Commissioned Story - Officer Cathy

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Commissioned Story - Officer Cathy

Post by NatalieBayer » Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:32 am

Hey there everyone. I recently finished this commission for a user who wished to remain anonymous.

if YOU (yes you) would like a story commission feel free to fill out the form (link below) or send me a message either on discord, through the forums, or email.

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With the advent of robotic technology came developments into any number of additional markets. The first robots were far more rudimentary. Large, blocky, and slow moving, they were ill suited for anything other than construction or hazardous materials handling and clean up. Time marched onward, though, and so too did the technology at humanities disposal. Soon robots became sleek, more compact, and more efficient. Old clunky construction robots became obsolete as more nimble, compact, and effective robots were manufactured. Years later better and more efficient electronics came into the forefront of robotic development and allowed newly manufactured androids to process tasks at hundreds if not thousands of times the speed of previous models.

Meanwhile the medical field was quietly developing artificial skin. The idea was that grafting a skin like analog onto burn victims would be much safer and more profitable for the bioengineering firms around the world. They were, of course, correct. Synthetic skin could be grown onto a burn victim with relative ease, but there was another market for that artificial skin growth. Robotics companies and manufacturers were, obviously, interested in the realistic semi-living skin for a number of applications.

The skin itself would need to be grown, leading most people to believe that it was also “living” tissue. This wasn’t exactly the case. Genetically modified bacteria was introduced to a field of chemicals that the bacteria ate and as a byproduct got the synthetic flesh. It looked and felt every bit as real as a human’s skin might, but it was entirely inorganic. Meaning it was tougher, more durable, and did not rot or decompose. What’s more, once technology advanced far enough, a mesh of sensory receptors could be laid over a surface, coated in the chemicals and effectively have artificial skin grown over and around it.

With a combination of lightning fast processors, lightweight materials for an internal framework, artificial skin and sensory meshes, and smaller and faster circuitry, the first truly realistic looking androids were created. Packed full of densely wrapped bundles of fiber optic cables and wiring. Of course, the first androids on the market weren’t nearly as sleek. They may have been covered in artificial skin, but inside they were still functioning at a rudimentary level. There was, to put it simply, far too much information to be taken in all at once. The first few batches of humanoid robots would crash mere seconds after activation from the sheer volume of information their synthetic skin was feeding to their processors.

It took a collective of developers, scientists, bio-medical experts and engineering teams around the world a total of around twenty five years of constant and active development before they had made something that truly imitated human life. The hollow torso of the robot was crammed full of electronics and fiber optic cabling that sent data sizzling around the body and controlling every aspect of it. Taking in sensory data at light speed and processing it nearly as fast. Once androids could operate as close to humanity and looked just as much like a person, they were positioned to become a vital part of the world's workforce.

There were a number of obvious choices for the modern android to enter the workforce. There were still cheaper and widely available construction robots and clunky service droids. Any job that would require a significant amount of human interaction and had somewhat of a repeatable process was quickly outsourced to a mechanical representative. Secretaries and receptionists were replaced with a robotic replica, and most visitors hardly knew the difference. Soon, emergency services were equipped with robotic service members to allow them to make unemotional choices and help remain calm in the face of an emergency. The adult entertainment industry seemed to benefit the most from the transition and inclusion of robotic actors. A robot could easily be manufactured to the exact specification, programmed with every detail of the script and actions and execute it perfectly over and over.

It would be another ten years before the development of artificial intelligence changed the world's view on androids. Until then a robot was just a thing, a machine or piece of office equipment. A robotic secretary had just as many rights as the copier or one of the executives laptops. Once artificial intellect entered into the world scene, everything changed. A business that included a sentient or semi-sentient robot would be required to pay for their service and offer maintenance plans like they would offer health insurance to a human employee. For the most part, the world seemed to seamlessly integrate this change into everyday life with little upset.

It wasn’t long before almost every industry in the world from law enforcement to construction to food services and beyond all employed some measure of artificial staff in their ranks. Obviously, some industries benefited more from an artificial staff member than others, but law enforcement became one of the most prominent. Officers were programmed to be walking encyclopedias of modern law and they could be updated on the fly with new protocol and rulings. What's more, they followed the law to the letter and always carried out their duties with precision. On the occasions when footage needed to be reviewed for either testimonial or internal investigations, the camera’s that were placed behind their pristine glassy eyes would record everything they saw.

In short, a robotic officer was the ideal partner in the field.

Officer Cathy Harlow was one of those officers. Manufactured very specifically for the special assignments unit of the San Francisco police department. Cathy was manufactured with the very latest and cutting edge technology. She was sleek, inside and out. The artificial mind she was built with was housed inside of a shielded, egg-like casing inside of her skull. There were a number of additional bundles of cables that encircled it and connected it to the rest of her body, but inside of that egg in her head lived Cathy.

Everything she was, what she loved and hated, what she felt and experienced all lived in a crystal based storage system inside of the egg alongside a series of powerful processors. The processor core inside of her head was by no means her primary source of processing power though. Inside of her chest was her primary core, which handled the lion's share of the work to keep her functional. Her operating system lived on a similar crystalline based storage media inside of her body, and her A.I. worked with her operating system to make her who she was.

Cathay’s A.I. could be summarized as who she was as a person. Most people incorrectly thought of the A.I as the entirety of the robot’s being, but that wasn’t quite accurate, nor was it accurate to call the artificial mind Cathy’s brain. Robots, like people, weren’t quite that simple.

