Hillarious flash animation...

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Hillarious flash animation...

Post by tinyspider » Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:44 am

It's a flash website, click on "video", then click on "24h (candy machine)"
Seems a bit "mysogynist" to my taste but it's very funny, check out the other videos as well...

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Post by Stephaniebot » Wed Jul 07, 2004 1:17 pm

well its certainly different!
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by mysticblueca » Wed Jul 07, 2004 8:08 pm

That is too funny. Interesting and different all at the same time.

:lol: :D

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Post by kb7rky » Wed Jul 07, 2004 8:24 pm

That's just sick...I mean, no self-respecting stick figure would EVER do that


Damn funny, though


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Post by GZ02 » Wed Jul 07, 2004 8:41 pm


Ah, well that's the way it is with stick people.

At first glance they all look so...unassuming.

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Post by droidlvr » Thu Jul 08, 2004 5:44 am

Misogynist?? How?

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Post by tinyspider » Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:55 am

dunno, the fact that is suposedly an advertising for a law firm got me a bit "politically correct" on that one heheh

well, at least, if I had a gynoid babe I deftinely will not put her in a public place to do that, and will charge more than 2€ for the ride :lol:

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Re: Misogynist??

Post by keraptis » Thu Jul 08, 2004 11:49 am

droidlvr wrote:Misogynist?? How?
Well, this may seem like overanalysis, but you asked ...

The stick figure dude obviously has the wrong idea about relationships ... he gets himself drunk and makes an ass out of himself hitting on girls at the bar, and ends up "spanking the monkey" as Mirage would say.

Since his only goal is to get laid, and he obviously doesn't actually care about anyone but himself, he (a) builds himself a robot and (b) proceeds to treat her very badly. Not only does he use her up, reject her, and make her cry, he then goes out and puts her on sale for other guys with similar inclinations to have their way with her.

I find the character's behavior extremely cynical at the very least ... and "misogynist" insofar as the character's treatment of the robot reflects his idea of what a relationship with a woman should be like.

Now all that wouldn't be so bad if the author of the movie gave us even the slightest hint that he disapproves of his character's behavior. But instead, the movie's final statement about sharing property smacks just as cynical as the character within the movie.

Just to see if I was mistaken about where the author's coming from, I watched the "Doorsteps" movie which supposedly won an award ... and the stick figure dude is every bit as much of an ass in that one as he is in "24-Hour Candy Machine." To me this guy's animations present a highly cynical and empty view on life. Thumbs down in my book.

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I was afraid there'd be an answer back for this one....

Post by droidlvr » Thu Jul 08, 2004 12:41 pm

I was afraid there'd be an answer back for this one,when usually my other posts aren't. It seems (in my opinion) that there's a need for people to lighten up when it comes to certain things in media. Things (to me) seems to be viewed much too often through a socio-political lens when it comes to certain intrests. I can say that I noticed the depiction of males in anything from the news to commercials to sitcoms and especially dramas as anything from dangerously maladjusted psycopaths to inpotent,incompetent and clueless wimps that are often bested by their preteen daughters. :roll:

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Post by ehy » Thu Jul 08, 2004 4:15 pm

Continuing, for entertainment purposes only, to take it too seriously:

<i>...and "misogynist" insofar as the character's treatment of the robot reflects his idea of what a relationship with a woman should be like. </i>

But why should it be?

Another point of view: he wanted cheap sex without an actual emotional relationship with a woman. Unable to find a real woman interested in that, he made the sensible decision to go buy himself a robot that was designed for exactly that, and used it for the purpose for which it was intended. Being designed for sex, it has no desires for anything else, and just wants sex all the time, and even gets upset when Mr. Stick Figure gets tired of sex all the time. So rather than leave it crying in a corner somewhere, he shares it with other people, and makes a little money on the side. Everybody's happy.

You wouldn't do that with a real woman with normal human feelings and desires, of course. But there's no reason to suppose the robot has normal human feelings and desires.


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Post by kb7rky » Thu Jul 08, 2004 8:12 pm

Oh, my God...this is becoming a...

