Thees Is It

General chat about fembots, technosexual culture or any other ASFR related topics that do not fit into the other categories below.

Let's get to the bottom of thees

Who wants to see more of denny's stuff
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Who wants to see more of my stuff?
Who wants denny to go away?
Who wants me to go away?
Who wants us both to go away?
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Thees Is It

Post by Triumph » Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:53 pm

Okay. I know thees is supposed to be an open community and we are supposed to be TOLERANT and UNDERSTANDING and SUPPORTIVE, but that is not who I am :P

A line has been crossed here and it keeps getting crossed because SOMEONE can't take a hint. There are those of us who love fembots (which is what I thought thees site was for) and a few who would rather pull out their parts and destroy them. I'll let you decide.
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Post by andoroido » Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:04 am

The silver lining of this cloud...

If there aren't people who abuse their gynoids,
then there won't be gynoids who need to be rescued by
the rest of us and treated well for a change.

I'm not going to fault someone who can barely use English
if they can't put their fetish in "nicer" terms... but still,
if something disturbs me, I just stop looking, and in this case
(and a few other cases) I've just stopped looking.

If gynoids were real, then I'd either be calling the police or
setting up a rescue mission, and I'm sure lots of you would volunteer, too.


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Post by Triumph » Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:29 am

Yes, yes. I've met some really nice b!tches in the pound. They are usually VERY GREATFUL when they are rescued! Leesten to androido! But I will still not like people coming here and practically flaming thees place by trashing what I like. I think there is usually an opening for a new serial killer at Ogrish or, if thees is what everyone would rather support. By the way, what is wrong with my Engleesh? :P
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Post by andoroido » Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:57 am

LOL, I ain't making fun of your Eeeenglish, I was
pointing out denny's English skills.

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Post by Baron » Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:30 am

Triumph's right. A line has been crossed. A damaged gynoid is one thing, but when the focus of "amusement" becomes INFLICTING damage on a gynoid, one needs to stop and think.

A gynoid is a representation of female beauty; mechanical in nature, yes, but still a celebration of feminine beauty. As such, what is the purpose of the whole S&M thing? How many people would get off seeing pictures of Jayne Mansfield's decapitated body? Or the ants swarming over Dorothy Stratten's mutilated corpse? (and the real tragedy lies in the fact that there ARE those who enjoy such gruesome things)

If form truly follows function, gynoids are legitimate surrogates for human women - and they deserve the same level of RESPECT. Don't try to hide behind "they're just machines;" if that were the case, they'd LOOK like machines. No, the whole idea of gynoids is a CELEBRATION of female beauty. No way in Hell will I EVER tolerate the deliberate degrading of women, real or simulated!!!! :evil: :evil:

This corner of the ASFR "fetish" has ALWAYS maintained a high level of respect for women, and I for one will not sit idly by and let that fine reputation be trashed - take the BULLSHIT somewhere else, dude!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:
Assemble the ladies? I didn't know that they were broken......

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Post by Triumph » Sun Aug 08, 2004 2:50 pm

The community has spoken. I have added one picture manip and two animated manips to the gallery. I do not think thees is over yet!
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To echo my post on another topic.

Post by xanderfox » Sun Aug 08, 2004 3:47 pm

I full heartedly agree that the destruction of fembots/gynoids too closely echos the destruction of actual women. Thier is a line between S&M and snuff and when the subject is not a "real" person it's much easier to cross the line.

I have similar recations to Furries who are zoophiliacs.

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Post by andoroido » Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:40 pm

However distasteful it looks, I can assure you that denny is not
actually destroying any gynoids in real life.

Almost every other manip involves a damaged gynoid, many
terminally. But there haven't been many worries before.
The use of brains instead of circuit boards
is both creative and disturbing. Looks too much like human
snuff for me. But maybe future gynoids will be made with some organic
parts, or at least more like the white-blooded androids in the Alien

So maybe denny is trying to be more "realistic"
Or maybe denny is just someone playing
with us and seeing what our reaction is to this sadism. Or
maybe is just a sadist, who should be monitored rather than silenced.

I don't like the style, so I choose not to look anymore.


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Post by ROB » Sun Aug 08, 2004 9:31 pm

I really enjoy the gallery and most of the manips are very good. I don't think we should discourage people from posting but I agree that there are alot of damage photos lately. I personally don't enjoy them as much as I do the programming ones ( BA's work is very good) but I think that given the different takes on this fetish that are represented on this board that there is a place for them. Maybe just as many!

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Post by Stephaniebot » Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:28 am

Damage pics and indeed Dennys desire to destroy fembots naturally concerns me as I of course would love to be one.Hey I know this site is for everyone but do agree there have to be respectable limits to things posted here.Whether he would feel the same way in a reality situation we just dont know,but I suspect he would.
As someone whose desire in life is to be a fembot I'm glad that those who want a fembot for all the right reasons seem to be everyone who posts here except maybe Denny and thats appreciated by me.Maybe 1 day my dream will come true and I can be a lovingly owned fembot to one of you lovely people.Until that day I carry on hoping I guess.
Best wishes to all the fembot supporters on here,as I say I only wish I could be transformed to serve you now,
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by WilloWisp » Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:54 pm

Hmm... Storm's a-brewin'. This could get ugly.

So, Denny has some unpopular tastes. Let's be honest about ourselves: In the public eye, we are everything from perverts to sexual deviants with very little positive press. I find it more than just a little ironic that a group of what could be forgivingly described as social misfits should rally to ban one of their ilk for being a little creepier than the rest of us.