Cathay’s artificial intellect was a conglomeration of thoughts and feelings, behaviors both learned and programmed, and her entire outlook on the world around her. It had started as something small and basic when she was constructed and had been filled with the absolute basics of how to operate. From there she had attended a sort of school for androids. She learned about humanity, about her job, social skills, and language. Her A.I. became who she was as a person, not merely a collection of information.

Her core operating system on the other hand was something far more mundane. It was the middle man between her hardware and her A.I. It handled how to convert the relatively abstract thoughts and simulated emotions from her artificial mind into a complicated block of code and then fed that code to the correct hardware inside of her body. Once there it would be decoded by a smaller subset of processors and independent systems and execute the commands, physically moving or reacting with the hardware she was built with. Every movement of her arms, or blink or the automated process of breathing in air was all originated and executed by her operating system working with her hardware.

Officer Cathy Harlow, physically, fit in with the rest of the special investigations unit. Everyday she would show up to work in a tight pencil skirt and matching blazer. Both were the kind of deep navy blue that complimented her more pale blue eyes and dark hair. For as long as she had been operating at the special investigations unit she always seemed to wear the same, or at least frighteningly similar, outfit. Every day it was a skirt and blazer, and what had become a staple of her outfit, her thigh high white cotton stockings and a pair of stylish, dark boots. Some of the other officers and members of the unit even joked that she must sleep in them.

Cathay made sure to keep the fact that she was an android a fairly strict secret. She wouldn’t outright lie about it, but it would take someone asking her fairly directly if she was a robot for her to answer honestly, otherwise she would simply avoid the question and move on. Not that anyone wanted to talk to Cathy, as she had earned herself a reputation for being incredibly good at her job, but at the same time hard nosed and more than a little arrogant about it.

From the outside, most of the rest of the special investigations team figured she was just overly cocky because she always seemed to “get the bad guy” in the end. Any time teamwork or even cooperation was brought up to her, she would audibly scoff and sneer at the idea. She was never shy of informing members of the team, old and new, that she was simply better than them and that she didn’t need their help. It didn’t take long for other officers to simply avoid her and let her work alone.

Even the head of the special investigations department had to admit that Cathy was an exemplary officer, despite her lack of social interactions. He knew exactly what she was though, he had not only pitched the idea of including her in their unit but signed off on all the paperwork and proposals from start to finish. He was also the one who was solely in charge of maintaining her, or at least making sure she made it to all of her scheduled maintenance sessions with the police technical office.

Today was one such day. Officer Cathy had a standing appointment once a month to leave work just after her lunch break, regardless of her work load, and report to the technical support office. She usually did so with her laptop prominently held under her arm, since she A.I. figured that it would seem more like she was there to get it looked at rather than have herself dismantled and serviced.

She knocked three times, firmly, on the door at the technical office. In an instant she began to impatiently tap her foot, she even began to idly wonder why there were no robot staff here to intake repairs and maintenance cases like herself. It all seemed so inefficient to her. Still, moments later the door opened and one of the technical support representatives ushered her in. He was a scrawny young man, barely out of college it seemed, but still someone that Cathy had seen every month for the last nine months.

“I was wondering when you would show up.” He said, “I was beginning to wonder if you had forgotten about your monthly appointment.”

“Hardly. I’m perfectly on time, and if you don’t believe me, well, you have access to my records, this is the same time I always show up, give or take about twenty to thirty seconds.” Cathy replied coldly. Her logic was impeccable, she was a machine, and a well tuned one at that. She was not likely to be the reason something went wrong or late.

“Alright, alright. Come on in.” The technician replied and opened the door further to allow her to briskly walk past. He Closed the door and locked it. “Okay Officer, you know the routine.”

“Yes of course.” Officer Cathy snapped back, she had been through the maintenance cycle enough times to know exactly what to do, even without saying it. She knew the IT department had their protocols as well, and they followed them as well as any human could. She knew they were required to at least confirm that a synthetic being knew what they were about to do.

She tore her glare away from the technician, he wasn’t paying attention to her anyway, he was busily typing away on a computer terminal that was connected to the automated service mechanisms in the room. Cathay knew what to do though and it started with her unbuckling her tall boots and slipping them off of her long white cotton stockings. As was the custom with every other repair or maintenance session, she left the tall socks on. She had been asked about it at her first update appointment and she had insisted that they stay on and the technician on duty that day didn’t feel the need to argue the point any further. He had simply made a note of the oddity in his report about Cathy, did the update and maintenance work, and moved on. Since then, no one else had asked about it.

Next her hands expertly moved to the back of her tight skirt and dragged the thin zipper down until it was loosened enough to slide it and her panties down her shapely thighs and fall to the floor. Cathay was polite enough to squat down and pick up the garments, folding them together and setting them on a nearby chair before she began to efficiently unbutton her blazer and then her white blouse, setting both on top of her skirt. Finally, her bra was removed and tucked neatly under her shirt and jacket.

Fully nude, save for her tall white socks, Cathy stood as a reminder of what perfect feminine beauty looked like. She was slim, though not so much as to make her appear unhealthy. Health wasn’t exactly something an android like her needed to worry about, but appearances were important, particularly in her line of work. Her hips were just wide enough to lend her entire frame a sense of maturity, while the rest of her body remained trim, and firm. Her chest was proportionally perfect for her, leaning, perhaps, a little on the larger side of that scale.

