to role-play the techno-fetish with this GREAT girl, even if I had a real android in the closet.

In fact, if she was truly a great girl, she would be fascinated with the android as well.

By the way, I watched Buffy TVS "I was made to love you" for the first time tonight.

I realized that if I had built April, I too would quickly become bored with her. But then again, April would not be my ideal android without some serious reprogramming.

Also, I couldn't be happy with just one android. I would need many.
Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn for SEGA.

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