Introducing the perfect wife part 4

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Introducing the perfect wife part 4

Post by petey » Sun Dec 12, 2021 2:39 pm

read part 3 here

The thoughts were still bouncing around my head when I went downstairs. Fortunately Charlie could sleep through anything. It was something I had liked when he was young and hated when he was a teenager. I snuck past him, through the kitchen, and down the stairs to the basement. I left the lights on and counted on my new eyes to amplify the dim light.

Pierre had indeed hooked up the maintenance station. It was the size of a tall bookshelf with doors on front and robot arms on each side and on top of it. I checked the back to be sure Pierre had secured it properly to the wall. The last thing I needed was to have my new chassis crushed.

I was hoping that my chassis would give me instructions on how to check if everything was wired correctly, but no such luck. The lights on the side of the station were green, so I had to assume it wasn’t going to immediately explode.

I instinctively knew I had to be naked for this. But that was as simple as shucking my robe and draping it over the washing machine. I rolled my shoulders nervously and turned my back to the machine.

“Nightly maintenance required for Unit UX-49a4. Authorization Naughty Kangaroo Gnome.” I tried not to shout it, even if I didn’t think I’d wake anyone.

The station whirred to life, but I didn’t flinch. I couldn’t move at all. I could only tell the arms of the station had grabbed me by the shoulders based on the noise, and by the way my frozen view shuddered briefly. I heard the third arm moving but didn’t know what it was doing. It sounded loud to me, but I could hope it wasn’t so loud two floors up where almost everyone was sleeping. I experienced a few more jerks, then the sound of pumps being used to move fluids either in or out of me, probably both. If that was happening, they must have split open the skin on my back.

I wasn’t told that the machine was analyzing my logs, I just suddenly knew it. I let the station do its job. And just like I knew it had started, I knew it had completed with no errors. And that’s when everything went dark.

Just as suddenly, everything was light again, except I was facing toward the station now. Its robot arms were back in place. I could tell my battery was at 100%, my lubricants were at 100%, my fluid reservoir was empty, and I had gone through a standard low-water external cleaning. I ran my tongue over my teeth and thought I could taste the spearmint.

It was also 2 hours later. I smiled. I hadn’t slept like a person, I had been shut off like a machine. I hadn’t taken a shower, I had been cleaned like an appliance. I hadn’t taken a pee, I had my system flushed.

I sighed and moved a hand to my pussy. I was an object and I loved it. With Master asleep, I didn’t feel bad about a little self pleasure. He wouldn’t be awake for hours. I got on my knees and started exploring my remade pussy. It felt great, but not as great as doing it in front of Master. That was probably by design. I thought about fucking him more as I fingered myself. I don’t think I had ever thought about James while masturbating when I was a human.

I stopped myself from thinking again about the differences in the biological and mechanical versions of myself and tried to just enjoy the sensations. I could feel my excitement rising, but I could never get to a peak. It was fun to keep trying, though. I just had to bite my lip to stop anyone from hearing me moan.

After 45 minutes, I was getting a little concerned about why I couldn’t reach climax. I don’t know if I remembered or if my chassis told me that James had ordered me not to cum until he said so. And he didn’t say so. I wasn’t angry about it, I just felt turned on that he could control me like that. I wondered if I could get truly angry at him now. I decided it was a dumb thing to worry about and even dumber to try to make myself angry at him.

No one would be awake for hours, but I was totally alert. I thought about masturbating some more, but I decided I really should be productive and answer emails. I also should have either grabbed my phone or my laptop before coming down here.

I threw my robe back on and tried to be quiet coming up the stairs. My office was on the first floor, which meant I had to slip past Charlie. As I got close, I could tell by his breathing that he was just pretending to sleep. This wasn’t some super-robot sense thing, it was a Mom thing. I blushed at the thought that he had heard me masturbating… extensively. It occurred to me that I was supposed to put his needs before my own, and I wondered if that extended to - well - adult things.