Cathay’s face had also been perfectly constructed to suit her overall look. It was stern when and where it needed to be, but when she wasn’t looking upset or frustrated it actually had quite a cute quality to it. She had lovely pink lips that were, somehow, naturally glossy. Pale blue eyes and strawberry blond hair to frame her face.

All of it, the artificial skin, hair, and body features, were all a facade to cover up the machine that she was inside. There were complicated and intricate mechanisms in place to make her look, feel, and appear perfectly human to all but the most observant of users. Though on the outside she could have passed for one of the most gorgeous women on the police force. The technician had long ago finished running the preparation commands on his terminal, but out of respect and not wanting to be seen blushing, he remained glued to the computer until Cathy had slipped up onto the table.

“Alright. I’m ready.” She said in a flat voice, conveying that this was more of a routine inconvenience than anything.

“Alright, You’ll be offline for about four hours. Then you’ll be released back to your apartment. Sound good?” He replied.


Her responses were always the same, always short and to the point. Tapping the enter key on his keyboard, the technician stepped away and scooted into one of the other offices. The entire maintenance process was mostly automated anyway. The apparatus hanging above the stainless steel table that Cathy now lay on would handle the majority of the work and a human member of staff would only really be called if there was some kind of anomaly.

The first of these mechanical arms lowered itself into position with a swift whirr, aligning itself directly next to Cathy’s head, in particular, her ear. Precision optical sensors scanned the side of her head and aligned a long, thin rod with her ear and then suddenly darted inside of her ear. It was inserted far longer than any human would feel comfortable with, and soon it had breached a membrane over a specialized data port. Once inserted, the probe took Cathy’s higher artificial functions offline, though in the split second it took the probe to pierce her ear and connect to the port Cathy felt a sweeping sensation not unlike a splitting headache, though it only lasted a moment. Once her artificial mind had been disabled, Cathy was nothing more than a girl shaped machine.

More mechanical arms dipped down to the table from above, poking and prodding their way into Cathy’s chest and abdomen. Each one was pulling away a portion of her skin and the matching panel below it, exposing her internal workings. Once her toros had been opened and exposed, new parts were brought in, data cables connected and new programming was installed. Patches were applied and new pieces of software to make her even more efficient were installed.

It wasn’t often that hardware needed to be replaced or updated inside of Cathy. She was still far too newly manufactured to already be so outdated as to need new hardware. Though there were a number of mechanical arms that dipped into her open body and extracted some pieces. They were containers that housed the fluids she would need to keep operating smoothly. Replacement lubricants for her joints and hydraulic fluid systems were inserted with mechanical precision inside of her and reconnected to the various systems they serviced. Despite being equipped with a sexual system though, it hadn’t been used yet, Cathy hadn’t found someone she deemed worthy enough to interact with her that way, though every monthly servicing her artificial sex was cleaned and a fresh container of lubricants was installed.

Even with the arms swiftly darting over her body and inserting and removing a number of components, the whole process still took several hours. The majority of the time was taken up by the software installs. The code would be pushed to her systems where her operating system would check and validate the new code, then convert it to something that was usable by her operating system and her A.I. After it had been validated and placed into her system it would be tested, simulating each new change in a virtual environment to ensure that it worked as expected. All in all the process looked like Cathy laying still, unmoving at all, on the stainless steel table. Her expression remained blank, and her eyes opened. While the software was installing and testing a final phase of mechanical arms descended on her.

They did little more than simply clean her. One arm pried open her eyelids while a small, soft spinning brush cleaned the glassy exterior of her eyeballs. More arms applied a cleaner to her skin and wiped it down while others opened her mouth wide and inserted a series of silicone brushes into her mouth and down her throat. Once there they spun in gentle circles, dislodging any dust or debris that might have become stuck. High pressure air was blasted into her open torso as well, freeing it of any dust or particles that might have fallen in while servicing her or over the course of regular operations.

It was nearly five in the afternoon when the maintenance finished. All of the mechanical arms retreated from her body, allowing another set of arms to clamp onto the disconnected chest and abdominal panel and click them gently back into place. Once done, another arm sprayed a silicone based powder along the seam lines and sprayed it with a bit of chemical fluids to activate it. Once done the paste that formed sealed Cathy’s body closed once again and she looked entirely human. Finally, the needle that had inserted itself into her ear and connected to her operating system pulled itself free from her head and swiftly moved up to join the other mechanical service arms along the ceiling.

Cathy opened her eyes, taking a moment for her operating system to reconnect with her artificial mind and realign itself to her body. She pulled in a long deep breath to start the cooling systems again and she pushed herself back up to a sitting position. Her eyes darted down to the over the knee style leggings, making sure that no one had touched them while she was offline for service. She smirked a little as she lifted her legs to see that they were undisturbed, even by the mechanical arms that she knew did all the work on her.

She placed her hands over her belly for a moment, looking down at her body. She had never once seen what she looked like below her skin. She knew exactly what she was, she was well aware that she was a machine and she had even reviewed many of her technical specifications, but never once had she seen it with her own optical sensors. She was content with that, if she saw it that meant that something had gone horribly wrong and she was satisfied that as long as she was operating at peak efficiency that nothing would ever go wrong.

Officer Cathy Harlow slipped off of the table and immediately returned to the small pile of clothes she had taken off when she arrived. She didn’t see the IT technician peak his head out of the door. The sounds of her slipping off of the table coupled with the silence from the mechanical arms had tipped him off that the process was completed. It was his job to ensure that the maintenance had been finished as expected, and the fact that she was on her feet and redressing was good enough for him. It also allowed him a moment to get an eyeful of the beautiful woman. Robot or not, those curves could drive any man to temptation.