(horrified look)




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Post by Stephaniebot » Thu Jul 08, 2004 11:24 pm

oh behave Doug,I thought we were allowed discussions here LOL

Oh and PS to those wondering yes I'm going to do the summer quiz when I get the chance probably Sunday morning my time,mind the first part might look more like a request list for me than a desire list!
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by tinyspider » Fri Jul 09, 2004 9:49 am

I must say I do like this kind of discussions, when people share their points of view in a civilized way, so I decided to state why I think that was mysogynist: Because I imagined a fat moralist lawyer laughing at the video saying "yeah, that's cool, lt's use it as our main ad campaign", so I was like "man, those lawyers heheheh"
Droidlovr hit a point when he/she says how sexist can a sitcom be. That's why I hated "friends", because all these infatuated girls yelling at those idiots... maaan I was glad the day that came to an end :lol:

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??? Not sure what araenae meant but..

Post by droidlvr » Fri Jul 09, 2004 1:38 pm

??? Not sure what araenae meant but I intended to make the point about the current standard of potraying males in media today. Men more often than not today are potrayed in a bad way these days but no body seems to have a problem with this.Yet anything "offensive" about females is met with massive condemation. Fair??

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Post by keraptis » Fri Jul 09, 2004 1:45 pm

ehy wrote:Continuing, for entertainment purposes only, to take it too seriously:
I'm going to continue too ... again, arguing my case knowing that this is more analysis than the subject probably deserves, but happy to have a real discussion, as they have become rare around here ...
ehy wrote:<i>...and "misogynist" insofar as the character's treatment of the robot reflects his idea of what a relationship with a woman should be like. </i>

But why should it be?
If you're asking why the treatment of the robot should necessarily match how he would like to treat a real woman, I get that distinct impression from the character's behavior in the bar and in the "Doorsteps" movie. This is not a guy who cares about the women he dates.
ehy wrote:Another point of view: he wanted cheap sex without an actual emotional relationship with a woman.
Exactly. This may be understandable behavior, but it's nowhere close to behavior I would consider emulating. As a result I simply don't relate to this character.
ehy wrote:Unable to find a real woman interested in that,
Surprise!!! :roll:
ehy wrote: he made the sensible decision to go buy himself a robot that was designed for exactly that, and used it for the purpose for which it was intended. Being designed for sex, it has no desires for anything else ... <snipped>
Very true. You make a good point that the robot doesn't want anything else, and you could argue she's "happy" to be used by the dude's customers, since she gets to do what she was made to do. But that's sort of tangential to my real point.

My real point is, if you were to describe ASFR to a non-ASFR person, their initial reaction might be that this is a fetish for men who meet one of the following criteria:
(a) could not get a date with a real woman
(b) could not relate to a real woman
(c) are intimidated by real women
(d) have no interest in holding up their end of a real relationship
(e) in summary, are insecure, selfish, or both

This little movie rubbed me the wrong way because it matches up pretty much exactly with the stereotypes I've described above. I know the above stereotypes don't apply to me, and I know they don't necessarily apply to anyone here. But the truth is, at its worst the ASFR fetish is exactly in line with the negative perception an outsider might have. I'm always bothered by anything that seems to reinforce that negative impression.

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Re: ??? Not sure what araenae meant but..

Post by keraptis » Fri Jul 09, 2004 1:53 pm

droidlvr wrote:??? Not sure what araenae meant but I intended to make the point about the current standard of potraying males in media today. Men more often than not today are potrayed in a bad way these days but no body seems to have a problem with this.Yet anything "offensive" about females is met with massive condemation. Fair??
Speaking for myself, I agree that political correctness has made it fashionable to mock and belittle white men while protecting most other groups. But at this point there are plenty of places to go to find people going against what's fashionable.

I argued the case for why this movie might be considered "misogynist" (the choice of word was not mine, which is why I keep using it in quotes) based on what I saw in the character's behavior and the fact that the author's tone seems to show approval of the character's behavior. I've made my points in other posts to this thread but nowhere did I get up on a soap box and declare the movie "offensive."

I also don't think I need to "lighten up" since from the beginning I've made it clear that I'm taking the argument as far as I am purely for the sake of argument.

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Post by Mirage » Fri Jul 09, 2004 2:48 pm

Guys, the movie.. it's been removed on the site...

Maybe the creator saw this conversation and was offened(?) or simply removed from everyone on this site jumping on his site for it.

(Babbling mode on)

I am not sure who said what but I think the creator must think life overall sucks. I saw one of his animation last year and wow...

Very negative vibes from this talented dude...

Party, party (drunk, sex, drugs...such happy subjects) and then crash and burn...