I had thought about what Charlie was doing with his girlfriends before, now I thought about being the one sucking his dick. Thankfully, I found the idea revolting. Putting him before myself didn’t mean everything was on the table. Then again, it was probably against my fidelity programming too. I thought about fucking a young movie star that had featured prominently in my past masturbation sessions. It didn’t feel all that exciting, but it wasn’t revolting.

I peered over the couch at my son. I was actually happy that I had helped him get out of a harsher penalty for drunk driving. I had been mortified at the time, but Ida's husband Louis had convinced the prosecutor the injury to the guy in the passenger seat wasn’t worth an enhanced charge, especially if the knee could have been messed up in 100 other ways at or after a frat party. I clearly remembered the resentment at being put in that position. Now I felt like if I had influence, it was good to use it to help the people I love. I mean, it didn't really hurt anyone else.

“Are you ok, Mom?” Charlie had stopped pretending to sleep.

“Yes dear, just on my way to the office.”

“In your robe?”

“Home office, dear.” I needed to do some clothes shopping. Maybe I’d do that instead of emails… no, I’d rather shop in person.

“Okay… I’m sorry about the vomit jokes tonight.”

“Don’t worry about it, Honey. I’m sorry if I woke you up.”

He didn’t say anything for a few beats. “It’s fine.”

Maybe he had heard me downstairs. Eh, he could get over it. He was a grown man, he could accept that his mom had sexual needs as much as any other woman. And if he didn’t know women masturbated, he was going to figure it out sooner or later. “Go back to bed dear. But let me know if my typing is bothering you.”

I carefully opened and closed the office doors. They were French doors, so I didn’t turn on any lights. I had to readjust my chair to account for my taller chassis and smaller ass, which was more gratifying than irritating. I instinctively reached for my glasses before realizing I wouldn’t need them. And I didn’t care at the moment if viewing a laptop screen with almost no ambient light was bad for my eyes… or optical sensors if you prefer.

I’m a ‘clean inbox’ sort of person, so it hurt me just a little to see ‘999+’ emails there. I started at the bottom, with the emails trying to get my opinion on something before I went in for my conversion. Most of those resolved themselves on their own while I was under. I scheduled some polite ‘thank you for handling this’ emails to go out once the workday for everyone else began.

I skipped the ‘when you get back, look at this’ emails for now, and deleted the junk mail about office events I had missed. But there was one event scheduled to happen in a few days that I stopped on. Yves had scheduled an evening event at his home to celebrate my return and my transformation (his words, not mine).

It wasn’t surprising that Yves was hosting the party. He was always looking for an excuse to justify the size of his estate. That’s my description of it, probably not his. But when you have 11000 square feet across three buildings on a 3 acre lot, I think I have the right idea. Oh, the benefits of being from old money.

Normally, I had to be dragged to these things, even when I wound up having a good time at them. Now I imagined walking around as a piece of eye candy, and all the men thinking how lucky James was to have me. I had never been beautiful before. I imagined showing all those people that I was a machine now. Sure they would have been told, but now they would know. And all the other women would wish they could be a gorgeous machine like me. They could curse my wealth if they wanted to, but I wouldn’t have to curse their beauty and youth anymore.

I was going to need a new dress: One that showed the maximum amount of skin allowable at a professional event.

The sun slowly rose and the rest of the house started to wake up. I promised myself at one point I would wait upstairs to be Master’s cocksucking alarm clock, but I had missed my opportunity today. I stopped working to make coffee and pancakes for everyone. The kids were a little surprised, but it felt good to feed them. I even had a little coffee and decided I really was just consuming it for the caffeine. I could still make it for James, though. I went upstairs and put on some actual clothes. It was just jeans and a blouse, but I still spent a few minutes admiring myself in the mirror before coming back downstairs to continue working. The maintenance station had removed my makeup, but I was happy to see how beautiful I looked without it. I didn’t bother putting any back on.