Cathy finished dressing herself, zipping up her skirt and smoothing out any wrinkles that may have appeared over the course of dressing herself. The technician had long since lost interest in ogling her and had scooted back into his office. Cathy was ready to end her day and called out.

“I appear to be done with updates. Was there any further maintenance?” Cathy called towards the office.

“Nope, you’re good to go. See you in a month.”

Cathy huffed just a little, upset that he didn’t even bother to come out and properly debrief her. Then again, it was less time she had to waste hearing the same speech she had heard over and over before. Be careful with any new hardware, operate as you normally would and report any discrepancies immediately, et cetera. She was well aware of what the operating process was going forward and so she called out her thanks and left the maintenance office and headed directly for the bus stop.

Cathy had not been issued a civilian vehicle of her own, not yet at least. She was authorized to operate the department squad cars, but not much else. Driving a car, for an android, proved to be quite challenging despite the advancements in technology over the years. Cathy was exceptional in spotting incoming traffic concerns and avoiding with the same kind of precision she did with everything, but at the end of the day there were still an immeasurable number of variables to consider. Besides all that, the bus lines dropped Cathy two blocks from her small apartment.

Arriving home at the end of the day Cathy was free to do as she pleased from here. She slipped off the dark boots she wore and slipped out of the skirt, blouse and jacket once again. She hung them neatly in her closet and decided to make herself comfortable for the evening. She picked up one of the books from her bookshelf and snuggled herself into bed. She left her panties, bra, and over the knee socks on as she pulled the comforter up to her hips. She propped herself up and spent the rest of the evening quietly reading to herself.

As the evening came to a close, Cathy’s artificial mind realized how late it was and decided it was time to turn in for the evening. Without any deliberate action, her operating system sent a pre-generated command to a small sub system inside of Cathy’s head. It opened the charging port inside of her navel and when Cathy was ready, she lay down in her bed and reached under the frame of her bed. There she found her charging cable and brought it up to her belly. She deftly inserted the cable into the opening in her belly. Once the connection was made, she immediately slipped into a low power sleep mode, but not before her operating system generated a wake time for the next morning that fell within her normal rising time.

The following morning, having not moved at all during her sleep and recharge cycle, Cathy arose and began her daily routine once again. She was already wearing her socks, finding that they very rarely needed changing. She slipped into a smart looking navy blue skirt matched with a cream coloured button up blouse and a matching navy blazer. She decided to leave the jacket unbuttoned and open as she slipped on her lanyard style police identification. Stopping at the small bathroom, she pulled her dirty blond hair into a tight bun high up on the back of her head. Turning her head from side to side, she let the optics behind her synthetic eyeballs scan her face, looking for any imperfections and finding none. She nodded once and slipped out to the bus stop several blocks away.

“What’s this?” Cathy asked aloud as she arrived at her desk.

There was a manila envelope with her name printed across the front. Opening it quickly she emptied the contents of the package. An entire dossier was inside, complete with photographs, surveillance, names, outlines, maps, and a number of pages dedicated to criminal activity of one particular individual.

The person, or perhaps a whole entity, known as “Black Scorpion” had been trafficking drugs, illicit substances, and smuggled goods into the United States for a long time now. Cathy’s department had become involved in it when rumors began to surface after a severe spike in activity in the area. They had been following leads and tracking “Black Scorpion” for nearly two years now. They had gathered a sizable pile of evidence against whoever, or whatever, it was, but they had never had that one break that they had needed. Until now.

“Officer Harlow, good.” It was a rarity to speak directly with the captain. He had successfully run the special investigations unit for ages. He was a grizzled old man, barely clinging to the gray hair that decorated the sides of his balding head.

“We just received this report this morning. Black Scorpion is indeed operating out of San Francisco. We’ve already dispatched agents to watch the harbor and lock down any shipments they bring in, but I want you on the assault team for the headquarters.”

Cathy was still looking down at the report, it was a lot of information all at once, and it seemed like everything was there. Whoever they had assigned to infiltrate this organization had really done their homework. At the mention of the word ‘team’, though, she looked up at the captain.

“Team? You know how I feel about that kind of thing.” Cathy replied dryly.

Her reputation was well known, she didn’t like working with others. She felt like she was more capable and very much adhered to the idea that if you wanted something done right, you had to do it yourself. This was, in no small part, to her own knowledge of her robotic nature. She was built for this job, custom made to do absolutely everything perfectly. Her artificial mind had latched onto that idea and made it her identity. In her mind, simulate or otherwise, just better than any human could be.

“You can’t go in alone. Our operative says that-” The captain was cut short as Cathy held up her hand, silencing him. As she stood, she looked him directly in the eye.

“I go in alone, or I don’t go in at all.” Cathy said in a tone that was so matter-of-fact that it ended the conversation.

She tapped the thick stack of papers on the desk a few times and slid them back into the envelope and held it out for the captain to take back. He looked down at it and then back to Cathy. He sucked in a deep, cleansing breath and let it seep out of his nostrils.

“The assault team is scheduled for tonight at eleven. If you go in alone, you do it without the department’s official endorsement.” He sighed again, “But you have my authorization.”

“Understood” Was all Cathy said before walking away and heading towards the armory.

