Telling Partner About This Fetish

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Telling Partner About This Fetish

Post by DZiegler » Sun Nov 27, 2022 8:25 am

Hi, curious if anyone has any experience with telling their partner about our their fembot “fetish” and if so, how it went?

Obviously this differs person to person, relationship to relationship, but I’m curious to see if there are many in the community who have successfully shared this quite personal tidbit of information with their SO.

I know the question is personal, but the topic itself is very personal I feel. I know I’ve kept my FC personna intentionally seperate from “real-life”.


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Re: Telling Partner About This Fetish

Post by SciFiGuy333 » Sun Nov 27, 2022 4:49 pm

This thread pops up from time to time on here over the years (used to go by the handle KingJeremy on here) and there are quite a few people who share it openly with their partners and others who aren't as comfortable sharing it. Obviously use your own judgment, most people have a pretty good idea of what their partner can handle as far as revelations of this nature.

I personally let the cat out of the bag on the 2nd or 3rd date and sometimes even before the first one. I was married for over 20 years (still friendly with the ex and our split had nothing to do with this) and told her very early on and she was great about it. Participated in role play and actively watched media with me. It kind of waned over the years on her end but she never discouraged it. Now that I'm dating and using apps to meet new partners, I usually bring it up once there seems to be a connection. As the conversations veer towards more adult topics, I usually spill the beans. Worst experience I ever had was with a girl I had been dating for a few months (back in the early 90's). I brought it up one evening and she giggled uncontrollably and said there was no way she could do that seriously. A few days later after thinking about it, she was eager to try. It wasn't great but she did give it a legit attempt and you can't ask for more than that. Every time I've mentioned it since, I've been lucky to have most of my partners agree to try it out and some have even done an amazing job. Not all of them but more often than not. Again, it helps to know your partner and what their tendencies and interests are if you've been with them for awhile before you mention it, I just tend to mention it right off the bat now to avoid any shock later on.

I would absolutely date someone if they had zero interest in this kink/fetish/interest but I wouldn't date someone who discouraged or shamed me for having it. My tendency is to date women who are more submissive in nature anyway and this fetish seems to appeal to submissives for obvious reasons. The woman I'm currently dating was eager to try it out and now comes up with scenarios and drops into "character" unprompted on date nights.

As you mentioned, this is very personal and everyone handles it in their own way. I just said "fuck it" a long time ago after being shy/embarrassed about it for most of my younger years. Every once in awhile I've struck gold but I consider it a win if they don't get weirded out right away lol.

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Re: Telling Partner About This Fetish

Post by NatalieBayer » Mon Nov 28, 2022 11:05 am

There was someone long ago that I dated that things got fairly serious with and I let them know about the fetish after a few drink together. We were both sharing some of the "weirder things we found sexy in the past." I mentioned fembots and gave a few examples like Austin Powers and Ghost in the Shell. Explained why i thought it was sexy, and their response was basically "huh, I never knew that was a would I do that?"

Now obviously there are parts of this fetish that a real life, flesh and blood, person cannot do. I can't disconnect limbs or take off their face plate. But there were some really fun encounters with roleplay and reprogramming, and a lot of text chatting. She ended up getting pretty into the kink and eventually joined on here. She's since disappeared into the sunset along with our relationship, but the gist of it was that she wanted to try it out just to make me happy (and i did the same for many of her little kinks too).

Basically just find someone who is willing to keep an open mind, pick your moment to let out the idea, and be ready for them to go "uh ok, no." Fingers crossed though, you might just end up with someone who will participate.
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Re: Telling Partner About This Fetish

Post by inky 2 » Tue Dec 27, 2022 10:57 am

I told my ex about it two different times (her memory isn’t the best lol) first time I just out and told her about it and she said “that’s really weird” second time tried to relate it to fetishes she had and it made more sense to her and she understood the appeal. She also then understood why I liked calling her Vicki even though she hates that nickname.

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Re: Telling Partner About This Fetish

Post by 33cl33 » Mon Jan 02, 2023 6:10 am

I've told two partners - a former girlfriend, and my spouse. In both cases, it was a sort of "you tell me your fetish and I'll tell you mine" exchange. It didn't lead to much, as I'm really not a fan of roleplaying... And generally, neither of those scenarios figure into our sex lives, lol. Plus, the ex's big fetish was being raped (cue that Louis CK bit).

And, as pervasive as my interest in robots is, I don't tend to fantasize about people I personally know turning out to be robots. Not that it wouldn't be interesting!

Both women's reactions to the info was sort of a "well, huh." I don't think it had occurred to either of them that ASFR is a thing, despite both of their venturing into other kinky parts of the web and fiction.

-edit - memory's not what it used to be- I just remembered I'd told one other girlfriend (who's also remained a close friend) and not only was she into roleplaying right away, but wrote me a pretty spot-on bit of asfr fiction.
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Re: Telling Partner About This Fetish

Post by Windblade » Fri Nov 03, 2023 2:24 am

Well... I almost was in relationship with one guy. One day I told him about ASFR, and he started to laugh at me and shame me because of it. Then he tried to shame me at his Discord server, but surprisingly nobody, absolutely nobody supported him, and other admin of his server told him to shut up.

On the other hand, some of my friends know about my fetish, and nobody of them shamed me because of it. One of them even became interested in it.

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