Charlie left to go back to campus. Melody headed off to school. Pierre and Grace got out their own laptops at the kitchen table to do some work. James parked himself in my office, answering a few emails on his phone. I couldn’t bear to tell him how distracting his presence was. I wanted to bend over the desk and have him fuck me. No, I wanted to be on all fours on the desk, frozen in place, while he ran his hands over my chassis before he ordered me to move to the ground and obediently suck his dick.

I was getting work done, but damn I wished I could be working nude for Master’s enjoyment. On the other hand, the warmth between my legs was making the busywork easier to manage. I thought about it. I still wanted the firm to do well, but now it wasn’t just to prove my own worth, it was to make me worthwhile for Master. Intellectually, I knew James loved me. Emotionally, I was thrilled at the thought of being more valuable to him.

Mmm, a more valuable possession. An asset with increasing value. Framing things that way, I could almost ignore my arousal and barrel through my workload even faster. Before too long I had addressed all my emails and prepared a to-do list for the ones that still needed a more detailed response.

I gave Yves and Ida each a personal call. Both went about the same way. They asked how I was doing, I sang the praises of being a robot. They updated me on the high-value cases they were personally overseeing. They asked for pics of the new chassis and I said I’d reveal myself at the party. They asked when I’d be back in the office, and I said next Monday, on schedule. They tried to hide their surprise that I was healthy, in town, and not working followed by congratulating me for finding some work-life balance.

After all that it was still only 11 am. I went to the kitchen and asked Pierre and Grace if I could fix them lunch. They said they’d be fine with cold cuts from the fridge and I didn’t push them.

I went back into the office and gave James a big kiss before he could look up from his phone.

“What was that for?”

“Just because I love you.” I mouthed the word “Master” after it.

His eyes darted in the direction of the kitchen, but he did start grinning.

“All caught up?”

“Not really, but it can wait. How about we go dress shopping? Maybe go to that sandwich shop?” I slid into his lap perpendicular to his legs and draped an arm over his shoulder.

“I’ve got a meeting with the Shining Hope Center about preparing their year-end reports. Why don’t you take Grace?”

“She’s working.” I stuck out my lower lip and tried to make a cute pout, “and I’d rather go with you and let you ogle me in different outfits.” I started slowly flexing my ass cheeks and moving subtly in his lap.

He adjusted his arm to wrap it around my waist. “Ask her anyway.”

Whether he meant it as an order or not, I took it as one. And I got that delicious feeling of focus from being commanded. I leaned in to give him another wet kiss.

“Be right back.” I was off his lap before he could protest or change his mind.

The conversation with Grace was short. She barely looked up from her screen to tell me she was too busy today. She also didn’t offer to go with me after she was done today or tomorrow, so I got the hint. Really, I wasn’t too surprised. Neither of us had really enjoyed clothes shopping. It wasn’t a mother-daughter bonding thing for us. On my way back to my owner I tried to think of what was a bonding thing for us. I came up with ‘cute office supplies’ and not much else.

I moved back onto Master’s lap, “She’s working.”

He rolled his eyes at me a little. The repetition may not have been as playful as I intended.

“I don’t want you going out alone. I know you feel fine, but let’s not tempt fate here.” He rubbed my back. I no longer had soreness there for him to workout but the contact was so nice. “Where did you want to go?”

It was a good question. I had a tailor for my work outfits, but I went to regular old department stores and discount resellers when buying stuff for me. I didn’t know where to buy something to best accentuate the body of a young fashion model as opposed to buying something to hide the lumps of a 50-something mother of four.

“I.. I think I’ll need to investigate.”

“While I’m at work, you can try on all the clothes you ordered and see if they need alterations. Then figure out a good place to buy an outrageously pricey dress.” He smiled and moved a hand to my breast.

I sighed happily, moving my chest into his hand. I got another little buzz from being given an order.

“But for now, I need to go.”

I pouted again, but got up. I gave him another kiss and followed him out of the office. He went to the garage and I went upstairs. It wasn’t until I was naked in my bedroom that I realized I forgot to ask Master about rescinding his “don’t climax” order.

“Well, fuck.” I said to no one in particular.

Read part 5 here

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