She didn’t need much. A lightweight bullet proof vest fit nicely over her blouse, but her blazer would stay in her locker. She removed the skirt and replaced it with a pair of tactical navy blue pants. They fit nicely over her toned legs and her knee high socks were no issue. The heels she wore to work were also placed in the locker in favor of a pair of black combat boots. A pistol and holster that she rarely had the opportunity to use, but had more than enough programming to operate. A small pouch that housed two pairs of handcuffs, some additional utilities lined her belt, and not much else. She preferred to move lightly.

Cathy made her way to the motorpool after the armory and checked out one of the unmarked cargo vans that the department so often used in raids like this. She buckled herself in and began to make her way towards the outskirts of the outskirts of San Francisco.

The gang known as Black Scorpion had been using one warehouse in particular as their staging area, from there all of the raw cash, or whatever was bought with the cash, were transported by cargo van to a villa on the outskirts of the city. Somewhere between the proper city limits and the rolling dry grass hills that surrounded the city. Nestled in those hills were a number of overly wealthy, opulent homes. Some were simply tucked away where the ultra wealthy could overlook the city that made them rich, while others enjoyed the privacy. Others still had contracted to have an entire compound built, resembling a modern take on the fortress like castles of old England.

Cathy parked the van nearly a mile up the road from the villa she was set to assault. She didn’t mind the walk, there was no additional wear and tear on the motors inside of her legs and hips, it was more of an inconvenience of time. The time passed steadily on though, and soon she was in the thick forest just outside of the compound. Cathy could easily see the lazy swagger of the guards, likely hired gunmen rather than loyal Black Scorpion groundsmen. Their automatic rifles held across both hands, and their eyes seemed to pay more attention to the ground, the trees, and the sky rather than actually scanning for any signs of trouble. Cathy idly wondered how an organization with such lazy perimeter guards could have remained incognito for so long.

Once the guard sauntered past her Cathy quickly and quietly sprang from the undergrowth she had been hiding in and dashed towards the man. A quick sweep of his legs and a well placed hand clamped over his mouth made short work of any noise he would make. After that it was a simple task to press her thumb into his throat long enough to deprive him of enough oxygen to stay awake. Once he had slipped into unconsciousness she rolled him over, handcuffed him and drug him into the undergrowth. Once there, Cathy moved back to the concrete wall and pressed her body against it. SHe looked up and allowed her operating system to calculate how tall the walls actually were. Fifteen feet at least, perhaps more, and rimmed with razor wire and spotlights.

She doubted that she could scale the wall, and even if she did, the razor wire would tear her artificial skin to shreds. She slunk along the wall and looked for another way into the massive fortress-like compound.

She found her entry point in the form of a side door connected to, what she assumed, was some form of barracks. There was another guard standing with the door propped open, held in place by a large rock to hold the door open. Cathy spotted the keypad next to the door and got the impression that there was so little going on here that punching in the code was more of an inconvenience. There was another guard here as well, acrid whitish blue smoke curling up from the end of a cigarette. Cathy crouched down and carefully picked her steps as she moved forward. The guard’s back wasn’t to her, but he was turned enough to the side that she could remain out of sight as long as she stayed pressed against the wall. He had just lit the cigarette, and she knew she could take as much time as she needed to get close.

Once she was next to the door, she quietly pressed the toe of her black boot against the door and quietly moved it away from the rock, just enough for her to easily pick it up. Once she had it comfortable in her hands she slung it at the back of the man’s head, slamming it against his skull with enough force to take him off of his feet and send him stumbling forward before he completely lost consciousness and fell, face first, against the ground. With the way forward cleared, she drew her pistol and slipped into the barracks, turning and gently pressing against the door so that it quietly closed.

Now inside she could see that it was less of a barracks and more of a breakroom that led from the outside of the compound into some kind of outbuilding. There were crates stacked against one wall, with a large table in the middle. A game of card was laid out there, along with glasses and empty bottles of a variety of different alcohols. It seemed that this was a popular spot for the local regiment of guards to take a break, slip out of the walls for a smoke, and recline a bit. At least it was, Cathy washere to clear it out.

Carefully picking her way around the room, she was sure to make sure she checked every corner for an ambush and was happy to find that she was alone in the room. She swiveled her head mechanically from side to side and then lowered it a bit then swept along in the other direction. She was taking a nearly panoramic view of the room, recording all of it to her internal databases for storage and later analysis. It was good evidence and all of it was stored neatly inside a file structure inside of her robotic head.

Once she had the room cleared she moved to the one and only door that led out into the compound. She assumed it would open into some kind of open courtyard. Surveillance and drone footage had shown as much, but it was difficult to know exactly where she had come in and what was beyond the door. She proceeded up to the door, and with weapon in hand, gently turned the door knob and pushed the door open in small increments. She took in what was beyond the door, and could see very little but everything looked clear from what she could see.

Emboldened by her firsttwo takedowns she pushed the door open enough for her to slide her lithe frame through the door and out into the courtyard, making sure to remain pressed against the wall to reduce her profile as much as possible.

It was unfortunate that the door obscured her view of what lay on just the other side of it. More unfortunate that the Black Scorpions had been the ones to hand over the information to the police. They were ready for Cathy. They were ready for so much more than Cathy actually, but she was the first show of force they had seen and so she took the brunt of their agressions.