Amusing views from a cartoon perspertive but... sucky in real life.. and I think he did a wonderful job showing this in his animation.

Sadly, many real people I know do have the same perspective in real life that his characters has in his movies...(men and women)

I know many people has the same life style of the movies and it's empty, sad and they keep telling themself :

Real love don't exist!...
why can't I find a good girl/guy that will love me for what I am?.....
Why me?...

Sad... sad...

If they could see the Jerks they really are...

All divorced, of course... Blame the other partner of course for everything that went and goes wrong...

No wonder they live such bitter lonely life styles...

and related to the cartoon, many people get what they always wanted (guy get a sex droid, fucks it and of course, get's tired of it with time) and they get bored with it...

Why do you think so many people cheats on their partners..

Loser in my book.. (my opinion here!)

just my 2 cents...

(babbling mode off)


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Post by keraptis » Fri Jul 09, 2004 6:20 pm

I have to agree Mirage ... good post.

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Post by ehy » Sat Jul 10, 2004 8:05 am

keraptis wrote: My real point is, if you were to describe ASFR to a non-ASFR person, their initial reaction might be that this is a fetish for men who meet one of the following criteria:
(a) could not get a date with a real woman
(b) could not relate to a real woman
(c) are intimidated by real women
(d) have no interest in holding up their end of a real relationship
(e) in summary, are insecure, selfish, or both
That is unfortunate, and I think many of US have the impression that that's how we'd be perceived. (And it's no doubt true of some of us - maybe a majority, but quite possibly not.)

On the other hand, when a guy explains it to his girlfriend (or friendly ex), with whom he has or had a good strong relationship, it pretty much wipes out all of those possibilities immediately.

I keep wanting to see a story about a married couple who have a couple of sexbots. Of course they sleep with each other when they can, but they're both away on business separately a lot, and sometimes he's not in the mood or she's working late, and nobody has any problem with using a sexbot when their partner's not available. Or maybe for a threesome or foursome sometimes. Why not? Nothing to be jealous over. (Yes, I know, in principle I could write it myself, but I haven't.)

Come to that, I know a couple of guys married to women who for medical reasons are not capable of enjoying sex. I know that at least one of those women (maybe both) would be perfectly happy to buy her husband a sexbot if she could afford it.

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Post by tinyspider » Mon Jul 12, 2004 10:23 am

The major problem is to think that we're only able to achieve some state of happiness by getting married and having a supportive partner for the rest of our lives, then we made that search of a partner a lifestyle itself, instead of growing ourselves (spiritually, intellectually, etc.) to become more attractive to potential partners.... that's my 2 cents.

Droidlvr, that what's exactly what I meant, only I wasn't able to express it correctly in my poor-each-day-getting-worse english. I completely agree with you, there is this word in spanish, something like "macho-ism" (Man degrading women), but there's no word for the opposite case which is completely unfair, in my opinion.

I must say pals, that we are a real "bandwidth menace" for every webmaster :lol: maybe that's why the videos were removed, so, if someone haven't seen the videos yet, mail me and I'll post a download link from my server (since the videos are copyrighted material that offer would expire soon to avoid problems)

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A lurker finally comes forward. . .

Post by TheSpotConlon » Mon Jul 12, 2004 4:54 pm

Hey everyone. Long time listener, first time caller, yadda yadda. . .

Anyway, I've really been intrigued by this discussion, especially by the ideas of the double standard of treatment of men and women. Araenae mentioned the idea of "machismo" in the Spanish language; it mostly relates to the hubris of males in situations where they can assert themselves to ridiculous degrees. There is a counterpart phrase, that of "marianismo," which describes the duty and assertion of the woman in confrontational situations. That this term has been forgotten is certainly indicative of gender relations on both sides of the debate.

Whew, that felt good. Well, now that the genie's out of the bottle, I guess I have to post more. Thanks, all.

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Post by keraptis » Mon Jul 12, 2004 8:26 pm

Thanks for de-lurking ... welcome aboard.

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Post by tinyspider » Tue Jul 13, 2004 8:09 am

"Marianismo"?, sound very cool, this word doesn't exist in Colombia (where I live) but you could bet I'll start to use it from here...
Oh, and by the way, welcome aboard :D

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Post by keraptis » Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:30 pm

As a fan of the NY Yankees I thought "Marianismo" meant worship of the all-powerful Mariano Rivera.

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