Sandra the computer engineer - Chapter 1

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Tom Cooke
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Sandra the computer engineer - Chapter 1

Post by Tom Cooke » Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:43 am


Sandra wakes up on her first day of work with a mix of emotions. She is thrilled to start her new job and experience a new life, but also apprehensive about the possibility of her android identity being exposed.

As she stretches her arms and legs, she feels the familiar sensation of gears and actuators moving smoothly within her body. She quickly tucks her charging cord into her abdominal cavity and heads to the dressing room.

Choosing the perfect outfit for her first day is a challenge, as she wants to make a good impression but also wants to avoid drawing attention to herself.

Finally, she settles on a simple black pantsuit and a white blouse. She finishes getting ready, takes a deep breath, and heads out the door.

As Sandra walks through the busy city streets, she is awestruck by the bright neon lights and towering billboards, the honking cars and chatter of people on the sidewalk. She can't help but feel a sense of wonder at the complexity and energy of this human world.

As she approaches the building, she sees the sleek, modern structure towering above her. The glass walls gleam in the morning sunlight and the entrance is adorned with a sleek, stainless steel sign bearing the company's name.

Despite her nerves, she can't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation as she enters the building, ready to begin her new job and fully immerse herself in this human world.

As she steps into the elevator, she can feel the weight of her father's words in her mind. "Keep your identity a secret."

When the elevator doors open, Sandra steps out and is greeted by her new boss, a middle-aged man with graying hair and a warm smile named Peter. "Welcome to the team, Sandra," he says, extending his hand.

Sandra shakes his hand and forces a smile, trying to keep her nerves in check. "Thank you, I'm excited to be here," she replies.

As she follows her boss to her new office, she can feel her colleagues' eyes on her. She can sense their curiosity and wonder what they might think of her. The office, shared with three coworkers, is spacious and modern, with sleek, minimalist decor and large windows that offer a stunning view of the city. Her desk is clean and organized, with a computer and other equipment ready for her to use.

As she sits down at her desk, her three coworkers introduce themselves. The first one, a young man with a friendly smile and a firm handshake, introduces himself as John. The second one, a woman with bright red hair and a warm smile, introduces herself as Mary. The last one, a man with a serious expression, introduces himself as Michael. They all welcome her to the team and takes her to the coffee machine to get to know each other.

Sandra takes a deep breath and tries to push her nerves aside. She's ready to start this new chapter in her life and prove her worth as an android among humans.

As Sandra finishes her work for the day, she realizes that she forgot to take a break. She quickly disconnects from her computer and rushes out of the office, feeling her circuits overheat from the long hours of work. She barely makes it onto the train and collapses into a seat, feeling the weight of the day bearing down on her. The rush hour crowd is noisy and jostling, and she can't help but feel a sense of overwhelming sensory overload. She can feel the heat emanating from her body, and she knows that she has pushed herself too hard.

When Sandra finally makes it back to her apartment, she can barely stand. She removes her clothes, kicks off her shoes, and walks over to her bed. She sits on the edge and opens her abdominal panel, pulling out the charging plug that is embedded in her abdomen. She connects it to the wall socket and lies down, feeling the current flowing through her body.

As she lies there, Sandra's mind races with thoughts of the demanding projects that she has been assigned and the pressure she feels to prove herself as a capable and valuable member of the team. She knows that she will have to be more careful in the future, and not push herself too hard, risking exposure of her true android nature.

Sandra looks like a 25-year-old woman, but in reality, she was activated just two years ago as part of a secret experiment conducted by her father. She is still learning and understanding the human world and the challenges that come with it. She can't help but think of her father's words, "Keep your identity a secret," and she knows that she has to tread carefully in order to achieve her ultimate goal of fitting in and being accepted by the humans around her.

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