They knew that there was a good possibility of artificial human beings being sent in to do the hard work of law enforcement. After all, robots were not people, they were easy to manufacture and they could soften a target before the people that mattered showed up. So the first wave of covert defenders were equipped not with high caliber bullets or explosives, but rather portable tasers. The specially crafted slugs could be loaded into a shotgun and propelled up to fifty yards away, launching a self contained high voltage battery with sharp prongs on the end of it. They were perfect for crowd control and disabling hostile targets at a distance in a non-lethal way, but they were especially effective against robotic targets.

The sharp metal prong pierced through the fabric on Cathy’s shirt and lodged itself deep in the synthetic flesh on her arm. Once the prongs were pushed back from the force of the impact they completed a circuit with the battery and began flooding Cathy’s body with intense, random, and unrelenting electrical charges.

Cathy struggled to stay operational. Her systems were hardened and ruggedized, but that meant very little against an intentional attack designed to target an android. Her eyes rolled up into her head, even as her eyelids continued to blink rapidly and at different paces. Her lips curled and her mouth opened, attempting to spew out any and all of the numerous error reports her operating system was experiencing. There were flashes of irregular voltage and power loss all over her body, each instance had been logged but it was part of her programming to verbally report each one. Instead of reporting them one at a time, in order of priority or perhaps first come first serve, they were all scrambled together and jumbled as one long string of incoherent words.

Her body was also seizing constantly. Everything from her fingers, to her head swiveling from side to side, to her toes curling inside of her white socks. All of it was out of her control. Her operating system was scrambling to attempt to correct every malfunctioning system inside of her, but failing at it. There was far too much raw electrical current and data surging around her body to allow her any reprieve from the constant assault.

Her systems finally had had enough, and her operating system shut her down. Well, mostly shut her down. She remained online and mostly functional, it was the majority of the control over her hardware that was taken offline. Her operating system powered down her body to prevent an overload or damage to her physical hardware trying to struggle against the flow of additional current.

Cathy dropped to her knees, arms at her side though her fingers were still spasming from the wild current still coursing through her body. Her shoulders barely, but noticeable, twitched from one side then the other before she fell face first into the loose dusty dirt. Her eyes remained open and her jaw moving while her lips curled and warped, still trying to form words and sentences. Her head attempted to move to the other side, but was unable to muster enough force to move it, and so the motors inside of her neck clicked and snapped in protest, whining loudly before her operating system truncated the process and her head stopped moving.

There was silence and more than a little hesitation from the small crowd of men that had gathered to take on whatever forces were sent through the compound. They had expected so many more than just one, but it became clear after several tense minutes that this was it. They exchanged uncomfortable looks before approaching Cathy. SHe was still moving her mouth as if she were babbling, and her vision was still filled with a massive amount of scrolling errors and alerts. She barely even registered when she was picked up by her arms and drug across the courtyard to the bunkhouse.

Once one of the Black Scorpion men kicked open the door and drug Cathy inside they let it slam behind them. There were three of them and the two carrying Cathy tossed her onto one of the beds there. After exchanging grim looking grins they all knew what they had in their possession.

Greedy hands began to paw at her. Two men stood on either side of the bed, unbuckling the bullet proof vest she wore, and tossed it into a corner of the room. No one bothered with the buttons on her cream coloured blouse, instead they rammed their fingers inbetween the buttons and simply ripped it open. Cathy flopped just a little from the force of the move, but in the end her shirt was torn off of her. As she settled back onto the bed her breasts swayed and jiggled for only a moment before hands were on them, massaging and playing with them in crude and elicit joy.

The rest of Officer Cathy’s uniform followed quickly after, leaving her naked on the bed. The men who had hauled her in didn’t bother removing the shite cotton socks that stretched up and over her knees, instead they shoved her legs wide open before rapidly undoing their own pants. And revealing the hard erection that had been building as they stripped her.

Through all of this, Cathy was still somewhat operational and still processing through the torrent of error messages and warnings that had appeared. She was making good headway on restoring most of her functionality when a stream of sexual data came sweeping into her core processors. It was parsed, tagged, and run into the correct sexual programming block. From there it was sent to her artificial mind for a reaction. Officer Cathy had cleared enough of the warnings and error messages away from her CPU to formulate a response. She moaned, loudly, and lewdly. Her cry filled the room with a lustful response that she hadn’t expected.

Officer Cathy soon found her very unused vaginal module penetrated by one of her attackers. They were thrusting vigorously inside of her and each new movement brought another new wave of sexual data with it. She processed another sexual groan and felt the cotton fabric of her socks folding around her toes as they curled with another deep thrust. More and more came and with every one she was filled with more of the lustful sexual programming she had been constructed with.

Soon, her field of vision began to clean, allowing her to see the second man standing over her. He too had already shed his tactical green and black pants and was lowering himself into her open mouth. The sensitive flesh lining her mouth detected him sliding inside of her and then slipping deep into her throat. She was an android and had no real gag reflex or need to continue breathing, so the subtle bouncing motions of the man above her didn’t hinder her operation. She was once again processing more and more of her sexual code throughout her body. It was something all new to her, and it felt incredible. It was a surging wave of pleasurable data that flowed over her entire body over and over again. Though she still felt compelled to carry out the primary directive she had been sent here for, and that was the capture and elimination of the Black Scorpion group.

She found herself unable to move though. Her arms were held down by a strong pair of hands. When she attempted to lash out with her legs though, She found that the man still thrusting deep inside of her was holding them firm. Not only holding them in place, but pushing outward, walking forward and pushing deeper while spreading her legs to the very breaking point of her construction. That was, perhaps, the point.