Certainly, Denny's tastes are probably indicitive of some more deeply-seeded issue, but can the same not be said of the rest of us?

I've hesitated to mention such in the past, since it casts my interest in androids and fembots in a potentially negative light, but the root of my interest springs from the fact that, on some level, I don't completely believe that a real woman would ever be interested in me, and yet I am only attracted to females. In the past, whenever I have had a serious romantic relationship, my interest here has waned. When those relationships ended, negatively I might add, my interest here has redoubled.

Revenge and its kin have long since been excised from my nature, but others are not so fortunate. Denny may be such a person, who has suffered the same pains I (and, I would venture to guess, many of the rest of us here) have, but with anger and resentment that others lack, or have refocused. Kicking him to the curb might shield us from whatever media he creates, but would likely have far more damaging results in his own life.

Now, as for recommending a course of action, someone needs to be able to calmly, rationally address our concens to Denny. Since he apparantly doesn't speak English as a native language, this would best be accomplished by someone who speaks his native language, whatever that is (I'm guessing Japanese, based on the images he's uploaded). This should be done discreetly, and out of the "public" eye.

End of rant.

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Post by Triumph » Mon Aug 09, 2004 6:11 pm

Oh Brother! The hippies are coming out of the woodwork! Someone made a good point to me; he said "What if I went to a parent's support site and said 'I like to cut children to pieces and see them cry in pain.'?" Leesten, if you think that being so TOLERANT makes you noble or sometheeng then go ahead and live with that, but that never solves anything because it doesn't address the truth. I don't support pure MALICE and VIOLATION and I don't make excuses for it.

Thees poll isn't going to MAGICALLY make either of us go away, but it is nice to know what's going on. It's just opinions and some people's suck... much like the A$$HOLE that keeps rating things "1" in the gallery because he or she has no skills. So far there are seven more people that would rather see more of my stuff than for me to join denny in the hall of shame, so the losers that want me gone will have to put up with thees. AWWWWW, did I offend you? Good, because I am offended. But really you are really great for defending inconsiderate intrusive parasites. Yes, yes, you are really good, wonderful, kind people... FOR ME TO POOP ON!
Last edited by Triumph on Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Trace Venom » Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:34 pm

I knew someone had to address that giant pink elephant standing in the corner of the room sooner or later.

But I'm to tired to enter any debate on the subject.

Survey says the tribe has spoken. Deal with it, kids.

Oh, and in case you doubt where I stand on this: This is sort of an "Asimovian" fetish site. The Lovecraftian feishists must have their own dark little corner of the web, no?

shooish... before "zee germans come".

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curiosity killed the mood

Post by blkwdo » Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:48 pm


I am curious. A lot of my manips show skin torn open to see the mechanisms inside, rather than nice neat lines as if they were the side of a panel opening. Does the put me in the same catagory as Denny in your eyes?

Baron has a very good point about showing a damaged droid versus condoning the infliction of violence, but I want to know what you think.

Widow :?:

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Re: curiosity killed the mood

Post by Trace Venom » Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:51 pm

blkwdo wrote:Triumph,

I am curious. A lot of my manips show skin torn open to see the mechanisms inside, rather than nice neat lines as if they were the side of a panel opening. Does the put me in the same catagory as Denny in your eyes?
Baron has a very good point about showing a damaged droid versus condoning the infliction of violence, but I want to know what you think.

Widow :?:
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Post by Mirage » Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:24 pm

I myself not a a fan of "denny" but I wonder why you "Truimph" feel you are the voice of many here?

I seen you insult many, including me in the past and others, but I fail to see any good or positive posts or messages from you?

I know you are simply a gimmick here and probebly someone elses alias here, but serouisly, to me, you are just an assholes who think it's cool to talk(type) shit like a retard.

And about the poll, you can shove it up your dirty buthole of a dog you are. I think almost everyone simply ingnored it because like I, think poles many times are a wast of time.

Myself, I do like to see sometimes gynoids damaged in my stories... Should I join Denny and blkwdo in a corner too?



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Re: curiosity killed the mood

Post by Triumph » Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:54 pm

Trace Venom wrote:
blkwdo wrote:Triumph,

I am curious. A lot of my manips show skin torn open to see the mechanisms inside, rather than nice neat lines as if they were the side of a panel opening. Does the put me in the same catagory as Denny in your eyes?
Baron has a very good point about showing a damaged droid versus condoning the infliction of violence, but I want to know what you think.

Widow :?:
Dude... Chill, you ROCK. End of story. Next?
First thing is first. Blkwdo, you most certainly ROCK and, unlike the latest ASSUMPTION, I do not put you in the catagory of Jeffrey Dahlmer. I think you are among the better manip people here. I too have shown damaged gynoids so that we know they are gynoids... but they usually still WORK. Well the polls have narrowed folks. Now it is only 6 more people that would rather I make more stuff than to stuff it.

You are entitled to your opinion, Mirage and thees is good because now we can all see whose side you are on. Not that your constant insults to anyone or anything that is American hasn't gone unnoticed because of your superiority complex. And where was your TOLERANCE for the gay people? Oh! Here's a neat trick! Go to Google or AltaVista, etc. and type in a keyword like ANDROID and click on "Images" instead of "Enter"! But, oh well, I guess I have made NO contributions to thees place from what you are saying. Now I am crying :(

You have made a poor sock puppet cry. Is that the best you got, man? No wonder one of my friends dumped thees place, which is even better than pooping on it. I'm sure thees discussion is about to be locked now. Thanks to everyone for participating!
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