A moment later Officer Cathy’s vision became flooded with more alerts, there was a tear along her hips on both sides, multiple device failures, and then a warning about an illegal device disconnection. She only barely heard the cracking of plastics and the squeal of small pieces of metal framing breaking and bending, and then a second later the dull thump of her own leg falling from her hips and impacting the ground.

There were lewd jeers from the men in the room and then there was another thump. Her other leg had been torn free of its joint and dropped to the ground. Officer Cathy wanted to look over and see it, to observe it with her own eyes, but her head was locked in place. Soon her ears filled with the sounds of sizzling electronics and sparking wires. The gentle whirr of small motors attempting to move legs that were no longer there.

All of this was suddenly unimportant as she felt the warmth of the man above her sliding deep down into her throat, with a groan from above there was cum sliding down her throat and into her internal storage canister. Her A.I. responded with a strange mix of sensual pleasures and conflicting assignments. She wanted to lash out and fight back, but her sexual programming seemed to be trumping all other operations. A moment later she felt the man above her remove his manhood from her mouth and hop off the bed, laughing as he did so.

Officer Cathy had a moment to take in her surroundings. She looked to the floor and saw her leg there. The skin just above her white socks was stretched and torn, hanging limply from the internal framework. There were thick bundles of fiber optic wiring and power cables dangling from the end of her leg too. They were frayed and broken, devoid of any electrical life or data. There was a flash of light, another shower of sparks, that drew her eyes up to her hips. Her legs had once been attached there and she could clearly see the other ends of those frayed and ruined bundles of cables.

A moment later she jolted with a fresh wave of sexual pleasure as she felt her vaginal module clench as an orgasm executed at the same time as the man between the stumps of her legs unloaded a hot load of his own cum inside of her. Cathy cried out as her orgasm sequence played a pre-recorded long husky moan.

“What say we see what makes this one tick, hmm?” There was a voice from the third man in the room who was already unsheathing a wicked looking curved blade from his belt.

There was agreement all around and before Officer Cathy had a moment to respond, the sharp bladder tip of the knife was plunged in between her breasts. The knife separated her artificial flesh as Cathy’s vision lit up with new warnings about a tear along her chest, then her abdomen. She craned her neck and looked down, for the first time, into her own opened torso. The men were already pulling the two halves of her synthetic flesh apart and exposing more and more of her internal structures.

Cathay could see the immense amount of wiring and multi-coloured cables that were packed inside of her. There were dozens of tightly bundled fiber optic cables that ran from one small circuit board to the next. All of the systems were situated near her limbs, one near each shoulder, and several more down in her hips. Each one had a large amount of cabling that disappeared into whatever limb it was installed next to. She assumed those were motor controller boards.

She could see that towards the center of her open torso there were a number of larger components, likely the storage tanks, secondary processors and additional systems for any number of other operations. There were cables and wires running everywhere as well, both in front of and behind all of the circuit boards that made her operate, usually, very effectively. She marveled at it for a moment, regaining a bit of who she was as her artificial mind took it all in. She could clearly see how much of an incredible machine she was, it only served to reaffirm what she had felt since she was brought online. She was far superior to a human.

All of that was literally ripped away a moment later as one of the men drove a hand inside of her, grabbed onto a fistfull of whatever he could grab and then pulled upwards. Everything was fairly secure inside of her, and he placed a hand on her shoulder as leverage before yanking upwards and eventually tearing a portion of her internal workings out of her. She saw it, in perfectly crisp high definition thanks to her incredibly crafted optics. She saw the moment that the wires split and the arcing sparks of electricity as the cables frayed and separated. She heard the laughter as the circuitry was torn free, though it was only for a moment as her entire system went into lockdown.

She had been damaged internally and externally. Her operating system was in lockdown now and her entire body began to flop and spasm on the bed. More of her internal workings were torn free from the other man who let the momentum of his pull carry the cables and wires up and over his head, letting them fly across the room and hit the floor with a clatter. Cathay’s head soon began to swivel from side to side, sporadically twitching as her operating system attempted to make sense of everything that was happening. As it was moving, a new alert popped into her field of vision, a new cut had been detected at her throat.

The knife was digging deep into her neck, slicing through the artificial flesh there and easily cutting a groove around her entire neck. As it moved around it deftly cut through cables and wires, causing more and more issues for her operating system to contend with. Soon, the cutting stopped and she felt hands on the side of her head. They were moving it, twisting it round and round. She had lost all control over the motors in her neck long ago and was at the mercy of this individual. Soon the light ping of metal was heard along with the sudden cracking of plastics and then, Cathay could see her surroundings change. There was distortion and static at times, but she could also see her own body from a new point of view.

Her head had been broken and lifted off of her body. She could see her torso was slit open and the amount of circuitry that was inside of it. It was fascinating from a strange new perspective. There were already a number of pieces that were simply dangling out of her open body and others that were scattered around the room. She was also gently rotating, making her feel like she might be being held up by her hair and simply hanging free. She wanted to scream, she wanted to moan, her artificial mind was spinning in hundreds of different directions all at once.

The sound of distant thumping pulled her, somewhat, back into the moment. It was a sound that she recognized. Even through the haze of broken programming and a shattered body, she knew the sound of an approaching helicopter.

The dull thumping sound was overhead in an instant, and then there were shouts, gunfire, and orders were screamed across the courtyard. In an instant there was an explosion at the door and two men clad in black tactical gear, wielding submachine guns and screaming orders to drop their weapons and lay on the ground. They stormed in like knights of old, crashing through castle gates to find and slay the monster within.

Over the course of the next few hours more and more of the SWAT team members would storm the Black Scorpion compound. They seized drugs, weapons, intel on future activities, and computers filled with all manner of criminal misconduct. More importantly, Officer Cathy, and all of her broken and shattered parts were collected and returned to the technical support office. Once there the on-call technician could only scratch his head and wonder what, exactly he would do with the mess that was Cathy.

The IT crew for the police offices were able to extract the personality core from Cathy. It wasn’t a challenge simply because of its location. The main portion of the body was simply to house secondary processors and the motor controllers, Cathay’s artificial intelligence was housed in her head. So, when a cardboard box of all of her parts was brought in, all they needed to do was pull her head from the box and lay it on the repair table. The automated maintenance arms wouldn’t be much use in this case, so it had to be done manually. One technician spent upwards of two hours with a screwdriver and a thick disassembly manual with him.

Cath’s face first needed to be disconnected through a series of subdermal locks. Once that was removed he could begin the process of meticulously disassembling her entire head before reaching the processor and memory core at the center. It was such a small thing, barely more than a densely packed circuit board and a small series of high capacity storage drives, all housed in a clear plastic shell.

The police chief was brought in on the operation, and reviewed the success and minimal amount of failures in the operation. He himself was the one to insist that Officer Cathy be given a second chance, despite rushing headlong into danger all by herself. There was something there that he appreciated about an officer, a willingness to charge headlong into danger because it would be the best way to accomplish something, even if, in the end, she was put down for it. He knew she was an android, and machines could be rebuilt. A human officer would have been called foolhardy, but Cathy had the opportunity to make things right with a second chance.

The construction took only a few weeks. New hardware and the very latest software was installed on the new Officer Cathy and it was only a matter of shipping her to the police headquarters for reactivation. She arrived in a full length shipping box directly to the IT department. After opening it, they discovered that a fair amount of the work had been done for them. The IT crew had made a point to be as meticulous about taking the remaining clothes from Cathy and setting them aside to redress her once the new version arrived, yet opening the box they found that she had come pre-dressed.

She was sporting a smart skirt and blazer and her trademark knee length white socks as well. The head was also already detached from the rest of the body. It did not yet have a hairpiece installed and the back of the skull had apparently been redesigned to allow the personality core to be easily inserted instead of requiring someone to manually disassemble the entire head unit. Once installed and the hairpiece reattached Officer Cathy was once again ready for service.

She was powered on once the police chief and her captain had both arrived at the IT office and the technician there tapped a few commands on his computer terminal and the same needle that had been inserted into her ear during all her previous maintenance session, pulled out and she powered on for the first time again.

Her eyes fluttered open, taking in the bright overhead lights once again. It would take some time before her artificial mind linked properly with her body and all of the software settled into a smooth rhythm. As it did so though, Cathay had plenty of time for her A.I. to mull over what had happened. She could easily recall it all, in perfect detail, but now she had something of a fresh perspective on it.

She had been arrogant and headstrong. She had always touted her robotic nature and her lightning fast processors as technological marvels that somehow made her better than her more human co-workers. Yet they had always tried to treat her as an equal, even going so far as to storm the villa earlier than expected, in part, to rescue her. She had been overly harsh and rude to them and seeing things with a new level of clarity and humility, she knew she had some making up to do.

Once her operating system had fully integrated with her artificial mind and her body was operational she gently pushed herself to a sitting position and looked at the two smiling faces. Her captain and the chief.

“Sirs!” She said, in genuine surprise, she had expected only to find an empty room when she was fully powered on.

“Good afternoon Officer Cathy. It looks like you’re in much better shape than the last time I saw you.” Her captain commented and held out a hand to help her off of the table.

Her first reaction was to sneer at the gesture. Surely she could slide off of a table without any assistance. She recalled that in the past she would have likely swatted the hand away and made some kind of comment about it. She took a brief moment to reevaluate those actions and smiled, taking the hand and sliding gently off of the side of the work table.

“I-I’d like to apologize sir.” Officer Cathy began but was interrupted by her captain holding up his hand to silence her.

“There’s no need. You’re an officer on my team and that means we all work together.”

“But I didn’t work together. I ran in with a head all full of my own superiority complex.” Cathay replied.

“And look where it got you.” Her captain pointed out. “Besides, you’ll have plenty of time to say your sorry’s at the welcome back party.”

“Th-the what?”

“The whole team wanted to welcome you back, we all thought you were scrap for sure but then the chief here let us know that you were having a new body built and you would be back and ready in no time.”

“That’s right.” The chief commented, “You have the unique opportunity to show us all that second chances can and should be a good thing. Don’t let us down.”

It was a simple statement but one that held a lot of truth. Cathay took it to heart, or at least as much to heart as a robot could. Her behavior didn't change overnight, she was still a tough nut to crack and had a lot of pride in her work and in her construction. Now, however, she was able to channel those feelings into helping her fellow officers, working cases that no one else wanted to work on, and supporting her team. She became fiercely loyal to her team and over time, even began to cultivate genuine friendships.
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Discord: littlerobotnatalie

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Re: Commissioned Story - Officer Cathy

Post by CheeseMaker » Wed Apr 20, 2022 6:53 am

Nice Story! I like the quirky aspect of her insisting on the socks, very unusual for an android with such a strict and no BS personality

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